n * cayalW Joou» ( f c M J i th aW OrltMgi staed. Ha placed Hr* T1 tge (fipado Pl •# **•! •0 0 4 They te*Uta0 U> t U Jufy In. re»Uatlo fMb10» . ' - Mr. <* V. X. 4UJSON Myaru g»v» Choir ova <Pr4* n « u u with eMO th* acrtolu® do»UM with hie a»W M * t* such a way that tow « allied that ,1 he wag quoting «¡»ipturp. Thom I he placed the enemies H 4o0«1 f manta o f R»v. ▼. K. Allison Oh the stand and thalr taatlmony with High School authorities the! was »0 the admiaslea of his fow , , 1 Evangelistic services at ‘ ths' a» tot bta real cbaraster. FOB M « N lt-4 -lo o a furnished Tonight U s sermon snhjset 1 st > Church of Christ started at 7 apartment wlU private hgU- p. m., and the High School Flay "Is America Sat»«” Mr* Myer* Furnace heated. Llthla Apart wtarted at 8:15. , To the satta- .1» not a ptesslmtat. He believe»] ments, IS 8. Second. 78-tf faction of the church and to that Gad has raised up America the surprise of the BvaugeUst to Christianise U e world. He FOR RENT—Offloe or store J : 00 p. m., found the largest Is not willing to blind himself room next to The Tidings of crowd yet thia week to greet him. to the power of the enemies of fice, formerly occupied by The Twenty people were there from America but believe» that Amer- Haase PhonelOd-L Needlecraft. Plenty room for Medford to swell the crowd. Mr. lea 1» worth fighting for and small store or office. Beat Office hoar», lo to l i A. M.; I Allison sang a solo entitled: “la that the church should be at to k P. IL; 1 to 8 evenings. O tt reasonable. Apply The Tldlggs the Garden/* Mr. Myers delivered the battle front righting for the office. « - t t aen» Bank Building. ■ a sermon of the deity of Jesus. Ideals that have made America FOR RENT — Clean front DR. H R M » a / w OQP*— great. ttae limited to sye. ear, nose apd rooms. Hot hatha. 110 per mo. Sunday themes will be: Utroaf—X-ray toelddtoff Blk Hotel. 4th and A St. | A. M.—*Am I My Brother’s hour», 10 to I I and 8 to •0*1 mo. tdanbtarg Bldg., Aahlkdd, Keeper/* for Christianity 'p. X — “Christian Baptism.' A n g e le s -10 a. m., Dr. H. C. Cui- FOR RENT—Furnished cabla» who testified eoa- I Monday night will he i , her taon, sermon; 10:30 a. m. id small spartmeafs. t»* night. No service» Mon Mfest M. B. Church; 4 p. m., mus -aalte St. 41-tf night. ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS Christian k lea is, 8:38 p. m.. Arcade orche« Tuesday night t n : 7 e. m., organ recital; 8:9( FOR LEASING OF COMMUN- m , program. ITT HOSPITAL« FOR THREE Wednesday — "Bramble Bush FOR HALE— Wood and coel FI, 4 67 Meters, Earle C. An- TEAR PERIOD BEGINNING Government." bsatlng stoves from 1 1.90 to JANUARY ist ; »roe. Thursday night—"The Gospel id Van 310.00. Eagle Brasa Foundry. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN l»4-tt Train.” 140 Oherlia S t — 80-1 ma.’ Friflgy—."Where all Protestant that It Is the Intention of the, Mayor and CRmmo». Council to FOR HALE— Two year old ape vine». Tokay» and other leaae the community Hospital and .rletles, Edwin P. Hughes, Dealers la Coal. Wood, Packing, its equipment for a period of three ilent. 80-1 mo.« Orating and Storage. Long dlst- years beginning January 1st, 1926 and to receive bids therefore, FOR SAIE—One good work in accordance therewith YKIils—Oener&l TFfl*|V I —«L— ~ — the — gier- Bf. -A,-Bax 191. Ashland. 3ood tajun aad motor I said Mayor and Common Council 89-6* Qdbd service at a »»•- have fixed Tuesday the lMfr of ____ r-1 December, at 8 o'clock P. M. at FOR SALE, CHEAP— One C T I O N B BB I thel Council Chamber» as the time beating stove. 