21 M reot**. «T the lato«l doolgn te •daoationol Institution*. Ths MNH$r will ho *o r a— tr n s lsd O at v i a * x^ay be added vbea- •vur the seed It felt. These vtafce v fll be of eight room* each, and vbee the entire build­ ing is eeaipleted, with the three units In piece, the »true tare will eooelet of >4 room*, capable of earing for the school need* of Ashland for rears to pome. However, the money has not yet been voted for these vines. The work on the Hawthorne school, althoaghlt 1* remodeling work, v lll almost entirely al­ ter the appearance of that In­ stitution. »The entire bonding is tp be reeonstrncted and addi­ city tions made, which will make It !W Schools Keep Ashland in Class of Finest Cities Ashland, long noted as an educational center, a in which the beat poeaible facilities Tor the education o f the youth of the city were alw ays furnished w ith a free hand by the citizenry, lived up to its réputation on July 9, w h « , at a special bond election the people o f the city voted a total of $105,000 in school bonds.* T hese bonds, when sold, furnished the money for the construction of one new grade school building, and the rem odeling o f one of the present grade school buildings. A lthough work on neither of these structures has been started a s y et, it is believed that both will be ready for occupancy a t the opening of the school year next Septem ber. A t the time the bonds were voted, plans fo r both schools hdd been drawn up by the firm o f Tonrtellotte and Hummell, Portland architects, who had charge of that work on the new Lithia Springs h o te l H ow ever, no site for the new grade school had been d efin itely selected, although it was known that the strudture was to be erected on the east side of the city, and several sites had been under advisement by the board o f education. A short time after the election was held, and in which the people, of Ashland voted by more than a 10 to one •vote to issne the bonds for the school construction, the board o f education asked that all available sites be sub­ mitted to them. A fter a careful survey during which every site w a s g iv e n a thorough exam ination and discus' won, it was decided that a rite on BAtch street w ould be the most logical rite for the school, and thia waa selected. The new grade school building w ill be an eig h t room BEGIN YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING It is not too early to begin the selection of gifts. What you want might be gone soon. Our stock is most com­ plete now in HOSIERY, SILK LINGERIE, ROBES, GLOVES, BAGS, UMBRELLAS, SW EATERS, HANDKER­ CHIEFS, BED SPREADS and a store full of pretty things to please women, A Small Deposit Will Hold Your Purchase A wing Is to bo bwflt, which will house • combination asosmbly room and gymnasium. At the present time there 1* not an adequate gymnasium building among the school property in which athletics contests may he held. Ia addition, the gymnasium Plain and Decorative Lint i* of Sterling Character The weather is just b eg in n in g to m ake you fe e l lik e a w ool dress w ould be m ore com fortable. H om e Dressm akers ▲t Special Pr » Discounte T he very m ild w eather d u rin g O ctober has caused a slow­ in g up o f coat turnover and u n u su ally early p rice-cu ttin g on all our coats. P rices such as are usually to be had not earlier than th e end o f N ovem b er are alrady in effect at The good looking appear­ ance of onr linens do not come out in the wash. They improve with every tubbing. After, all that is the best kind to bny. It te most eco­ nomical. And when these sterling qualities may be bought below onr usual low level prices, every barrier to rapid baying has been re- moved. take advantage of th is sale. $4.00 Chiffon Broad Cloth in $4.45 quality fancy flannels, $3.95 Black, Navy and Brown, $2.95 54 inches wide, now $2.95 quality in 54 inch plain $2:75 quality Wool Crepe $1.98 and fancy flannels, now $2.45 $5.00 quality Tricotine a t $2.95 $2i95 Poiret Twill a t ....... $1.98 54 inch bordered flannels $6.75 Dress patterns.....$5.95 $7.50 Dress patterns. $6.95 $9.75 Dress pattems......$8.75 A good, all linen, 80 In. table lines, *3.50 quality A nd two thirds o f these w ill sell at less than $40.00 Snowy W hite Bed U nen* There is n o R eason N ow fo r D elaying Coat B uyin g Includes fur trimmed coats o f wool cloths and diogonal bolivias in black and brown, values to $24.50. Exceptional One lot new $6.95 Slip on Sweaters at $3.95 $1.19 Fancy Cuff Çhamoisette Gloves at 98c. Indian Head House Dress, $1.49. Includes coats th at sold reg­ ularly for $34.50 to $39.75 and range from girls 14 to 20 sizes and 36 to 44 in w o A splendid quality silk um­ brella w ith ribbed selvage, ten ribs, amber tips, all gooB colors for sun and rain, Featuring the Famous Q u een Q u a lity $445 Vaines We’ve special priced a large quality of onr sheets and pillow cases for this event. The offering is all Import ant, since these items are always needed, and such savings are not always to be OF lag. A wonderful background to the table appointments fs an attractively patterned table­ cloth and aapkina to match. Whatever pattern you select he*e. It will reflect your good taste, for this depart­ ment is known for the high chacter of ita linens. A larger variety than usual will be opened at once in $14.95 These towels an

