' F ’“ ' 4 fc I MALARIA GERMS Cannot tnuvive three months in the rich osone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out o f t e n of asthma. This is a prove ^kct The Tidings Has Been 'Ashland’s Leading Newspaper. For Nearly Fifty-Year's (United Press Wire Service) VOL. XLIX CARS STOPPED IN LIGHT RAID PROVECORRECT One Light Testing Station * Gets Seven Cars Found to be in Adjustment CHART IS MAKESHIFT Some Other Method Must be Used by T raffic Officers In Check- Inn Light», Teeter» Hay Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 41 Bachelor Has Lady Astor’g Sympathy 8 It 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LONDON, Nov. 28— Lady Astor paid tribute to the old maid and ex- pressed sympathy for the bachelor In her remarks as presiding officer at the final session of the Social Insurance confer- ence today. ‘ "The bachelor Is the itoost helpful creature that ever was." she- de- dared. "He Js the one thing making matrimony possible. I f . married women look at bachelors they get a little more reconciled to their own husbands." Lady Astor said, she could not say the equlv- alent about the old maids. They carried on the work of the world, whereas the bachelors got crotchety and narrower as they get older. ’ Old maids ex- pand: old bachelors con- centrate,” she added. "Old maiden ladles usually be- come more beautiful . as they grow older while man— the poor, lonely animal-w-the older he gets the lonlier he be- comes." A SH LA N D , OREGON, SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 1925 When Red Played His Last College Game That If state traffic office» are to continue tbelr methods of 1 ■ testing lights by ordering motor­ ists to line up before a chart, stopping the motorists as they are driving along the streets or I roads, .some method of fixing an accurate testing device must be i devised, is the opinion of a : number of motorists who were 3 stopped here recently during a J "light raid." 1 At the time the raid Was 1 held, motorists traveling along 1 Main street were stopped, and I ordered to drive ther cars In I front of the police station, wheru 1 a chart had been erected. This 1 chart was set on the street, a ) few inches from Jhe curbing, and 1 when cars were driven In line 1 with It, they were supposed to be against the curbing or a few Inches from It. During the raid, three driven were found who had never had their lights tested, while 43 Were found with their lights out of adjustment. These latter were given warning slips and ordered to have their lights tested at once and'to return the slips to the traffic officers, glvihg proof that their lights had been tested. Proving that this method was inaccurate at best' one light Von Hinde^uTg^ Signs Law tooting station, reports that faom , ♦A’ a total of slightly more than German Rei 20 of these ca n which were brought to the station for test­ BERLIN, Nov. 28.— (LP)— Ger­ ing, seven were found to have many*» adherence to the Locarno the lights In perfect alignment. peace pacts were made binding Six of these seven drove Into today, when President Von Hin- the station In succession, and the denburg signed the Locarno law, tester became Indignant, declar­ passed by the Reichstag yesterday. ing that he should not be forced This set on the part of Von Hin- to spend his time In retesting danburg, empowers Germany to lights which were already in ad­ sign the treaty at London next justment. week. Light testing stations are forc­ The reichetag yesterday ratified ed to undergo a rigid examina­ the security pact and arbitration tion before licenses are Issued. treaty. The floor must be perfectly level Chancellor Luther and Foreign and means must be taken to Secretary Stresemann are now en­ assure the tester that the car abled to proceed to London to is In perfect alignment- with sign the pact and treaties. In the the chart. That It Is impossible course of the next month Germany for traffic officers to test lights will make formal application for accurately with a makeshift ap­ admission to the league. > paratus, erected on a street that The only opposition to the var­ Is far from level, is absurd, ious treaties came from the Ger­ testers declare. f man nationalists, communists and The tester in question, is con­ extreme nationalists, led by Gen­ sidered one of the most com­ eral Ludendorff. The attempt of petent in tjie city, and has tested the nationalists to forestall Ger­ hundrds of cars. AU electricians, many’s adhesion to the league by before being given authority to demanding tha enactment of a test auto lights, must pass an special law authorising such pro­ examination. cedure was defeated by a heavy vota. (Ooatbnwd On Pag» Pour) GERMANY CAN SIG N TREATY OF LOCARNO chîus . ' - j o r Red Grange played liis last college game against Ohio State University, lending lib team to a 14-9 victory and playing a m agnificent gatyc. Photo shows him break inf away for a twenty - yard gain in the first quarter. H eis st^en at the extreme right and just in front of him Britton, Illinois fullb ack, is' lungMig to tuke an Ohio player oil of the way. , ‘ j CLUB WORKERS ARE ON WAY TO CHICAGO SHOW Adena Joy of Ashland is Member of Oregon Dele­ gation to Exposition "Adena Joy of Ashland, who bakes the best prune bread in the state of Oregon, and Alee Cruike- bank of McMinnville, who raises some of the beet sheep and cal­ ves, were in Portland Wednesday on theif way to Chicago to at­ tend the national boys' and-girls' club conference. < "Both Adena and Alec were born In Oregon and have lived here all their lives. For both it is the first trip East, and al­ though they are both competent young people, It,is easy to see that they are quite excited over the trip. "Miss Helen Cowgill, Oirls* club worker, and L. J. Allen, assistant director of boys' clubs, are here to see that Jthe delegates get started properly on the first leg of their Journey, which takes them to Sjjokane. There they will meet the Idaho and Washington dele­ gates who will accompany them to the big city. "Mies Cowgill has Adena in charge, and is cautioning her about laying down her pocketbook since there are many more ways of losing It in Chicago than in Ashland. Aden« has the lesson about learned, in fact she refused to lay It down even long enough to have her picture taken. "Allen Is telling Alec to count his change, and not to Invest in any oil wells or snap up the Chicago postoftlce building at a bargain. , • of Woods HARRIED BUT NOT HARRIED Lake Company Manager TWO HUBBIES BY NO HUBBY Visitor Here In the marines and when he was ordered to Santo Domini;a, she followed. She had filed an action for divorce in Los Angc’es county and left her father, with pewar of attorney to act 1er her. The final decree waa never granted, but Mrs. Weir presume! that It had been and when the statutory time elapsed, she mar­ ried Root. On their return from the Is­ land, the couple returned to California and Mrs. Weir learned that Weir had brought action for a7 divorce from her In Colnmbua and had secured It. Investiga­ tion later showed that her ac­ tion at Los Angeles had never been completed and Mrs. Weir, twice married but without hus­ band, entered the Siskiyou court for the annulment of the second marriage. She waa represen*od by Claude E. Gillis and B. K. Collier. .4 " . - t» All In Texas FORMS -c CABINET FRANCE • .» >1 (Continued on Page Four) YREKA, Nov. 28— Like Iji' Lincoln J. Carter heroine of more than a ecade ago, Mrs. Vlrglr'i than a decade ago, Mrs. Virginia Virginia Root, found herself twlca wadded, but not a. wlfa, when she decided to bring actio a for separation from Daniel P. Root, formerly of the United States Marine Corps but now a merchant of Dorris. The strange position Mrs. Weir fouifd herself In was revealed In the superior court here Fri­ day, when she appeared before Judge Charles J. Luttrell and sought, and won an annulment of ¡her marriage to Root In Santo Dominga, West Indies. The testimony showed that Mrs. Weir had first married D. W. Weir at Catambus, Ohio, and when that marriage did not prove all that It might have been, Mrs. Weir went to Los An­ geles. There, It Is said, Mrs. Weir met Root, who was then EFFORT BEING HADE TO GET OLD TAX HONEY 8 8 8 NO. 75 A R. G. Gleason, general man­ ager of The Lake of Woods Re­ creational company, who has been at the Lake of the Woods for the last five weeks, was In Ashland yesterday, enroute to his home Tn Berkeley, tsaiirornifc, Yet»- ed that the lake had been won­ derful during his visit there. He reports that one cabin has been built and that ground has been cleared for five more and the store which will be opened next* summer. He