Returned* To Ashland - ' Mrs. Emma Wing has re turned to her home in Ashland from Klamath Falls where she has been visiting for the past month with her daughter. 1X)R Lee Ragan of Portland was a business visitor in Ashland to- Taffles and brittle«, crispy aqd wholesome at Candy Land. Roycraft copperware Art Store. Darlings 81-tf MORE AND BETTKfl CROPS Use Sulphur, Land Plaster and Superphosphate For Hay, Grata and Bulbs We can make you interesting price# ' ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRO DUCE ASSOCIATION Hom« Missionary Society Meeting — The Women's Home Mission ary society of the M. E. church will meet Friday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock with Mrs. Frasier, 341 North Main. Have your broken windows repaired. Large stock of glass jo hand. Jordan ßgah and Cab inet Works. Phone 111. 26-tf Why do you pay Sewing Ma chine Agents from (120 to 3160 for sewing machines, when you can get the White here for 165. 80-1 Mo. Emil Pell. 68-tf Our clothes are always nev For Fire Insurance See J. L. Renting a specialty. List your and up to the minute.—Paul bouse with Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. 82-ti 67-tf serud’s. A S H L A N D R E A L T Y CO. 71-tf Does Blaekwell do cabinet Have your Sunday dinner at Martha’s Dlnnlg Room.—Ven- work? You bet. Phor 323-L. Toys—Toys— Toys.— Elhart’s. 78-tf dome Hotel. 81-tf Our stock of silver sets arc Merchant’s lunch every day, yet unbroken as to complete set Our line of gift boxes are 11 to 3 p. m., 60c at The Plgza and patterns. This is certainly different.—Darlings Art Store. 81-tf Confectionery. 75-tf the time to get your silverware. Tea sets make fine gifts.— Johnson's Jewelry store. Just arrived at Nlafngers, Miss Darling’s Art Store Saylors unusual chocolates and Fire, Auto, Liability and all 74-tf kinds of Insurance. Largest selection of Xmas Scotch toffe. Cards.— McNair Bros. STAPLES A s h la n d REALTY H o te l B ld g . CIVIC CLUB KNTKBTAI^r According to announcement the Civic Improvement Club will en tertain its friends , Wednesday evening, at a card party at which bridge, five hundred and rummy will be played, so every one may Indulge in his favorite game. This is the first of a series of social evenings at cards, con templated by the club and every one interested is cordially in vited to come and enjoy the evening at the Club house. The social committee are In charge of this pleasant affair. Give her a set of real Pyralln Ivory.— McNair Bros. Kansas wheat lands—I have a splendid eattle ranch, a flfae wheat farm and a good residence to exchange for Ashland property. For particulars address J. C. Hopper, Ashland, Oregon. 71-8 FOR SALE—A good second hand bicycle. Lane’s Confec tionery. 83-3* IOST—A small black fur epi ATTENTION FRUIT MEN larette. Between Third __a#<J John Churchman returned last While 15 tons Sulphate of Am Fifth. Leave at Wolcott’s Gro evening to hl's home in Ashland A rrived i Psterilay— monia lasts, we will sell at $76 from Redding where he has been 83-2* Jake Tranchill of the Tranch- eery. Reward. per ton.- Ashland Fruit and Pro- for tbe past two months. 111 and Parellus company, the 83-1 duce association F ro m T a le n t— Mrs. Ella Abbott was a shop ping visitor in the city yester day from Talent. Call 130 for Powell’» famous apple cider and we deliver. New goods in, nearly every day. Some new white gold bar pins, novelty watches and em blem rings In today. Johnson’s Jewelry store. LET J. L. Ketch write your automobile insurance. 71-tt WANTED— Subscription solic contractor on the normal school 1 tor;, permanent it you bring re The ladles of the Christian arrived yesterday in Ashland to suits. Apply Tidings office church will hold a bazaar and start building immediately. Ashland. Sl-tl food sale Saturday^ December 12 Books for children.— Darlings in building formerly Mrs. Sugg's FOR SALE— 20 ton of good 81-tf hay, both grain and alfalfa. F. Millinery store. 