ASHLAND * Without the p nine cases -ei This is ' V V □ fac MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich osone at Ashland. Pore donfestio water helps.. Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Yean The Tidings Has Been AsMaiÜVs (United Successor to the Semi*Weekly Tiding», Volume <1 W ire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, Califôrnia Çhickens Refuse to Chew Tobacco Quota N ot Reached, in Spite o f Splendid Efforts of Legion Men D R IV E IS CONTINUED Fund Approximately «200 Short of Mark of «800 Het for Local Legion Post In spite of the efforts of prac- tlcally every Legion member, of committees from the chamber of commerce and the Kiwanis club, and of many private citi­ zens, who aided in the drive, tha American Legion Endowment fund drive, staged here yester­ day by the Ashland Post No. 14, American Legion, fell 6200 short of the mark set. The Ash­ land quota in the national drive was set at 6800, and last night but slightly more than 6*00 had been received at the drive headquarters. This 6600 total inclifdjes contribution of 850 made by Ashland Lodge No. 9 4 4 , B. F . O. Elks, a contribution of 625 made by the Masons at their weekly meeting last night, and several contributions by Indi­ viduals, before tbe campaign opened. Practically every home in tbe city wae solicited by tbe A m eri­ can Legion members,* a ll of whom sacrificed a fa ll day of their tim e ,. to . order that. they might be able to put the drive over. The city was divided into eight districts, and each district was in charge of a team. The members e f these team« report­ ed a thorough can vass of their districts. D aring the early hours o f the campaign, every Indication point­ ed to Its successful completion. However, daring the la tte r patt of the day, the reports came in slower and slower, until, when the final team reported at head­ quarters, it was found that the SACRAM ENTO. Dec. 11 — California chickens pos­ itively refuse to chew to- baoCo, the state' depart­ ment" of agriculture re­ vealed today. Efforts of poultry experts to per­ suade barnyard’ fowl to ooatraet the habit have failed and 'it has become necessary to force the stuff down the bird’s throats In capsules. The department has a good reason fo r encourag­ ing the use of nicotine in the hen house, of course. The tobacco derivative ad­ ministered to poultry is an effective cure fo r cer­ tain intestinal parasites. W ork to Superini Pupils of the Ashland city schools w ill hhve but few days vacation in which to prepare for the coming ofc Santa Clans this y e a r.' The schools w ill hot close until December' 2 3 , bat two days before C hristm as, according to an anbouncement made thia morning by George A. Brisco«', city Superintendent of schools. A long rest following the Christmas dtnner w ill be in store for the students, however, for school w ill not . reopen until January 4. This long rest w ill also give the pupils an oppor­ tunity to recuperate from their said this morning. "W e had New Years Eve celebrations hoped." he continued, "to clean up the drive In one day, thus saving much inconvenience and ô LUU/vCta, Qi'- work, but since we were not able to do that, we are going to work until we finally do put it over. W e believe we can complete It today.” No record was kept of tho team collecting the largest amount, or of the individual col­ lecting the most funds during the (Continued on Page Four) drive. International Train A ttack­ ed by Chinese Rebels Board o f Education W ould be Replaced, According to New Wash. B ill McElroy and Hall Break Jail by Sawing Bars From Window FRENCH, BRITISH SESSIO N HARM ONIOUS TAKEN AT GOLD HILL B a il L ine B ein g Guarded to I’re- v en t Any Futon* Outbreak. No C asualties Home Members o f le g is la t u r e F e e l R ocky T im es C om ing Before H oliday A djournm ent A t Liberty A bout Ten Hours. -Xet o f P o lice Thrown About E n tire D istrict P E K IN Q , Dec. 11— Chinese ar tlllerym en today fired International ijraln, en route to Tien Tsin, from Peking, with several American and European passengers on board. There were no casualties. O LY M P IA , Whsh., Dec. 11— (U. P .) — A move tq replace the present state board of education by an educational board, com­ posed of seven members, five