9 Stated convocation, Thursday evening, Nov. 19. Routine busi­ ness and petitions. All com- panions Invited. —Hfc, W. 1H NN, H. W. H. DAY, Secretary. NOnCE TO I. O. O. F. Them , wlU be degree work Thursday evening, Nov. 19. All Odd Fellows Invited. • . , P. D. BROWN. K G . C. E. HOOPER, Sec’y. Jim Bradley of T alent w as a business visitor in Ash land yes­ terday. » Ileon Diamond Disc phono- 1s and records at greatly Purchased Inewoator— At the Convalescent Home— E. O. Smith, Ashland chicken Dr. J. J. Schmitt is a patient at man recently purchased a mam­ the Convalescent Home. moth Incubator.. He is building If you need an office or email a house to fit it. storeroom, the room next to The Tidings office is ready for From Engene— John L. Fowler and Charles you. - Apply at The Tidings of­ fice. • «2-tf Jllton returned Monday from Eugene where they attended the Why do you pay Sewing Ma­ University of Qregon-O. A. C. chine Agents from «180 to 8160 football game. for sewing machines, when yon can get the White here for 165. Convention Postponed— The district convention of the Emil Pell. 68-tf Royal Neighbors to have been Cliff Payne makes book stands. held at Medford, November 10, has been postponed until De­ Returned to Her Home'«» cember 3. *——•-+---- f---------- - Mrs. Fred Armstrong has re­ turned to her home near Gaselle, Visiting In Ashland— . C aliforn ia a fte r a two weeks stay Mrk Dale Gulley of Roseburg at the Convalescent home. arrived In Ashland last evening to vielt her parents, Mr. and Quick lunch service at Nlnlng- Mrs. C. E. Hooper. >r*s Fountain. Purchased Tractor— The' Claycomb Motor company Candy Nite— Thursday reports the sale of a new tractor 19. Boxes of candy tor to Lem Hughes who lives near numbers. Come— let us you to skate.— Ashland Talent. torlum. U. 8. MILLIONAIRES Largest and finest display of BUT COSTLY ORCHIDS fresh candles In Southern Ora- gon at the Plaxa. Hear It! The new. Ortho­ phonie Vlctrolg.— The Roee. «5-3 If you can’t, spend Thanks­ giving or Christmas with the Returned Home home folks, do the next, best W. H. Coed left Ashland today thing—tend photographs. Studio for his home In Oklahoma, after a stay of three month In Ashland for his health. Mr. Coad reports that he is very much Improved. Welborn Beeson Is painting and remodeling Ma b^aa at Candy Land—Turkish Nougats 27« B street. made in the good old fashioned gray. Vantili and strawberry flavors. Fresh Plg’n Whistle candy. |w t arrived.—Nlnlnger’a. « -tf Waterman Fountain 82.50, up.—McNair Broa. Purchased Property - R. H. Leaser has purchased the 1 . M. Butler property on A St LONDON, Nov. 18. —(IP>—One -of London’s queer occupations Is the production of «600 orchards for sale to American millionaires. . This was revealed at the Royal Horticultural Society Show here when a member of a well - known firm of orchid growers stated that the evolution of such an orchid had taken eight years of Intense experimenting. It has yellow pe­ tals and a maroon purple lip and la known aa the Tagus “King George.” r - Already inquirios have boen're- oelved from orchid societies in the United States for shipment of some of these samples for the expert gsrdner’s art. So valuable are they and so fra­ gile, that when shipped, they will be carefully packed In cotton wool and tissue paper, when a plenti­ ful surrounding of carefully se­ lected loam. er night nt Jaekaon Hot Spring«. - l«-tf a recurrence of a heart ailm ent, Here to Spend the Winter— Paul L. Goheen of Sherwood, North Dakota Is in Ashland to •pend the winter with hie sister, Edna Ooheen, w*o is a teacher! In the Junior High School. Yea. we have no bananas, but we have money to loan on good security. Phono 21. Yso, (of sonno.) 