'jtA.i>SS *4x08 Basco dothL....«1.05 79x78 Basco Cloth -.88.50 00^71 Basco Cloth....*S^5 »M . m II 1 1 I — ........... Char­ Shadow Check Nainsook, 39c Big Reductions When you are planning your g ift m aking consider how many things can be made o f the various ever­ fa st m aterials aad bow pleasing It w ill be for someone to receive gifts that w ill not fade. Chiffon V elvet, $4.95 M allinsons Blaok Chiffon V elvet, $7.50 Quality, on all VELVETS, FELTS and VELOURS . Every, Style Featured Use Everfast M aterials For G ift M aking d o t t ^ m k e ^ e “ S Ü r t ap r0M “ a ^ Î d o z e n o th e r d r e u e ,. kind o f underwear. SO inch Sine, Special 04-45 45 Inch Slap Special *5.45 Other Sets *8.85 Vh. purposes. 'J i ALSO SPORT MODELS tWeioarry fif- E verfast Fineweavo is a* At , ’ Every hat a d iitiq ctive m o^el o f unsurpassed style at values which cannot be duplicated so early in the season. >____ ___ ____ / .■ < teen colors ~ in ? J E verfast the name ftiggests, a very Everfast Silverglos is also , used for underwear. Suiting. » m J. $ $ 1 a « * ? . £ ' fine suiting. : ¡ A ! # S«$ Our Christm as Novelties Before You Buy 36 inch White Fancy Outing, Flannel, a eglendid value at 25c, for this stale, $ Yards for 6flp. a ■m SiZfc Hose in a Dozen of the seasons best colors, • A New L ine T fa f Will Please You a s Knitted Rayon S lip s -------.-.....................$ Knitted Rayon Sport Bloomers with con trasting knee c u ff........ - ...................... $ Outsize Rayon S lip s____ ________ .....$ Rayon Knitted G ow ns.............................$ r ’ L* . A splendid assortment of pHtterns4i};pripted Knitted Rayon ¡Vests ....... ------------- ..... A Real Smart Shoe Shop is Now a P art of This Store and we are Pleas­ ed to Present to You MR. JOE M ILLER K Shoe Man Who Knows Shoes , SNUG DANCING STYLES LARGE DRESSY TYPES For Dinner and Formal Wear E verfast linen m akes g ift E verfast Suitings are used E verfast Shantone is used towels, bridge sets. ^or ;setB, {dresses, for drapery as w ell as for Irish linen sets—«loth aad foar napkins, fast color threads of contrasting color drawn in. 3 Pair Bobolink $1.25 Hose ■ ■' for $3.50. *■■ A guaranteed .IS !■ a s I......... ■■■ »m A"11—"■■■ '■ n i m W ondermaid meuse 58c 65c E verfast V oiles at 58e $5.95 Out Chemilles $5.45 Yd. Any one of these pieces will give the desired extra touch of “drees up” appearance. A- very good time to bay for Christmas, also. F ine wool dresses made of 50c a eon Cloths A big ^election of fine silk ides splendid tailored dresses made o f satin 75c $9.50 Cut V elvets at Bridge Sets and Lunch­ 524.50 Newport —— Ground for new city hall. $1.96 Crepe de Chines $1.79 D RESSES At Advertise In The Tidings. Linens to Bedeck Towels and Towling Carter’s Knitted Under­ wear for women is sold at thia store. » ■ *. '» . r. A. new feature in C a r t e l line is B ayou Garments, underwear crepe, y a r d ...............^ ... . . . .25c Carter’s Infants Underwear w ill be a revelation to you if you have n ot examined the fine texture of the yarns in them. , 1 >4» ‘ \ a»'* v* 4 50c White Turkish T ow els............... ...... 39c I • > Z A 25c Comforter and dress cretonnesAYd.’20c • * i c; $ 75c Stripe Cotton Cbarmeuse, nowi.......:{>9c On The Front Mezzanine I ' -• 'f ‘ 4 M illinery Store In Citarse of Mr,. S u s s a S * ‘ The finest store building pf Its kind in the southern prtlon of the state Is the new home of the McOçe .Ladi*# Furnishing* itert. . opened on October 8. The build-* ing is d one story, reinforced concrete building, 50 by 100 /eet < In sise. With front and rear mexanlne floors and with a Intro-« house on the roof of the bund­ ing, 20 by 50 feet, In alia, the ' structure gives ample spec? for the storing of merchandise. Lighting effects throughout» the bnlldlng a*re of the fittest. Large skylights four in number, furnish light for the entire «(ere,' - and with the exception of dark, and rainy days, it Is not neces­ sary to use artificial lighting,' The show windows use Indirect lighting. These windows are. set « back In the. building, with large,». Island windows In the