Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, December 03, 1925, Image 1

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Cannot «arrive three months in
the rich ozone at Ashland. Pore
^omestio water help«.
The Tidings Has Been Ashland9s
T idings
Z Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
' m
Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tiding*, Volume 4$
Without the use of medicine cures
nice cases out of ten of asthma.
T < \is a proven fact
W ire Service)
Maid of Athens, .
Mothers, Too,
Must Cover Knees
Thursday, December 10 Set
as Day for Raisin« $800
Quota Here
Oregbn Fund Thia Year to be Vaed
in Aiding D oem becker Hos­
pital for Crippled Children
Thursday, December 10, has
been set aa the day for an in­
tensive d,rive by the Ashland
post of The American Legion
to raise its quota of $800 in
the $5,000.900 Endowment Fund
for Disabled Veterans and their
Orphans, according to announce­
ment of local Lvglon officials.
Practically all Legion posts
in tbe state have already held
their drives and in a ll cases the
posts have raised more than
their actual quota, the people
contributing to t h i fund
which means so *uncb in the re­
habilitation of the veterans of
the late war and in the care of
the orphans of veterans who
died e lth e r d u r 'n g the wiir Or
since then.
Every city in Southern . Ore­
gon has already contributed more
than the local te s t’s quota and
the Legion officials here feel
confident that when the drive
next Tuesday lc completed Ash­
land post w ill have procured
more han Its quota.
One of the most interesting
features of tbe Legion Endow
ment Fund drive In Oregon Is
that the Oregon Legion has
-agreed to contribute $80,000 of
this fund to the Doernbecher hos­
pital In Portland. In tom e man­
ner, no fonda were allowed for
the maintenance of thia worthy
enterprise fo r the firs t year.
The Oregon Legion has assumed
thia obligation, so those who
contribute here w ill know th a t
their contribution is being used
In Oregon.
. .
The United States government
is doing a splendid work in tho
rehabilitation of the disabled
men, but, due to government«!
complications and red-tape the
government is unable to pro-
chrd the intimate contact with
the disabled men and their or­
phans which Is so essential to
the complete liquidation "of the
debt that America owes the ex-
service men and th e ir depen­
The American Legion,
through its 11,000 posts and
IA)NÜON Dec. 2— The »
polii« of Athens have is- 8
sued a special regulativa 8
w h lcli, forbids Greek girls 8
over 12 years of ag) 8
women to 8 Robert Carson, Held
Burglary Charge. Dashes
wear skirts more than « 8
From Police Station
12 inches off the ground
says a dispatch to the 8
D aily
M all
the 8 E N T E J R E D
Trans- 8
Had Been Held in City Jail Over
gressors of the regula- 8
Limit W ithout Com­
tlon yrlll > bo prosecuted. 8
plaint Being Filed
The new measure becomes 8
8 «tfective- Decemtcr 15
Slipping through the door of
tbe police station and dodging
up the alley in the rear of the
City H all, Robert Caraon, ar­
rested Tuesday night following
his attempt to burglarise tbe
M<: Murdo home near Ackson
H o t Springs, last night escaped
custody here.
Despite an in­
tensive search, no trace has been
found of the fugitive as yet.
Carson was standing in the
police station, and Chief! of
S. Hotel at Jacksonville Police McNabb and Patrolman
Ingling were In the office. Mc­
Scene of Tests. List of
Nabb went into the vault in the
Subjects is Given
rear of the office, when sud­
Examinations for state certifi- denly Carson made a dash for
cates w ill be held at the U. 8. the door. In spite of Ingling’s
H ail in Jacksonville, commenc­ efforts to reach him befofw he
ing at nine o'clock Wednesday, got through the door, Carson
December 18, 1926 and continu­ dashed out and around the cor­
ing until Saturday at 4 o’clock ner of the City H all.
p. m. of thé same week, according and McNabb pursued him for
to Susanne Homes Carter, county several blocks, and Ingling fired
three shots Into the- a ir In an
iuperintendent of schools.
effort to stop the fugitive. How­
W ednesday Program
9:00 a. m. U. S. History, Music, ever, Carson disappeared in the
darkness and the police were
unable to pick up bis tra il.
1:00 a. m. W ritin g.
Carson had been held In tbe
1:00 p. m. Physiology, Manual
Training, Composition Methods city Jail for mors than 30 hours
without a complaint being filed
$.30 p. m. Reading, Course of against him, while the legal
The police
Study for Drawing, Methods In lim it is 24 hours.
were doubtful of their ability
Arithm etic, Domestic 8cience.
to hold him, even though he
9:00 a. m. Arithm etic, History should have been, recaptured.
