Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 12, 1925, Page 9, Image 9

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    ooK Factory Has
Made Great Strides
During Past Season
California, • Oregon Box and Lumber Company Plant
Has Advanced Rapidly Since Opening. Order* Are
Booked for Tear Ahead. Unable to Secure Enough
Lumber to Fill Orders, Says Manager.
----- On e of the large s t indu s trial »rhiev e ments in A ah laud
during the past year has been the completion and the
continuous operation of the California * Oregon Box and
Lumber Company’s plant, in the opinion of men who have
their finger on the economic pulse of the city.
The erection of the plant and its operation brought
into the city finances in the form of lumber purchases,
and its payroll, and it is considered one of the leading
assets jxjssessed by the city.
• This company has built in this city one of the most
modern and 'up-to-date factories of its kind in the state
for the manufacture' of box shook and sash and doors.
A planing mill and retail yard are operated in connection
with the box factor)’, and much of the, lumber being used
in local buildings is supplied by the California Box and
Lufiiber company from its plant here.
¿^Jhe company owns its own sawmill, located on the
s mum it of the Siskiyous, and a body of timber sufficient
to maintain the plant here for at least fifteen years, is
owned dose to the sawmilll. The lumber is hauled by
truck to the cutup pant, or comes in by rail by way of
.„However, it has been found that the sawmill owned
by the company does not supply sufficient lumber to keep
the box factory in continuous, maximum operation
throughout the year, and for that reason, the company has
purchased lumber from six different sawmills during the
past year. It now has under contract three new mills, to
saw lumber exclusively for its use during the 1926 sea­
son; -The lumber will be trucked direct from the mills to
the box factory.
In addition, teellng that the
lim it of the box factory ia only
the maylmun amount of lumber
obtainable, A rth u r Coggins, gen­
eral manager o f the concern la
to Interest other
small lumber m ill operators In
selling their lumber to the local
box factory. "W s have orders
booked ahead for over a year,
and we must have additional
lumber to meet this demand,”
Mr. Coggins says. “ There Is a
splendid opportunity
the small lumber sawyer, who
w ill sell us his output.” he con­
The C alifornia Pipe Rox pja-
trlbutor* handle the entire box
shook o u tp u tw f the locgl giant,
while the Adams Lumbgr ooni-
pgny are the M llln g ageqta for
the company's sash and door
business, which ia amounting to
considerably more than antici­
pated when the plant first op­
ened here,” M r, Coggins
More than *100,000 worth of
business w ill be done tbroagb
these two concerns thia year,
according to M r. Coggins, irlth
prospects for an even larger year
in 1930, whan mors mills will
be supplying the local box fac­
tory w ith additional lumber for
box shook and aaah and doors.
Practically this entire amount
remains In Ashland, going Into
the purchase of lumber, the pay­
ing o f help, or in the profits,
which are taken by the stock­
holders in the company, many
of whom arrf local people.
The box factory Itself, em­
ploys about 26 men the year
around. In addition, each saw­
m ill which sella its 'o u tp u t to
tha factory, employs about the
same number of men, on the'
average, M r. Coggins
thus making s' payroll for the
Ashland district mounting Into
thousands of dollars each year.
from the m ill operated fcy
California-Oregon Box •» a
bar coppkgy plant. Hare
a savin* has bean aff«
the people of Ashland. Mace
freight coats arc saved to t M
Notable sales of lum ber were
made to J. H . MoOee, for M *
new »tore building which wee re­
cently opened, and to the naw
Brown garage, now In the course
of construction.
The coihpany maintains a fleet
of trucks for lumber deliver all
over N orthern California,supply­
ing the local demands of Duns­
m uir, Y re k a , Hornbrook and the
country surrounding these cltlos.
AU local deliveries are made by
the W hittle Trahafer company.
which company also handles the
block wood business for the box
factory concern.
The company maintains Its
own ranch, which la leased from
the Balfonr-Outhrtes company,
and here It raise* hay and grain
toy the logging horses, and pro­
vides n w inter place tor their
"The amount of busineea that
we can do nt the plant.” says
M r. Coggins, “ la only lim ited
to the amount of lumber that be­
comes available for our use. The
output is contracted for a year
in advance, and It la essential
th a t we obtain large. quantities
of cheap box lumber to keep
running to capacity, In order
t o ’ N il tbeae orders. The 193*
season/ w ith our own sawmill
running to capacity, and three
other m ills noyr running or be­
ing built, w ill help supply
lumber requirements of the lo­
cal plant,” he continued
::W e have been in business
but one year, but in that one
year we have made wonderful
strides. In four more years, be­
fore we have completed a five
year period of advancement, we
w ill be doing a
beyond our expectations when
we started. W e can see that the
business is here, and the people
of Ashland are
for us,”
M r.
Coggins concluded.
of City, Bi
Men of the manage*«
the sovlx forma
B u rls* the prelim inary 4M-
engglon of -plan* to r the naw
hotel, several a|t«a w a r* sog*
sldared. and * o definite move to­
ward eoastruoUen work or com-
Pletod plans was made until tha
dedalon \ a s
location a t the aorgar
Entirely Constructed by Ashland Capital, Lithia Sprinp
Hotel Stand* a* Monument to People. Puts Ashland
in Ola*» of Finest Hotel Cities in State. Gives Ample
Acoomodations to Tourist*.
Conceived. by Aishland meB,
capital, furnished by the people who have unlimited eon'
fidence in their home city, the new Lithia Springs hotel
opened July 1, stands as a monument, dedicated to the
business judgment and confidence of the people o f this
It indicates the desire of the people to construct a'
hotel, not only for supplying the demands of the present,
but one which will for years, to come, stand as a monu­
ment to their ability in seeing the advance o f travel and
ever increasing demand for hotel accomodations of the
higliest class.
