I MALARIA GERMS Cannot «arrive throe months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domostio water help«. ASHLAND CLIMAT \ Without the use of m edie da nine cases out of ten \ ^ina Thia is a proven fe The Tidings^ Has Been Ashland* s Leading Newspaper For Nearby Fifty Tears ' ____________ (United''Fress W ire Service) ASHLAND/OREGON; jlRSDAY, DEC. 10, 1925 Dispatchers Go Info Banking Business CHICAGO, Dec. 10— Incorporation of the Dis­ patchers' Investment com­ pany, capitalised at $2, 600,000, waa announced io d ay by the American T rain Dispatchers’ asso­ ciation. ' * , “Although perhaps the smallest in lum bers of' any. of the railroad men's organizations.'* said J. G. Lubrsen, president, )“ the dispatchers’ associa tlon has w ithin 'a very few years built Itself into a financial position of great strength." Lubrsen said the cor­ poration wUl do a general commercial banking and discount business. People of City Rally to Sup­ port of Legion in Put­ ting Over Drive SUCCESS IS ^ASSURED Believe Drive Will go Over Top EasUy. Many Members of . Legion Working Splendid support from the people of Ashland is being glvefi the American Legion Endowment Fund drive, being conducted to. day by members of Ashland Post No. 14, Aiherlcan Legion, re- ports made up to press tlms to- indicate. I f the drive con-1 tlnuee throughout the remainder of the afternoon as successfully as It has been carried on this morning, the local Legion boys are certain to go over the top with their 1800 quota. Valuable assistance was given the Legion by the chamber of commerce and Kiwants club com- mlttees, who were working the business district during the day. One member of these committees reported at noon to have ob­ tained |6 2 , while another turn­ ed In 138 when the drive had reached the half way v mark. Others had not reported up to press time. * Although no official report waa made by any of the mem­ bers of the various Legion teams, or by the heads of these teams. unofficial reports were made by team, members who reported at headquarters for additional re» eeipt books. A receipt la given each subscriber to the fund. The Legion teams are* • eau- of the city, and In td n d 'te visit every home In the city before they leave their work. Bight teams are in the field, each team being composed of from five to twelve men. The drive w ill be com pleted in one day and there w ill be no continuation tomorrow or”~next week or next month or next year,” C. A. Malone, commander of the Legion stated today, summing up the feeling of the Legion meu that the drive was going over TURKS BOLT MEET LEAGUE OF NATIONS G ENEVA , Dec. 10. — (IP) — W ith the Moeul controversy ln an acute stage, the Turkish delega­ tion today refused to attend the League of Nations council ses­ sion, considering the Latdoner re­ port on the alleged Turkish depor­ tation of Mosul Christians. Contested g g g g g g g W <£ Commission Reports Best Year for all Lines Since End of War Two B ills Introduced Into House as Requested by Governor NET SAVAGE H I T S REVENUES HIGH, Income for H Month Period Ended August 31 Over «51 M illions, Report Indicates PO RTLAND, . Ore., Dec. 1 0 - Load limits for trucks and auto­ mobiles w ill not be limited on state highways leading out of Portland. This action was taken by the state highway commission yes­ terday after a long discussion. Highway Engineer Roy Klein ad­ vocated placing lim its at thts time but It was decided not to take action until at least the eae* In the federal rourts hgre is decided. The forest commltmeete agreed on by the commission and Mr. Purcell of the federal roads bureau, and the state highway board jvere: C rater, lake east entrance connection w ith The Dalles- California highway,. 826,000. Long creek-Bench creek. Grant county, 260,000. W apinlta road, 126,000. Flora-Enterprise, W a l l o w a county, six miles grading, 235 Widening Mount Hood loop above Zig ^ag, 826,000. A ll of these sums represent forest money. Like amounts, in most Instances, w ill come from county cooperation. Relations between the K lam ­ ath county court and the United States bureau' of public roads and the stater highway commis- slod were aired at a conference late yesterday. “ Not another cent of federal (Continued On Page Six) Cut Coffee De Woild’s De Bunk is Joe’s Wail as Cops Make Arrest Members of the City Council and Chief of Police ’ George W. McNabb attended in a body the services at the Church of Christ last evening to hear a sermon lecture on "Bramble Bush Gov- ernment*’- by Leon L. . Myera, evangelist. Mr. Myers gave an exegesis of Judges the ninth chapter re- lating a parable of the treed* of the forest meeting to elect a governing board. They made their appeal to the Oliva tre e (Church); to the D ata, Tree (Producers); to the Vine (So- clety). Each In turn rejected the positions ' of responsibility and fin ally the trees (People) were compelled to torn to the Bramble Bush ^Underw orld) evil environment In which It Is d ifficult 'to do Christian work, Mr. Myerk told the city officials, M