MALABIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestio water helps. • A shland D aily T idings i The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leadtkg Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLDLVTfc Without the use of if < i y cu ree nine cases out o( , asthma. This is a proY' / (United Pres» wire Service) VOU XHX Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volarne 41 IS IN GREAT D U OF Have a Doctor Near When You Pronounce These ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, DEC., 8 1925 W ill E n d W a r s Tennyson’s Prophecy 83 Years Ago PLANES WILL STOP WAR SAYS HENRY FORD Honored BERENGER IS AM BASSADOR TO AMERICA PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 8 8— (U. P.)— “Prseslljie 8 Swe P o w I n s z owania 8 For I dipped into the future, far as hu­ Gwiazdkowl Neworcezne 8 Coolidge, in Message to Con 8 Poctowyn P r y e k a z e m man eye could see*, Gross, Advocates Fol­ Replaces Daesohner as the Auto Manufacturer Declares Pieniesnym.” 8 Saw the vision of the world, and all the lowing Old Theories French Representative Planes Will Take War Which might be a typo­ 8 wonder that would be; * At Washington to War Makers graphical error or might 8 SCOUTS EXPERIMENTS mean almost anything to 8 Saw ttye heavens ifill with commerce, IS ONLY TEMPORARY WILL HAVE EFFECT many people, but which 8 argosies of magic sails, Economy Again Keynote o f Mes­ when property translated, 8 sage Went to le g isla to r s by Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping New Taxes Proposed to Raise Flam .<< Must Prove Their Worth means.- 8 Chief Executive • Eight Billions for Rehabili­ By Everythiy Mastery Over down with costly bales; “Say Merry Christmas 8 tation of Finances Air Says Detroit Financier with a postal money or­ 8 Heard the heavens fill with shouting, WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.—(IP)— der.” 8 The nation is reaching into an era PARIS. Dec. 8.— (IP)—Henri and there rained a ghastly dew By HAL COCHRAN It's Just a sample of the 8 of great prosperity and needs only 8 , thoroughness of govern- 8 Berenger, noted parliament fin­ NEA Service Writer From the nations* airy navies*grappling extension of present pollclea, 8 ment advertising, and is 8 ancial expert was today named DETROIT. Mich.. Dec. 8- in the central blue; rather than any experiments with “Airplanes will stop all war- by Aristide Briand cabinet as the only erne of the seven 8 untried theories. President Coo­ fare!" new ambassador to Washington, Far along the world-wide whisper of the mystifying placards re­ 8 That is Henry Ford's opinion to succeed Ambassador Daesch- lidge told the new Congress today south wind rushing warm. ceived here by Postmaster 8 He made the statement as he in his annual message. nor, who is to return here. Jones to be placed in 8 With the standards of the peoples plung­ stood in the FOrd laboratory Preserve economy, he said, but It is understood in political conspicuous places in sec­ 8 ing through the thunderstorms; building at Dearborn, Michigan, Julius E. Olson, professor of circles here that the appointment do not cut to the bone. Enact a tions of the city inhabited 8 watching a Ford plane, bound Scandinavian languages at the of Berengqr to the position is business-like tax bill, but keep Till the war drum throbbed no longer by the foreign population. 8 for Chicago, diHappar in the University of Wisconslp, has been only temporarly. in order to per­ reduction within the bounds of There are others, such 8 and the battle flags were furled. made a knight of the Order of clouds. mit him to negotiate the debt propriety. Join the world court 8 In the parliament of man, the Federation St. Olaf by King Haakon of Nor­ “It will take time,” he con­ funding agreement, with the and promote American good will “Toivottakaa Omsisil- 8 of the World. tinued, “but time will bring way. T hh is In recognition of his United States. abroad. Expand the air defenses, lista joulua lakettamalla 8 service in the field of Scandina­ that situation about. Berenger is considered the but make no radical change in rahaa postiosoituksella,” 8 There the dirnmon sense of most shall vian activities. ’ “The airplane, first of alii has leading financial expert in French the present system. Help the far­ 8 and, hold a fretful realm in awe, got to justify itself by successful political circles. mer but do not try , to fix his "Sag god jul med en 8 And the kindly earth shall slumber, lap" flights, day after day. poston vlshlng.” 8 prices. “One or a dozen trips from ped in universal law. PARIS, Dec. 8.—(IP)—New In­ Present prosperous economic Down in the corner of 8 one poJ.nL to another mean direct and direct taxes, capable conditions will contine only so each placard is a picture 8 nothing. It must show con­ of raising an estimated eight bil­ long as they are properly treated, of Santa Claus, calling 8 sistent and continunl mastering lion francs for France*!* financial out the words, plainly 8 he warned. of the air and then— it will rehabilitation, was approved to­ Illustrating that Santa is 8 “The age of perfection is still have the telling effect on war. day by the ministerial council, wise, and speaks at least 8 somewhat in the distant future, “War, heretofore, has been lo­ which prepared to send the pro­ seven different languages. 