/ DART THH9O0 MBtvmùwòà I n THBATRK a iz ^ cal , Th® patrona of a local «bow W ashington , not . JI— iu . P .)— At th é redneet o f ‘ Major Henry Leonard, Judge advocate, who wished more time la which to familiarise himself with the records, the Shenandoah court e f Inquiry, which eonveaed to­ day to delve Into Mrs. Margaret Landsdowne's charges that su attempt, to “tlx” her estlipony last month, deferred hearing witnesses until tom orrow . Leon­ ard replace» Captain Paul Peley, who resigned to deny the charges made against him by Mrs. Landa- down e. FOR RENT—-Wall furnished 8-room house, I l i M t Avsaua. North of railroad tracks, Pboae and annttyed hy th e oneMtttotu esnghlttg o t a wesson la tb b ‘audi­ ence. Don't be a anleauee be­ cause you’have* a o o a g h e r c o ld . A ttw doses to POLBY« MOKBY AND TAB COMPOUND take« promptly will brlbg apeody re­ list from ood ghe, sSldb and hoarseness. Mrs. W. T. diary, White Plaine, Va., writes« *We have used FOLEY’S HONBY AND TAR COMPOUND tor ooWe and had coughs with splendid ftoWlte. Sold Everywhere. 2 Chocolates Special ChrysanthemuA Show It Is preposterous; In fact, It la a shame to suffer with Rheu­ matism. This Prescription does not ruin the stomach, it does not depress the heart. Bat all the meat aad good food you wish while taking Trunk’s Prescription. Contains ao Dealers la Coal, Wotgl, Packing, mercury, salicylate soda, oil Win­ Orating and Storage. Long dist­ tergreen or narcotics, but positive­ ly overcomes any kind of rheuma­ ane« trucking. tism or gout on earth. What —¿tonerai Trans- more do you want? It la 1m- team and motot service at a rea- Phone SS. THE ASHLAND CREAMERY Oriole and Pig’n T id in g classified do the business Whistle Ashland Flower and always appreciated. , Lithia Springs Confectionery Now H otel Bldg. Phone l i d Lithia Springs H otel B ldg. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 19-20-21. Complete EVERYBODY You're just about 2 minutes away from break- fast when you reach for a package o f N ew Style H-O Quick Cooking Oats. 'The new cereal with the wonderful "baked in" flavor. T oasted oat flakes that cook into ’granular oatmeal. Sm ooth— firm in texture— never sdcky or pasty. WELCOME Sales and Service And healthful! A wealth o f energybuilding carbohy­ drates, tissue-building protein» and vitalizing minrrali-are in every d»h. --------- - ------- —------ Sm all or Large P aint or W alpaper AMBRO 8. PARK Contract or Order, we can handle it satisfactorily. able tor dairying, chickens or gardening. I mile east on Bast Maia. P. Beawlck. IS6* FOR SALE— English Springer Spaniels. Puppies from trained Imported parents. Sire' the only FEHIGE’S TRANSFER American end English Interna­ Phone 410 S 7 | B St. tional champion In the world. Drayage, storage and long Dam by Dual champion. Puppies distance hauling. unrelated. Prices reasonable. A 80-tf lend and water dog, fastest re­ trievers and pretty s s honse degs. Lucile Redner, Rlamath Avails, NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN Oregon. that the undersigned hSs been appointed administrator of the A REAL BARGAIN N in e acres aU In tr a it, 3 miles estate of Mary W. Pracht, de­ from Ashland on Main Highway. ceased, by the County Court of 6-room modern bungalow. Priced Jackson county, Oregon, and has All persona having for quick sale, ISSO*. A reel qualified. claims against said estate are chicken ranch. notified to present the same either .to me or to my Attorney, W. J. Moore, at hie office In the City of Ashland, Oregon, with FOR BALE Bead wheat, bine proper vouchers and duly veri­ stem, recleaned. Beardless bar­ fied, within six months from the ley and gray oats. *77 B. 8t., first publication hereof, which la October 27, 1*16. Phone I1Î-R . * BT-1 A. H. PRACHT, FOR BALE— Box Factory lum­ Administrator. ber yard has a full stock of all 48-4 Tues. kinds of building lumber at rea­ sonable prices. 