83-2 Art Store. Beswit^k, East Main St. 81-4 JITNEY DANCE AND SKAT FOR MORE AND BETTER FOR RENT—Furnished house CROPS ING CARNIVAL, NAT., WEI). Inquire Sulphate of Ammonia around near Junior High.. Holmes Grocery. Phone 88. Your Trees We have a good supply. Paulserud’s suits cost less, ASHLAND FRUIT AND PRO- „ LOST—A 30x6 used tire. Also wear longer and fit better. DUCB ASSOdAITON rim and cover, for a Cadillac, 80-1 Mo. Friday between Keno and suitt- At this season above all. have mit of Greeuspring Mountain. Madden »ells. protected tires. Reward. H. W. Offlns, 31« I a photograph made for daddy.— 63-tf St. Grants Pass, Oregon. Studio Ashland. 88-C Gift books and stationery at Madden retreads tires. Opera carmels and carmel at Candyland. 68-tt states and Congress should con commet?« commission, with pow enable him to prepare the Phil NATION IS nr OKSAT BRA OF PROSPERITY sider creation of some agency er to approve or disapprove when ippine people more readily for (Continued From Page Three) Shipping “that will ba able to etermlne methods of improvement solely upon economic and engineering facts, that would be authorised to negotiate and. settle, ‘subject on approval of Congress, ths par ticipations, sights and obliga tions of each group In any par ticular works." proposed .parts are excluded or new parts added." It is grati fying to see managers and em ployees providing boards for mu tual adjustment of differences and It is an* example for other In dustrie#, Ontlying Possessions A thorough investigation should be undertaken to deter mine whether the large amount of money expended for adminis tration In Alaska Is not out of portion to the good accomplish ed. Inquiry should be made as to whether powers of the goternor general of the Philip pine# ought to be increased to self government. Retirem ent Of Judge« An -amendment should be adopted so that retirement pay of federal judges should be com puted on aggregate, and not only upon continuous service. Administration of the mer chant marine should be lodged “under the direct control of a Mothers Aid slngje' executive head, while the The District of Colombia Shipping Board should exercise Water Power should be provided with a its ’judicial sad regulatory func “■very facility should be ex mothers aid law like 40 states tions in accordance with its or tended for connection of the have adopted. iginal conception." various units Into a superpower Civil fervtae Coal system." “The time has come to con “Authority should be lodged Railroads sider classifying all postmasters, with the President and the De? "I recommend that congress collectors of eustoms, collectors partmenta of Commerce and La authorise consolidations under of, internal revenue, and prohi bor, givlpg them power to deal the supervision of the Interstate bition agents." with an emergency. They should be able to appoint temporary boards with authority to call for witnesses and documents, conciliate differences, encourago arbitration, and In case of The Quality Store threatened scarcity, exercise con trol over distribution." Prohibition THE TREASURE HOUSE OF "I request of tbe people, ob servance, of the public officers, •' CHRISTMAS GIFTS continuing- efforts for enforce ment, and of .the Congress fav orable action on the budget re commendation for the prosecu tion of this work." Waterway Development« The government should re deem its pledge to take over the Cape Cod Canal. The project for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence, Including the Erie canal, “should await decision of the joint Canadlan-Americpn commission which will report next April. Development oV the Mississippi River should eon- tlnue, and a channel, connecting Chicago. New "Orleans. Kansas City and Pittsburgh should bs laid out. The Colorado river This special lot Includes dolls with This special assortment includes project should await agreemont closing eyes, painted hair, all dolls with wigs, painted hair and between the seven Interested with clear “Mama" voices. Val some with closing eyes. Values to 81.'7 5 each. ues to 81-36. E. R. IS A A C & CO Toyville” On the Balcony Special Sale of “Mama” Dolls “Shop Early” Early in the Morning vrent FOR SURETY bonds see J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. walnut Look at oar line of mantle FOR SALK—A tew good breed Hot tub sulphur baths. Day and dresser clocks. We are or night at Jackson Hot Springs. ing cockerels and cocks. Tan- showing a very complete line. 86-tf cred stock. B. 8. Morrison. Box Cliff Payne makes forms. 