The fugitive, when arrested
of Education, Psychology, Meth­
Tuesday night, admitted that
ods in Geography,. Mechabical
he was wanted in -Payton, Ohio,
Drawing, Domestic A rt, Course of
for the theft of an automobile.
study in Domestic A rt. -
1:00 p. m. Grammar, Steno­
Physics, Methods in Language.
Friday P b o ffm t
Medford Man Tied
Gagged by Thieves
Who Obtain $37
9:00 a. m. Theory and Practice,
Physical Geography, English L it­
erature, Chemistry.
11:00 a. m. Spelling.
1:00 p m. School Law, Geology,
M EDFORD, Dec. 3
2:30 p. m. Civil Government.
to be between 25 and 30, F. J.
Saturday Program
W llm ok, proprietor of the Crater
9:00 a. m. Geometry, Botany.
Service Station, was robbed
1:00 p. m. General History,
on East Jackson while
on his way home Tuesday night
shortly before 9 o’clock. Because
of darkness identification was Im­
possible and no arrests have been
made as yet.
W ilm ok, according tp police,
was walking home and had near­
ly reached It when two men, one
with a revolver, ordered him onto
a vacant lot where he was forced
to lay on his stomach while his
hands were tied behind his back
and hia mouth gagged with large
Ten dollars was
an came forward to make her handkerchiefs.
confession of belief ,in Jesus saved when the men failed to
Christ at the close of the ser­ examine a small notebook taken
vice. There w ill be baptism Sun­ from a vest pocket. Leaving W il­
day night nt the close of M i. mok where he lay, the two walk­
Myers sermon on the subject of ed away.
“ Baptism.”
Unable to arfce immediately
Toingbt the sermon subject from his awkward position W ll­
w ill be “ Repentance.”
Special mok struggled for several min­
music delights the audience at utes before he was able to give
■ each service.
the alarm.
He stated the m«^>
""~The"music of this revival Is a were not rough and apparently
special feature.
Last night the knew their business.
church was visited by Frénela
A rant and wife who were re ­
Linn County potato growers re­
tu rn in g to their pastorate at
Compton, California from the ceive about $388 an arts for thfo
sad mission of burying his de­ year’s crop.
ceased father who passed to his
reward a few days ago.
sang In a most effective man­
ner the beautiful duet: “ He Is
Only Christian hearts
could sing as they aang last
night under the circumstances.
They have a faith that God Is
a rewarder of those who love
H im .
M r. and Mrs. Earnest
Arant, and Mr. and Mrs.* W . F.
Arant, both residents of Ash­
land, are brothers and staters-in-
law* of the deceased.'
W ith the subject of “The
Reasonableness of Belief In God”
and w ith a large and enthus­
iastic ■ crowd to
listen. Rev.
Myers, evangelist, delivered what
wag conceded at once to be a
masterpiece of logic and argu­
ment for tbe belief of Christians
in the existence of a . reasoning,
thinking, loving God and Heav­
enly Father.
M r. My®r® con"
vlnclngly spoke of the foolishness
of Atheism now parading under
the cloak of evolution and of In­
fidelity now .parading under the
guise of modernism. He referred
to his own upbringing in the
doctrines of Ingersoll and Tom
Paine’s age of reason.
He as­
serted that be took a post grad­
uate cours® in a university Just
to be fam iliar w ith t the teach­
ing of the mpdernlst and evolu­
tionist and to hia surprise found
the modern schools teaching the
same old stuff as delighted the
infidels of a previous genera­
In tbs theme last night, Mr.
Myers showed from the creations
of God in the m aterial world
great and convincing proof of
the necessary existence of God. were present at the funeral In
Then from the existence of man Monmonth, and at the services
he showed the necessary moral
lest night.
character of the God of the
Bible. Ohe splendid young wem-
Sumner Edward Pratt, 9, narrowly escaped death in trying
to get his crippled brother to a safe spot on a railroad
bridge near Los Angeles when a fast train trapped them.
After trying frantically to save his brother, be leaped from
the bridge when the train $rns only a few feet away. His
brother was killed instantly. Sumner (insert) is shown
re-enacting his jump.
. .
Nine Tear Old Boy Confesses
to Shooting Negress
Foster Mother
French Premier Backed by
Vote of Chamber on Fin­
ance Program
Said Mother, W ho W as Cook, Beat
Him When She Claimed he
Lied. Found in •• W igwam"
Prem ier Twice Raises Question of
Confidence. W rings Votes from
Members by Sheer Personality
PO RTLAND, Dec. 3—-(U . P .)
