Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, November 09, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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«ordially in v it'd to spend >the
afternoon w ith the elab at the
in« the» to the dlntoc room
of tko Presbyterian church. A l­
ter dinner, «11 repaired to the
lodge room where the evening's
k * •
program was carried.out.
CU m
Mrs, Charles Robertson ' was
hostess, Monday «venia«, n t hot
kom« on the Boulevard for the
XT AORMk~14 ocrea tilled,
M aae PhC.BlS0 L Martha Gillette Chapter of Wost-
end • fpr pastare. Priced «I
<Wae howto, I d to I t A. M.; 8 mlnstec Guild. There was aa ax-
IU W .
I« i f . M.; 7 to f eveaincs. Citi,
sans Bank Baudin«.
FOB B B T - N e w , modern,
furnace heated Apts., and sleep­
ing rooms. Ckattln Apto., Phons
30S-B. CaU forenoons or eve­
held Sunday svealag a t tha
church, and the other nt the
homes, w ith h u t* tw e meetinac
a month, instead of evgry week
as heretofore.
.For _ Monday„ evening’s pro­
gram, Miss Estelle Mays read an
Interesting paper on “ In d ia” and
Mrs. B ari Baheock reviewed the
study hook, which deal» w ith
the work in South America.
Miss Poley led the devotional«.
The kosteaa served lig h t re?
freahments a t the close of tke
A t tke session yesterday eve­
ning et the Presbyterian church.
Mise Blanche H ic k s 're a d a pa­
per on “Southern Mountaineers”
and Mrs. Randall Woods govs
the book review.
There woe
special music pnd a good at-
Inq u ire 117 Sherman.
Phone 877-L.
F O B SALB: — One girla bicy-
» nearly new, w ith
s F O B R E N T : — Room, prefer light, coat 145.00, bargain. Phon«
o&e o r two gentlemen.
478 « F i l .
88— tf
88— t f
FOB SALB:— A home furntoh-
FOB RENT— 8-room house on ed or unfurnished. Close to
Ooh S t , unfurnished, hot water echools. Best bny ln Ashland.
in connection. 888.10. Inquire Come look lt over. 481 Palm Ave.
FOB 8 M B ■ Two lots on cor­
ner Indiana and Boulevard across
from New Norm al, upper side
Boulevard and Pacific Highway.
Just the place for apartment
G u n ite S t
P. M. Carter, Trustee, 1088 E
klAA*. Quick m
W O OD— A t
Suncrest wood o f a ll him
878 fi. Street.
Orchard, T a le n t Phone 8|*8 for
are increasing. W e have many particulars.
communfcate w ith Ensign I4 m
new and modern bungalows and
of the Solvation A rm y at the
M A R C E L L IN G The, Phone 186J
also one acre tracts w ith d if­
W h ite Shield Home, 886 Map,
ferent kinds ot traits and ber­
fa ir Ave., Portland. Qrqgon.^
ries. Those are ju s t a nice dis­ man St., upstairs opt.
tance from the new proposed
ear shops and w ith in six minutes
B lair Granite Co.’s Crystal Blue
drive from the center of town. Gray, are unexcelled.
W hy pay rent, when yon con own your orders for fa ll and spring
your own home? Just w rite to delivery.
176 Sset M aia.
Pennlston, Manager.
W rite or
S triker a t
M r^
BI 8th A n . W .
Eugene, Oregon
F O R SA L B Seed wheat,
stegs, recleaned. Beardless
ley and g ra y oats. 877 B.
Phene 8>1-R.
Palatine Contractor
IBS O raalta. Telephone 188
W A N T E D — Fo rn iture
W o rk done a t your home
BUILDING, Repairing. Shing­
FO R S A L E — One real coach
saddle hone, gentle, w ork any ling, Painting, Kntoamining, Re-
where. W ill trade for cows. G. finishing. W . T . Block wsUR 319
> 0 7-tf
D. Faris. 1146 N. Main. Phone Garfield. Phene 88SL,
6 7-tf
C o
m i
F O R S A IE — 8 shoots, weight
about 100 lbs. each.
W. W.
Sealed proposals addressed to
Robison, 68 N. M A IN .
