• ‘W flB IN B f O N — Tho rapt of the ednn|ry may tael raster «rhan Oedgrara Isn't ta 'angslfet, monkeying with ’ the , tariff, ln- credit fa r having tertertng with business and In* tagten Irv in *, the < veatlgating things, but Washing- who attained saat 1 tea la happier urban the law- toafcers are on the Jah. Their present vacation la the longest PpB RENT— Small storeroom, now occupied by Neadleernft. ad­ joining Tidings office. Reaeon- able mat. Apply nt Tidings of­ fice. '• »7-« FOB R E N T —Unfurnished flat. Nicely furniahed sleeping roams. Furasse heat furnished. I» 8. B8SNT— New, modem, furnace bested Apts., and aloep- ing rooi e. Chattin Apts., Phone 303-R. Call forenoons or eve- 54-20* nlngs. - FOB B B N T— Splendid four room apartment. Close in. W ell furniahed. Furnace heated. Specially priced to right party. FOB RENT— Furnished apart- menL 3 rooms and bath. 151 Seventh, Inquire 187 gher^ian. Phons A77-L. 64-tt FOB B EN T: — Room, prefer ie or two gentlemen. 478 Boulevard. FOB B EN T— 4-room house on Osh S t, unfurnished. Mot water IB connection. «23.60. Inquire Hotel Ashland. Il-tf saddle horqe, gentle, work any where. W ill trade for cows. G. D. Faris. 114« N. Mala. Phone 17F11. 57-tf atteste, jrstght FOB 8AIA6—-To settle estate. Property of late »Gorge N. An­ derson. Hoqse place, 447 North Main. Brick block. Corner Fourth and B. Lot on B St. next to Brick block. Lota neaf High School. F . M. Carter, Trastee, 1048 B. Main St., Ash­ land, Oregon, Phono 434-Y. I : i. « •-« • FOB SALE— Barred Rock Pul­ ls. 1401 Boulevard. 54-6* they’ve taken to n decade— nine months—end the capital ridding B ad Its provtoeial «àt­ w ill ha very glad when they tera. For the teiaBatodal hod re a wamble to December. lovable tratta in Washington Irv ­ ing we must revert, if the theory FOB SALE— Two lots on cor­ ‘¿They brighten up tbe city. ner Indiana and Boulevard aeroaa from Naw Normnl, upper side They f ill the hotels. They at­ mother, grand daughter of na She was very Boulevard and Paclfle Highway. tract visitors. They put mener English curate. Just the place far apartment la circulation. They’re good for gentle with her children, and with tho ocneumpttvo Washing­ house with grocery store and Jocal trade nil 'round. Washington is n metropolis ton most of all. His father service station. Phone 434-Y. F. M. Carter, Traetee, 10M E. whan tho lights are burning on was a man of uncompromising Mato S t «<-«* Capitol HUI. Between times It's probity but hardly the sort of an overgrown vilisee. It still man to win affection. has the W hite House and the Whoa Now York City had departments as attractions but, scarcely twenty three thousand LOUT—< 4 0 In bill», either on all put together, with the su­ inhabitants, whan it had neither State Bank floor or somewhere premo court thrown In, they’re bathrooms nor gas, when lamps on streets near Plaaa. Return nothing like the »how that Con­ that lighted the streets nt night were regulated by the almanac, to Tidings. Reward. Mrs. Mary gress affords. the moon being th riftily pressed B. Woods. 67-3* For one thing, the White Into service ns much as possible, MABOBUANG 75c, Phone 11#J House tenant and the depart­ there was born In W illiam etrabt, for appointaient or eall 4 S Hel- ment head! are all ot the same about half way between Fulton man 8t.. upstalrs a p t 67-tf politim i, faith- There’s no hpto- gad John streets, the gifted and pnlllng among them. The min- restless namesake ot George ute Congress convene» It begins. The rival parties pull one an­ other’s hair, the "opposition" phrty »«Us the administration’s Blair Oraalte Co.’n Crystal Blue hair, the sdmthtotration holler», ographer. I t was a period Orgy, era unexcelled. Leave In pain and anger, and the whole without canned fruits, without your orders for fall and spring place la full of bustle and ac­ oold storage, without those thou­ delivery^ 17* East Main. 8. tivity and pleasant excitement. sand and one edibles which now Pennlstou, Manager. 