D aily T idings MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months in the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestio water helps. The Tidings 'Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper. For Nearly Fifty Years ASHLAND CLIMATE it the th< use of medicine cures Without nine cases out of ten r t asthma. This is a proven far ¿ A z. (United F tm » Wire Service) i VOL. XL1X ■ * ' ! * » --------- --- •' " — ASHLAND, OREGON,:MON,DAY, NOV, 30, 1925 They Cheated Death ■ AIR COM M HTEE|S“ Co-Ed Smoking Report of Committee Reoom- mends Defense be Plac­ ed Under One Head HIGH COMMAND CITED Declare Officers of Army and Navy Have Retarded Aviation Development • BY WILLIAM J. McEVOY 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. 8 ATLANTA, Oa., Ndv. 30—The precedent set by Byrn Mawr In placing the stamp of official ap- proval on sqaoklng by women students finds scant- sympathy among southern colleges attended by women. It Is'lndlcat- ed by reports received from 37 Institutions, in- eluding five in the Dis- trial, of Columbia. A few have no rule against the practice, but It la nowhere encouraged. W o m en ’s College, Presbyterian, Charlotte, North Carolina, has the maximum penalty, expul- sion, hut reports no vlo- lations since several years ago, When several girls were "shipped” for in- dulging In the weed. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 With New Chute, Short Leaps Are F Made Possible. Ix*ap of 180 F Feet Made Safely 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 F SMOKERS WILL BE FIRED AT LARGE CROWD ORE. SCHOOLS HEARSSPEAKER FROM SO. CAL. PACIFIC SLOPE BUSINESS SHOWS 12 PER CENT GAIN Details of the report by John Perrin, chairman of the board and federal reserve agent of the San Prancisco federal reserve bank, showed that sales by wholesale firms of the Pacific slope terri­ tory of the 12 th reserve district were 11.4 per cent greater In October of thia year than In Oc­ tober of 1924. The report showed that Port­ land wholesalers of furniture en­ joyed an. Increase of business over October, 1924 amounting to 18.7 per cent; wholesalers of auto sup­ plies, 16.9 per cent;. wholesale/s of auto tlrea, 52.9 per cent;' wholesalers Jbf stationery, 13.5 per cent, and those handling hard­ ware 4 S n#r cent. Local whole- 1924. Eight of 11 reporting lines showed Increased sales as com­ pared with a year ago, the in­ creases ranging from 3.1 per cent for shoes to 92.7 per cent for automobile tires. Part of the In­ creases In value of sales were no dottbt due to higher prices now prevailing aa compared with a year ago. The general wholesale prlve lever was 3.8.per cent high­ er In October, 1926, than in October, 1924.” Of retail trade of the 12th dis­ trict. In October Mr. Perrin’s re­ port stated: "Trade at retail Increased by more than the usual seasonal amount during October. An Index based upon sales reported by 32 GtGFGGy sllghtly smaller and those of agricultural implements fall off 12.2 per cent. For the entire district the in­ crease In furniture sales at whole­ sale was 9.9 per cent; In auto sup­ plies, 26.4 per cent; auto tires, 92.7 per cent, hardware, 4 per ,cent; shoes, 3.1 per cent and ag­ ricultural Implements, 44.5 per cent.' Stationery sales lor the dis­ trict were 2.5 per cent less than a year ago. The report aald regarding wholesale business of October in the district: "Value ef sales of 193 whole­ sale firms In 11 lines of trade was 11.4 per cent greater In October, 1936, than In October tar normal seasonal movements, ad­ vanced from id s In September to •168 In October. Retailers' Inven­ tories at tbe close of October were larger than a year ago, but the Increase was qot so great aa the Increase In value of sales over the year period, and the rate,of stock tifrnovar during October, 1926, 1926, (3.34 times per annum) was higher than in October, 1924. (3.17 times per ahnnm.) “Sales of 86 reporting retail firms wars 9.4 per cent larger during October, 1935, than during October, 1934. All three types of stores (department, furniture and shoe,) tor which data are segre­ gated, showed increase sales over the year period." ■ ONE WOMAN IS SAVED n 8 (Continued on Page Pour) 8 8 8 F Army Air Field Men De­ F velop New Chute Which 8 Opens Quickly F Copyrighted by United Press WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. — The