6<-tf J. 8. L an d en, secretary of the
Board of Regents of the Oregon
F O R S A U L —To settle estate.
Norm al Schools, w ill be received
Property o f late eGorge N . An­
a t the office of 3. k . Churchill,
derson. Home piece, 687 North Department of Education, at she
B rick
Capital Building, Salem, Oregon,
Fourth and B.
Lot on B St.
nnUl 10:00 o'clock a. m., No­
next to Brick block. Lots near
vember 18, 1086, for the fu r­
High School.
F . M. Carter,
nishing of e ll m aterial ahd the
T r's te e , I M S B. Main St., Ash­
performance of oil labor required
land, Oregon, Phone 486-J .
for tke completion of a two-story
concrete building, for the Ore­
F O R SALB— Barred Rock Pul gon Norn^al School a t Ashland,
lets. 1491 Boulevard.
64-6« Oregon.
A ll work and materials must
conform to the plans and sped-* to work off the cauao and to
«cation« therefor on file a t tho fortify th e eyatem a g a in st
office of the architects, Bennee ah attack o f Grip or Influ­
and Hersog, 1060 Chamber of enza. A Safe and Proven
F O R BALE— Box Factory lum ­
Portland, Remedy. Price 30c.
bar yard has a ta ll stock of »11
The box b ean Ibis signature
kinds of building lumber at rea­
sonable pricaa.
4 1-tf
0F 00W
F O B B A L E -^ A ll v a rl'tie s ot
applas, cheap, at orchard. Prices
low a t 6 'c par box. Doran, 488
A sh la n d Rt.
hydrastls, ate., as* mixed in Lav-
Ion«, a li under Irrigation. 6-room
optlk If ® wash.' One small bot­
modéra bungalow.
Price for
tle Lavoptik helps any case
quick sale, BlfOO-
weak, strain'd o r sore eyes. A l­
uminum eye cup free.— McNair
bsvb - room rouse — L et
100x110 ft.. clOte to new nortoat Bros, Druggists.
Price for quick s al', 81860.
piv >ROOM modern
house on good street, 8 blocks
from I U . i « » o « , . M » •’ « > • £
Fellowship S a p p e r -
The Fellowship supper, which
was a pleasant event Wednesday
Many were gathered about the
board to enjoy the good things
brought, and to listen te the
splendid program which hod
been prepared.
A fte r th e invocation, those
assembled sang about the tablé
and during the progress of the
dinner, the numbers o f the pro­
gram ware given.
the first chorus, a vanishing
quartet performed to the great
amusement of the guests. The
personnel of the quartet giving
the unusual presentation was
C. N. Gilmore, H .P. Holmes, V.
O. N. Smith and F rank Beswiek.
V . D. M iller, sang; D r. M attle
B. Shaw and Lola Ollmore read;
with Lieut- Sorrell, the Rev. A.
Segsworth and the Rev. Myren
S. Woodworth giving short ad­
Each number , was re­
ceived w ith appreciative applause
sad made up a program of espe­
cial merit.
A fte r another chorus from
those about the tablas, the quar­
terly busiaess meeting was called
and matters pertaining to tho
church w ork in its d ifferent de­
partments were discussed
LONDON, Nov. 7— (U . P.>—
W ith part of her superstructure
crashed away by a terrific storm
in mid-Atlantic, the Anglo-Amer­
ican Telegraph .company’s ship,
Lord Kevlln today sent forth
FM w
140, 11« S. B artlett
Medford O te g o .
Oeser’s Ashland Service Station
Aloohol is the Be«t Protection
W e P ill Your Radiator
J 1
tovegtmsota to f'm r a tto « plantg^toso,
• equipment, ate^a>Br«‘than danbbd. to
<SN ¿Preferred Stock
GI bss .
Free Delivery Service .
Phone 108
95 Oak S t
In thia MOO« period tha Company's
You p eed tuot bp afraid
to send us your clothes.
The methods w e tase in
cleaning w ill not injure
the finest fabrics or colors.
