Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 27, 1925, Image 1

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Cannot mrvive three months in
the rieh asoné at Ashland. Pure
domestic water helps.
Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years
The Tidings Has Been Ashland's
W ir« Service)
Tombs, Mummies
Washed up by
Rain in Athens
Local Outfit PMy» Much 8
Stronger Game Than in
P in t Go at Medford
Playing a niuch stronger game,
both on defense and offense than
they hare shown all season, but
still not strong enough to cope
with the powerful Medford at­
tack, the Ashland high grldders
went down to a 81-7 defeat at
the hands of the Medford eleven
yesterday afternoon. In the an­
nual big- game between the two
Is spite of the lopsided score,
the game was a good one to
watch. Trying every minute of
the tussle, the Ashland outf‘t
was able to stop the Medford
advance several times and fou"
times, Senn, big Medford fu ll­
back, was forced to k lcT o u td f
During the first period, Ash­
land carried the ball deep Into
Medford territory but a fumble
lost tham the ball.
then started a drive which re­
sulted in their first touchdown,
with but three minutes of tbo
first period to go.
The second period was the
moat disastrous for the locaj
poured across the final Ashland
chalk m ark until w ith five m in­
utes to go, Coach Prink CalUson
of Medford ran In <lx second
string man.
. J
Ashland immediately ’ «hfifflll
an offense, w ith a swooping o»a
rah, conpled with a forward pass­
ing attack which carried the all
to the Medford one yard line.
Gillette took the oval, and
j over for Ashland’s . lone
Medford first stringers, drivlu?
them off their feet y lth a sw jet
However, with the ball on th '
Medford 20 yard line, as the re­
sult of an advance which carried
the ball from the Ashland 25
yard line, Tilton attempted a
pass, which Conrad, Intercepted
The chunky Medford back raced
the 80 yards to a touchdown,
behind pretty Interference, which
an tacklers out of the
The entire Ashland backrieia
played nice football yesterday.
Tilton »bowed some real kicking,
while his passing was above
On the defense, Gil­
lette was the best man on »he
field, his backing up o f the line
being the fin est example of soc-
Contlnued on page Two
LONDON, N ot . 17— tt
More than 100 persona 8
are bettered to have per- 8
lshed In the floods in 8
Athens, following a tor- 8
rential rain of an hour 8 Greatest Assembly of Royal
ty Seen in Europe in
and twenty minutes Tues- 8
Y ean Gathers
day, says a dispatch to 8
the D ally Express. Many 8
houses In the refugee 8
S e t t l e ment eoUapsdd. 8
The Inmates were burled - 8
in the ruins and many 8
were swept away and 8
LONDON, Nor. 27. — (IP) —
• Flood
from 8
Royalty, nobility and comlnoners
Mount Lykabettos washed 8
Joined today in the raat fuperal
up 38 tombs in Anagnos- 8
tribute to the Queen Mother Alex­
here. 8
andra, braving wind and snow to
F ire mummies and num- 8
watch the
m artial
pnmj> that
erous gold ornaments and 8
marked the empire’s sorrow
rases were vncorered. I t 8
From midnight on, meu and
is not known to what 8
women stood ontslde Westminster
tombs and 8
Abby, facing a bitter wind. Along
mummies belonged.
the funeral route throughout Loa-
don, thousands stood In mourn­
ing. A fte r dawn snow laid a car­
pet of white along the funeral
Fart of Ashland S t, Leon­
ard, Monroe Avenues
Declared Vacated
16 order to complete the tract
Which w ill form the site of the
Southern Oregon Normal school,
on the southern edge of the
city, the city council Wednes­
day night passed ordinanoe« va-
catlng throe streets or portions
•6 # * » atw ats
cut np the tract.
Ashland street, from Indiana
street to a point 783.6 feet
southeast was ordered vacated,
as were Monroe and Leonard
avenues, from Ashland street to
Madrone street. These vacations
kiva a solid tract for the Normal.
This morning tha casket con­
taining the body of the late
Queen Mother, was placed on a
gun carriage, drawn
by six
horses, and It ,was then taken
through the streets of the city
to Westminster Abbey, followed
by K ing George V I, of England.
K ing A lbert of Belgium, K ing
Christian of Denmark, a nephew
of the late Queen Mother, King
Haakon of Norway, the Prince
of Wales, the Duke of York and
Prince Henry of England, and
the Crown Princes of Roumanta,
Waldemar of Denmark, Prince
Charles of Belgium and hundreds
of other members - of European
rtved by a different route, hi
The services began
w ithin the walls of the ancient
Abby a t 11:10 a. m.