said arrange­ ments for water and light service would lalso be completed next summer. , Mr. Gleason is enthusiastic about the Lakff of the Woods, stating that conditions have been ideal there during his visit. He returned to Ashland via Klam­ ath Falls and said the road that way was good. He will return to the Lake In April to start con­ struction and other Improvements which the company contemplates. Japan Says American Rails Are in f e r io r 11 SITE FOR NEW POWER PLANT IS PURCHASED Resolution Passed by Oourt Urging Efforts of County to Get Settlement For Eighth Time in Career, Briand Forms French Government RAILROAD LAND CASE PAINLEVE IS INCLUDED SH4.OOO Yearly Tuken From Tax Roll» by Congressional Action, May be Recovered Prem ier Who Resigned Sunday is War Minister In New Briund Cabinet The first open effort to receive from the federal government, re­ PARIS, Nov. 28—(LP)— Aristide imbursement for the 884,000 Briand, the "man of the hour" yearly in tax money which was has succeeded in forming a cabi­ taken from the tax lists of Jack- net to replace the fallen Paiulevi * son county by the congressional regime. At noon today he reached act of 1916' removing 422,158 the Eiyseee Palace to Inform acres of railroad land In Jack- President Doumergue that his son county from the Southern second mandate this week had Pacific company, was taken been successful. Thursday when the county court TIU b is the eighth time in hie passed a resolution commending political career that this states­ the action being taken by a Amasa Clark of Bandera county, man has successfully formed a group of men, headed by W. R. Texas, has just passed his 100th government. Gore of Medford, In’ obtaining birthday, and has spent all of hjs The cabinet composed by Briand. a settlement with the govern­ 100 years in Texas— except for is as follow's: Premier and Minis­ ment. the Mexican and Civil Wars, when ter of Foreign Affair«. Briand; The plan calls for appropris-; he Wen t~~s5pierTh g/' HeTsTsho wn Mlnlstar ofTheinterior, Camille tlons of federal funds, to bo hern in the uniform he wore In Chau temps; Minister of Justice, paid directly to tho counties in the Mexican war. The Veterans Ren Renoult; Finance Minister, proportion to the tax revenues of Foreign Wars recently made Louis Loucheur; War Minister, of which the counties were de­ him a life member. Paul Painleve, Minister of Marine, prived through the federal' ac­ George Leyguee; Minister of Pub­ tion. lic Instruction, Edouard Daladier; The- congressional action was Minister of Commerce, Daniel upheld by a decision of the Vincent; Minister of Public supreme court of the United Works, Anatole DeMonzle; Min­ States, and the Southern Pacific ister of Labor, Louis Durafour; was relieved of the title, to Minister of Colonies, Leon Per­ ceedingly heavy tax burden on rier; Minister of Agriculture, Jean the lands. Thts threw an ex- Durand and Minister of Pensions, the real property of the county, Paul Jourdaln. since it removed from the tax M. Briand, who was minister of roll, lands which yearly brought foreign affairs in the PainlavA in tux revenues of 884,000 and cabinet, found the situation quite made it imperative that this different than when he triad to money be received from levies on Pansage of Budget Ordin- make up a ministerial combflno the remainder o f tha land tn the ance is Only Item of tion early in tha weak. county. rtance Transacted Importance The socialists tn tha meantime The resolution passed by the had by their maneuvers forced county court follows: President Doumergue to call on At a short session of the coun­ WHEREAS in 1916 tho Feder­ M . Harriot, and It was discovered cil. held last night, the ordinance al Congress enacted Legslatlnn they had made it Impoaslble for authorising the levying of the divesting the S. P. Railroad M. Harriot to succeed In forming tax necessary to raise the 866,000 Company of title to 4 4 2 138 a government. necessary to conduct the city busi­ acres of lands in Jackson County, The experiments remaining to Orgon, known as the O. & C ness during the coming year was be tried were socialist cabinet or passed by a unanfmoYis. vote of Railroad Land Grant Lands, and a concentration government which the members present. revesting the title of these lands would be formed regardless of tha This