of whom would be elected by the people, wqs made in the state legislature here today. Senator W alter S. Davis, of Pierce county, introduced the bill into the Senate. Sawing he bars from one ef the windows In the county Jail at Jacksonville, Don H all, ar­ rested on a car thqft charge In Medford, and Hai*ry McElroy, convicted Wednesday on a rob­ bery count, escaped from the custody of Sheriff Ralph Jen­ nings yesterday evening. They were recaptured early this morn­ ing at Gold H ill by the city marshall and constable of tnat city. The escape of the men was discovered very shortly after they left the Jail. The Jailor noticed the men In their plaoes at 6:30 yesterday evening, sad about half an hour later, whew he again looked In the ceU, H all and McElroy were gone. Sheriff Jennings immediately notified the officers in every city in Southern Oregon and North­ ern California, and within an hour after the escape, a cordon of officers surrounded the entire district, through which it would have "been almost impossible for any n » n to escape through. At shortly before four o’clock this morning, H all and McElroy were sighted near Gold H1U. A fter a short d Near Peking ACT T IE N T S IN , Dec. 11— (U . P .) — A ll railw ay service from Peking to Tien Tsin has be-iu suspended, as the result of the firin g .upon a train by Chinese rebels. It gas announced here this morning. British, French and Japanese,, guards are reinforcing the rail- way, which has been btoken In several places near Tong Shan. I t Is believed that draatlc mea­ sures w ill be taken by the Euro­ pean legations, in China to put a stop tfi such activities on part of the rebel soldiers. Civil Suits to Come up in Court Monday The tria l list of the circuit oourt for the week beginning next Monday, is aa follows: rk>J3M6^MW. Onego« Bxglqratioe company - vs. W, O. Lynch, a civil action involving oil drilling operations at the T rig o n i* dig­ gings. J. B. M e rs tl, vs. M. C. Page, a money recovery. Busy Corner Motor Co. Fred Duke. 8. L. Leonard-vs. H . E. M ur­ phy. F. 8. Provost vs. Jack H ilton, et al. W. R. Gaylord vs. H . D. Grey. The last four cases are minor civil actions Twelve years ago Iiuella Melius left her homo town of Appleton, Wis.," for Europe to develop her voice. Now she has made her debut with the Chicago Opera Com­ pany and is hailed as one of the great “ finds” of the century. She is a coloratura soprano. Chicago to Hold World’s. Fair in : It CHJCAQ0. Dec. I t — It A 'World’b fair »prend I I along the new 10-ralle 8 ‘ parkway w ater front here I I has been planned for Chi- either in 1994 or JJ 1987, the respective anni- ft versarles of tbe Incorpora- tion as a village and of the city charter, but prob­ ably in the latter year. The exposition would center around Grant park ft opposite the Heart of the 8 city, extending southward 8 along the new lake front- MASONIC LODGE 8 outer park now under CHOOSES OFFICERS 8 construction, and term!- 8 nate in Jackson park Ashland Lodge No. 23 A. F. 8 where a few relics still and A. M., held election of 8 remain from the world's officers last evening in the Ma­ 8 Columbian exposition of sonic Temple. 8 1896. , Officers elected were: Dr. R L. Burdlc, Jr„ worshipful mas­ ter; V. V .Mills, senior war­ den; D. Guy Good, Junior war­ den; E. V. Carter, treasurer, and W . H. Day, secretary. Tho appointive officers w ill be ap­ pointed later by the Worshipful Master D r. R. L. Burdlc, Jr. « » 8 Itp 8 to H Pleads Gu: Connt of tl ingers Store 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SAVIDGE R E FL IE S TO H A R TLEY ’S CRITICISM A series of entertainments, planned to raise funds to finance Christmas charity work, »re be­ ing planned hy the Ashland Camp F ire Girls, it was learned this morning. There are -five, camps of these Camp F ire Girls in Ash­ land, two at the high school; two a't the Junior high and one mado np of sixth grade students. Efficiency in outdoor sports, B u R B y bodtea and m ade, * » • the alms of the organisation, it was explained. In fact, the work is much the same as that carried on by the Boy Scouts. Miss' Beryl Jarmon, Miss Helen Holtah, Miss Edna L. Go been, Miss Nora B. W ard. Miss, Carter and Mlsa Mildred Crain, Instruc­ tors in the city schools, are guar­ dians of the