Visiting Here— Meeting Postponed— The meeting of the Royal William McMillan of McCloud, is visiting in Ashland for an in­ Neighbors will be postponed definite time with his paresis, from November 16 to November the twenty third. Mr. and Mrs. A. McMillan. i ft (Continued Conn page One) o f Veterans, Daughters of Vet­ erans, Boy Scouts, Camfire Girls, ■ffoodmen of the World,\ Asalia •! Circle. Women’s Club, Independ- » got Order of Odd Fellows, Se­ curity Benefit Association, Re­ bekahs, Pythian Sisters, Modern ‘ Woodmen of America, United Ar- ' tisans, Grangers, football team. Why do yon pay Sewing Ma­ Special Meeting— Thera will be special Armis­ chine Agents from >130 to >160 tice Day services at the Salva­ for sewing machines, when you Ashland lodge No. SS can get the White here for >66. tion Army hall this evening, A. F. A A. M. 68-tf with visiting officers assisting. SUted communication Thurs­ Emil Pell. The new helper, Candidate Dar- day evening, Nov., 12. Meet at kett, will be officially installed. Be individual, it costs no 6 o’clock sharp. Work in Third more. Let us tailor a suit to. Degree. Dinner, at 6:30, fol­ BGC.H ARE ARMS IN .Visited Here S u n d a y - lowed by second section of third your measure. Paulserud’a. WARFARE STAGED HERE 69-tf' Mrs. Maud Port of Applegate degree, and stated communica­ was a visitor in Ashland Suaday tion. Important routine busi- (Continued From Page One)« 63-tf visiting relatives. Madden retreads tires. ness to be disposed of. Visiting the evening. Medford beld tbolr Brethren welcome. Largest and finest display of rally about the same time in S. A. PETERS, Jr., W. M. BESSIE LOVE IN THE James Morgan and family left fresh candies In Southern Ore­ Medford, end then decided to PARAM OUNT PICTURE % SON OF HIS FATHER* gon at the Plasa. <6-tf Ashland Monday for Portland. invade thia city. A truck was The Morgans were accompanied Commandeered, and In thia and DE MOLAT At The Vining Today and To­ by Mrs. Katie who has spent morrow. Meeting Wednesday, Notv. 11., Business Visitor— . - t several automobiles, the Medford V. A. Becht of Seattle is a the summer In Ashland. ■tudents drove over from that Masonic Hall, 7:30,p . m. All business visitor in Ashland to­ mty. members requested to be present. They broached the idea of selling After parading about tbs VIRGIL GILLETTE, M. C day. It t o ' France for >467,6,600 ‘Streets for a few minutes, the/ ALB1E BECJC, Secy. payable in. ten years. Mrs. Dolerman, toilet goods decided they would break up the At that time a dollar was Ashland rally. A man to man specialist id McNair Bros. Meeting— worth five francs and the coat encounter soon started; but al­ The Elk Ladies wlfl meet of the stocks was two billion most as suddenly stopped, and Cliff Payne makes etands. Thursday afternoon at 2 : 30. franca. Since then the franc had the eggs and tomatoes brought Mrs. Hedberg and Mrs. Franco dropped in value and the same into play. Purses and Leather Goods will be hostesses stocks are charged today, eight Elharts. Medford was repulsed and the billion francs. But the stocks Ashland rally contipued. Styleplus suits and overcoats no longer exist. Not a small per­ 69-tf at Paulserud’s. centage exist. Not a small per­ HINDENBURG ONLY LIVING Mr. J. H. Fuller will leave centage were stolen or rusted By RALPH HEINZEN ARMY LEADER ACTIVE this evening for Salem where ho Returned From Portland— away, Cadillacs were sold at (United Press Staff Correspon will spend a few days on busi­ B. C. McHenry, field secretory ____ , 4,00 francs each, strings of mo- dent) (Continued From Page One) ness. of the A. A. A., who has been PARIS, Nov. 11— (U. P .)— torcycles went for a song, that In Ashland for a number of Buy your box snook from the There Is more than a grain of food stuff which could not be tpciennes, near* Paris, which he weeks returned yesterday from local box factory at wholesale wisdom in that old adage that to sold rotted in Its tins— all that built according to bis own de> a business trip to Portland. priées. « 1 - tf lend a man money is to lose a remains today is the stock debt signs sad which (s unlike any which has quadrupled in ■ Six in the region. “Papa” Jofire friend. Madden sells protected tires. Never in all the years that maintains an office at the War Bernice M. Bolger, teacher of — ----— 63-tf Americans have been coming to College and sometimes gives lec- violin. Palmer Plano House. tufes, but to practically retired . - 69-6* France, have they been more Boxes filled to your selection welcome, but never have they .. *•» <6 rand Duke Nicholas« Nlc- from stock.. Candyland. 