action was merely a rou­ in the Federal Government, and, socialist vote In the chamber. A tine proceedure since the budget WHEREAS said Legislation goo<) many radicals — and some committee several weeks ago had was subsequently approved, sus­ tained and confirmed by a de­ fixed the budget, and the council of the more moderate parliamen­ cree of the Supreme Court of the had accepted it. The passage of tarians advised that tha socialists the ordinance therefore was mere­ be given a chance to show what United States, and, ly in line with the provisions of they would do in power. It was WHEREAS the said act and decree had the effect of remov­ the city charter. As soon as the thought the venture would last ing permanently the assessed ordinance is signed by Mayor only a few weeks when th £ )un Johnson and City Recorder Blede, would be cleared of socialists* (Continued on Page Four) a copy of it wili be sent to the obstruction and a new govern- ment could be formed. county clerk for record. President Doumergue decided. The only other Item of business TOKYO, Nov. 28— The railway department of the Japanese government announced plans to re­ place all, steel rails on Frain Property Near Topsy all railroads with brand on Klamath River Bought Sew German made rails, by Copco excluding all American rails. YREKA' Nov. 28— Confirming An expert committee' the announcement made August after tests lasting two -<>.....of the prospective con­ years, found the ABuBT- struction of a third huge hydro­ ican rails vastly inferior electric - unit of the CallfornK- to the European product Oregon Power company of North Insofar as Japanese to­ ern California, a dispatch Iron: pographical conditions are Klamath Falls last week topi concerned. JJtoe replace­ the sale of the George Eruln ment work will require 10 years and cost 60,000,- 8 property, near Topsy, to the power company. The dispatch 000 yen. It Is estimated. If follows: * "Just as soon as the title Is found to be perfect, the Frain property at Topsy will pass to the ownership of the California- Oregon Power company, accord­ ing to information received here from reliable sources. With the purchase of this property, a long step will be taken towards the commencement of work on the construction of aother gi­ gantic power plant on the Klam­ Murder Case Expected to go ath river. "The site at Topsy has long to Jury by Next been recognized as one of the Tuesday ideal spots on the entire length The trial of O. W. Murphy for of the Klamath for the placing man-slahghter, under way In the of one of the hydro-electric circuit court, adjourned Wednes­ plants that will eventually dol day noon until Monday morning, this stream from Keno to thf The one obstacle to when the defense will continue. ocean. Murphy is accused of the death such an enterprise at this point (Continued on Page Four) of his wife last spring, following has been the Frain * property. Realizing the full value of hfs an alleged beating. An affidavit by Dr. C. R. holdings, Frain has steadfastly Sweeney of Medford, who was refuted all offers below that called to California suddenly ow­ which he believed his property ing to the serious illness of his to be worth, and if the infor­ Has Ashland a slogan? daughter, was Introduced Wed­ mation that the abstracts of This qustlon has been pre­ nesday Just before noon. Dr. title for the property .are be­ sented by the Editor of Oregon Sweeney, in response to a hypo- ing looked Into Is correct, It Business, the official organ of thecal question by the defense, would Indicate that the Califor­ the State Chamber of Commerce, deposed that “death| where the nia-Oregon Power Company has and the secretary of the local By GRACE B. ANDREWS causes are unknown” are fre­ finally come to his terms. chamber is casting around for an "For two years or more the answer. Tuesday's meeting of the Civic quent, and cited Incidents he en­ countered while coroner at Great California-Oregon Power Com­ A, search through the booklets Improvement Club features a Falls, Mont., for eight years, pany has been purchasing prop­ and literature for the past twenty program of splendid numbers, where he conducted over 100 nu- erty and making exhaustive In­ years falls to find anything that presented by one of Ashland's vestigations in the vicinity of might be properly designated finest musical organisations. topsles. * When the Civic Club year book Medical testimony for the state Topsy for the purpose of as­ an official slogan. True it Is certaining the character of thb was planned, a number of the held that Mrs. Murphy died from that Ashlands climate has always an embolism, caused by bruises on strata beneath the surface. A been given much attention and clubs In the city consented to her body, and reached their con­ diamond drill has bhen at work in one paragraph of a booklet provide programs at Intervals clusions by a process of eiir.'