58-tf make daily marketing less- ob­ Sessions which Immediately ligatory. Though ladles of high precede congressional election degree made their own pre­ campaigns, as thia next one will serves, tbe selection of food nt are especially apt t'o be gingery, the public market was «a Im ­ tor each party la trying to get portant duty of daily feminine something ’’on" its rival that life. The markets of New York wip count at the polls the en­ were then meeting places for suing November. Groups of pol­ house wives; and Sarah Irving l i t Granite. Telephone 16« iticians ere beginning to gather often took her little Boy with here already to think up and her while she selected the meets talk over Issues of this sort for and vegetables. I t was In this atmosphere, where gathered the the season of 1326-4. feminine part of the world who gaturally adore the family baby, SCHOOL MASTERS CLUB MEETS TODAY t b it Washington Irving earth eeqnirad his habit of basking In The School Masters Club the sunshine of feminine affec­ BUILDING, Repairing, Shing­ meeting of Jackson County w ill tion. The first songs that he heard ling. Painting, Kalaomlnlng, Re- be held ioday at Eagle Point, finishing. W . T. Blackwill. «13 after two years of adjournment. were from the lips of his mother Garfield. Phene 883L. 307-tf The club w ill elect new officer» and Lizsie the worthy Scotch and plan for their future work. woman who was his nurse. Then, Dinner w ill be served at tbe too, there were his older sisters repairing. 111 Granite St. P. s to sing lovingly to the young­ c cafeteria h o In o Eagie l ^ Point., . . X 64-tt Superintendent of School» Hed­ er brother whom they called O. Box 681, rick of Medford, w ill he the "the little rack of benes.’V The WANTED— Good fresh Jersey main speaker of the day. G. A. email boy begged to hear oyer deh cow. 363 Laurel. 64-8* Briscoe, superintendent of the and over again tbe pathetic bal­ Ashland school», w ill also be a lad beginning "The man had speaker. Mr. Frost, an ex-school climbed tbe highest hill.** though teacher, Is toastmaster. It invariably made him weep. As a lad the future author would steal away from the stern atmoa- FOB SALE— Box, Factory lum­ ber yard has a full stock ot »U kinds of building lumber at rea­ sonable prices. 48-tf -J- FOB SALE—A ll varieties ot apples, cheap, at orchard. Prices Offidb Plume 1U4-J low at 50c par box. Doran, 438 Meras « « » I B * A «bland St. l#-tf Ottos hoar«, 10 to 11 A. I to 5 P. M.; 7 to 8 evening», toti. RANCH BARGAINS WITH sens Bank Building. f - f ,t i 5 T 3 gOLÜLU, Mor. «— (U . P.) •e « T W ®sa <•»» biUPd AND S S helped M an airplane tall bere a » ♦ fpet to tbe ghorra pf We surety got qntok Harbor. The dead am: i» t Aaron Porter, 8ergenot r J. McCracken and Private Smith. -AU the men were ted to tbe Luke Field «Ir aweetbera of Ms mother could make eengdgtol, and wander gbout the atraata a# the little town, going to the piers where be eouM look longtogly at the •all boats and dream at advs» tnraa og seas remote. A llttto more robuataeaa and theyeui,h- tul Washington would ns doubt hare run away from bla par­ ents’ root. Neither bin father nor the capable Scotchwoman, and of coarse not the Indulgent mother or slstera, could do much with him. His trail health ac­ counts tor the leniency with which his mother treated him. "Oh, Washington, It you wore only good.” was the severest ot her rebuke». The little Wash­ ington, never had In a bad tepse, was yet not good from a •choolmaster’a point of view. He would study only those subjects which Interested him. He got •his classmates to do his sums while he wrote their composi­ tions. The desire to get away from home because of his fath­ er’s stearnness was the inspira­ tion of the author of the wander- Ing "Rip Van W inkle"—showing hew the childhood and adoles­ cent experiences of human beings affect their aipbltions, their ac­ tivities, their moods, their fail­ ures, and their accomplishment» in later life. (Copyright. 