A little more than a year ago, a small group of men,
meeting at a luncheon table, began the formulating of the
plan which fbund fruition months later in the completion
of the beautiful structure. Their meeting was but the
culmination of a long felt desire for a hotel which would
attract the tourist, to Ashland, for they realized Ashland
was a tourist city. Their plan, when finally worked out,
stood for the construction of a nine story hotel structure,
containing 99 rooms, and to be. constructed and furnished
at a total cost of more than $240,000, placing Ashland on
a plane with the leading cities of the Northwest.
This little group of men spent hours and days of
their time, their private time, which could ill afford be
taken from their businesses and they gave this time, free
of cost to their fellow citizens. Then, on July 1 of this
year, they opened the new hostelry, and allowed those
who furnished the money for jls construction to judge
for themselves whether they had faithfully carried out
their charge. And the stockholders, viewing for the first
time the completed structure, were amazed to see the
beauty of it. They voted unanimously, that the work was
the best that could be obtained, and gave the small group
their thanks.
-•—■—. . ------ ----------- --------------------
Most of the box shook pro­
duced at the local plant, la sold
to California consumers. The
big canning concerns in the
Southern state take most of the
product, and are anxious to
obtain m o re,'fo r, they point out,
tha Ashland produced bqx shook
is of the finest quality obtain­
In addition, the local canhery
purchases a ll of their shook re­
quirements from the C alifornia-
Oregon Box and Lum ber com­
pany plant here. Thia purchase
amounted to about 100,000 cases
this year Mr. Coggins stated.
Besides this local purchase, the
Ashland F ru it and Produce as­
sociation are
shook, direct from the manufac­
turer, at a, great saving over
what they h ad -tq pay fo r shook
before the California-Oregon Box
end Lum ber company plaBt was
T h a t Ashland's climate la ad'
operated here.
Shortly a lte r the first small
m irably suited to the production
was held, at which tlraa
In addition to tha activities in o f poultry in a commercial way
the box shook line, the planing has been proven, by the success H . O. Bader», Jr. was elected
m ill has supplied lumber direct of the enterprises already here; president of the newly formed
hero, « * « $o
sqtqfqrtabls etmoaph.r
noting ^sw. h»4‘ perm
H. MoOee
and main streets.
The U tk ia n Hetsl eorporatlog,
formed, pushed the stock »ala
rapidly, and the people of Ash*
land H ille d te the oaU, and w ith­
in » v e r y abort time the money
needed t » »tart construction work
wa*-T9BMd;""Thsto swekhotdsnr
subscribed approximately *141,*
760 in stock, of which *1 3 0 ,8«5
has already bean collected. As
soon ns the money needed to
start construction yaa la the
treasury the excavation work wna
started In September of last year.
Then came a period of w aiting
and fin ally when the bids ware
opened the firm of Hoover and
McNeil of Albany were given the
contrast for the gaperal con­
struction work.
Although the building progress
was not ae rapid as expected, ow-
lag to a srumber of difficulties
in obtaining materials necessary
and adverse weather conditions
during the wlntpr, there was
steady pushing ahead of the pro­
ject, and early In 1936, the op­
ening date was set for June 1.
This wna later changed in order
to have everything in readiness
before the d e d ic a tio n .
The financing o f the project
wna completed with tha vote of
the hotel directors to Issue'*11 4.-
0 *0 In sla and six and one half
per cent Interest bonds. These
bonds ware Issued In May, and
ware underwritten by the Ralph
Sebneeloek company of Portland.
When, placed, on sale they were
sold quickly, a large number of
them being hold now In Ashland,
by men firm In the belief that
the purchase Is a sound business,
Every need th a t the most
critical guaat could desire
Llthinn Hotel corporation, with
bean mat, and the 00 rooms are
J. W , McCoy, V . O. N. Smith, equipped w ith the best of furn-
Louin Dodge', T. H. Simpson, O. lsblngs, lending a homelike and
fui lobby, and on up through
the nine stories of ' reinforced
concrete, Mrs proof construction,
MUs keynote of * desire to* pro­
vide of the hoe* la m rldonton
•very knot.
‘ .
The dining room, which oc­
cupies the southeast comer of
the building, fronting on First
street, hah a seating accomoda­
tions far goo dinars, with ample
room between tables. T ie smnilor
dining room leading off tha main
dining room, is to ba used for
smaller banquets, and when oc­
casion arises, can ha opened in
.The dining rooms are splendid
ly furnished, silver service and
table linen being of the beat, and
tbe ball room being provided
w lth furnishings which Mend
with tha attractive decorations of
the ceilings, walls and columns.
The lighting system In the din­
ing rooms, consisting of large
calling clusters, as w ell
smaller lights on tha walls, gives
a soft and attractive glow over
tha w hite covered tables and is
a pleasing feature o f this part
of the hotel bonding.
Two entrances to tbe dining
rooms from the kitchen assure
quick and e d v en ien t service to
guests. Both entrances have wide
swinging doors and open directly
Into the space before the kitchen
serving tablet.
The kitchen of tbe new L ith ia
Springe hotel Is In keeping w ith
the Idea that nothing In the way
of modem and efficient conven­
iences should be overlooked In
equipment. Tbe best machinery
and tha most convenient arrange­
ment o f raagee, steam tables and
refrigeration plant have been
provided to meet the needs of
the establishment» A trained
staff a ll of whom have served
their apprenticeship In the larg­
er hotels either o f tha United
States or of Europe,
are on
doty a t a ll times.
Ashland, a home city, Ntled
w ith friendly people, the home
of the world’s famous L ith ia
water, the most beautiful city
in Southern Oregon, la growing
' I
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