I Asma** toAîtr «noroa Returned H o m o - Mrs. Norman Mack has return­ Al Meyers of Anderson Creek was a visitor In Ashland yester­ ed home from a several weeks visit with friends in Sacramento, day. Oakland and other places in Cali­ \ Why do yop pay Sewing Ma­ fornia. chine Agents from 1120 to 9160 Yes, we have no bananas, hut for sewing machlnee. when you Here from TUIent— we have money to loan on good can get the White here for 966. J I. E. Bradley of Talent was a v . 68-tf security. Phone 91. Yeo, (of •business visitor In Ashland ye>- EmU P elt epurse.) 19—tf Aerday, P U B N I 9 H K D HOUSE near school for rent STAPLES REALTY ‘ , dd-1 Try onr golden stuffed dates. Candyland, 97-tf FOR RENT — Housekeeping femme. 9 0 Haat Main. , <<-«• Heir bobbing, marcelling a Joe 8ilva was a business visit­ specialty. The Vanity Shoppe. or in Ashland yesterday from —, . . 6S-tf » Quick lunch service at Nlnlng- Talent «r’s Fountain. 4S-Ü WANTED ■ Men to make mon­ ey la spare or full time. Write immediately for full particulars. ROMANCÉ PSRPUMBR8 General P. O. Bex 999 Brooklyn, N . T . * . .... ■ •4-1« Orrea Cleone Clothes. STRICTLY MODERN T-rooro house. Hod air furnace, hard wood floors, every convenience, large lot, at bargajd *rlee, 94260. easy terms. Orree will dye for you. Freuh Piru Whistle Candy, Juef arrived.—Nlninger’s. 49-tf Parch aard Car— The local Star dealer, M. W. Boxes filled to your selection Hamaker reports the sale of a new J Cliff Jenkina^of Grants Pass from stock. Candyland. 60-tf Star special sport car to L- Whit­ sett end Sam . MoJOdr will enjoy Snappy tall suits for young a duck hurt J e w at* Klamath men. Prices right at Orree. Fresh Tamales.—The Rose. FOR SALE—Palrbanke Morse 1S-H. P., gas engine, direct con­ nection to 115 volt < , «. generat­ or. 96 amperes. Burna distillate kerosene, etove tops, etc. Pine for moving picture heuee oi country lighting, will carry i 6 9 40 watt lamps. P in t clam con' ditlon. Reasonable offer» con­ sidered. Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, Ashland, Oregon. Saturday is fast day for Free Moved— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller who Facial. Phone 9Ï. McNair Bras. recently came to Ashland have moved from The Ashland Hotel A m i c e M. Bolger, teacher of to the Chattla Apartments. -violin. Palmer Plano House. are leaving Ashland tomorrow Liability Insurance wi for Berkeley, where they ex­ pect to make their home. •ntomobUee sad trucks. For Cleaning Phone 111 SI. Yeo, (of conree.) Pauiaerud’a. Freeh Tamales.—The Rose. McNfcir's Cold Tablets, 26c. To Grants Pase— Mrs. Sam McNair, Mrs. Hal Me Nalr and Jamey, Mrs. Milton Fraley and Billy and Betty Fra- ley motored to Grants Pass to­ day where they will spend the day. Largest and finest display of fresh candies In Southern Ore­ gon at the Plaaa. 49-tf The Clsyeomb Motor Company report the sale of a new 1926 Ford Roadster to Ivan Farmer Suite that are all wool at 999.90 With extra pants* free ’«t Orree Tailor Shpp. The Ashland Study Club will not have the luncheon and meet­ ing that was planned for Monday Cara Noma Is the finest made. at 1:99 p. m. The luncheoa will McNair Bros. be postponed until the last of the club year. Woolen samples for quilt toes 86c at Orrea Tailor Shop. W. A. Aitken. Walter Hughes. Mice Miriam Calmanaon, Miss To Mr. and Mr». William Rey Florence Neltymier, and Mies Clary Wedheeday, November it . Uneeta Morgan left this morning 1926, a 7 2-4 ponad son. by motor for Eugene where they Win attend the home coming foot­ Mrs. B. Bowerman of Medford, ball game. formerly a local resident, was ia Ashland today visiting the Ralph Word Rec ei ved Billings family. Word hue been received In Ash­ land of the death of George W. Time waits for no one. Ha Shriner at Lanes Hospital in Ban those photographs mada no Francisco, November 12, at 11:20 Studio Ashland, On the Plasa. ». m. Mr. Shriner in nn old tlme ~ Skating at Ashland Natatorium AhUend rastdent, and a bali every evening, Saturday and Sun­ hrother o f ‘ Mv. H. 8. Emery of day afternoons. 