charge that the high com­ 8 mands of the army and navy have 8 retarded aviation • developments 8 for several years, the concurrence 8 of the many criticisms voiced by 8 Colonel William Mttchell, army 8 air service critic, and the recom­ mendation for a single depart­ ment of national defense, are the salient feature of the report of the House aircraft committee, as| drafted, the United Press learned today. .The committee will forward its Heads of Independent Col­ findings and recommendations to leges on Record Oppos the clerk of the House within a ing Smoking weak, about the same time that ALBANY, Nov. 30. — (IP) — the Morrow board report is sub­ Smoking by men is as bad as by mitted to President Coolidge. girls, and the denominational Beside obtaining the approval schools of Oregon won’t have of his proposal for a merger of the national defense organisa­ Rev. L. L. Myers, Evangelist, any of it. That was the composit attitude Holding Meetings at tions under one head, Colonel developed here Saturday at the Church. Boys Attend Mitchell will also receive the com­ convention of Independent col­ mittee’s whole hearted support Yesterday marked the begin­ lege presidents of Oregon; for his charges that the natton is At only one institution repre­ without aa adequate defense sys­ ning of a revival in the Christian sented, Reed College of Portland, church. The De Molay organi­ tem. sation attended the services In a is smoking permitted. Reed Col­ body. Rev. Leon L. Myers, the lege Is a privately endowed school FRENCH TO REOPEN evangelist, who wes the speaker, and has student government, and DEBT NEGOTIATIONS chose ee hjp subject, "As Goes tbe faculty does not see fit to in­ America So Goes The World.” terfere with the student ruling PARIS, Nov. SO— (U. P .)— His appeal was to the pMrlotic peraaUtlae smoking by etodoata One of the most‘important points Impulse of his' hearers. Aev. over eighteen. , ’ ~ in the forthcoming ministerial Myers showed that la order to President Green of Albany Col­ declaration of Premier Briand I keep alive the original design lege declared “we would lose no will be the formal announcement of our great country it was time in dismissing any girl found that the Preach government will necessary for Americans to re­ using tobacco. That holds for continue the negotiations for the alise tbe value of Christian Re­ men, too.” President L. W. Blley settlement of its debts to the ligion. He showed the geograph­ of Linfield said any, smokers United States and England, the ical location of 'America was sim­ would be dismissed. A repri­ United Press learned today. ilar t6 that of Palestine in the mand for the first offense and Prance Intends, as soon as world of that day. He reviewed dismissal in aggravated cases possible, to send , Henry Ber- the Intellectual aj>d moral as awaits the smoker at Pacific Uni­ rtnger on a mission to the well as economic position ofi versity. United States to reopen negotia­ America today and showed Its su­ Other Institutional heads were tions, while a similar mission, premacy over all other nations. equally emphatic In condemning perhaps heAded by Pinance Min­ He showed that America was smoking. ister Loucheur, will be sent to now, as It had always been God’s London. chosen nation for the final bat- Advertise in H ie Tidings. 2 5 UVES HAVE BEEN SA V E D BY PARACHUTE There is “Much Good in the Worst of Us” Former Ashland Man is Dead at Corvallis Mrs. Don Spencer was called to Corvallis, Thanksgiving Day by the sudden death of her father, James A. Archibald, Sr. Mr. Archibald had been In the Old Soldiers Home Hospital at Roseburg for some time, but his death came aa sudden shock to his friends and relatives. The body was talen to Leb­ anon for burial. The funeral was held yesterday. Mr. Archibald was formerly a resident of Ashland, having lived on East Main street about 12 years ago and was quite well known at that time. Mrs. Spencer expects to re­ turn to Ashland the last of this week. E. F. Averill, state game war­ den le a visitor In Ashland to­ day’ going over the Jackson county territory with Deputy State Cattle Warden* Roy Parr of this city. Averill will speak at the cham­ ber of commerce luncheon to­ morrow, It was. announced. MRS. RHINELANDER IS NOT PUT ON STAND WHITE PLAINS, N. Y„ Nor. 30.