M A L A B lk GERMS . Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestio water helps. ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use medicine cures nine cases out This is a p r TKe> Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For9 Nearly Fifty Years of asthma. (United F r^ s Wire Service) VOL. XLIX Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43 Whiskered Man REPORT HADE ON PROFANITY « TO SEC. DAVIS » tt n « General Howse Obeys R egu­ » lation by Reporting State­ a ment to D avis tt R E C O R D S OUT OUT Remark« of Gen. K ing Expunge«] P ro « Records on Motion of D efense Attorney » « » » n » a N E W YO RK. Dec. 1— WftiMcere ' are no assis­ tance in the selection of an American wife. Nand Singh, Hindu professor of husfnesA ad­ ministration at the Jesuit college of Milwaukee for the last six year», adm it­ ted yesterday before sail­ ing for his native land that this wae the reason he bad not married an American girl. “ Many American girls liked my eyes. Some liked my smile. Some spoke well of my voice. But my whiskers were my un d oing ” Singh said. “ No American girl adm ir­ ed my whiskers and my Indian caste would not perm it their removal. F or th a t reason I never married here.” IS SIGNED BY FIVE RATIONS EVANGELIST MYERS GIVES PRAISE OF TIDINGS WORK Last night witnessed a largo crowd for a Monday night audi­ ence, at the Christian church. M r. Myers declared «hat the greatest man in Ashland was the man of greatest faith. Ho showed that faith was not some­ thing te get but something which