69-2 Ashland. Mr. Shriner ls very well knewn la Ashland having many ... Candy Land—Caramels fresh friemda bara. and chewy. „ , .—A. poor punt by W etiel, of Oregon, from near her goal line gave the Aggies the hall on Oregon's 36 yard Uns ear­ ly in the first quarter of to­ day’s annual gridiron clas­ sic. After a series of line bucks, Denman, Aggie half, hammered the ball across for « touchdown. The Aggies converted g o a l Ae the first HOUSE PETKES “THE STORM BREAKER” Life in a fishing village, among men who go down to the sea in ships, of their loves and quarrels and strength and adventures, SUNDAY - MONDAY J Hot tab sulphur hatha. Day or night at Jackson Hot Springt. «H t Attorney Bennett, of the Hart­ man Shale Oil Syndicate ls In Ashland today. He plank to leave tomorrow. Here For Week Radi Mias Bria Turner who teaches the Buckhorn Lodge school ar­ Prom Hilt— rived In Ahhlaad Friday evening Theodora Martines and family to upend the weak and with her were vltttorc ‘in Ashland yester­ paroata, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Turner day from Hilt, California. of Sixth street. Candy Land— Turkish Nougat» made la the good aid fashioned way. Vanilla aad strawberry flavors. All ' Kinds convert g o a l The half end- G1“\ Automobili ...rtMMIl Phone IdR 111 S. Bartlett off their fight by their big win/ will not be so snappy. Local football fans dp not pre­ dict an Ashland victory, al- (betowÿ/«t — When Ml*: Helen Alfnrd „ Chippewa Falls. Wl».. UtacoverM He« 1 huatand w as out riding with gnothe«) *' women, she s o t a revolver and.w ait , ( ed for them to come b uck." Ae "llw I girl. M1 m > temrnu Schults, oheve. go, out .o f the oar. »he »hol h<* IVU» tlmm. Hhe is under nrrvot und M*u Schultz IS recovering in a ImaidtM he patted his revolver. The other eon apvreborated this testimony. > Blmef Morse, Is, testified .that on the night of the slaying, "the doge had barked” and kept him ( Contlaue«, from page One) BI8MARK, N. D., Nov. 14.— Huntley*, by witnesses ' showing (IP)— Appointment of,Gerald Nye, that her testimony at the trial of Cooperstown, N. D., and • (varied • widely from statements newspaper publisher, to fUl the nmde to friends shorSy after the vacancy In the United States Sen­ tragedy. ate caused by the death of Sen­ | James Huntley^ 11, son of the ator Edwin A.- Ladd w a s snaasuk■ defendant, testified that he had ed. today by Governor Sorlle. .The Been his mother and Gibbs "hug­ appointment hold» until, a special ring and hissing,” and, that Gibbs election next June, Nye is a naur lad aald, "No, I’ll shoot him,” hq REPLACEMENTS von voua oaa You can depend upon the your expensive bedding of draper, lee cleaned when we .dp the wofk. The skill end artlaMe way la which we handle such materials nouncement, it la said,' wlU mean $10.95 t Murphy Electric Shop BEARINGS Please and other parts if they come from CAFE Next to Am. Express Office, 4th and A Sts. Under New Management Opposite Llthla Springs Hotel Best of Servies at All Times CHEVROLET . LEADS - on Pacific Coast .September official sales records show. Candy—The ■ Universal Gift appropriate always. Thè Box and appreciated Johnston’s Cameo .......... . .$1.50 The Choice Package $1.50 are good numbers. Be sure—look for the famous trade mark name—“ John­ stons,’* • -I Ai , - Chrysanthemum Automotive Shop Brake RaKning Done by Machinery EVERY POUND OP ASHLAND CREAMERY BUTTER » ,.* is of upiform high quality. . Insist on Ashland Creamery Butter also ; FORD Tk A f iviti 3 rkxr BATTERY PINIONS 839 E. Main Street the collapse of any organised op­ position to the Locarno pacth at Berlin. . * ' All insurance la good Insur­ ance. But the beat insurance la a liberal policy, issued by a safe company, placed with a conscientious agency. Satisfied policyholders for customer» are what we seek. FULL - SIZE GEARS w .............. DAMASCUS NORMAL . PARIS, Nov. 14.