—(U>)— Counsel for Mrs. Leo Kip Rhinelander, sprung a sur­ prise and rested its ease shortly after court resumed today, with­ out putting the former Alloe Jones, daughter of a negro cab­ man, on the stand. 8 8 8 » 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Murderer of Garage Man is Hanged at Salem Prison B L A M E S MOONSHINE 8 In Death Sentence. Hays He Had Been Drinking and Did Not 8 Remember Crime 8 SALEM, Nov. 30— (V. P.)— DAYTON, O'., Nov. SO.—Twen­ 8 W. R. Lloyd of Cottage Grove, ty-four men and a woman are F was hanged here today for the walking .the earth today when 8 slaying of Clint I Baun, Indepen­ they should be dead. 8 dence garageman Jn July. A little package of folded silk 8 Lloyd, in his death state­ and cord Is all that stood be­ 8 ment, blamed his troubles on tween them and destruction. 8 drinking. "I don’t know why 1 Each one, dropping like a 8 did It,” he said. ”1 was full of plummet through .empty space, 8 moonshine at the time,” he con­ pulled a Kittle brass ring and 8 cluded. turned a headlong plunge to in­ 8 Lloyd faced his end without stant death into gentle glide to 8 any outward sign of emotion. safety. 8 The trap was sprung at ten These 25 are aviators who 8 four a. m„ and he was pro­ were saved by the U. S. army 8 nounced dead at ten seventeen, parachute — a development that 8 a. m. Winner of State Club Prize adds a new thrill to flying but, at 8 About thirty persons witnessed the same time, reduces the risk. 8 - is Complimented the hanging. Including Irvin McCook Field developed thia ,— Portland Paper Baun of Independence, brother parachute, and it Is proud of It. of the slain man. Permission to "Adena Joy of ' Ashland and The field records here give the view the hanging was refused Alex Cruikshank of McMinnville details on the 25 lives it has by Deputy Warden Lillie, to Mrs. were entertained at luncheon by saved. Tbe officers tell you Clinton I. Baun, widow ot the Chamber of Commerce as they proudly that England has scrap­ Lloyd’s victim, and Mrs. IrVln passed through Portland on their ped Its own parachutes In fgvor Baun, who came here from In­ way to Chicago, where they will of the McCook Field type. dependence, under the Impres­ represent Oregon at the National It was over five years ago that sion that they would be admit­ Above, tat aviate/ letting bis Conference of Boys’ and Girls' the first life was saved by one ted to the death chamber. of these devices. ’'The tabulation, parachute pull him from the clubs next week. “Fifteen-year-old Adena won of course, does not tnclude test wing of an army plane. Belov, the first award for cooking and leaps, but only cases where It was the fcaraehute opening. canning at the State Fair and a case of use a parachute or die. elghteen-year-old Alex won six W. C. O’Connor came to the H. G. Gilmore of Ashland first prises and one second for field here to demonstrate another Gets Word of Success of his Shqrthorn cattle and Cots­ type of parachute. He was taken Daughter’s Music wold sheep. Both have Worked aloft by an army aviator, with his wm Considerable excitement exettem« O vist etaurch, Bptocopat, ot Mader-^he direction and With the own parachute s trapp e d . to his in the - Ch'urcl Ch’urch strebt encouragement pf the Boys* And back. Before he jumped, however, Houston, Texas, under the di­ Girls’ Clubs, organised by .the ex­ officials here Insisted that he also rection of Horton Corbett, has neighborhood Saturday afteroon tension department of tbe Oregon wear an army parachute. Reluct­ some of the finest church music when automobiles started thun­ Agricultural College. antly he consented,—*---------------- in that state. _ It is of a char­ dering up Church street, partici­ 'The visit of these bright faced At 2000 feet he Jumped. Down acter that thrills the soul and pating in a hill-climbing contest vigorous young people, with their llo . . . _.. grows in appreciation, according which was conducted under the he dropped ___ like ______ a stone, _ trying honest pride In their success and frantically to get his own para- to thope who have been fortun­ auspices of the local Star auto­ mobile agency. their interest in such practical chute to open. It wouldn’t. When ate enough to hear It. Third Highest in State, Re and According to M. W. Hamaker. November 16, at the evening useful things as cooking and he was a scant 600 feet from the port ofT fox i Commission “ local Star dealer, the