148 Union St. U Ifc GIDBÖN and place for the opening of bl«M « anywhere—anytime. | for guch iease. FOR SAIE ■ -German police The particular form and pro ppiea. 087 Beach street. Tom visions of said lease can be in- PAINTING CONTRACTOR arris. 80-9* spected at th© office of the City Recorded, in the City Hall, in FOB SALB—Oue 14 ft., boet, WHO AM 17 two Ford tonring cars. 195 N. I am w . T. Blackwell, alias Ashland, Oregon. All bids must be aocompanied Pionear. 79-4* Arisona Bill, the two brush men. by a certified check in the sum I’m everything these other paint FOR RALE—Christmas aprons, ers ain't. Nuf Bed. • Phone of 359.99 sb an evidence of good any style, sise or color, to order, 328-L. ‘ ‘ 78-tf Phone >23-L( or call at 818 Gar Right to reject aq/ or »II bids field 8t. ’ *7«-i P?5Z is reserved -room bungalow I* 11s. . Will trade for party. Address 149 09-12* PAINTING AND TINTING If yon appreefats a first dass Job of painting or tinting figure FOR SAI E » Seed wheat, blue with SWENNING A GEAR, the stem, reeleaaed. Beardless bar Dependable Painting Contractors. «»-I mo- ley and gray oats. Maxedon, 977 Phon© 118-R. B St., Phone 181-R. 97-1 mo. FEHIGE’H TRANSFER 87S B St. FOR SALE—Box Factory lum P hene 4 1 0 Drayage, storage and long ber yard has a fall stock of all distance healing. kinds of building lumber at rea sonable prices. 49'tf VOCHATEER BROS. D eep W ell DrUlers, Estimates given on water sys SALESMEN WANTED — Big tems. Address 649 Oak- 69-1 mo. money year around In selling our complete line of Bank Sup VIOLIN INSTRUCTOR plies. including .Check Covers. THORVAL H. and LELA M. Pass Books, Savings Pass Books, FOlEENREIUi Checks, etc. 1,96» different Ad Teacher* o f VR>Un and Plano vertising Novelties, 899 exclusive Also a few old and new violins calendars. Exclusive contract. for sale. Commissions weekly, big money Aahlanff Hotel Parlor evory on repeat orders. Twenty-sixth Tuesday. 75'tf successful year. Sales Mgr., Bankers Adv., A Supply Co., POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Iowa City, Iowa. 88-8* James J. Crossley, Portland, WANTED: — To rent private Oregon, announce» his can-1 garage on Church street. Phone dldacy for Republican Nomina tion aa U. 8. Senator at the May, 4B1-R, noon or evening. 1926 Primaries. marcellh MIRACLE MINERAJ, Will work aealoualy for de Mr». J. A. Everetts velopment of Oregon and Oregon Exclusive Jackeon Co. Agent port», for Irrigation and reclama Medford, Ore. Phone 807-T tion and ‘fulfillment of measure» Two block» off East Main on for real heheflt of farmer» as Vancouver. 296 Willamette. suggested by- their organisations. 79-26* Favor World Court. Reform Senate for Law Enforcement. "It’s a poor rat that ha» bnt one hole." I am not . • poor rat, but a sarpenter, painter, repairman and cement man. do your inaide wortt now. Blackwell, Phone 888-L. ofcUdren and I We are giving away J75 in prizes for Christmas The main prise, Remington Model 10,12 guage Ilam- inerleaa Pump Shot Gun. Watch M o»daj’» P*P«r t o Details GREATER CHRISTMAS ARMY GOODS STORE JOY Biggest Little Store in Town — Open Evenings will be your reward if >’ou give a percolator, coffee urn, toaster, or any one of many other electrical ap pliances. The Ashland Electric Shop Installed and Connected as Low as $55.00 _ 339 E. Main Street We have reduced the prices on our ROPER GAS RANGES O N E -T H IR D Don’t Throw Away Your Old Clothes We Also Have The Famous ¡ng and pressing will give you considerable Smoothtops With New Speed Burners, more wear, which wfc will be glad to demonstrate A shland f lla a n ln g and SOUTHER OREGON GAS CO Dyeing Works 35 F irst St. Phone 63 GERTRUDE BIEBB, '*■ City Recorder. 