.ina- for some time making borings of fifteen or more yearn since during the club year. The first of these programs is tlon. Testimony of the doctors and exact record has been pre- Ashland is referred to as the making tha autopsy «bowed all pared showing what will be en- Cilmalla Capitol of Oregon. In I t o ha given the gfternooq of De- the vital organs to be in a heal hy counter irdd as . excavation work more recent years Grants Pass camber 1, at the Civic Club proceeds for the great dam that has capitalised the idea in "It's house, by the Ashland . Music condition. Study Club, a club -whose in­ The case is expected to go to is to be placed at that point. the Climate." ' "This will make Hie sixth the jury late Tuesday afternoon. "Ashland grows while Llthla tensive work and wall planned hydro-electric plant that the flow s" was proposed about the yearly program 'has attracted California-Oregon Power com- E M0LAY8 TO ATTEND pany will hâve on the Klamnth time the mineral waters were much favorable comment in mu­ DE JOINT OffUROH MEET river—two In Klamath Falls, brought into the city, the sical circles. Mrs. H. S. Alklns Is chairman "Granite City” has always been Every members of Llthla Chap­ ono at Keno and two at Copco.” a title applied by Oregon folks. of the committee which has ar­ ter, De Molay, le requested to "The Tourist Centre,” “The City ranged the treat In store for meet at the Plata tomorrow of homes an& schools,” etc., have guests at the Tuesday afternoon morning at 10 o’clock, In order PORTLAND MAN PAYS been used aa title» for pam­ meeting. As the orogrnth has to attend the annual Joint church »25 FOR SPEEDING phlets from time to time, but been planned, a short outUn-’ of meeting at the Church of Christ. none of these seem to form an the year's work will be given A prominent Mason from Loa F. W. Vogler of Portland, ar­ honest to goodness slogan that by Mrs. John H. Fuller, presi­ Angeles will be the speaker, ae- rested yesterday morning by State has the necessary pap and- punch. dent of the club. In this talk cordlng to tha. notice. Traffic Officer C. PJ Talent, was Why not have about one hun­ she will define the reason for According to Virgil Gillette, yesterday afternoon fined 826 by dred bright folk put on the'r its being and the present and members are requested to bring Justice of Peace Roberts, follow­ thinking caps and propose some ultimate alms of th » organisa­ their parents. Members who do ing his plea of guilty to a charge real good onea, then let the tion. The life and work of Frits not attend will be fined 81. of speeding. chamber vote the beat? COUNCIL HOLDS SHORT SESSION TO MEET SOON MURPHY CASE IS POSTPONED UNTIL1 MONDAY Has Ashland a Slogan? Do ..Your Stuff on One (Continued on Page Four) MUSIC STUDY CLUB WILL GIVE PROGRAM AT CIVIC CLUB MEET t Kreisler, from the Tlew point of a musician, will be discussed by Mrs. Alice Wlllets. M bs . Claire Beebe, a gifted member of the club, will give an ad­ dress off “African Music." Mrs. E. O. Smith, sopraro, will be heard in solo, “A Song of Thanksgiving,” by Frances AUitfes and Rubenstein’s "Valse Caprice will he played by Miss Berne lialght' whose p Basins jp|arpretstlon In her solo work is w e ll know n In local m nstesl circle.!. “ A violin solo is promised hy Mrs. W. K. Bolger. a recant addi­ tion to musical circle« in Ash­ land. Sho will be accompanied by Mrs. Alice WUlete. Members of the Music Study Club are guests of. the Civic Club and Mrs. Gordon MacCraekea. president of the Civic Club, an­ nounces that its member» are privileged to bring guaets on this occasion. Hostesses are named for the reception which will follow Aa presentation qf tha program, rka Impressive ritual and tha ueaa session will precede program numbers.