The body will remain In West-
minster Abby until taken to
Windsor, where It w ill be com­
mitted to the vault of Kings to­
Mayor Johnson and Coum-” - morrow. The body of Alexandra
men H ardy and Burdic were ab­ w ill He beside that of her hus­
sent from the meeting which a m band, the late King Edward of
a special session, called only England.
for the passage of the ordinances.
Hearings had been held on the
vacating of the streets, and only
the formal procedure of the
passage of the ordinances was
necessary. W . M. W right, chair­
man of the council presided In
the absence of Mayor Johnson.
- The meeting was adjourned
until this evening, when the
council members w ill again meet
to consider several matters which
require immediate attention. I ; County unanimously endorsed
is believed that representatives Charles A. Howard, superinten­
of the taxi drivers of the city dent of the Marshfield schools,
w ill appear before the counci’ , for the republican nomination
asking for the repeal of the or­ for state superintendent of pub­
Sim ilar
dinance taxing them |1 6 per lic
year per car.
They base their dorsement had previously been
arguments upon the fact that given by several local teachers’
they now pay more than 8300 organisations and chambers of
per year per car to the state. commerce In this section
state. M r. Howard Is In
River where he Is one i
principal speakers at the
River County Teacher»’
Teachers Endorse
Charles Howard for
School Position
Since there Is misunderstand- average
In this locality as to the use­
fulness of the information as
to hog production and crop* acre­
ages, obtained from the cards
distributed by the ru ral m all car­
riers Postmaster Wagner has
requested the Tidings to publish
the following ytajtement far-*
nlshed him by the United States
Departm ent of Agriculture.
These surveys' are made with
the help of the ru ral carriers,
who either distribute the eards
to a certain number of farmers
along their routes, w ith the re­
quest that these be filled out,' or
the carrier fills out the card
tgrm er,
The w r i e r
8 In­
structed to get Information from
farms which w ill give. a good
NOVEMBER 27, 1925
by taking a ll of the farms along
a part of his route, big and
little, good and poor, ownad and
The need and value of such
information for individual farm ­
ers and agriculture In general
hardly ’need be stressed. W ith­
out dependable Information as to
actual production and trends of
production both of livestock and
crops more balanced production
and bettor m arket distribution
are Impossible.
The Department of Agriculture
is the beet qualified agency to
undertake such work, but the ac­
curacy of Ito estimates depends
upon the accuracy of the re­
turns made by farmers.
Closeup of
Without the ny . medicine cures
nine cases oy / n of asthma.
This is a i? « act.
Holds Record
Karolyi, Banned From U. 8.
as Radical. Works to
Aid People
Trenches for Foundations on
Normal School Com­
pleted Today
Husband for Time Was President
of 111 Fated Hungary R e­
public. Means Reduced
New Bench Street Grade School
W ork Also Started by
Contractor Frazier
Actual construction work on the
PARIS,; Nor. 27. — W hat sort
new school buildings to raise in
of a woman Is this Countess K a r­
Ashland in the near future was
started Wednesday afternoon, and
Born an aristocrat of the most
work w ill be rushed along as
blue-blooded strain In the world,
rapidly as possible, according to
and. trained from the qyadle, as
George Kellerhals, o f Mexico. the contiwctora in charge.
she put Its. “to be ornamental but
W ork on the Normal School
nerer useful,” Bhe has distin­ Mo.. set a new world's record
guished herself for seven y e a n when he sold 137 life Insurance building was started Wednesday
by becoming one of the outstand« policies in 21 hours. This caine afternoon, and by noon today all
Ing democratic leaders of Europe. less than four years after he the trenches for 'the foundation
He had been completed. A crew of
So extremely liberal are her first became a salesman.
views, In fact, that the American started selling insurance after men was kept on the Job yester­
State Department now refuses to bts store burned down and left day, in spite of the holiday. This
morning, the work was prafetleal-
lot her come to America, fearing him without capital, a
ly completed, except for a Bmall
she is too radical.
excavatloh Job, which it Is be­
W hether this exclusion was
lieved w ill take only a few hourt.
justified or not, the fact remains
The crew w ill be laid off for a
that she is probably Europe's best
few days, after the completion o f
known woman. In addition, her
the trenches since material neces­
life slnoe the war has had enough
sary for continuing the work has
thrills and romantic adventures
not been received.