8 but it is more in danger of being calized. posal to the chamber of deputies retarded by mistaken government “The war makers have been early today. activity than it is from lack of able to hide behind armies and legislation,” Mr. Coolidge wrote. navies. With airplanes the war ______ > “We are by far the moat like­ WETS LOSE NO TIME will be brought into the war 8 LOS ANGELES, Dec, •> 8 ly to accomplish permanent good Le&ion Has Program at AFTER SENATE OPENS makers' back yard. , 8 — (U. P.)— A memory 8 if we proceed with moderation.” Chamber of Commerce “They will be made to bear 8 course« is a great thing, U WASHINGTON, Doc. 8— (U. In crisp and emphatic phrases, Forum Luncheon the consequences of their work. 8 E. R. Ketchum ia con- 8 P.)— The wet bloc of the Senate the President took up twenty-six They will be on ‘the front’ be­ 8 vineed. . 8 tonight revealed plans, for an questions confronting his admin­ A thorough explanation of Old Square Dance is to be 8 For cause' thé front- will he almost the American Legion Endow­ attack upon the prohibition law, Ketchum’s automobiles 8 Portland Headquarters . istration and analysed them to an anywhere and everywhere. Big Feature < Gather-. 8 license number is * 4 8 -«M - A id i n ^ O r k o f P a r e n t in Worl »oilowing np the notion in the extent of lQ.OO*' words. Jt wee ''.“There • may he future wars ment Fund drive, .to be carried ing at Armory 71 i According to the 8 Teacher House yesterday, when the wets by far the longeet message of a on here Thursday by Ashland but they will become wars memory system, ' he re- 8 President to Congress in recent Post No. 14, American Legion, there propoeed a change In the against the war makers. Featuring the big De Molay Partial List of Newsomera The Parent-Teacher service present system. called it as follows: 8 years and it dealt more with de­ “Even though the United was given to members of the carnival, to be given by the mem­ Made up by Ashland • — Nine foolish virgins; 8 shop of Portland has just cele­ Senator Edwards of New Jer­ tails than occupants of the White chamber of commerce, at the States may be a peaceable na­ bers of Llthla chapter, De Molay, Realty Com ipany sey, democrat introduced with­ 4— Four principal apos- 8 brated Its first anniversary and House have chosen. to do since forum luncheon of that body tion. It does not represent or will be an old fashion Square ties, Matthew, Mark, Luke 8 is now firmly established as a out comment, a bill which would the time of Cleveland. control the whole world. There today by C. E. Shinn, one of the Many new people have ar­ dance, with the participants dress­ permanent department of the and John; 8— Dinner at 8 repeal the national prohibition Departing from t(ie custom es­ rived in Ashland durng the past ed In the costumes of the years In are war makers elsewhere. They captains In the Legion drive. eight; 7— Seven come 8 state work. Mrs. D. B. Kelly, will be brought to another frame Shinn outlined the plan, where­ act. and his colleague. Senator_ tablished by President Wilson of few moathz, attracted mainly which these dances were popular. 'leven; 1—One at a time; 8 chairman of the ways and means by the Oregon Legion will give Edge, republican, of New Jersey, delivering annual messages in by the large number of build­ The big carnival is to be held at committee is director of the shop of mind by the airplane. announcsd that he would intro­ 6— Five dollars he lost 8 person, Mr. Coolidgq sent the do­ ings which are being erected, the the armory on Friday evening. *'Y(0U can find the whole fu­ *60,000 i of its fund to the which is attracting nation wide duce two bills, one to legalise at poker. 8 Doernbecher hospital for chil­ cument to Capitol Hill by the agreeable climate has also bud Mrs. Hal McNair is arranging attention on account of its suc­ ture of the airplane in Tenny­ dren, in Portland, to be used in the manufacture of 2.76 per cent Repeating this over 8 White House messenger and it much to do with this influx of the square dance feature, and has son’s ‘Locksley Hall.' Did >^»i beer, and the other to remove and over, Ketchum ran 8 cess. was read by the clerks of the new comers, some of them com­ a number of the old time dancers __ _____ operating the hospital during the the restrictions on prescription It?” The purpose for which it was 8 past a traffic cop. Tirst year. The remainder Of House add Senate, to each body,- ing here for their health. lined up for the number. The Asked by the officer 8 ! established is to sell low priced the amount raised will he used llauor. so that physicians could sitting separately. The ’ following list of new music for the square dance wijl F or for his umber this is 8 articles to persons of limited In the national fund, the in­ Issue any number of prescriptions Briefly here is what he would people, who have settled here be furnished by Frank Jordan, means and the Rmall profits the way Ketchum said it: 8 terest from which will be used they