cqpl«r, giving ample oportunity for dis- " play of merchandise. On the mesanins floor in the front of the building, Mrs. H. Sugg is- known as one of the*- leading milliners In Southern Oregon, and she has on display at all times the finest ready made models, as well as the fin- ! It has not been announced as est of custom made bonets. for yet who will have charge of the the highest class trade. garage when It Is completed. Lingerie m aterials for Christmas Gift needle work. . v .'k id lB 72 Silk Dresses - 24 Jerseys • 36 Wool Dresses Peggy O'Dare and several other good lines „... Building Considered Finest Store of Kind in Whole State .. | la testa re aad long Basco Cloths One Lot A t atod In the construction of the bnlldlng. “We are constructing a build­ ing that the hotel people will he proud to have near the hotel,*’ Mr. Lamb declared. The building la to he directly across from the rear of the Lithia Springs hotel, on First street, and has one of the finest locations in the city being close to the hotel, where guests at the hostelry can easily reach It when they desire to store their oars. ""When the building was first started, the excavation work waa rushed along as rapidly as was possible. It was necessary to re­ move mòre than 3,000 cubic yards of earth in order to lay the foundations for the building. This work waa made especially hard because of the granite com­ position of the soil, but the work was completed within three weeks, and the actual construc­ tion storted. The forms wars put in place rapidly, and with fair weather throughout the concrete pouring period, this end of the work was rushed through. Before bad weather made out­ side work difficult, most of the outside' work had bean com­ pleted, and the workmen were engaged In the Interior of the shipped.'--------- — -------- - Home Shirt makers note this Sale on stripe madras Shirting, 39c Yard. C hildren’s 85c Brown heath­ er hose 69c or 3 for $2.00, SA L E Whpt ip dfclarsd to be tbf ’rinest %tor»ge garage In south« •rn Oregon la rapidly nearing completion In thle city, the work being rushed to a finish by A. I t . Lamb, local contractor, who has charge of the structure. -The building la being erected by a group of Eastern capitalists, who are represented In ~tfie* *Houge river Valley by G. L. Brown of Medford. The building is being erected on lots 14 and 15 of the En­ ders addition, t immediately In the rear of the Cltlsen Bank bnlldlng. It Is a two store structure, built of reinforced concrete. The dimensions of the building are 100 by 120 feet, and the two floors of the struc­ ture contain 24,000 square feet of floor space. The entire bnlldlng will be constructed at a tour coat of SS8,noo. Work on the new garage bnlldlng was started on Sept­ ember 18, and Mr. Lamb esti­ mates that the structure will bo completed and ready for oc­ cupancy by becember 15. Ever since the completion of the Lithia Springs hoteb the con­ struction of a new, np-to-dato ganay, in the vicinity of the ho­ tel has been agitated. Tor a time it was thought that a stock company would be started to finance the building, but this ef­ fort fell through, and the East­ ern men became interested In the proposition. Their Investigations were carried on for v m e weeks, under cover, and finally culmln- highly, Brtday quality A W arners $2.00 Corsetto in ßrocade M aterialla! $1.65. A lot that contains some wonderful coat {values for those who w ill in vest a mod* erate am ount o f money. T H A N K SG IV IN G Ladies and Children CRETONNES, SHEETING 'AND TUBING, SILKS AND WOOLS FOR DRESSES, LACES, ETC. Thanksgiving Sale Wool Dress Goods One lot $7.50 Lumber­ jack Sweaters at $6.95 Department store is unusually well prepared with A R T LINENS, TABLE LIN SN S, LINEN TOWEL- INGS, LINGERIE CLOTHS, ROBE FLANNELS, After a bountiful harvest, in the Rogue RivertValley condition* ter Fall look exceptional- favorable for increased prosperity. This slue with it# new building wishes to prove ¡Is right to share in the general prosperity 4 good value giving and at times by extra possible to take ears the pupils la the cly easily. It la the present plaa to make the Hawthorne school Into a Junior high school. Thia build- AN U P -T O -D A T E icularly appre- itives and this Your own needlework g ifts wil ciated by your women friends Thanksgiving Sale of Coats la easily convertable Into an as­ sembly hall, and here public gatherings may ba held. At the present time, both the high school, the Junior High school and the Hawthorne grade school are badly crowded, each institution hearing for almost 25 per cant more students than it was originally constructed for. With the new grade school being HOPPING BEGIN YOUR Mezzanine Plow, McGee's Store » p broken