Standard Cleaners
How tke Cootpaop
Has G tw o
Posts and fencing. I have a few
K inds
SE A TTLE, Nov. 9— (U . P .)—
Two armed men, about 8:30 a.
m., today, held up the pay car
of the Seattle Municipal railway
at the Premont car barns, and
a fter binding three p en , lock-
ed them In the transfer room
share in 1922 to >100.00 a share to 1925, and b n o w above par.
to be ready fo r th« « re t rain.
18— B A N D IT S_____
Since 1922, w h en T h e California O regon P ow er Company first
offered its l°fo Profamad Stock for public investment, the price
has steadily advanced w ith each su ccessive issue from >92.00 a
See to your plows end burrows,
M inors
To The Public
A H E B U S I N E S S . W O R L D h a s an accurate measure w ith
w h ich it g a u g es the grow in g valu e o f securities. It is p r i c k .
Sm all satJdles for Boys
and girls to r id e to school
on, cheap. $9.00. and up.
Madford GUM OQjnpany
B A N D IT S G ST >10,000
Progress J
LOS A N G B L|W , Nov. 7— (U . , A I L S l S Os Í K T T T Ï i l L
P .) — A fte r confessing that she
•cM ol.
Lot 60X11«.
hush, garage and wood shed. plotted to murdar her Invalid
aister-to-law, Rto. Nettle B. For­
A1 Watson of this city wee
Price, J I8 0 0 . 8600 cash, balance
tune, 60, Vaa «m ftoed to th« taken to the county Jail today
on lim e a t « PC>* " O t Interest.
psychopathia w »fd of the gen­
on a commitment Issued by Jus­
eral hospital hbre today.
tice of the Peace Taylor of Med­
|frs . Fortune wee taken into ford for non payment e f a fine
custody followtog two days in­ assessed against him eevstsl
FOR « A L B -L o t «n North vestigation ‘ baaal of? information mouths age.
Maia St., aerees fror« W « k from friends e t the aged woman,
Watsoh wgs arrested for trap­
Street, next to - Id e al Grocery who told the* police she tried
ping without a lioense and fined
■torci, Excavation ail dona, fine to enlist th e ir aid in h irin g an in Taylor’s codrt. H e was giv­
drainage. Phons 486-V. F . M. aasassin to chloroform her sta-
en several weeks to pay the
Carter, Trustee.
1088 E . Main ter-lu-l«w ,. Miss Gertrude F o r­
fine bat left the country.
tune, 7».
returned recently, and the com-
miUment was Immediately is­
sued for l l m . >
fa Addition, next to Rich Schopl,
W A SHING TO N, Nov. 9— (Ü .
North Bend — Site bought for
P .)— Secretary of Commerce Her­
sawmill, to cut 150,000 feet per
bert Hoover opened the fourth
annual National Radio Con- shift.
ference * here today, with the
proposal for national and local
regulation for broadcasting.
Wednesday Club Meet« . _____
Thursda y . .
The Wednesday CJub w ill hold
its mehtlng on Thursday this
week owing to the fact, that Ar-
mtstloe Day comes on Wednesday
A tine program is arranged. Dur­
ing the social hour there will
be needlework, so a ll are asked
to bring thimbles.
Ladles of
the church and their friends are
ttH » « can t o r aM, «w ord»
lng to messages from
and Loflent.
I ftoltoleus', peireehmeata were
.M ire d «t the dose of the «Ve­
n n « frith a ll eqjoylug the so,
«ml hour tofether.
Those going report a pleasant
When it arrived they
trip ®T* r and return, with hut
M ille r and- J. Stevens
a little snow at the summit.
The cordial welcome and hospi­
room, end tied them up.
ta lity «iven was very much ap­
The robbers then went through
preciated by the Ashland visitors.
the money in the vault, and took
a ll of It, They escaped in the
pay car, which they later aban­
doned In a garaget
Camphor W ater Nor E yes s . D. S. RECEIVED PROM
Nothing baa the quick action
of simple csm p h 'r, wltchhasel.
NXNB ACRES, « il in frn it, «ood
Thé Home Missionary society
of the Methodist church w ill
hold its meeting a t the home
o f Mrs. Fred Engle, on the
Boulevard, F rid a y afternoon at
two o’clock.