ytree services a composition by Kate stock raising, is like a breath of ground he pulled the cord on the Indicates fresh country air and encourages army parachute. It opened at Gilmore Black of Seattle, daugh­ prizes were won by the follow­ ter of Professor H. O. Ollmore ing. all driving Star cars: SALEM, Nov. 30— (U. P.) — ns to hope that not all our youth once and he descended safely. Mrs. E. A. Allen, first prise: The official records of para­ of this City, was sung by a The apportioned valuations up­ are infected with the Jazz mania. E. Nute, second prise: C. A. grandaughter of Mr. , Ollmoro. on which public utilities w lllpay It Is further encouraging to know chute jumps read like fiction. Jensen, third prise. Mary Chancellor Ollmore of Lieut. H. R. Harris, for ex­ taxes next year how an increa-^a that there are 11,000 boys and Quite a large number of llght- of 36.598,561.42 over tbs values girls in Oregon doing similar ample, took up a new mono­ Houston, to the Inspiring words of Tennyson’s "Crossing the er cars were entered In the con- as fixed last year, according to work, less skillfully perhaps, but plane for a test flight. At a 2600 Bar.” The number was highly test, which attracted many per- a report of the state tax com­ with enthusiasm and the benefit foot altitude —a bad place for appreclated- sons. that comes from any honest effort. accidents — a wing gave way. mission. "There Is no place where Na­ Harris stood up and pulled the The total valuations for some ture has less use for a vacuum cord on his parachute. It opened, of the principal counties are as than in the life and interests of a he was blown clear of the plane follows: Multnomah ........... 343,222,383.45 child. The work of these farm and descended gently to a grape Clatsop .................. 3,551,877.si clubs supplies wholesome occupa­ arbor, while his plane fell with a Crook 100,607.G3 tion, and offers an Incentive to crash that could be heard halfway Coos ............. .......... 2,117,730. .’6 sustained effort. The clubs may to* Cincinnati. Curry ..... 33,732.00 easily adapt their program to the Lieut. Harris maintains that Deschutes 810,869.78 conditions ot the city. Portland It’s highly pleasant to make a Jackson .. 4,875.255 23 has a few organizations which parachute jump. linemen, especially the tackles. By HAROLD E. SWISHER Jefferson __ _____ 1,094,360 28 are carrying on similar work, but “You jump out of the plane On the other hand, there w$a (United Press Staff Correspon­ Linn .......»............... 3,802,311.06 they are all too few. In most and have no sense ot speeding little dispute about the back­ dent.) W asco ..................... 6,382 667.78 cases the family should supply all through space, except for the dif­ SAN PRANCISCO, Nov. 30— field stellar Hut, moat wriMffs the organization necessary to find ficulty In breathing," he says. Pour football stalwarts from the « freeing on who were the beet interesting work for children and “Your arms and legs are absolute­ University ot Southern Califor­ men fur the positions. MAN GETS TOWNS to make It seem worth while. MIXED, IS INSULTED "The world is so full of a number ly free, body action Is not hinder­ nia» two from Washington, two To George Wilson of Washing­ ed In any way. You Just sort of from Stanford and one each from ton,. the fighting, tearing huif- • of things” to do and see and rest In the wind. A man whose directions were Montana, California and the Ore­ back who was knocked coil In know that no child should be for­ "When the ’chute opens you gon Agricultural College com­ the Huskles-Callfornia game and badly twisted appeared at the fire station yesterday In aearch ced to mischief from sheer bore­ feel a Jerk, but It is the most prise the Pacific Coast all-con­ w m carried, crying, oft the field, pleasing Jerk a fellow ever had. ference team ot 1925. and Ernie Nevers, the brllHant or information. When he first dom.”