81— 1 Sat. BUT MT Corner Home. 89» Beach Bf 71-1 mo* POOR RICHARD BALD— Og|a.'’ Thousand» o i mo<|OM had bar. found VOLBY’8 HOMJ1Y Jig,” writes. Mrs. Nancy Ma- | n 4 T4R the ideal cough « d ar, Mchiroqd. ohk>, "and U» aold remady for th.ir . hlldrau- rah dooe of F o u r s H O N « Contala» »o optate». ChUdPW ND TAB helgad as. right away, tyke K. Bold by »11 druggists, j» « r a to «et dhleh regnlta. i l gold svsrywh«re • m» heap u on band «dl U » "The WATERMANS FOUNTAIN PENS N o manufacturer o f gear-shift automobile» ha» ever approached C h evro let s record of building over a h alf m illion c an in one year. Chevrolet io the world’s largest builder o f cars w ith ag othm th r — o pe e dii W ^ l i i f n i i i b oos w s Chevrolet leads the world In providing .qual ity at low coat. Quality appearance— quality construction— the quality features of the finest can! That’s the reason you should come In and see a Chev rolet if you want lasting satisfaction at the lowest possible price. THE IDEAL .GIFT % $2.50 and up STAR WITH PERMANENT TOP AND ENCLOSURE MICHIGAN REX THE AUTOMOTIVE SHOP The only car in this price class with a Rex perman I Ashlalnd, Ore. Greeting Card Headquarters Q U A L IT Y AT LOW C' ent top and enclosures. A CLOSED CAR AT AN OPEN CAR PRICE Dress up the House FOB THE HOLIDAYS 6» * ’ • Wall Papering and ” Painting Calling Cards Hamaker Meter Ce ARE ESPECIALLY Necessary For The Holidays ta , ^Service Worth While” Phone 37 * % 1 IF YOU WH a L NEED [ page fiv e Engraved Calling Cards' New Edison Phonograph W. T. 78-tf 1924 Dodge Touring 1675 DRESSMAKER—Ton will find Mrs. B. Van Hardenberg at 111 1923 Ford C oupe---- 1400 Bush Street. 74-1 m • 1920 Ohov. Touring 1125 1923 Chav. Touring 1400 HOT BATHS 1923 Ohov. Coupe .. 6400 Haasaga and vibrator treatments. 1923 Ohov. Roadster 6650 Convalescent Home. 91—tf Two 192| Fold Tour MARCELLING TOc, Phono 119 J ings, eaeh .............. 6100 f»r appointment or call 98 Hel 1922 Ford Ton Truck 6250 man 8t., upstairs a p t 87-tt 1918 Velio Touring 6200 the only one th at will play all makes of Records without injury to the . record Palmer Piano House FOR THE HOLIDAYS ORDER W HITE Wc have samples of engi aviag we will be glad to show you. Finest grade ealling part la» priuted In our office on short uotioe. Specimens of wedding announcements, invita' tjons, birth anqpuqfeu"ffits, çecçptivu cards, bereavement egrds, |n « s rr « m |. •' THE TIDINGS PRINT SHOP Brake Relining Done by Machinery I MASONAaZa-HoMlUM 1 From The ROGUE RIVER POULTRY FARM t — l ___ n u Highway Two ^Jacksonville Two Miles Miles From I rom Medford Our Brooding Slock is Vigorous. Open Bang«, Bred U»Lay. Halohifg and to o d in g S v ip * W t Modern and the Best, producing good B i R thick and Puileta la our business and not • »id« A D t s m M on Automotive Shop LEGHORN I ‘ I. A <' 1«’ Y <»I K ORD E R IM M EIHATEI«X MEMORIALS Blair Granita Co.’» Crystal Blue Gray, ara unaxóallad. Laava your orders for tall and spring Salivary. 175 East Mato. S. PUnnlston, Manager._______ 9>-tf Come In and See The 0. F. Carpenter * * * • Jan ttary r ir r t ! ^ hoae