I t is hoped that there w ill be
a large attendance, for an in­
teresting afternoon if promised.
M e e te -« lir a . McCoy*»—
The class that to «iodyl««
the ‘Mew Day la Latin America”
will bold it« seoosd meeting at
the home of Mrs. 3. M . McCoy,
Worth Main, Tuesday, November Sprprtoe Par M r. and Mrs.
10. seven th irty p. m. Special 3. e . Asmein
Papers are prepared, and every
On Monday evening toot, Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Aaguln were
one Interested is inylted.
surprised a t
home on Bash street, when thp
Mrs. B art Babcock E n te r ta in » -
members o f the Methodist choir
Mrs. B ari Babcock was hostess
took thorn by storm, tsktn« poo*
Thursday evenln« at another of
session of the home, hriugln«
the Vanlshin« Teas, which Just
delicious refreshments, and hav­
at present is proving a delight­
ing planned a delightful pro­
ful form of entertainm ent
gram o f geyety and tun w ith spe­
Again fancy work and con­
cial numbers th a t save great
versation engaged the attention
pleasure te the listeners.
of the guests. A delicious luu-
The occasion for the delight­
ebeon added to the enjoyment
ful a ffa ir- was the tw enty-fifth
of the occasion.
anniversary of the marriage of
The guests present a t this
M r. and Mrs. Anguin,
a ffair
A radio concent, Jolly games
Evangeline Poley, Mias Gertie
and a program of entertaining
Haan, Mrs. Claude Babcock, Miss
numbers which included a piano
Estella Haya, Miss Ethel Temp-
duet played by Mrs. Van Poaaen
Hu, Miss Beryl Jarmon, Mrs.
and Mrs. B. O. Smith, a voeal
Rpndall Woods, Miss Helen Hoi-
solo by Miss Hweaey, a reading
by Mrs. O. W . Gregg, a ghost
There w ill be Vanishing Teas
song, given en costume by Mrs.
given next week:
Eric Weren, and Miss Jean A n­
derson, as an Indian maid, can«
Hitchcock w ill entertain groups
“ Prom the Land of the Sky
of friends In the interest of the
Blue W ater,” and W aters of
Albany College Women's Build­
Minnetonka,*' made a program
pleasingly Tendered, the num­
bers w ell received and ufford-
lng much enjoyment.
Aid Society Me e ts
A fter the program M r. H . O
The Ladles Aid Society met
Friday afternoon at the church Anderson, on behalf of the Meth­
In .the Junior roo.m for their odist choir presented to Mr.
regular program of work. Quilt­ and Mrs. Angulo, a beautiful
ing is engaging the attention ot silver cake plate, commemora­
the organization at present, a tive of their anniversary.
Pumpkin pie and cider were
number being, on hand to finish.
served by the self constituted
Civic Club Luncheon—
hostesses, which all enjoyed lm-
and mensely.
committees of .th e Civic Club
• e e
will have a one o'clock luncheon Rebekahs Visit K lam ath Falls—
tat the Civic Club house on
Ashland Rebekahs were Klam -
Thursday of this week.
This ath
will be another of the pleasant night, the degree team to put
functions which „the membership on the work for the Klam ath
of the Civic Clnb enjoy. W ith Falls lodge.
the social feature, there Is op-
portunlty to discuss in an In- members of the Ashland lodge In
formal way, things pertaining attendance tor a number ac-
to the welfare of the club.
companled the team.
• •• •
, When they arrived In Klam -
Aslilaod Study Cinto—
.a th Falls. Ashland Rebekah a
The book reviews and special! found a bountiful dinner await-
yielding 6J2% net
* *
Its art eamfcgBlww» o e if >I,WOr
000.00 far 19M « OQBBpored wRh
| mo , ooooo fat » s a Itepantnoariy
>30A00aW . maru (m o a iy to the
__ I____ -■-*
f u. ' - ‘ * *
- A
Measuring Stick
Goes Up
T h e announcement o f the n ew
ieeoa o f Copco S ix Per C ent P rw
feriwd Stock, to yield 042% at a
prise o f >9100 par share, mfrite
■nmMtor 'important aA ^nca I n t h a