No lumber
packed into it to furnish material
Countess Karolyi
for the forms or no gravel for the
for a dozen novels.
concrete a r» on hand yet.
Living as the first lady of the
Mr. Tranehell of the firm - of
land one day and reduced
and Parellus of Port­
pawning her last necklace the
la n d , contractors on the normal,
next; trailed across Europe by Z
, Is in charge of the work. Thaae
monarchist spy and living in con­
j contractors have pledged tbem-
stant fear that she and her ‘ am
1 selves to have the building com­
ous husband would be assassin
pleted by May 1 o f next year, in
s led ;B m u g g n h ^ g e m sO rd s4 _T B r
A U STIN , TeXSB, Nov.
■ order that the summer session
-Hungarian border so that she
I t Is with ■touch regret th a t may be beid |D tbe new building.
8 87— Governor M iriam A.
would not starve to death: tak­
public w ill reeeive the news
w o rk on tha new «aaeh , tPwK
8 Ferguson, late tbday 1s-
ing a turn at running a motor ,
a t Claude C. Cate, county rada school was also started Wed-
boat for tourist parties and learn-j
8 sued 106 clemency pro-
W.»- has realgned. the . teafc-
sad. w o rt on tha-eneavut
law to be a chauffeur so that she.
along rapidly,
might earn her own llvlnp —
In charge
8 . Than
these are a few of the Incidents
lends have been aware that It of tbe construction. declares he
8 * ThW Is the
largest 8 that
have marked
her career
ok place over a week ago and w jj , keep a large crew: o f men at
number of such proclama- 8 since the World W ar ended In
tions yet to be Issued 8
work on the structure, rushing
dren w ill remove to Glendale. It to completion as rapidly as poa-
at one time by the gov­
And she is barèly 30. In addl-
Cal., a day or so after Christ­
Since her inaug­
tlon, she Is vivacious talented
mas, where he will engage in
uration January 20 last,
and beautiful.
M r. Cate Is the host
the governor has granted
She was born the Countess
known county agent and the old­ REICHSTAG APPROVES
1,128 prisoners clemency.
Catherine Andrassy, and In 1814,
est in point of service In Ore­
Just as the World W ar broke out,
gon, and has long borne the
she married Count Michael K a r­
reputation of being one of the
B E R L IN , Nov. 27. — (LP)— The
olyi, the one aristocrat In all
ablest of the stale’s county Locarpo pacts are safe. The na-
Hungary who dared to be a demo­
tioriallst and communist opposit­
crat. He Is nearly twenty years,
Hi« resignation as county path­ ion to there has proven futile, and
her senior.
She eagerly threw
ologist, county agent and local Germany w ill affix her signature
her sympathies with his, and since
United 8tates weather observer, next week in London.
then has sto&d by his side In all was presented to the extension
The Reichstag approved the
his struggles against reaction and
service department of the Ore­ signing of the second reading
gon A gricultural college some today by a vote of 271 to 168,.
The famous “ Karolyi curse” be­ time ago, and has been accepted
came a part of her life, too. Many
with regret.
years ago the first Countess K a r­
Efforts made by the leading
Includes Interest and Re olyi led the Hungarian army
demption of Bonds, Taxes agalqst the Austrians and was fru it men and agriculturists of NEW FRENCH CABINET
the valley on learning of the
and Current Expenses
slain In battle. His mother there­ tendered resignation, to prevail
PARIS, Nov. 27.— (LP)— Arts-
upon pronounced a curse on the upon Mr. Cate to reconsider,
tide Brland, regarded by many *
house of Hapsburg and prophesied were fruitless.
W hile he is the "man of the hour” was en­
ruin for its members.
And In loath to leave Medford and the
gaged today for the aecond time
1918 the latest of the Karolyi county, he does so for the rea-
In a week in trying to form <
had the satisfaction of seeing this
cabinet tor France.
Continued on page
curse fulfilled, w ith the fall of
Clemency to 1,126
Texas Prisoners
Granted This Year
past 20 years, accoraing io
Lap. They began their original
operations in Alpena, Michigan,
ahd have worked eastw ard until
their holding» In the coast state»
are among the largest of any
timber holdings under the head
of a single lumber concern.
• a
* B E R L IN . Nov. 27.— (LP>— The
venerable Adm iral Von Tlrplts, FAMED ARTIST IS
who advocated submarine war
against Germany’» enemlea, and
’ '
developed the U boat to Its high­
W . J. McCloskey, nationally
est efficiency, told
the United known portrait painter, was <
Pres» today In an exclusive In­ prlnoipal speaker at the regular
terview, that he favor» th» aboli­ weekly luncheon meeting of the
tion of th» submarine as a war Ktwanta Club, held today at the
Llthta Springs hotal.