choose. have the new congress do: recently was prepared by the who has years of experience play­ from these sales are used in “The three graces— 3: 8 in caring for the children of Give authority to the President Ashland Realty company: ing at these dances, and is con­ The twelve apostles— 12: 8 promoting the educational and veterans, who are unable to care to act forcefully in a coal strike J. H. Winkemsn, 311 Granite sidered one of the best square Breakfast at seven— 7; 8 child welfare problems of the Business Visitor— for them. emergency or fuel shortage. street, A. W. Carman, ’140 Lin­ dance players In Southern Ore­ Seven come ’leven— 11; 8 Oregon Congress, of Parents and C. S. Heyburn of Seattle, was Rev. P. K. Hammond, pastor Appoint a Joint Houye and Sen­ coln street; A. E. Bllderback, gon. a business visitor in Ashland Two by two— 2; The 8 Teachers. All articles sold in of the Episcopal church. Post­ ate committee to receive bids for Mrs. Hunts home on the corner Mrs. Hazel Abbott, wife of In direct contrast to the old five dollars he lost— 5. 8 this shop are donated for that today. master Fred Wagner, Nick Car­ sale of the government’s big pow­ ef Ashland and Beach streets; fashion dance will be the regular The officer was so as- 8 purpose. At this time of the Marvin Abbatt of Central Point, ter and a number of other local er project at Muscle Shoals. Ray Dean, 49S Beach street, C. dancing program which will be tounded he motioned 8 year there Is a great need for died very suddenly at the home men, In addition to several Le­ Authorise consolidation of rail­ H. Jones, 170 Mountain Avenue, held following the regular pro­ Ketchum to be on his 8 toys and articles suitahle for of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Baker gion men gave their endorse­ Born— To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Harden roads under supervision of the George Hartley, 735 East Main gram. Loveland's Oregonian or­ of Ashland at 3 a. m„ yesterday way. » Christmas gifts and for children's ment to the fund. of 232 Granite street Saturday Interstate commerce commission. street, J. E. Peffly, 444 Gallfo-- chestra will furnish the music for the cause of death being heart warm clothing. evening, an eight pound girl. She Ratify the recent edebt settle­ nla street and R. K. Drake from the dance. This week has been selected trouble. has been named Shirley Mae. ments with Belgium, Italy, the Suncreat ranch to 376 Otis Mrs. Abbott was born at Tai Advertise In The Tidings by the Ashland schools to ro - In addition to the dance, a num­ Csecho-Slovakia, Latvia and Es- street. ent, Oregon, March ,1 6 , 1900 cure donations of articles for ber of feature acts will be present­ . thonla. the service shop, each child be­ and was 26 years, 8 months and ed, together with the usual booths ing asked to bring one or mora 21 days old at the time of her which go to make up a carnival. (Continued On Page Two) Advertise In The Tidings articles to the school. A com­ death. She left many sorrow The funds derived from the mittee of women will pack the ing relatives, besides her hus­ carnival will be used by the De articles at the end of the week band, Marvin Abbott, and one Molay In carrying on their work child, four years of age, as she and ship them to Portland. throughout tl^ winter season. The Oregon Motor Stngo As­ was one of a large faintly and sociation voluntarily offered to the first to be taken from the family circle, now consisting of transport all bundles free Where does the money col­ proceeds of local seal sales is charge from any point In the her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McKInnis, of Sums lected for the sale of Christmas sent to the state headquarters of Man Held for Theft Here state where there is a stage Valley and four brothers and seals go? This Is a pertinent the National Tuberculosis asso­ terminal to Portland. < Goes on Trial in Circuit five sisters; Paul H. McKInnis question and everyone who buys ciation located at Portland. Here Any person interested In this Court Separated from each other for lng of his brothers whereabouts. It is used to help carry on the . * * ' - work Is asked to donate (luring of Sams Valley, W. C. and C. a seal is entitled to know. Last Friday, the local man re­ 26 years, during over 16 yea#s M. McKInnis, both of Medford, One-quarter of the proceeds work of maintaining the Oregon this week. The trial of H. McElroy, E. F. Averill, state game war­ of which time neither knew where ceived word from Yreka, that a H. F. McKInnis. of Alsea, Ore­ goee to the National Tubercu- open air sanitarium for tuber­ den will be at the Hotel Med­ charged with burglary here three man whose name was Lowe, had gon, Mrs. Thomas Roseberry of losie association headquarters, culosis located at Salem, to which the other was living, D. M. Lowe, weeks ago, was started In the well known local rancher and been taken to the Yreka hospital, ford at 4 p. m., and will be circuit court yesterday afternoon, V isited In Ashland— Medford, Mrs. O. V. Fair' of New York City, In return for - sufferers from tuberculosis from to meat m ambara of the Whitlock and wu r m Plains , O rego n. Mrs. A J wnren the IB Luc i an L u wb , his b ro th er, and the chief witness against reunited Sunday morning at the alysia. The latter had been found Jackson County Game Protective the defendant will be Richard children, of 8t. Louis, who havo L. Baker of Ashland and We­ posters and ail advertising matter to be sent for treatment. This at the forks of Salmon river, in association and sportsmen of Dunn, * a 13-year-old Oakland, been visiting In Medford, visited nonah McKInnis of Sams Valley. Is sent free of charge to each percentage of the local seal sal® Yreka hospital. In Yreka. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Funeral services will be held county health association. In 1899, in Ukiah, California, Nbrthern California, and unable southern Oregon In general. In proceeds also hetpe defray the Calif., boy, whom he ia alleged The purpose of this meeting B. Evans in this city today. from Stocks Mortuary, Wednes­ to speak because of the stroke, Lucian arrived foT a visit with addition valuable pamphlets, pre­ expenses of running the open air Is to discuss local game prob­ to have Induced to commit the The Whlllocka were delighted day, December 9, at 2 p. nt. In­ hts brother, who was at that time was unable to give his name or pared by experts, on the subjects school for tubercular children McElroy Is about lems, particularly whether there burglaries. with Ashland and stated that terment will be at the Ashland of child welfare, tuberculosis, maintained In the vicinity of operating a theatre In Ukiah. At the names of relatives. Men who shall be a closed season for 27 years of age. the beautiful sunshiny wpather prenatal and school age hygiene Portland and which is considered that time, Lucian was to have knew him in Yreka identified him, Richard ran away from home here was especially appealing Cemetery. steelhead in the Rogue river and are delivered for distribution in oae of the very beet in the Uni­ been married to a Ukiah girl, bnt were unable to give the names tributaries. It Is reported that and met McElroy at San Joss, to them. of relatives. any quantity desired. This ted States, and which has fre­ whom he had known for years. McLEAN 8ERVI0E8 TO the Grants Pass outfit, and the Calif., the pair coming north money also helps to pay for quently been used as a BE HELD TOMORROW After attending the theatre one D. M. made a trip to Yreka Sun­ Medford fly fishermen are going according to the hoy's story, fi­ painstaking investigations into for similar schools. evening, Lucian suddenly disap­ day morning and identified the to demand a long closed season nally reaching Ashland, where Here Yeeterday-— Fifty per cent Funeral services for W. A. the nature, prevention and cure peared and for 16 years, no mem­ man as the brother who had been os steelhead. These ruqiors have they were arrested. John .Stearns, a Williams son county. The McLean, killed when his car of various diseases, particularly ber of his family knew of his missing for 36 years.' The little fellow is held In the creek, Josephine county resi­ pnt the mill district and the Ash­ tb® Jackson Cohnty skidded from the Paetfic High­ tuberculosis. In short, this per­ dent, was in Ashland, yesterday, whereabouts. He then got in Lucian was brought to the land bait fishermen in q, bel­ woman’s ward of the county JtH, elation la custodian way a short distance south of centage of the seal sale pro­ looking for. landmarks of any and acta as a trusty. He has touch with D. M. Lowe, and al­ Lowe ranch near this city, where li ngerant frame of mind, and big though the brothers correspond­ It Is said he is Improving in delegations -from these points are become a prime favorite with kind In the old town as he knew Ashland ’ Sunday mojnlng, will ceeds goes to help defray the money is expended Ha re­ be held toirfbrrow morning at myriads of expenses attached to purposes without the ed for several years, they never health rapidly. already booked for this meet­ county workers and Jurors, and It twenty years ago. he is a lively youngster, sharp moved from this place in 1907 11 o'clock, from Stock's Mor­ so vast an andertaklng as that the executive hoard, met. And again, the Lowe brothers, ing. espoused by the National Tuber­ after consultation with tha as a whip. After the trial, it and. now Uvea op the line of the tuary. ' FinsUy, the eorracpondence physician, and tha two Interment will be in the Moun­ culosis association. la planned to send him back proposed new hikhway to the censed and for a period of four inseparable oompanlohs in their nursea, ar tha city school tain View cemetery. Twenty-five per cent of tha Oregon Cavaa. to his home In Oakland. Advertise In The or five years. D. M. heard noth- youth, are United. HANY PERSONS HOLD CARNIVAL SETTLE HERE HERE FRIDAY DURING YEAR Memory Course Fine But Learn History First SHINN SPEAKS ON ENDOWMENT FUND CAMPAIGN P. T. A. SERVICE SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Mrs. Abbot to be Held Wednesday BROTHERS MEET AFTER YEARS Averill to Meet APART. ONE POUND IN YREKA Sportsmen at Medford Today MCELROY TRIAL ON BURGLARY iS UNDER WAY FIFTY PER CENT SEAL SALE ; PROCEEDS STAY AT HOME