r. Myers appealed to church members to back up w ith their positive * lnfluece any officer of the law who was trying to do his duty. He complimented Ashland uÿon having a group of good men to try to. manage the difficult problems of a city the else of Ashland.' He recited his experiences In trying to help the regular constituted of- fleers of the law On the Mexican border and adjacent territory and revealed the fact that U town as clean as Ashland did not know anything about difficulties In law enforcement when e group of Mexicans can be thrown at fo r Governors and the latter a«- cepted on condition that a ll of soclety live under Its shade. * Today not only does aodety add business. suffer from the thug, the assassin the robber almost any time to deOlde an election la favor of evil govem- ore. Mr Myer, Mn>1 BppBal and all the evil Influences of the underworld hut the church as well finds it difficult to hold ground gained because of an church to promote those holy Influencée • which would make Amerlea th ^ best nation In the world. ' thBt a” < ° ° d “ #n ' the Criticism o f Land Commission Brings Sharp Reply From Head O L Y M P IA , Wash., Dec. 10— BY C. P. W ÌL L IA M 8 O N (U . P .)— Two bills were intro­ United Press Staff Correspondent duced into the House today, in W ASHING TO N, Dec. 10.— (IP) accordance with Governor Hart- — American railroads this year ley’s recommendations, in hip bid fair to enjoy their moat prot- special message sent to the leg­ perous year since the war, the In ­ islature Tuesday, morning. terstate Commerce Commission One of these bills would mako Indicated ‘ to Congress today In cruises of a ll state timber pub­ Thomas F. Woodlock Of New York its annual report.- ; lic documents. The second would Net revenues are high, traffic has been named by President Coo­ require that all logging railroads Is almost record breaking, con­ lidge to tho Interstate Commerce running through, to or from Tlie most disastrous fire in the history of Council Bluffs, la., wiped out ten buildings at gestion is almost lacking except Commission. ^ state timber lands, to haul tim ­ a loss of $2,000,000. This photo, taken when the blaze : »its at its height, shows the n Florida, Improved facilities in the Senate have twice succeed­ ber for other operators adjacent. burning Shugart office building in the foreground, wit i the remains of the. Grand and equipment are being provid­ ed in blocking hla confirmation, O L Y M P IA , Wash., Dec. 10— ed, and expenses are being cut and In the forthcoming session of Hotel, leading hostelry of the city, in the background. (U . P .)— Commissioner C lark V . Congress they are expected to re­ down. Savage has asked the legislature new the fight. Net railway operating income for a Joint session Friday, In for the eight months ended with order that the state land com­ A-ugust was 1651,883,260 an In mission may show how it difc- rease of 17.48 percent over the poaes of state owned timber. -orrespondlng period In 1924 and This move was made by Sav­ if 5.32 percent over the fianio tor age in order to answer crit­ 1923, the calendar year of the icism of his office, made by 'argest total revenues and heav­ Governor Hartley, who asked the iest volume of traffic in history. 8 j SACRAMENTO, Dec. 10 legislature for a law that “ would 8 —"O. H . H ecke,’ director On the possibility the roads tear the mask of secrecy off tho this- year might earn the 5 3-4 88 of the department of agri- operations of the land board.** percent return on their value 8 culture, is sponsor for a Savage, Secretary of State 8 campaign to have the peo- Formerly, Harmful Legjsla vhlch the Transportation Act H inkle, State Treasurer Potts envisnged. the Comm Isston was Local Growers to Meet at JT ple or the TThHed Ststeh tion W as Tacked on Ap­ and members of the commission 8 decrease their consump- -.(tent. Tho Inference left by the Library This Evening to Series of Entertainments have conferred several times rela­ propriation Measures rep o rt wan h o w ev er H in t It Is a 8 tlon of oeffee and substi Perfect Organization Planned to Get Funds tive to a reply to the governor. W ASHING TO N, Dec. 10— (U. matter of doubt. to Purchase Materials The director states that Quoting Its 1924 annual report Flower growers of Ashland w ill P. ) — The budget System In the coffee Is a stimulant 8 executive and legislative branch« n which It said that since ’net meet tonight at the city library, A new community house, where while m ilk. Is a food, and ..41 At th e government effective!) >perating income fo r 1 9 2 f r waa gatherings of. .a ll. ports .psy. hfi w ith their-abjective the form atloa the consumption of m ilk «• blocks exploitation of the Amer­ eg* than 11,000,000,000, It was held, will soon rise iu the Bell- of a flower club or society, to on a greater scale wUl 8 ican Indian through Congresslon i*fe to say the roads »0 egg throwers, after ham- “ We intend putting on a show merce. The Commission emphasized It* (Continued dlately behind the Bellview school bardlng the