—•A little , tearful negro boy,
Frank Thomas, 9, today told
deputy sheriffs of Multnomah
county that last night, he had
shot and killed the foster mother
who adopted him, and had run
away from the home a fte r the
The lad was found this morn­
ing cowering in A little “ Indian
wigwam’’ which he had put up in
the woods a short distance from
tho home, and in which he had
spent the night.
A fter careful questioning by
the officers, the boy said, “ well,
she told me to go and see how-
the beans were- cooking.
I did
and they were a ll right. I told
her they were.
Then, before
long she began sniffin’ and said
they wasn’t cookin right.
“W hy did you lie to me? sho
asked. Then she beat me, and
then started In to look at the
I got the revolver and
when Bhe came back I shot her,”
he concluded.
The boy said that he fled
from the Dixie Tavern where
Mrs. Louise Thomas, the slain
woman, was a cook, and went
down town until the jiurfew rang,
and then returned home, hiding
PA R IS. Dec, 3— (U . P .r—
A fte r having wrung fsom the
chamber of deputies, a vote of
confidence, in the early morning
hourfe of an ail night aesalon of
that body, by the sheer force of
his personality alone, Premier
Aristide Briand, veteran premier
of France, before noon today had
succeeded, by a vote of 257 to
229, in obtaining the passage, In
the chamber of deputies, of the
whole cabinet financial program.
This financial matter was the
rock upon which the two prev­
ious cabinets had been wrecked.
Premier Painleve, former head of
the government. In two efforts
was unable to obtain a vote of
confidence on his program.
A l­
though many members of the
chambej* were violently opposed
to Brland’s proposals, he worked
from them their votes in spite of
their opposition. *
The vote came after Premier
Brtand, following a tiring night
dian brave', who was released of fighting, for a second time had
from a charge of murder after raised the question of confidence
he burled hia 17-day-old papoose in his regime.
alive in the grave of its mother.
He did this, he says, at the In­ MURPHY ON STAND
stigation of Mormon Joe Cuthalr
below, aged llte medicine man.
Omar W . Murphy, on trial In
( i ihglr Is now serving a 25-year
terjn4o r killing a cellmate in the tbe circuit c o u rt,. charged with
Jail wbe taunted him with re­ manslaughter aa the result o f file
sponsibility for tbe death of death of hia wife, Emma, last
spring, following an alleged beat-
May’s child.
ing administered as the climax to
a fam ily quarrel, and Dr. J. J.
Emmena were the chief witnesses
In reply to a hypothetical ques­
tion, propounded
by Attorney
Roberta, that required four min­
utes to ask, covering the salient
facts of the case. Dr. Emraens an­
swered, “ it would be the wildest
kind of a gueh^to attribute deatfi
to any given eanse, and a physi­
cian would be as liable to guess
wrong, as to guess right.*’ Dr.
Public Invited. Splendid Pro Emmens said, in his opinion, it
gram Has Been Arrang­ would bsve been Impossible for
ed for Services
an “embolllsm,” as contended by
the state, through four medical
Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, the
witnesses, to have caused death.
annual memorial Sunday ser­
vices w ill be held by Ashland
Lodge No. 944. Benevolent and CHANGE IS MADE IN
Protective Order of Elks.
services will be held in the lodge
A change has been made In
the phones at tjie fire station,
A splendid program has been
it was stated this morning by
arranged for the service, with
Clint Baughman.
In the
the principal speaker a Portland
y lll
The selection of this
speaker has been left to the come under the old numbef,
Portland lodge, and his name has 66, while all other calls w ill he
given under the new number
not yet been learned.
In addition, several musical
This change waa made to
numbers have been arranged for
facilitate answering calls to the
the program.
The public is Invited to attend department.
the services.
The program follows:
Three refrigerator ships w ill
Marlmbaphone solo......................
take 320,000 boxes of oppio»
hi the “wigwam.
S. P. Brakeman
Near ’Grenada
Expensive Fun
Hurry, H airy” to
ven by Students of
High School
“ H u rry, H u rry, H u rrj^ ” the
annual play given by the stu­
dents of the Ashland High school
for the benefit of tbe magazine
fund of the high school library
w ill be presented tomorrow eve­
ning In the high school gym­
Tbe story Is baaed on the will
of an eccentric aunt.
I t stip­
ulates that her pretty niece must
be affianced before she Is 21,
and married to her fiance within
a year, If she la to get her spinster
relative’s millions.
Father has
nice notions of honor, and fails
to te ll daughter about the will,
so that she may make her
choice untrammetod by any other
consideration than that of true
love. The action all takes place
Jn the evening, the midnight of
which w ill see her reach twenty-
Tbe cast for the play follows:
M r. Hooker— (Business man) —
Donald Hinthorne.