19—tf For Fire Insurance see Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg bonds will be sold by sealed bids Phone on December 18. Construction •7-6* hrork will start immediately, and PORTLAND HOME to Rev. ^P. K. Hammond loft It is hoped to have the structure chance for one in Ashland. Tuesday evening for Portland, completed by next fall. where he will conduct the fun­ SMALL ACREAGE to exchange era l services for Mrs. Emily N IN ATTEMPT for Ashland house and lot. Bartgees, who died Monday af­ TO ROB GARAGE ternoon. SPLENDID STOCK RANCH Mrs. Bartgess is the mother of (Continued from pace One) fully equipped, to exohange for W. H. Bartgess of Ashland, and small Rogue River Valley farm. was well known here. Mr. and STAPLES REALTY ' Mrs. Bartgess were called td Hotel Ashland Bldg. Portland Sunday by the serious • 7-tf illness of Mr. Bartgess* mother. The funeral services will be FOR SALÍS— BO White Leg­ held this afternoon from the Pin- horn pallets. Phone 340-Y. ley Undertaking parlors In Port­ land. The body will be taken WANTED—Cattle or sheep to to Dayton, Wash.', for burial. feed and pasture for winter. Was reported as "unchanged to­ day.” W anted — t Hotel Mu« «î;3 hqrn hens. uftle uae. Call IP YOU ARE LOOKING for Home, phone 163 a convenient, nicely furnished, FOR RENT—Two ranches. 3. hom^e-llke apartment on first floor with bath, call at the L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. «7-2 beat location in town. 21 S. Second St. \ 67-tf FOR RENT— Small .furnished «riment. • Water, and lights FOR SALE—Dry Manzanita eluded. «Ì0 per Aonth. Phone and Oak wood. W. Taverner. 19-J. «î-tf Phone 17F3. «7-10 J. L. Keuch, Bld». . Ashland FOR RENT—All or part of FOR RENT—Good house. J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. comfortable house. Adults only-! J «7 2 Call nt 219 Meade St. CT-Wed.-Sat* FOR SALB— 1923 Star tour­ ing. Good condition, eheap, -• FOR EXCHANGE— Farm Close for quick sale. Phone 383-R In. J. L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel ” 87-S after 5 p. m. <7-3* Bide. HEWITT GIVES PLEA TO PUT AN END TO WAR (Continued From Page One) Ruth McDonald Each then pre­ sented a solo. Their numbers were exceptionally well received. ARE THE BUSY AISLES AND TABLES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY V fo R BALE— 26 acres, mostly CALIFORNIA IB, DOING alfalfa, free water right, 2 barns, WORK ON HIGHWAY Urge hen house, good well, 1 good team, 4 high teat cowa, (Continued From Page One) 140 hena, all Implements. Close Includes grading and surfacing to Ashland, a money maker, 2.3 miles from the head of Rlch- owner a widow and cannot work afdson Creek to Hunter Creek farm. This place Is a steal at through a heavily timbered see- Shoes and Dry Goods EACH VIEIN<5 WITH THE OTHER IN “THIS WEEKS" VALUE GIVING EVENT ONE ACRE with 7-room house The project is a part of the 1926 program of the commission, close In, 31.600. Must go. ASHLAND REALTY CO. but bids are being asked how 67-1 In order that the work may start as early as possible next FOR HALE— Alfalfa hay. J spring. Bids will he opened L. Ketch, Ashland Hotel Bldg. In Sacramento on Monday, De­ 67-2 cember 14. ' FOR BALE—2 work horses, MONTAGUE TO ROND TO Iron wheel wagon, hay rake RAISE IMMENSE DAM ft., 3-4 Inch rope, Galloway m separator. Roscoe Apple- 662 Fairview St., Ash­ (Continued From Page One)' land. «7-2* tlaed about Decqmber 1, and the Our Dry Goods Department Offers Special E a rly C learance on WELL KNOWN STANDARD MAKES E PRESIDENT’S FA IS STILL VER PLYMOUTH. V t, Nov. 18 — (IP) — The condition of Colonel Thanksgiving Spedai on eults Hair bobbing, marcelling c John C. Coolidge, father of the President, who is suffering from id overcoat« at Panlaernd’s. specialty. The Vanity Shoppe. f Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cottrell nd Klamatn Fells have moved to Ashland from Klamath Falls to make their home here. They will ho at home at 2«« Sixth FORMER LOCAL WO BURIED IN PORTU No. No. No. No. NoJ No. No. No. No. No. No. ANNOUNCEMENT! WE HAVE ADD e M TÈE FAMOUS Hart Schaffner & Marx Cfotttes . TO DURATINE FRENCH HAVE TROOPS ■IN SIDDON COUNTRY 1—$8, 10, $12 Coats Special this Sale 2—$12.50 Coats, Special this Sale .. 