/ » I • í Oregon, USS, n o ti« to hereby given » i Ä T Ä W BO* OOUNJY U l. Getterai Lev» it the Cpunty (tourt Ä T H A N K S G IV IN G Necessities , ae published herewith, by when made, in favorof or <| rein as the County Court m 4th deputy *1089; |Ut deputy. 6th deputy, The County Budget Committee for Jaekuon County, Oregon has 1100; 7th deputy, POO; 8th‘deputy, *800; Extra prepared and submits the following; An estimate of the amount help. *4*0) Office dURdOd. telephone, *100; required tor each department of County Government« County express, *11; pristine and reeprd hooka »1200; Office or County Officer, each County improvement, the main­ postage, *6«0; ntoeeUeMPW »applies, »000........ LithiaPi tenance of each County building, structure or institution, the CORONER'S office salary of eaeh County officer or employee, including those whose Pees of coroner end phyetetone. Jurors, witnesses To Ashland goes the honor of salaries are fined by statute, tor the improvement and maintenance and other expeusee...,......,.....,—— ...... hating the first municipal auto of publie highways, road«, bridges, the construction, operation and FRUIT IWffFBCTOR camp in the United States.. T ea« maintenance of each publie utility and redemption of outstanding Salaries and expenses of inspector»-—............................ warrants; and estimate of tho public rooeipta of the County from io n r a ir other than direct «nation upon^U» real ^e^d pereenel turned ever to tho park commis­ *9800.09; demonstration agent, 91800.00; Club sions«, to be used for the accom­ work, 8 8 4 0 9 .9 8 ..••......••••......••■ ••••••....... modation of travelers who wished SCHOOL SUPEHlNTHNDENT'N OFFICE AND DEPA EDUCATION ta camp overnight instead of go­ Salary of Superintendent, » 9 9 9 ; Rural Supervisor, ing to a hotel. *1440; Office help, *114*1 Printing A Mise. Sup­ Por several years, no charge Panda plies, *748; Supervisor’s expense, *100; Traveling was made for the nee of the camp Crater Lake Highway Bond Int. ... expense, Co. Supt., *999; Sgpervisor's Traveling expense, *809; Teachers exams., 910; 8th Grade grounds. At that time, a kitchen­ Pacific Highway Road Int. Fund Road Fund ...•—•••..•*-.-*.••.*•.9.4 *78,1 exams., *90; School Officers’ Convention, *78 ette was provided, together with Gen. Gold Hill Bridge Fund..........- .9 9,< Teachers” County Institute, *899; County Educa­ gas plates and comfort stations. County School Fund (977,898.99) and tional Board, *89; Boys and Girls Club Work, In 1 9 » , charges 'wars fln t School Library Fund (*776.00) ------ ....... *100; Jackson County School Day, »80; Extra Help during year. *98.......... ...... ..........................,...... started at the camp grounds. The High School Fund ........... - ......- ...... (Outside School Diets. Maintaining SEALER OP W EIGHTS AM» MEASUR tourist travel since that year has High Schools, Est. Val. of 814,000,000) Salary and Traveling Expenses................... ...................... seen major improvements in the County Library Fund (Outside Ashland... STOCK INSPECTION accomodations at the park. Bet. Val. of 897,299,990) Salary and expenses and .tuhereular cattle.................- WATER MASTER Since 1 9 » , the park commis­ Pacific Highway Redemption Fund....... Fifteen Year Series ................ * »,080 Salary of Water Master, 99.0*0; Hydrographer, sion«» purchased the Wsre-Oreer Twenty Year Seri« ................ 8,860 8 moi. 9 9170, 91860; Salaries of 4 Deputies, property, the Stevens property, the Twenty-five Year Series ..... 4,781 *1469; Water Master’s mileage, *840; Hydro- •chomp property, and all were Thirty Year Beriw — ----- . a ..... 