various camps. Member! of the organisation in the city are: M arie Davlec, Dorothy Chappel, Jane Pollard, Annie Wells. Linda Oeder, Doris Hitchcock, Letha Miles. Mildred Nor red, Luclle Beswlck, Edith Brookm lller, Alice P ratt, Ethel W h itaker, Lorraine Sparr, L or­ etta WfkerlHe, Janie W alker, Helen Detrlok, Madeline Ste- Fl&ckens, Mae Clary, Carol Clark, Georgia Coed, Agnes H a r­ vey, Maxine Gearbart, Gladys Ham aker, June Alklns, A rvllla Harris, Gladys Hanson, Juanita Borgerson, Zella Bailey, Eleanor Coombe, Charlotte Leedom, Mad­ eline H ill, Florence Borgerson, Marguerite Irw in , Helen h artley, Margaret Johnson, Clara A tter- burg, Elizabeth Applegate, M il­ dred Barbour, Ruth Harvey, Gladys Johnson, Francis Philpot, 'Lucille Carson, Ethel Dodge. Fredericks Bromme, Lydia W il­ liams, Irw an d * Bateman, Nedra B artle tt, Velm a Bpencer, Iris Hubbard, Frances W arren, M yrtle Nanat, Ellen Onley, Beeale Daley. M arjorie Carthell, Elisabeth W il­ lard, O LYM PIA , Dec. 11— (U . P.) — Clark V. Savtdge, state “land commissioner, answered charges made against his office by Gov­ ernor H artley, in a -statement before a Joint session of the leg­ islature today. He said tbe Governor’s own personal In­ terests were Involved in the criticism of his practice of hold­ ing state crulsee of state timber lands aonfidential. Lengthy ap­ plause greeted Savldge's remarks r L U more SHOPPING ' PAYS Services in N ew B uilding to Be Started Sunday, December 20 According « to a statement, made public thia morning by B. 0 . M iller, pastor' of the First Baptist church of Ashland, Inn., the congregation of his church has purchased the Stone Church building, on the corner of East Main and F irth streets, and ser­ vices w ill he held there in the Altar«, iULnidg Second found H arry McElroy, 26, guilty by a ju ry in the circuit court Tuesday afternoon Indictment charging robbery, pleaded guilty ‘to a second slm- ila r charge Wednesday afternoon and was sentenced to state prison for tertns of seven and three years. * McElroy was accused by Rich­ ard Dunn, Jr., of Oakland, Calif., of acting as a Fagin In a series of store till robberies in South­ ern Oregon and California dur­ ing the month of November. The • pair were traveling in an auto stolen by young Dunn in Hay­ ward, suburb of Oakland. McElroy was found guilty of the robbery of the cash regis­ ter of the Kell Garage at Gold H ill, and pleaded guilty to an indictment accusing him of rob­ bing the Nlnlnger store here. In both cases McElroy was ac- ensed of keeping watch outside while Richard rifled the tills. His accuser was a runaway boy of exceptional mental alert­ ness and personality, who loft yesterday by auto with his fath sr for the bedside of his mother who was prostrated by the es­ capades of her son. Cooperation of Farmers Needed Declares Kipp '‘Cooperative marketing is the salvation of the Oregon farmer. We are more than 2,000 miles from the big m arket centers, and it Is only by group selling that we can get over the top," said ,W. L. Kipp of the m arket­ ing department of the Porth-nd chamber of commerce, speaking at the Kiwanis club weekly lun­ cheon meeting at the Llthla Springs hotel today. Kipp, who is here conferring with officials of tbe Ashland F ru it and Produce association, urged that the people of the city back up the farmers of the surrounding territo ry in their cooperative marketing plans. He pointed out Eugene as an ex­ ample of a successful city, which is successful because' of the ef­ fort of the townspeople to aid tbe farmer. t The program was in charge of the new members of the club, with Rev. P. K. Hammond presiding. J. M. Borgaraon urged that the poultry and dairy Industry in the surrounding territory be supported. He pointed out sev­ eral Washlgton cities as examples of this work. H. L. Claycomb, another new­ M URRAY GETS STAY comer, urged the backing by the FROM SU PREME OOURT club of the Park and or sev­ SALEM, Dec. 11— (U. P.) — eral other enterprises near the F riday for the murder of John Sweeney, prison guard, in the sensational prison break of last August. His sentence was automatically suspended today when Chief Jus­ tice McBride and Justices Rand and Bean of the Oregon Supreme Court Issued a certificate of ware not altogether