22, Ashland, Oregon. •'.•¡u Johnson’s Jewelry store. ,» 77-Tuee. Sat' New lot of gold knives, combe, Shaeffers, Parker Duo-fold, 31 Stesi Die Engraved Cards. pencils, enff links, Just In.— John- Weedllch, and Century Fountain FOR SALE— My eight tab# { son'V Jewelry store. Pens and Peiclls. None better. 81.00.—McNair Bros. Super-Hetrodyne, one of the beet j Johnson's Jewelry store. sets in Ashland. Will sell co»- i Quality Xmas stationery.— Bl- Eat at Martha’s dining room piste or set alone. E. E. Mor Vendôme Hotel. Opea 8:00 a. rison, Bog 22, Ashland. Oregon. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL n»., to 8:00 p. m. 81-tf “T*—-— —-----«•— ; 77-Tues. Sat. i 6 Marcels, 86.00 Now is the time to bave that Attractive coupon gift books. portrait made.—Darling’s Studio. SHOE AND GLOVE sale now Paulserud's for cleaning. We (Limited number of books.) 81-tf can make your old suit look like on at Wood’s Store where yon The Vanity Shoppe new. 82-tf save a ltttle. l-8eod tf McGee’s Stort. Phone 103 Walk upstairs to Orres Tailor 80-tf Shop and save 810.00. 78-tf If you need aa office or email CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH MONEY storeroom, the room next to u ____ Gifts for all.—Darling's Art Coffee with real cream served The Tiding# office Is .ready for Send this ad and ten cents to 74-tf yon. Apply at The Tidings of Foley A Co., 2886 Sheffield Ave., 81-tf at Nlnlngers. fice. « > « Chicago, 111., writing your namfl and address clearly. You will re ceive a ten cent bottle of C. W. Lowry of Portland was FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAB a * business visitor In Ashland COMPOUND for coughs, colds and hoarseneus, also free sample pack yesterday. age# of FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic etlmulent tor the kidneys, and You should have a part in our TODAY - TOMORROW FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS eale Of odd pieces of sterling. for Constipation and Biliousness. These pieces regularly sell any These wonderful remedies have where at 81-60 to 31.76 each, helped millions of people. Try ourpriee until gone 7»c each.— them! Sold everywhere. 1 Johnson’s Jewelry stbre. Holiday » M t — thv good « ill and je y last cvcrjronc i, foci, lag at tbit happy timcl Pravh cut flower» or a cay plant ara token« •omtwnai O l li o r t n e o r a m s r y . i n c y ire a f i t and delkatc clprm io a ef«cntuacnL Tbaae ninny b l o t » » arv appropriate for everyone—. « o a a n or child, and arc par ticularly welcomed by the ahut4a— the aged or invalid I Put In your order todey I A lovely gift for a trifling ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP S t r e e t of F o S itte iU Men* /z J S A Fortunate / • ' * « * Dress Purchase NOT SAMPLES — BUT A SEASON END PERCY MARMONT NEIL HAM ILTO N A LA R Y B R IA N It will delight most any one. Adulta—Matinee 25c—Evening 35c Children 10c Any Time O'DARE DRESSES McNAIR BROS. “ If it isn’t an Eastman, it isn’t a Kodak.” commands an approving e y e .... style that stamp dressed man. More than“ Style’’? Yes, there’s wear is in the pockets, CLOTHCRAFT Tailored Clothes it 9.75 $24.50 Vaines from $34.50 to $34.50 A rem arkable romance o f the uUderwov Tbe atery o f a Browerjr C lnderelU whose ntraagely linked w ith a beggar and a ro Regular Admission PEGGY When good dressers get together S you step into your c lu b ..,,th e theatre lobbj where well dressed men gather — note the smi A that sets off their attire. That’s Clothcraft “ Style $25 to $45