8,849. grapher's mileage, 9889; Office Assistant, *90; Office Assistant’s mileage, 889; Deputies Mileage, added to the camp gronad. Shelt- *1194.19;' Stenographer. *900; Mlsc. expenses. era were already on homo of the Crater Lake Highway Redemption Fund.. , *491,80 properties, and additional shelt­ SURVEYOR’S OFFICE Series A. Stenographer, 9410; Mlsc. expetfces, lights, phone, Twenty Year Seri« ..... ers are now being constructed. office supplies, 8190; Road viSWing, re-estab. cors. Twenty-five Year Seri«. At present about six acres are and checking plate, etc. 8669; Field notes, »100; Thirty Year Seri« contained in the camp ground. Surveys, chainmea and axemen, *850; office rent, Last year, 810,009 was spent In *180; Mileage *800 ............................................. „....... ------ ----- -------- t.---- TREASURER'S OFFICE improvements on the park, in­ Treasurer’s salary, *1800; Traveling expense, *70; cluding the m agnlflclent new Deputy, *1699; Extra help, *189: Premium, Treas­ F ifteen Year Series —— community bouse. Of this amount urer’s Bond, *959; Premium, Deputy's Bond, » 6 ; Twenty Year S eri« ...... Mlsc. office expense, puppllee, telephone, repairs, 89,600 was spent without the Twenty-five Year Seri« Thirty Year Seri« ------- taxes of the city being increased. COUNTY HEALTH UNIT since the bonde votad are paid County Nurae ( ls t traveling expense »720; County off with the proceeds of the eamp Nurae. (Ind) traveling expense, »720; Medical Total .M....... grounds. Directora* ealary, »1500; Medical Directora* State Tax, (Est. only) ( Includes State Market Road Money) traveling expense,, »410; Office Clerk, Technician, At present the park commis­ »900; Office equipment, and contingent expense »900 sion to made up of; Frank Jordan, For Connty Market Road Money .......~ DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE CurroDt E x ^ gobo president, Hal McNair, secretary. (>162,878.10 require^) Stenographer, »1200; Traveling expense, »200; Tsle- Louis Dodge, S. A. Petan Jr., and graph A Telephone, »990; Printing Supreme Court Briefs, »100; Office Rent, »500; Deputy, »1800; Total Levy Outside High School Dista. A. C. Ninlnger. Total Levy inside High School D iets.-------- . Office Supplies and Expense, »260; Investigations, »100; Court fees, »50; Expert Witnesses, »200; (Less 2.8 mills) Light, »60 ........................................................................ Total Levy Inside Ashland ....—»,.............. Eugem -Bank clearings for Amount estimated to cover all expenditures miscellaneous expenses September ware 84,000,000 for 1928 ....................................... ................ »705,926.22 Bed Croes, »100 per month ............................. above a year ago. Estimated receipts for 1929 ------------------ - 91,700.00 Fire warden, one-third expense .................... Estimated delinquency on 4925 Taxes........ 91,709,00 Elections and registrations .................................. TENTATIVE BUDGET, JACKSON COUNTY, 1926 Expense of examination of books and accounts. - EXPENSES Payments for reporting birthls and deaths......... County Fair ........................................... .... .......... For the payment of the following separate Items of expense: « 8 6 » 2 » « Tax «funda/ doable « « « m e n ta , errors' etc. County Law Library .......... Í — . General Road Fund.................................................................... —• CIRCUIT COURT Circuit Court, general expenses, including bailiffs, jurors, reporters, stenographer, special counsel, w itn e ss« , fees To The Public Ton /need mot be afraid to send ns your clothes. The methods we fase in cleaning will not injure the finest fabrics or colors. Standard Cleaners Free Delivery Service Phone 108 96 Oak St. N d Ungreased Parts abovt your car can be found after it has been greased at i , Williams Service Siftion ■OULHVARD and SHERMAN 8h^Q ta d G eneral m ileage...................................' COUNTY COURT AND COMMISSIONERS County Judge’s salary, »3000.00; traveling expenses » 0 0 ; Fess and traveling expenses (Commissioners), »3000; other expenses, including supplies, printing, postage, county court bailiff, express, telephoning, telegraph, jurors, witnesses, end mileage, *1000.... JUVENILE COURT Jurors, witnesses, mileage, etc. »260; widows’ pensions, »6000; other expenses for commitments, probations and truant officers, etc. »400; Boys’ and Girla* Aid Society allowance, »100; delinquent and neglected children, blind, deaf mutes, feeble­ minded and insane, »390 ................