— Portland Telegram. When you fasten your eyes some­ arrived, he declared that he bad Selected as the players polling Stanford, fullback, got the honer where near the center of the the highest votes of eleven lead­ of being the only players to re­ hunted all day for the Hilde­ brand ranch and had been unable “ NO PROGRAM’’ FORUM chute, to avoid the swaying mo­ ing football writers on the coast, ceive a unanimous vote. Bach to locate tt. PLANNED FOR TUESDAY tion that makes a fellow sick, and the United Press today presents of the scribes ^allotted for them just float down.” None of those present at the the above lineups as Its annual without question as the best men But lie admitted that H’s mighty contribution to the debate on In their positions on the soast station could aid him, and fi­ An open Porum or a "No nally one asked him If he were Program Porum” has been de­ thrilling, anyhow. When you "who's who and how much,” in this year, If not In the history In the right town. The stranger cided upon by the committee for land, he explains, you strike the college football along the Pa- of the conference. n ---- rit a n t and heeeme vary Indignant at that tomorrow. pssusd .aft»Ta raise aqululsnt OTW.... ....... ......... (8) almost equalled question. Experts whose nominations everybody will have the oppor­ to what you would feel if you Finally, one of the fire-men tunity to present any matter jumped from a six foot elevation were sifted down to form the and Never’s 160 per cent said: "There’s a Hildebrand which seems Important or In­ An exhibition Jumper named C. all-coast team Included: Howard Each received all hat one mch near Medford, but we don’t teresting to the community, or Bottonfleld last year went up at Langley, Los Angeles Illustrated for their respective positions at now of any around here.” that the chaipber of commerce Kelly Field,. Texas, to edify a Dally News; Ed Frayns, Los An- center sud end. "MedfordI Say, for the love of should take up as a part of Its throng with a “leap for life.” He geles Record; Jack JsmH, Los 8HIPKBY (8.) and Adams Mika, Isn’t this Medford,” the work or program. (U.8.C.) wars the selection for wore five of his own parachutes. Angeles Express; Harry Culver. The com­ stranger ejaculated. Ha did not mittee members state that they Just before he went up the army Los Angeles Herald; Phil Ray. the end positions with the Stan­ watt to hear more, but when 1*F do not propose to allow the plan officers got him to add an army Oakland Tribune; George Berts, ford man's speed and ability seen was on the highway going to he in the least manner un­ parachute to his equipment. Portland Journal; Billy Stepp, winning kite almost north mattering to himself. He Jdmped at 4000 feet. One Portland News; George Davis Mell and interesting and that they will have plenty of material to use, after another, he pulled the cords San Prancisco Bulletin; Vic WEATHER bat would like suggestions and on his own parachutes. They hnd Klee. San Francisco mùstrstsd questions offered prior to tbe become entangled with one an­ Dally« Herald; Tom Ching. 8 Oregon and Washington 8 other and not one' would open. Francisco Dally News, and Lee 8 — Rain In the want *por- 8 luncheon. It Is especially requested that The army parachute saved him. Lasoan, Seattle Star. 8 tlon. Probably local 8 The year has been one which 8 rains In the east. Warmer 8 the business men attend thia developed few outstanding for­ Freewater — English buyers and the committee 8 In the Interior, with fresh 8 meeting 8 strong ease and south 8 promise’ that the time will be here to Inspect apples shipped to wards, to Judge from the wide (Contlnied selection shown In picking the 8 wins along the coast. 8 limited to the one hour period. England. TELEGRAM HAS MUCH PRAISE FOR MISS. JOY DAUGHTER OP LOCAL MAN IS GIVEN HONOR Mrs. E. A. Allen is Winner of Hill Climbing Contest U T IL IT IE S O f COUNTY SET A $ 4 ,8 7 5 ,2 0 0 NEWSPAPER SPORT WRITERS CHOOSE ALL COAST ELEVEN t STATE GAME WARDEN IS VISITING HERE W I N N I P E O , Man., Nov. 30— The bard’s, claim "that there's so much good in the worst of us.’l has fopnd tan­ gible expression In tbe act of a highwayman. Last Tuesday tbe high­ wayman held up and rob­ bed C. V. Combes while on his way home with 3227 of the proceeds of a concert held for the benefit of a Christmas stocking fund for the poor children of Wlnnl- peg. •Yesterday a burly, shabbily-clothed man call­ ed at the office Of the concern promoting the campaign for funds, left a package with the cash­ ier and quickly departed. In the package was found the money and Mr. Coombes’ watch. Also Inside was a note saying: “Sorry we did the Job. We did not know whose money It was. Spent two dollars before read- lng,M ' ; . 7^ -7 L / . D GIVES UTE TO PAY FOR SLAYING ?