1835. by Mary Greer Conklin. (Syndicate) Great Brit­ Medford — Price o f . 53 cents ain rights reserved. Reproduc­ for •bntterfat stimulâtes dairy­ tion forbidden. ing here, dered milk plant as part of Oeser’s- Ashland Service Station PROTECT YOUR RADIATOR AGAINST FREEZING Alcohol is the Best Protection We Till Your Radiator A R IA L SERVICE STATION Dr. k W, Oeser, Prop 1 » tl SPECIAL O. N. TO CONSTRUCT BIO POWER PLANT Power Wolffire Heaters 1 with Four-foot 1 i -, Draperies andati Spreads > You need never dreed to * v s your expensive tsddlsg of draper Medford —- W ork begun on new Advontlat church, to cost 115,000. Ashland *^***^1 gad Dyging W s H m FULL - SIZE 35 First S t TWg Portable 4 Radiant Aluminum heater is especially adapted for use in Bathrooms and ‘small rooms. -J » Wolffire heaters have been tested and approved by the laboratories of all the largest gas com­ panies, as being so constructed as to assure safe­ ty and efficiency in their operation. 1 ; SOUTHER OREGON GAS CO ! FORD , BATTERY Please Murphy Electric Shop * IT ACH E S 14 acres tilled, ahd 3 for pasture. Priced St «1,000. 8 ACRES best of land, fenced, WX W ttL S X Ii TOO J for over 40 yean, *oM tot « F.J. CHENEY to C O -Tolto MINE ACRES, <11 to fruit, good lag«, all under irrlgstlpa- 6-roo* modern bungalow. Price for No flower more beautiful - 1 F IV B - ROOM HOU8E — to’* Dealers in Coal. Wood, Packte 108x140 ft., doss to nsw normal Crating and H en gs» U n g «ta alto. Pries for Oulck sals, «l«»0. <&OD nVBBOOM . REPAIR YOUR OLD ONES « •*•» KELLY CTC Chrysanthemum» We hare thouaand» .of them, as well pa many other seasonable flowers. YOUR GROCER WILL FURNISH bones on good street, 2 blocks trara High school and. now grada school. Lot «0x1»«. Chicken base, garsge and Prise, «I«««- on time *t « CMb’ ’’•to n * «•»* interrai- W . Wa ROBUGN gg N. Unta 8tn ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP 1141 BALE— Lot on North St., gcrogs trag» High next to M ra l O raran Excavation nil done, fine ra. Phons 4M -Y . F. M. Trastos- tea« ■ . Nsto It-«* AUOTI Lithia Spring» Botai - Building «« at IF WWt FWWERg” It is the butter which some of the best judg< b n tta r in r ir iW ; f A Modern Roman Road n R I * Leedom 's' Tire and Replacement ’ Parts A FEW REAL BARGAINS qulpk sale, TIRES ‘ The Ashland Creamery j . 1 company structlon of the dam and power plants, construction to begin as soon aa the Federal Power com­ mission's approval can be ob- . ■ ‘f‘ '* —y. — ’ » * ■ Repaire That Will NEW , J ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov, (U. P .)— A ten million dollar power project In the Cascade mountains in Washington was an­ nounced today by officials of the Great Northern ' railroad. The development w ill produee 176,00« horsepower la electric energy, and make possible the irrigation of 80,000 acres. Through its subsidiary, the Chelan Electric company, the Great Northern has executed a contract with. the Washington TERMS 2JUS8 ACRES bottom land, al- talfn and grain, living water, Ir ­ rigation tor 71-« acres, ebssp nt «1160. A ll near City limits, with tele­ phone sad B . F. P. privileges. Inquire ot O. 8. Butler, 41 Gran­ ite St., city. n i mo- • ìs • E X C H l X C r lrtfo S e f a i « U n f title « , a c l» corners were the Romatt Empire’« military rotd«, built that the couriers or grmlei^jL Caesar might have highyfl^l that were dependable. on h ta y y po communication practically hazards o f It dangeri. to Chicago— a h igh w ay fo r the voiced voice has ju«t been dedicated W great citiog, it l service, lik e w is e ritoey both ala deeignei W ew y afford dependebility to it» trev- alien. Thia 1« tbe world’» longart ■ national wit being furtHer « tekpborre «able wbkK, bdtlad beneatb' tbt «treat» nf crowded, dnUaa ternpo« bead. IT . xl