house, rang the doer The first week of the month that all of Southern Oregon will previous recommendations for house, the site for which has been b* n - Bnd when her youB|: ,on be proud of,” one of the best registered ten new families, 5 legislation making reservation donated by the school district. •»•w ered the call, they threw for Marlon qounty, 3 for Douglas known flower fanciers of the city Indians amendable to state law». Members of the committee Bn ln fBC*' ■ stated thts morning in discussing county and 2 for Washington The report pointed out that the working on the plan .r e Mrs. N ° to thB *•“«<* the plans. "However, we feel that county. . rapid progress of the Indians , culprits has been found. Mrs. They are: Marlon county, a club Is necessary to put this and their increasing commlng Continued on page Two Myers stated. George Jensen, from Audubon, over,” he concluded. ling with white people neces­ la.; John J. ^lum , Weed, Calif.; sitates state legislation governing R. A. West, H ollister, C alif.;’ crimes, education,' marriage and The world’s all wrong, say« I. N. Sturtevant, Sterllg, 111.; health regulations applicable Joe Luts, who told the police R. F. Bosley, Highland, Calif, Within Indian reservations. he resides herq and there, most­ Douglas county: Sidney Allman, Westwood. C alif.; A rthu r j’ ly there. GRAIN I’RK'KH TAKE DROP “ Dqy letcha do all de wolk. Crocker, Wessington Springs, 3. , CHICAGO,. Dec. 10. — (IP)— and den de bulls knockya over,’’ Dak., 116 acres and Paul Heavy selling caused a drop In Is Joe’s wall. Abeol, Lane, B. Dak., 12 arret. the grain prices on the Board of Yesterday, Joe was on his way Washington County; Cart H. W ith thirty five men reported Around these two men, Hughes December wheat, nortfi, perhaps having the sea­ Funds obtained from the big Lundberg, Cushman, Washington, Trade today. e v/ry night for class basketball w ill build the outfit which w ill carnival and dance, to be given 2.81 acres and H . H. Bates. new, closed at 81.72 3-4, a loss sons mixed, or having a drink other Southern Oregon gamea, the hoop game la now un- battle by Llthla Chapter De Molay, Inglewood, California. 6.5 acree of 6 8-8 cents. May wheat, new, of moon In sight In some northern f e lt W t t CS tits' 1 8 81.8T' w in be tiled In defraying tho city. At least, Joe, as he came school. Coach W alt Hughes an­ this section. Frank J. Ldmberger, of S y r a - expenses of a band and patrol ense. New York, who purchased over the Slsklyous felt the need nounced yesterday that at the A fter a splendid start last year, team to the convention ln La a home near Beaverton, Washing­ of additional funds. As he pas­ completion of the class games he the Ashland high five petered-Mt Grande next June, It was stated ton county, last August, has just sed the Dollarhlde place, he no­ would get the* regular nession toward the end of the eeialfta. today by D. M. Lowe, member returned from New York with ticed ft heavy Spanish saddle MORE dropping three out of tour geisee started. » of the advisory council. his family. which he felt would aid con­ SHOPPING Four of the five regulars of to the Medford high five. On a> The gathering a t " L a Grando siderable to his wealth. - last year’s team w ill be missing early season barnstornrisg tour, OAYf w ill be a convention of De Molay Although he Is a small man, when the first call is answered. takiag the teem es far noyth as FLORIDA BOOM GETS chapters of Oregon, Washington the police claim Joe pilfered the Butterfield, forward, Bryant, Salam, the locals trounced every­ OLD VESSELS OUT and Idaho. saddle, and loading it on his ranter and Katser and, Ramsey thing they went agates». Stdate ' A B ER D E EN , Wash., Dec. 10.— back, started on his way. He guards have either dropped out took a two game series hare, sad (IP)— In a rsice sush aa was chron­ carried his burden as far is of school or graduated. Al those defeats started the Ash­ icled decades ago, two tour mast­ Talent before Chief of Police land outfit aa their downward Maraka, the flashy little forward, ed , schooners tfere scheduled to McNabb,^, having been notified Journey. , ' leave the harbor today In a race of the theft overtook and ar- high point man In several games Oregon — Cloudy, with I Hughes lost meat a t hla a > a r* last season, w ill be on hand for for Miami, Florida, with lumber reated him. occasional raih In the the opening practice this season. cargoes. The Schooner Alvene When taken before Justice of west portion. Washing­ Arnold Gosnell, who broke and the Irrehe, once known as the the Peace Roberts yesterday. ton •— Cloudy, „with oc­ into a lot of games at the sad ’T aa rls of the Pacific,” have been Luts waa hound over to the casional rains and south­ of the last season Is also ln school, called info usetullnSss again by grand Jury on, a grand larceny erly winds along the sad w ill ha out tor practice. the Florida building boom. roast. Drink Milk Bast Entrance Given That Amount by State High­ way Commission BACK Carnival of De Molay to Furnish Patrol Team Funds