4 I MALARIA GERMS Onaot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domeetio water help«. ASHLAND "LIMATE Without the n y / Jicine cures nine caaes o* A of asthma, This is a r fact The Tidings Hoe Been Ashland9 s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (unit«4, » « » s wire service) VOL. X L « Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volusia 4* BS™ » INACCURATELY = 'g 10 Judges Quit Because of Low Salary Red Grange Signing $300,000 Contract I . M : x h ,.. 1 L. H. Parker, Revenue Head, is Criticised for Lax a Methods L IN E NO. 88. ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, DEC. 14, 1925 088 S A V E D 111,000 Senate Would Hear From Davie on Request for Use of Ships as Transports WASHINGTON. v t . . 14-(LF>- The government lost half a mil­ lion dollars la taxes, as the re­ sult of the Irregular handling of all tax payments of the Rob­ ert Dollar Steamship company, Pacific Coast Ship operators, L. H. Parker, a member of the Cousens committee, iveetlgatlng the International Revenue Bu­ reau, told the committee In tes­ timony made to the House to­ day. Parker, in his message, criti­ cised the government's audits of the company's returns, made by L. H. Lehman, chief of the returns section of the Internal Revenue Bureau, saying that Lehman’s action resulted in the government refunding to the Dollar company $11,000 In 1918 alone. Secretary of Navy Lays Blame for Shenandoah Disaster on Commander Lansdowne, ¡in Report Says Com­ mander ICoud Have Deferred or Call (off Trip of Dirigible, By LUDWELL D E N N Y ------ (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. — (IP) — Secretary of the Navy'Wilbur today answered criticisms of the navy and its aircraft policy through his annual report, declaring in substance that all is well. Wilbur absolved the department of responsibility for the Shenandoah disaster 6y stating that Lieut. Comdr. Lansdowne, who perished with the airship, was express­ ly told that he could “ defer the trip,‘change the itiner­ ary, or abandon it altogether if in his judgment such changes were rendered necessary.’’ “ The development of naval aviation has progress­ ed during the past year with satisfactory results in spite of many difficulties inherent in the refinement of a new art,’’ the Secretary said. “ Aircraft operating with the other coordinate arms of the fleet are vitally essential to modern naval opera­ tions,’’ but, he added, “ must be closely coordinated with the plans and maneuvers of the fleet organization,’’ Referring to the surface fleet, Wilbur stated that the Hawaiian maneuvers and Australian cruise were “ a practical demonstration of the fitness of the navy.’’ WASHINGTON, Deo. 14— (V. P .)— Secretary of War Davis would be required to tell the Senate why he asked the Ad­ miral Oriental line in opera­ — --------------------- ----- , tion on* of Seattle, for ships to be used as army trans­ ports, under a resolution intro­ duced Into the Senate today by Senator Jones' of Whshlngton, chairman of. the commerce com­ mittee. MRS. DORA WARNER CALLED BY DEATH ■ f Mrs. Dora Warner, for several years a resident of Ashland, died Saturday evening, at tho home o t her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Reuse, 198 Alida street. Mrs. Warner is survived by One daughter, Mrs. Reuse ot Ashland and two sons; J. W. Warner of Weed, Calif., ann J. M. Warner of Plains, Montana. Funeral services w ill' be held tomorrow afternoon from Stock’s Undertaking Parlor. R**- B. C. Miller will officiate at the ser­ vices. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. BURGLAR8 GET LOOT IN RED BLUFF JOB Police officials throughout Northern Cslifornla and Southern Oregon Rave been asked to be on the lookout for burglars, who Friday nlyht broke into the J. T. Chalstrom Jewelry store In Red B ln «, removing hrticles valued at more than $4,000. Included In the Jewelry ob­ tained were several diamond rings, wrist watches. men's watches, cut links, belt buckles and many other articles. Advertise The While and I t . For the first time In 'twelve years Medford hue been eelected as tha meeting place, and this year the entire meeting will be devoted to the subject of pears. Prominent speakers f*pm Cali­ fornia, Washington and Oregon, and points as far distant aa Wash­ ington D. C., will cover, all angles of the pear game. Thia event Is of Importance to all of Southern Oregon, providing an .it does an opportunity for everyone Interest­ ed, which Includes all fruit rais­ ers, farmers and business men, to learn something of this subject. Everything from the planting WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 — Ten former federal judges and a former sen- ator today Xold a sub- committee of the Senate judiciary committee that they had been forced to retire from the bench be- cause of the low salaries. The sub-committee was appointed to Investigate and report whether the salaries of Judges should be increased. W illiam Cole Attempting to Clear Self of Injuring Man BLAM ES Bellview Organizations to Give First Show for Club House Fund Friday The pen strokes being made bv the curly-haired gentleman in the picture means just $300,000 in his young life. The gentleman is Red Grange, and lie’s signing a contract to appear in movies. About him W. E. Sheltenberger, who holds the contract; Harry G. Kosch, his attorney, and Cl C. Pyle, Grange’s manager. ‘ FIRE CHIEF SAYS MCCOY BLAZE California’s Health Yearly Improves ENGINEERS IN STATE MDST HAVE LICENSE AUTOMOBILE V ictim is in H ospital W ith Frac­ tured Hkull, R esu lt o f Accl-