ASH LA ND D A IL Y ASHLAND ..................... Rdltor Business Manager ......... City Rdltor Telephone 18 OFFICIAL CITT PAFBR By Mall sod Rural Routes Ose Month Three Month's Six M onths .,- DISPLAY ADVERTISING atvantatfoa W. Child)»» hVMdfel T ID IN G S RATES Single Insertion, per inch Yearly Coetract» One insertion a week Two Insertions « week Daily insertion First insertion, per 8 point line Bach subsequent insertion, 8 p Card of Thanks......................... . Obituaries, per line --------- ----- Thomas, eeehad aqn ol Arnold alR ugW . younger booth» •r to the grant M itthe* Arnold, rescued her. K o Ward la her "ReooUectloua” . m *% at hpr yet conacloqs art. I see '»tatter: ‘'Of her pemonal b«*OtP| ,t room always with th l aqn la youth. we children heard It, topchlng tha polished for­ es ot wood and braag and much, ae we grew up. from her old Tasmanian friend» and klna- Ina and bringing out Its pure, Nothing hurts an enemy more ftdh who Woold occasionally drift ;ht color. than being lgnhred. »cross ns. Her family wens qf french origin—-Huguenot» ex­ correcting one evil, Con- pelled In 1685 who had settled a t Rugby as the father of her osqally creates two new in England. The foreign touch talented daughter, did she thrust S_v. ip my mother wee unmistakable. Into this propitious' atmoapher» Delicate features, small, beautl- the future author who was to When you are old enough to folly shaped heads aad feat, ware rhqeome one of the famoua novei- recognise good Yhlngs, they sel­ accompanied by a French viva- lata of Great Britain. dom come along. Great Brit» Never blame any man for what her through all her trials aad alb rights reserved. Raprodue- be does until you learn the misfortunea.” tf»n forbidden.) cause of his actions. Mary Augusta Arnold’s gfrlr , .............. hood spent at' Oxford awoke in The man who is in love and the man who thinks he is, are her a hundred' intellectual in­ cut from the same piece of terests and influences; but it was not until after her marriage goods. at twenty to Thomas Humphrey Articles of Many of the world’s woes Ward, Fellow and Tutor at Brase- gre wafaMMJ come because reformers are ever­ nose College, that she became qommunqlatl lastingly interfering with human seriously engrossed In study and dignatoM df literary work. Of her early mar- t rled life she says: “Nobody un- a.y.wn—j» w g Hei Heck says: “I ain’t bean der the rank of Head of • Colt- ' lege except a few privileged pro» able to flgger out Just how n private cellar is an improvement fessors, possessed as muoh- as ;’Tls a queer a thousand a year. The aver* * I ltvw li ever a public saloon.” age income of the new race , With Its gi of married tutors was not much of liner more than halt that sum. lYat we aU gave dinner parties and furnished our house with Morris wall paper, old ehests and. cab­ inets, and blue pots.' The dinner Such a gay, friendly bouse oB parties were simple and short, >• i the outside, . , i t our early efforts of tha kind With its trimmings- as bright The only trouble with coal as can be; there certainly was not enough bills is they have to be paid. to eat. But we aU improved AAd within, its fresh chlntsM , with time; and on the whole y i ' and curtains * Now is ‘the time when ¡Seem to smile forth, a welcome I think tha women wore fair small son had rather be 5 for ma. »•’ housekeepers and competent tackle than president. mothers. Most ol us ware very NBW YORK, Nov. 10— (U. P.) anxious to be up-to-deie, and In From the windows, of which It -T-Transaettoas.-on the New York Anything can happen. But it the fashion, whether in esthetics, Stock Exchange today totalled Is a view for my every mood; In housekeeping- or la educa­ ‘There’s the grandeur of hills Lots ot people who wear tion. But our fashion was not In the distance; that of Belgravia or Mayfair glasses can’t see their own mis- The bright flash of a stream (the “four hundred” of London) through the wood. which, indeed, was scorned! It was the faailoB of the movetnent Being confidential la all right, bat don’t say anything you really which sprang from Morris and There’s e glimpse of our small busy city; - > Burne-Jones, . . . . . Almost mean. im m ediately opposite to us lived .So I feel Pm n ot toe tar away Wm.the contact ot work and A man who slaps you on the Walter Pater and his two sis. ' of pleasure ten . The exquisiteness of their back ought to be slapped back. Which g» an there, unceasing, small house, aad the charm of thfe three people who lived in it, will never be forgotten by those who knew them well in' tha sunshine those days when by the publi­ cation of the “Studiee in the Renaissance” their author had Just become famous. This beau­ Then when dusk dims tha glow I in tha windows tiful little house, with fts two I- love, tha soft brooding of dear mistress, drew me per­ night. petually both before and after JULIA SORRELL Mother of Mrs. Humphrey Ward my marriage. The dr&wingr.rcfpm j - .t f * --------- ' ‘Tunning its whole breadth from Wken the rains and the mists , tilt the canyon By MARY GREER CONKLIN the road to the garden behind, And the winds roar and sweep Julia Sorrell waa the daughter was “Patarian” in every line and o’er the land, of one of the first Governors ornament There were a Morris at Tasmania and aa a child, ex­ paper, spindle-legged tables and I apt snug in my house on the hillside cept for a brief schooling in chairs, a sparing allowance ot With a row of book friends on Brussels, suffered the usual dls- Holland blue plates and pots; THE FORUM WHAT er c e n t au th o rized w ith resp ect to s ta te ta x e s p a id sh o u ld be v e r y m a te r ia lly in c re a se d . T h e fa n n e r s back u p th e ir claim o f p a y in g m o re th an th eir sh are o f ta x e s u p o n th e b a sis o f a b ility , t o pay w ith in c o n tr o v e r ta b lc . figu res. T h e ab an d on m en t o f in h e r ita n c e ta x e s s e r v e s to fu r th e r in crea se th is in - © quality. T h e in h e r ita n c e ta x is one m eth o d o f r e d istr ib u tin g W ealth w h ic h o th e rw ise is d e stin e d to v a s t and in c re a sin g a c c u m u la tio n » o f finan cial p o w er in th e h a n d s o f a few in- d iv id u a b o r fa m ilie s . I t is one sa fe g u a r d a g a in s t th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f m on ied a r is to c r a c y . It« p a y m en t is e x ­ a c te d o o th e b a sis o f a b ility to p a y an d it is em p lo y ed in e d u c a tio n a n d g o v e r n m e n t. T h e p la n u n d ertak en o r som e o th e r equally -effe c tiv e m ean s o f r e ta in in g th e in h e r ita n c e Mnqint In the bietoÿr M «ekan*«. «(M edia*, UH ae reeord, m*4e Apr# 13 by 41,MO ehMO* PORTLAND, Nov, 18— MANY SHIVEf this morning when they get up in r cold house, bnt those who had beaked their fires with ROYAL OR KING COAL enjoyed a warm room in which to dress, ORDER YOUR COAL TODAY CARSON-FOWLER LBR. CO. A T T R A C T IV E C H R IS T M A S G R E E T IN G C A R D S W IT H N E W E S T D E S IG N S A N D F IN E S T S E N ­ T IM E N T S . ~ . :}, 'Distinctive Gifts for Discriminating People’ P h o n e 167 Great Mothers of the World A Glutton far Punishment nompwtr jaej g auQ quality ot the L Nodamm b sabbie which lacks xSops for fJrrXiaal appliances, *1 _ • A [w y Z - -1 * . identif tr ia l i am » -i 4M Company