“A rt is but man’s expression of
work and love,” McCloskey de-
He pointed out that all
JUMP IN CHICAGO men are arttsst, perhaps not ar-
tlsts In the sense that they paint,
• CHICAGO, Nov. 17. — (IP) — but artist« In their work, because
W heat prices Jumps on the Chi­
cago Board of Trade today the
various issue gaining from 2 1-4
to 3 1-1 cents. December Wheat
new, opened at 81.88 1-1 and
May w heat'new, at 81.84. Prices
eased o ff somewhat w ith heavy
selling, but wore higher through­
out than last season.
of bJghway bond, t 8tate taxes
M d current expenses, divided as
ft>„ owg.
Crat#j. Lake h,ghway
bonda lnteregt........ $ 28,000.00
p#clflc hl<hway bonda
Jntere, t .....................
Oeneral road fund....' 83.000.00
School fund..................
H igh school fund........
County library fund....
pacific high bonds re-
demption ............. 23,946.00
c ra te r Lake highway
bonds redemption.— >4,780 19
cu rren t expense........ 162,878.10
attended the
meeting and argued against the
cutting of 8600 from the patholo-
county Assessor J. B. Coleman
made a motion that this sum bo
deducted from his allowance for
the year and added to the path-
ologlst's allowance.
Oregon and Washington
— Sain In the west por­
Probably rain and
snow In thh asst por­
tion tonight and Saturday.
W arm er in the Interior
w ith
southeast winds along the
the Hapsburgs forever.
Count Karolyi and his wife
had opposed the way from the
start. A ftef the armistice Karolyi
was turned to as the one man who
had Hungary’» confidence, and
was made first president-of the
short-lived Hungarian republic.
This lasted for six months. Then
a wave of bolshevism swept the
country and Karolyi went out of
A short time later Ad­
miral H orthy led the aristocrats
back to power and the Karolyls
had to flee for their lives.
Prior to this their fortune was
|fo re than 876,000 has been
Invested in Oregon lands by
Owens Valley, California,, farm ­
, ers, during the past four months.
This repreaents the Investment
| of twelve families, located in
estimated at 830,000,000. When Klam ath County, who were forc-
(Bey W B rn 'Wnnirr it was con- ed * to sett their farms »ear
fisc a fed, and they had only one Bishop, California, by the city of
pearl necklace as the remnant or Loe Angeles, in a much agitated
their fdrtune.
To get this out water rights controversy.
The latest report from Bishop,
of the country, Countess Karolyi
had to »wlm across the Danube which was received a few day»
with It and bury It In the sand, ago by A rth u r Foster, Manager
■ending a friend to get It later. of the Land Settlement Depart­
They went to Italy, ‘ only to ment, Portland Chamber of Com­
be expelled by the government merce, stated that Los Angeles
there on the request of the Horthy had at- last made a substantial
regime. Then ’ they found a offer to the remaining farmers
haven In Jugoslavia for a time In the water righto area.
and later In England. A fter that falfa land w ill bring to the pri­
the Countebs went to America on vate owner» on th» average of
a lecture tour, and her husband 8410 an acre and apple and
other orchard land» 8710 an
followed shortly. *
" I am not a ‘Red’,’’ She ex­ acre.
Thia means that approximately
plains, “ but I do think that social
one hundred famille» will toon
he In a poeit’on Jo migrate to
(Continued On Page Five)
Oregon, following the example of
the others who have already set­
tled near Klamath Falls.
The CaMforala farmers, who
have already settled in Oregon
from this district a w : L. F.
and Paul W . Monroe, who pqr-
300 acres; Frank Dearbors. IPO
acres; o. L. Pitta, 1«» acres;
M r. Dnnnlson, 48 acres; E. C.
Smith, 180 scree; E. J. HelMeh-
son, 880 acre»; W alter 8mMk,
480 seres; C. D. Berner, 188
acres; U F. Stewart and W.
Smith, 160 acres. '
A. Wlshard, of Klam ath m ils ,
who waa In Portlaad a ll toot
week. Informed the Land Setfl»-
meat Department that there W ife
others who had reoeatty loeattd
aiyd that a more complete report
would soon be submitted.
‘ '
Since November 1. 81 n e w 'iit-
tlers have been reported to 1JM