— —Damas­ cus was reported nqrmal, *ud eat h PARIS, Nov. 14*— Off) —-The Council of Ambassadors today de­ cided to start the evacuation of Cologne on December 1. ; Thia move is the f«»t fruit of the.Locarhò peace peels, and fol­ lows Germany's agreement to the final demands of the Allies. »'» Germhny has long sought; the evacuation of the Rhine cities by Allied troops, and today’s an­ Thia agency offers person­ al attention to every in­ dividual proposition on ita books. Each problem that arises is given careful study. No .policy ia too ama.lL to • merit th e. beat that can be offered. Billings Ö AXLES partisan. Eat a Delicious «W THE ASHLAND CREAMERY Lithia Springs Confectionery Make Reservations Now for Your SICK •* D in n e r Ashland Flower Dinner Lithia Springs Hotel Bldg. Thursday, Friday Saturday, PLAZA 4 Eegnlsr You need never dread to have ................. Insurance _ A pepful French fame, chock-full of chuckles and shot fall of shrieks. 4 R RV.,* Ashland Olaanind and Dyeing Works 35 First 8k Service Personally Supervised Keep .Wann And Thankegfvtag, Nov. 29, order year rail aad overcoat now, at Orrao Tailor Shop, upstair». V r r r « Plate Glass and Mirrors Made to Order. Reellker YrtM Old Minora , End first quarter, Wash ingtoo, 0; California, 0. (Colnttnued from page 1.) Dartmouth, S3, Chicago, 7 and will fight more than ever. Wisconsin 21, Michigan Medfofd. with the temper taken SU te 10: Missouri, 16, OB r Show Children’s hooka. Books everybody. At Blhart’a. i,<»uiésia 9- banda in messages to the foreign California where they will spend office today. The uprising against Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Wingfield the winter. •- French rale In Damascus Is re- of Tennant, California, are visit­ 'ported effectually curbed, ing In Ashland with «Ira. Wl»g- flelds mother, Mrs. McDonough. If you need an office or small ould have first hand information storeroom, the room next to n the annual football-battle be­ The Tidings offlee Is reedy for tween O. A. C. and the University yon. Apply nt The Tidings of- ef Oregon, the Tidings sent T. fide. 92-tf R. Jackson, city editor, to cover the game. Jackson's story will he printed In the Monday leans Of this paper. Den Bowerman, fermerly with The Tidings, teak Jackson’s piece here today. good character In Douglas county, but said he beard of the defend­ ant being Implicated In the kill­ ing of a boy named Akers at a Medford 01 ms Company T > Oregon player* mad» the first touchdown in the second half after advancing thé ball down the field on a to y r . and. Mrs,-John SteekUn, FINISHING TODA Y •wake, and that about midnlxht he had hoard cursing and talking near the Huntley home, “ With Mm. Huntley dping.moet of the talking.” He aald he heart Mra. Huntley any: "If Hy touches Jeam 1*11 kilt him aa aura ae my. name la Hattie.” Robert McClanahan, a member of the grand Jury which Indicted Huntley aald that he heard Mri. Huntley threaten to kill her hua- band, and that he heard her call her husband rile names. George Quine, former Douglas qounty Jadge and aherlff tsaUft- ed to Huntley’s good character. Alton Rice testified to Huntley’s Sunday 75O-9L00 and Navy Wind and Rain Proof Suits Goat and Pants .$6.00 Heavy Wool Army Socks » u r y v i L ff itv z v z lx l SUPPLIES — every comfort and convenience for thé shut-ins 3 Pairs à . . », ....... $1.00 Prompt Delivery Servioe, ü lth ia S prings Hotel We will serve turkey dinner at noon and at 6 p. m both on* Thanksgiving Day. EVERYBODY I,i thia WELCOME 20 Distinct iVarietii Army Goods Store Remember our Special $1.00 dinners Each Sunday Evening. Special Attention to Banquets and Parties ’S • • *