3—$15.00 Coats Special this Sale . . . 4—$17.00 Coats Special this Sale . . . 5—$20.00 Coats Special this Sale . . . 6—$24.50 Coats Special this Sale . x T—$27.50 Coats Special this Sale . . . 8—$32.50 Coats Special this Sale . . . 9—$37.50 Coats Special this Sale . . . 10—$45.00 Coats Special this Sale . . . 11—$50.00 Coat Special this Sale $19.50 Hab-a-dash-Inn P.)— The French are rushing re­ inforcements and gunboats to Dyro and Siddon, both of which are In imminent dowger of tail­ ing to Syrian rebels, according to reports from Arab sources today. Visiting Here— B. A. Lockhart, wife, and daughter, Jean, of St. John, Washington are visiting In Ash­ land with Mr. Lockhart’s parents, Mr. and Mm. J. A. Lockhart, on the Boulevard.' pour 0PRESS a E T T V C O M PSO N CORTEZ lORREHEF Gold Fish free Paste.— El hart 's. with The Quality Store Tooth Stock-Reduci ng Sale of R e a d y -to -W e a r Engraved Xmas cards. Elhart’s, At Community HoapMnl— Mn. Mabel Haney of Talent, who underwent a serious opera­ tion nt the Community hospital, la reported ns doing nicely. Left Ashland— Mrs. Mary B. Woods left Tuesday evening for Los Angeles where she will spend the winter Visiting her daughters. Buy your new Coat or Dress at the low prices we offer Dur ing This Sale. Letters to Santa Claus havo nlready begun to arrtvo at the Ashland postoffice In antlclpa- It biases a trail straight into the heart of America. ADMISSION Matinee Evening SHOWS i. l s 3 0 - 7:15-9:15 of that popular and distinguish­ ed elf next month. Postmaster Wagner advise* senders of these letters, If they expect prompt de­ livery, to fully prepay the poet- age. Coats Prices Now Dresses Priced' Now . Writlng To Santa Clana— The Pony Express rides Again! Across 2,000 miles of danger-swept wilder­ ness, to eternal glory! 36 inch Outing Flannel ) O c Yd 3 Pound ‘ Stitched Cotton Rats In, Groups In Groups - $ 8 J 5 ------- — Formerly $11.96 to $14.98 Formerly $21.50 to $25.00 $14.98 $24.50 Formerly $17.50 to $19.76 Formerly $27.50 to $29.75 $18.50 $27.50 Formerly $22.50 to $25.00 Formerly $32.50 to $37.50 $25.00 $89.00 Brtnrned H u m e - Mrs. Mary Cole has returned to her home on A street after several months spent at the Community hospital with a brok- Formerly $27.50 to $31.50 • Mr. Lamb, contractor of the Ltthia Springs hotel garage re­ ports that a record waa made la laying the roof of the garage la one day. $18.95 Formerly $42.50 to $47.50 $29.75 $45.00 Formerly $32.50 to $37.50 Formerly $49.50 to $57.50 n \ Y SILK DRESSES AT SACRIFICE SALE PRICES No. No. No. No. No. 1—$16.00 2—$20.00 3—$25.00 4—$30.00 5—$35.00 Values Values Values Values Values Special Special Special Special Special this this this this this Sale - ........$ 9.95 Sale .........$13.95 S a l e ..........$18.95 S a l e ..........$23.50 S a le .......... $27.50 WOOLEN DRESSES SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST No. No. No. No. All All All All All All 1—$16.50 Values 2—$24.00 .Values 3—$30.00 Values 4—$45.00 Values Special Special Special Special th is-S a le..........$ 9.95 this S a le ..........$14.95 this S a le ,$19.95 this Sale . . . . . .$27.95 Sale of Silk Blouses Quality Petticoats Reduced Regular $1.50 valué, now ./.. .95c Regular $2.25 value, now . .$1.49 Regular $2.98 value, now $1.95 Regular $4.50 value, now $2.95 Regular $7.50 value, now $3.95 Regular $12.00 value, now $5.90 All $1.98 Grade, n o w ................. $1.25 All $2.50 Grade, now ............. $1.75 A ll $3 to $4.50 Grade, now . . . .$2.25 All $5 to $6.50 Grade, now _____ $3.25 » All All All All All Ladies Dress « Skirts 1 *"r • • • * Regular $4.50 Values n o w ........ Regular $5.00 Values n o w ........ Regular $6.00 Values n o w ........ Regnlarr$7.00 Values now . . . . . Regular $10.00 Values now . . . . . 1-2 Price