satisfactory, probable cause, nlsurlng an ap­ and for that reason, the Ston« peal ot Murray's ease to the church v u purchased. The church edifice, which th«r Supreme Court. Baptists hhvs purchased has been used by the Pentecostal church for soma time. I t was owned by Mrs. Lou Rheder of this city, Oregon and Washington Tha terms of the purchase were — Oeeaslonal rain to­ aot made public. night and Saturday, with strong southerly winds along the coast. • cember 30. / o r several weeks, the congre­ gation ot the church has bee« gathering at the home« of mem­ bers, and meeting to the Runga- low, to L lth la Park, for their Services. However, according to M r. M illar, these ’ arrangement« O LYM PIA , Wash., Dec. 11— (U . P .)— A more harmonious conclusion to this session of tho Washington legislature was in prospect here today, as tha re­ sult of the signing yesterday by Governor H artley, of the compromise reclamation bill not so optimistic as others, how- passed by both houses of the leg­ islature. Seme of the legislators were not so optimistic as others, how­ ever. Senator Palmer of King county said that he expected "at least four more measures which are sure to be vetoed by Governor H artley.’ Mauy o f th« m ajority lea d ers do not hope for an adjournment of this session before the Christ- piss holidays. They (gel that the legislature had better delay ad600,000 for new construction. I t was stated at the meeting of the highway commission which ended late Wednesday .- - w .' ------- Bnt as s large number of heavy contracts for road building were let late this fall, there will be plenty doing througho* the coming year. The commission decided to let bids at tbe next meeting, Jan­ uary 19, for the following new work! Five miles of grading on the Redwood highway uorth ot K ir­ by; ID miles of vurfsclng on the Roosevelt highway between Cannon Beach and Hamlet Junc­ tion and the bridge across the Silets river. The commission decided to oil 630 miles of state highway next summer nt a cost of some 6450,- obo. Tbe following roads will be treated: . >. All of the Old Oregon trail that Is not hard surfaced: W illam ina to Hebo, Toledo to Newport, Biggs to Wasco, Co­ quille to Myrtle Point, the (Continued on Pago Four) returned to Jacksonville. MoElroy Is factor • tea year sentence on charges of robbing the Nlnlnger Sporting Goods store here, and the Kell Oarage in Gold H ill. He was fcapturod H all is accused of steaing an automobile from s paint shop in Medford. Nearly fifty men answered a call sent out last night by Chief of Police McNabb of this city, and every possible point of es cape was closely guarded until the report sf the capture of the men was received. FOREIGN COUNTRIES CONTROL AIR LIN E S W ASHINGTON. Dee. 11— (V* P .)— Foreign owned sir comp&a- lea have obtained control of the airways surrounding the Panamyt Canal, Major Oeorge V. Strong, of the army general staff told the Mitchell court m artial today. Strong declared that a French company had obtained axel naive s ir concessions In Guatemala, and a German concern had "tied up" the best C e n tra f American-United States airway, with bases in Key West, Cuba, Mexico and Columbia. More than thirty Ashland flow­ flower shows w ill be held here er fanciers met last night in during the coming year, one to the city library, at the ofgant- be held in the spring and the flower club. Officers were sleeted and a committee ap­ pointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws, which w ill be pre­ sented to the body a t the next meeting, to be held early In January. Mrs. Lewis H. Jacks, one of the leading flower growers in the city was chosen president of tha organisation, with Harry Hosier, another well known flower fancier, selected vice president. Mrs. Frank Jordan and peonies. For these fancier« who would be unable to enter their flowers in a show held to tbe fall, the spring show w ilt be held. ,T h e tail show w ill be for the benefit growers who specialise in gladioli sad othet rail flowers. • i* It is believe« that maay move flower fanciers w ill |ola the or­ ganisation which la tor , the pern motion of better flower» to Ash­ land. when they leera ef Its OT9 gas last ion. Many were uasSto to attend the meeting last algid, although they signified their M-