Steven Hooker— (College fresh­
m a n )— Tern Cunning.
Jack Crandall— (Cow-b$y,, auth­
o r ) — Lester Beck.
Ted Stone— (Football hero)— ,
Claus Klelnhammer.
Aloslus B artholom ew — (College
professor)— Roland Parks.
Floy Hooker— Dorothy Stevens.
Letitia Brown— Lucille Crow.
3— I t w ill be not only
dyigerous but Illegal for
any motorist to attempt
to beat a train to the
crossing in < ontra Cositi
county, noribeust of San
Francisco, on and after
Wedne.iluy. i ’t-cember 1C.
An alarming disregard
of railroad signals hat
board- of supervisors
pass an ordinance mak­
ing such carlcrsneas pun-
Is h x '/j by u 1‘ne of not
m o rj then 4500 or l i ’ t -
prlsonment In the county
Jail for not more than
six months, or both.
YR E K A , Calif., Dec. 3— C. N.
Myers, well known and popular
S. P. freight train brakeman,
was rushed to the Southern P a ­
cific hospital at San Francisco
late Monday night lr^ a dying
condition as the result of a fall
from a moving freight train
one mile south of Grenada.
The heavy freight train
traveling north and Myers, it
Is believed, was attempting to
fix one of the hand brakes on
a freight car when he lost his
balance and fell. Not until the
train reached Montague, 20 miles
north, was he missed. Speeders
and track walkers were imme­
diately rushed out to institute
a search for the missing man.
Kenneth 8tott. who lives near
the scene of the accident, wa.<
reading In the front room of
his house when he heard groans
coming from the right of way.
Going out, he found Myers in
a semi-conscious condition, with
his skull badly fractured.
cared for the Injured man until
a special train could be pro­
cured to rush him to San Fran­
Members Meet in Regular RATHBUN HANDED
Bi-Monthly Gathering.
Roland Parks Resigns
Wednesday night tho III Y
held Its regular bi-monthly meet­
ing a t Pioneer Hall. The devo­
tional period waa conducted by
M r.
business had been transacted,
M r. Allison, local High School
teacher, gave the boys a talk
on clean living, emphasising the
Mr«. Hooker— Id a Gosnell.
fact th a t while there was a moral
R ita— Marie Davies.
Value to clean living expounded
by teachers and preachers, there
is also a scientific value of clean
living at this time of their lives,
Oregon— Generally fair
for the plastic ags Is recognised
at about the ages of 14 to 24.
Washington — Oloudy In
Hence the habits now formod
the west portion, with
are carrying either living of
elean habits or the contrary.
F a ir In the east
Mr.’ Allison Is advisor for the
portion, w ith southerly
local H i-V Club.
winds along the const.
Roland Parka, who has held
the office of president of ^ha
Grants Pahs — International H l-T so far this year, tendered
Metals Co., incorporates, with
(Continued on Page Four)
capital stock of $1,800,000.
(Continued on Page Four)
Portland end Seattle.
B. L. Rathbun,
rancher was fined $450 and sen­
tenced to 30 days in Jail when
he pleaded guilty before Judge
Glenn O. Taylor of Medford yw-
session, following his arrest Tuea-
¿Jay by state and federal prohibi­
tion officers.
Although the of­
ficers believe Rathbun operated
a still, none was found on the
place. However, several gallon«
of fig whiskey were found burled
in a hay mow.
Rathbun had been under the
surveillance of officers for some­
time and la alleged to have been
In th é ’ practice of bootlegging.
Substantiating thp theory of a
still, four empty piash barrels
were found as well ae eountlefcs
empty bottles and Jagg, leading
the officers to believe a still is
cached somewhere on the farm.
Advertise la
The Tidings.
Despite the fact that November
days brought the incoming of
winter, Oregon claimed forty-
seven new settlers for this month,
according to the report Just Is­
sued from the Land Settlement
Chamber of Commerce.
These new settlers have’ lo­
cated in various parte of the
Plate. Throe have bought In the
county; twelve have located In
Josephlno county;, n in teen in
Lane county ad tour in Wash­
ington county.- ” One new settler
was Teported' for Douglas eounty
and one each for Yamhill, Linn
gnd Multnomah. Klamath coun­
ty reported four settlers, all
from Owens Valley, California.
There were a total of <88 agri­
cultural Inquiries received from
other states during November.
48 of whom stated definitely
that they were coming to Ore­
gon to locate.
In addition to
these Inquiries received directly
In the department, 181$ request*
were made for Oregon HteratnTO
during the Paetfle International
Livestock Exposition, by
mer resident» o f other Stt
who wished to Interest tl
friends In Oregon.