60-tf been open to such ridicule and olaevltch, ex-commander in chief of Russian armies, Is now an To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Norred criticism in the public press as Returned From H unting T r i p - of Roca street last evening at at present. exile at Chateau .Cholgny ’ near Rev. Mergler returned yester­ the Convalescent Home, a son. The return of M. Calllaux and He hse pot stepped be- ■ ‘ ah day from a two days hunting his party of negotiators and the trip to Klamath Falla Quick lunch service at Ninlng- opening of Parliament where Snappy fall suits for young ar’s Fountain. 43-tl one of the first big problems men. Prices right at Orres. is that of war debts have given SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 11. — 40-tf the caustic writers and artists of Fresh Plg’n Whistle candy, (L P>r— Minus most of the dangers A leaky Hot Water Battlel it arrived.—Ninlnger’s. 66-tf the French press ample ma­ of older dayfc, and plus the bene- cannot give relief. terial. ."Shylock” to the phrase most fits of modern science, the busi­ Liability Insurance written on frequently heard, and bearded ness of catching whales still autom obiles and tracks. Phone Replace it now before the 11. Teo, (of coarse.) 19-tf Uncle Sam hoarding up his gold flourishes in the sea off this port. An average of 14 of the sea time of emergency. bags is caricatured In all his Free Facial by appointment at glory and ridicule. Not even the monsters now are caught each your home— McNair Bros. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holmes shell-rimmed glasses, the “Ox­ week id the Pacific, only a few of Woodburn, arrived In Ashland ford bags,” "plus fours”’ and miles from land, and towed by Word R eceiv ed - yesterdgy for a Visit of one ’thick brim "ktraw hats of Amer­ whaling tugs to reductions eto- Friends have received word week with Mr. Holmes’ parents, ican men and the flat wheels tlons at Trinidad, north of here, and swollen calves of American and Moss Landing, located a few from Mrs. J. E. Peck, stating Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Holmes. women vls(tors escape the vit miles southward. that they have arrived ia El Centro. Mrs. J. K. Peck’s fath­ The County Court haa asked rlol. And there are all sorts of sug­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY er. F. G. McWilliams, stood too the sheriff to take action at once trip very nicely. Charles Mc- for the collection of unsecured gestions as to how France can FOR HALE Baby layette, Williams has accepted a posi­ personal tax which means that pay America. One Senator ac­ Will sell all together or separ­ tion there and will remain for unless the tax is paid notices tually suggested that France ately. 77 3rd SL 01— 6« Phone 116 the rest of the winter. will be posted on the property wipe off thia debt In payment l • . < , - • “* . - HOT BATHS Prescription Druggist and it will ba sold. To avoid of the one America has owod Lithia Springs Hotel Building sulphur baths. Day this expense and any embarrass­ France since Louis XVI and *of Massage and vibrator treatments. Convalescent Home. ' 61— ti Jackson Hot Springs. ment to the property owners which nothing more is ever , 66-tf the sheriff urges them to make heard. A deputy. M. Frederic prompt payments. 60-4 Brunet would . carry the whole debt situation before the Per­ manent Court of International Visiting In A s h la n d - Mrs. A. C. King, formerly Miss Justice at Tha Hague. But an Idea which might meet Angie Nell from Bast Orange, New Jersey, is visiting in Ash­ with popular approval, even land for a few weeks with Mrs. though the experts would throw Robert Neil. Mrs. King is a up their bands In horror was TODAY — TOMORROW former resident of Ashland and proposed by “L,Oeuvre,” a Par­ isian newspaper of radical ten­ baa many friends here. dencies. That paper suggests ZÍMMItl Hear tbe new Orthophonie Vie- that * France pay America in trois at Tha Rose. 66-tl kind. That every year >100,- 000,000 worth of French wines, •T French liquors and French pas­ Ts California— Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Whittle try be set aside, earmarked for CLOSE co-operation with our depositors for left this morning by auto for America, “to be consumed in their best interest, and ours, is one of our tradi­ Thus in forty years, OrrovlUe and Fresno where they place.” tional policies. America would die of gout but will visit for a few days. the iebt would be paid. Perhaps the finest “bon mot” OUR intimate knowledge of local and gen­ Yea, we have no bananas, but we baye money to loan on good was that of one of the wittiest eral business connections has been of great sen security. Phone SI. Teo, (of of French deputies, M. Bouteille, vice to our customers’ business plans. oourse.) 