48-tf J. ©. RIGG NY celebrated non-surgicaJ treatment for Pile« doe« not THE PARK GARAGE Best workers and best points conine yon |p pear bed or room. You GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL FROM THE H EART OF TH E FAM OUS ROOK SPRING S DISTRICT A N Y QUANTITY FROM A SAOfc TO A CAR­ LOAD M edlcl«ei:^7 MacMillan Chooses LUMBER COMPANY Across the B y Track Phone 20 both local and internal, and has beci successful In d ie treatment o f Catarrr £pr QVtr <0 years. -Sold by all druggir • F. J. CHANEY U C O .. T oled o. Ohi. “A Well-Balanced Diet Built Around Meats” F / z ' 6Ê H IPA ; • : HOT BATHS Massage and vibrator treatments. Convalescent Home. • ! — tl MARCEUANG VOc, Phone 188J for appointment o r call IS Hel- mnn St., upstairs apt. B7-ti A SO I INI MEMORIALS lubrkant V! Blair Granite Co.’e Crystal Bftie Gray, ere unexcelled. Leave your orders for fall and spring delivery. 176 East Mela. S. Panniate«, Manager. >BS-tf MATERNITY- Reasonable Retto 168 Granite. Telephone IBS ¡GENERAL abaos basi WANTED— Furniture vepeir- g. Werk done to yoar home at shop. Phone 918-R, Med- rd, Oregon. 48-81* BOMB Where tha slqk are oared for . Spoetai tote to Invalids. Pall IBS unnJMMG. Beaairtaa. 8 weg- ling. Painting. Kalsomtolng, Re- fintshing. W- T- Blackwell,. Garfield. Phene ASSI* SOÎ-tf WANTED—Fat hens. Bagla market. ______ <3-4t . W om en TM Mob ötbar N ^ 'H a s GENERAL'asked motor- utt to accept unsupported claims. It has proved its superiority, in consistent performance! , “Fill U p Your Tank and Ect Y our ENGINE Decide!0 is the selling pol- icy on'.which^GENERAL’ Has wcM the Briti* G oium biaf^* ' } GENERALtGaJolifli swuret, ftont any engine,!the)beat performance pf which thatIngm eis, capable. G E N E R A L Products 'Are Sold C M y 'i& fortheR jSd f Independent Dealers at Ihe Green-ana-White *Sign\^ ' “F1U Up Your Tank and U t Your ENGINE D m U.1’* from the supply taksn Bboard when ws s a ile d , vs reaohed tb s Morth va rsXQd upon the w ild U f a of the region* using s e a l, walrus', oaribou, muskox, Arotlo h a r t, and many xinds of wild dueka. Xvery day ws had fresh meat with p len ty of f a t at a t le a s t one meal and u su a lly o ften sr when sup­ p lie s wore p le n t if u l, and every one oame through tha four months in ex o ellen t con d ition ; in f a o t, most o f.th e members o f the party gained weight. While we* o ften h ea r i t o la iw d that eatin g tee muoh meat la unfavorable to h e a lth , i t i s a f a s t th at suoh ailm ents as g o u t, hardening of the a r t e r ie s , and ether disorders a ttrib u ted to an ex- o ess of meat sa tin g are qu ite unknown to the Xskimes who .eat nothing but meat. In my own axparlaaea X, have never known anyone t e Attempt to l i v e in the Arotlo on a vegetarian d iet.; On the ether hand, story A rctic explorer now­ adays r e l ie s upon th e n ative fresh meats as a sure preventive o f geurvy. a auoh dreaded n u tritio n a l disorder which was prevalent in e a r lie r Arotlo ex­ perience tim es before we learned a leeseu In d iet The above T-TT-g- from Donald B. MaoMUlao. tbe ’fiunoua Arctic explorer, la of vital Interest to every hpuae- ' wife. Tbe expedition carried Swift’s Premium Hama and Bacon and other Swift branded products < * , , Íu JUDY. & FROHBACH, INC. a - Insist on Ashland Creamery Butter S E 9T IO 11IIB A. L. GIDEON FOR SALE—20-aere ranch, Satos taksa anywhere—-anytime. Ashland. Oregon fully equipped, stock end feed PAINTDÍG CONTRACTOR CONVALESCENT .is of uniform high quality. $1.00 20 D istinct V arieties FOR SALE— Furniture, buggy and harness: C. H. Jerome, Ashland Mine Road. ■vmtY ponao or , Hi- ASHLAND CREAMERY BUTTE! These are strictly fresh room beat to The Tidings of­ fice, formerly occupied by The Needlecraft. Plenty room tor small store or office. . Rant reasonable. Apply The Tidings office. ' . 12-tt POR ment. Ave. Gaston — Odd fellow s platt to . balld IMOO lodge hall. k asbd thia MS and * n 'Matt to Pbtty A Ob.. SSSS Sheffield A * . Chicago, J U 4 waltta« y eto U t t e and address clearly. Yoa w W re­ ceive a - t e r -cent bottle d i folbvs hgxwy and ’ T i n Pound B ox o f Assorted COMPOUND tor coagks, eelds apd h oarsen «* also tree sample pask- aces at POLBY PILLS. a dlurettt stimulant (dr the kidneys, apd FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS tor Constipation and Biliousness. These wonderful remedies have helpml millions of people. Try theml M id everywhere. X ¡Wholesale P is tributerà JK’W ” t f r i *' *•'’ "V , * * s 1 * ' 1 r S w ift& ’Company A ahlaod L ocal B runch A • i ifSwBB - .Y m