-....................... JUSTICE COURT , Few of Justices, constables, jurors and witnesses, etc. COUNTY ADVERTISING Advertising County Resources and Stats Fair Exhibit as the County Court may hereinafter deem advisable For bld|s of all kinds, printing of notices and delinquent Tax list, sales of property, county court proceedings CARE OF THE POOR Salary for superintendent for Poor Farm, »1600; ^maintenance of W Y W iw r Bsw n m »» boo ; tubercular poor »160; Upkeep of Bldg., »1009; In­ digent» hot at Poor Fprm, » 0 0 0 ............................. BOUNTIES ON WILD ANIMALS Payment of ............ .......................................... SHERIFFS OFFICE Sheriff’s salary, »2(00; traveling expense, Criminal and Civil cases, »3608; telephone and telegraph »600; finger pt;lnt work and photo supplies, *860; remium on bonds, *110; lst deputy I t months, 1600; 3ud deputy IS month)». *1*80; 3rd deputy, 12 months, *1209; 4th deputy, 12 months, *1100; One Stenographer, *1909.99; Extra help on Tax Receipts, *909; Expen« Delinquent Tax Matters, 91000; 38,000 comb, tax receipts, *488; 14 loose leaf binders. *4*; 500 turnover sheets 988; stamped envelop«, *960; Stamps, 9109; Stationery and Envelopes, 999; Mlsc." Forms, 910; Supplies. 91*0; Fillers for tax receipts file »3*6; ^11« for Service Records, *80; Numbering Machine, *11.10; Typewriter and Machine, *100; Collection of De­ linquent peraonal tax«, *836; Hand cuffs and billet, 680 .................................................... ............................. JAIL EXPENSE Jailor, »1200; Extra help, »400: matron, »200; laundry »300; board of prisoners, »3000; repel«, supplies, «4s,, *909 J Heat Your Home Perfectly WITH AN Ideal Vecto Heater Also wide selection of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters Convenient time payments will be arranged, DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY We will be waiting for you. Provost Hardware » ,1 » .9 County School Fund..............—....— — — ---------- - 77, eee.ee geheol Library F o n d .......- .......- — .— ........................ — 77t.eo High School Fund .(to be levied on School Districts . not maintaining High Schools)--...................................... 27,0 0. County Library Fund (Levied outside Ashland)...................%^40.00 of Pacific Highway Road Bonds: Don’t waste time taking pills Redemption Fifteen Year Series........................................... 8 »•090.90 or tablets for gas on the stomach Tw enty Year Series................... — ....—........... 9,250.00 when simple buckthorn bark, Twenty-fIVe Year Series................. «,7el.90 Thirty Tear Sarles......... .... 8,940.16 magnesium sulph, c. p. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerlka, re­ Total ........................ - ............. ........... moves gas in TEN minutes. Of­ Redemption of Copter Lake Highway Bonds ten brings out a surprising Bevies A «mount of waste matter you Twenty Year Series......................... —............. Twenty-five Year Seri«.......- .................—- never thought was in your sys­ Thirty Year Series..—..................................... tem. No matter what you have tried tor constipation or allied stomach trouble, Adlerlka is so Ten Yest; 8erles........................... - .......-........ » ».»««-J® wonderful in its QUICK action that you will be astonished. Twenty Year Series..................... .....- ............ ••J“"*® Stops that full, bloated feeling. Twenty-five Year Series............ - .................- Thirty Tear Series..........................................- 1,933.08 Don’t waste time any longer but let Adlerlka give yoar bowels I ' ' 916,926.8« a REAL cleansing and make Total ............ ............... —- ..............- ............ your stomach feel flneJA-McNalr GENERAL COUNTY FUND For Payment of State Tax (estimate only» 7.0 mills)..... Bros. Druggists. (Includes State Market Road Money) For County Market Road Money (1.4 m ills)..................... GAS CARVING SETS Two pdneent daily balance .. Fees, County Clerk’s office .. Fees. Sheriff’s O ffice.............. Sale of lands, Sheriff’s office State appropriation for County Fair ....... From rant of forest ........... ».... ................... From 6 per cent sale of Umber .... ....... Penalties and interest on. delinquent »«vv Auto Licensee ........... ............ ............. ......... COUNTY CLERK, OCTOBER SOTH, 1088 School District No. 10 8,989.42 School District No. 14 1,796.99 School District No. 19 649.76 School District No. 20 6,794*51 3chool District No. 24 / 40.00 School District No. 28 990.09 School District No. »1 880.61 School District No. 36 5,600.00 School District No. 43 680.84 School District No. 44 724.39 School District No. 62 17,99*40 School District No. <9 9,181.61 School District No. 82 999.90 School District No. 89 276.82 School District No. 94 7,442.22 School District No. »7 • 700.00 School District No. 98 9,488.68 School District No. 100 1,134.00 8chool District No. 192 , 1,770.24 Balance on hand in varioous funds of the County on November Current expense fund. Armory fund. * Dog license fund. Indigent soldier fund. Library Fruit Inspection fund Fair Premium fund General fund. General road fund. Indemnity fund. Road dletrjctB. Rodent Extermination. Market road (O. D.) Crater Lake highway. Gold Hill bridge. Ashland-Klamath Falls highway Connty Fair fund I Wary. Cash Balança 9 1,665.97 *689.00 3,940,86 609.91 4,666.96 966.79 Outstanding Warrants 9 7,860.90 nr*' Tot*L *88,867.88 9949.449.96 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF JACKSON, W. Ws, the undersigned, County Budget Commltt« for Jackson County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the. above to a true, fair and complete estimate of the probable expens« of said county for the ensuing year and probable' receipts from sources other than direct taxation upon real and peraonal property In its Jurisdiction daring the ensuing year. Ws, farther certify that the estimate of expenses of the various nstitutlons of the County, ef the amount required for public enter- prisM, roads, bridges, at«., and of alt other expauMs of the county as therein Mt out, to Just and Is based upon a careful study of the expenew o f ‘the county during the past 9 peg«, and a thaw ugh examination of Ito probable needs during the year for which such Mtlmata |s made. That each and every item therein to believed to be necessary for the proper transection of the hqaine« of the county, tbs protection of Its property and Inter«« and to be for the public Welfare. That every axpenae estimated to in accordance with law, Und fs a legitimate charge against the cdnhty. Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, November 2nd, 1988. H. G. NICrtotffON, Chairman •J. 0. I8AACNON. Bee retar y. W, -J. HARTZELL, Committeeman. VICTOR N L ____ Committeeman. _______ BURNELL, GEO. ALFORD, Committeeman J. P. DODGE, Committeeman, ASHLAND FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSOCIA­ TION WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY CARRY A FULL LINE OF G O O D - POULTRY FEEDS DAIRY FEEDS BOX SHOOK APPLES VEGETABLES SPRAY MATERIAL Now is the time to Sulphate of Ammonia better crops next year. a dressing of wish more and W HRNBVNR TOU W ISH TO B U T OB S I L L ANY OY T O A B O V B IT W ILL BUBBLY YAY YOU TO CALL ON U S YOB GOOD R IS U L T A ---------------- _ — --------------— -,