10— tf representing the Oise Depart­ EVERY hanking sendee your business re­ ment. He played on the fact quires is faithfully rendered. that "la fsilllte," in French, al­ To Mold M e e tin g - though pronounced exactly as Rev. 8. J. Chaney will hold Americans speak the name of first quarterly meeting at 1 La Fayett« meant “bankruptcy.*’ Methodist church this evening. He turned around the phrase, Dark Hunting— credited to General Pershing al­ Ashland, Oregon F. H. Murphy and Ed Coovllng though that worthy repeatedly are enjoying a duck bunt at denied that he ever thought of it as he paid his visit to La Klamatk Lake today. Ç a u Fayetto’a tomb upoa Ma arrival Try onr golden stuffed dates in France in 1017,— "La Fay­ Candyland. 67-tl ette, we are here.” M. Bouteille repeats It: “la faillte, nous void’’— “bankruptcy Fresh Tamales.—The Ross, we are here.” But the greatest Joke in French public opinion to that Mrs. D. R. Brothers of Horn­ Ameriea aaka tor payment for brook was in Ashland Monday the wer stocks. These stocks The great «tory that de­ vtoitlng her son. Forest Broth­ of the Americas army have lighted the two million ers. who has been a patient at formed • standing* Joke for Community Hospital for sev­ vaudeville comedlaaa and some­ readers of McCall’s Mag­ tbe eral months, how or other Parisians cannot azine. get down to taking the stocks Here Yesterday— seriously. The great novel that ia J. If. Lamb, district plant When the American army went now a beat seller ia every eh|af of tha Pacific Telephone home, fine badness heeds en­ town* in America. and Telegraph Company of Eu­ rolled as temporary officers, saw gene was a visitor at the local tbe Impossibility of carrying back telephone office yesterday. Mr. all the war material— railroad Lamb ovenlng for trains, automobllea, food stuffs— Grants Pass, which had boon shipped overseas. yond 1U great iron gatsa for two year»- • But behind the Iron, gate* Nicholas is ‘planning the ne* political and military cam­ paign whereby the “pmlgre” Rus- ■slana hope to overthrow the 'Soviet regime. Nicholas la al­ most destitute., Hts great per­ sonal fortune and Crimean es­ tates are lost to him. The ex-Crown Prince of Ger­ many is living the leisured life of a country gentleman at Oels, . Prussia, enjoying the pleasures and luxuries of pre-war days without the burdensome obliga­ tions of military service. i Field Marshal Haig is perhaps the only treat soldier who baa devoted himself to looking after the interests of hla ex-soldier» after the war. Haig spends hla time working, raising money, and aiding disabled ex-officets and men, widows and,orphans Ludendorff went into politics but like bis military enterprises bis ventures terminated ia fiascos. He is now quiescent. Von Tirplts, of U-boat fame, was more succeaful in politics, and is now engaged in helping to lead . the Nationalist patty. Beatty ia First Sea Lord and was recently in the spotlight as a “Big Navy” srivocate in the struggle with those demanding “lese navy and more economy.” YOUR PORTRAIT * • » A gift that only you can give. Darling Studio & Art Store Lithia Springs Hotel Building There . is nothing more practical for school and street wear than our smart- ly tailored heather Looking Makes I Hot Water Bags $1.50 . Pharmacy Not too Early to Look I ▲ Christmas A BANK FOR THE MANY The Citizens Bank of Ashland has never been a bank exclusively for the few with large accounts. Is a “ Nest E gg’ Worth Laying NOW 1 Give good Judgment a fair chance — early buyers have time for price and quality comparisons — it’s common sedse thrift that pays in ready cash saved. An equally warm welcome and the same friendly service is given to the many with small accounts. We do not think of the size of your account but only whether we can Help you. Come $350.00 CHAS. A. WHITE The Citizens Bank of Ashland Enders Block Ashland, Oregon Ashland, Oregon CONSULT W ith Us About Your Matters FIRST NATIONAL Mx Ac T \3 v N v t His F ather : TOM ORROW W e Start Remodeling Our Store Front Miller’s Toggei “Hab*a-dasli-Inn Colored Rayon Bed Spreads THEY COME IN ROSE and GOLD-ORCHID and SILVER-BLUE— and SILVER-GOLD and .WHITE—COLOR FAST. Sizes 72x90 • Sizes 81x108 Fancy Table Runners in Oriental Patterns, Assorted Sizes at $1.50 to $5.00 3-Piece Linen Buffet Sets Finished in Fast Colors, . Very Chic^ $1.25 to $2.50 Ask to see the New Fancy Towels Beauties, Priced at 50c to $2.00