t ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Rosincss Visitor— F. J. Whittlesay was a busi­ ness visitor in Ashland yesterday from Portland., THE WEATHER Oregon and Washington — Fair and cool, with light Northwest winds. FREE— 2 gold fish given away Saturday, Nov. 7, with every 50e purchase at The Variety Store, P R O H IS G A IN IN G S A Y S C O NG RESSM AN 89 N. Main. 56-2t From Portland— CHICAGO, Nov. 6— (U. P .)— J. K. Robinson and Mr. Beni We can make that old suit Prohibityonjsts * aire making? a dixon of Portland were visitors look like new. Paulserud’a. transacting business yesterday. Phone 119. 66-tf winning fight for the enforce­ ment of the .Volstead act, 'Repre­ sentative Grant Hudson of Mich­ Where is a good shingler and The storeroom now occupied roof patcher? Blackwell of by The Needlecraft, next to Tid­ igan told the 22nd national con­ course. Phone S23L. 66-tf ings office, Ideal for small store vention of «the Anti-Saloon Lea- or office, will be »vacant the gue of America today. "ProhlblUon laws are more Quick lunch service at Nining first of the week. Apply at generally observed than formerly, ar’s Fountain. 43-tl Tidings office. convictions are Increasing and jail sentences have been gaining Here Yestertlay— Everett Harpham of Pierce, In favor, Hudson said Fair and Company of Portland Typewriters for rent.— Elharts. was a business visitor » in Ash M O R E A R R E S T S M A D E I N M U S S O L IN I P L O T land yesterday. From Medford—- ROME, Nov. 6— (U. P.)— Two Rubin Stevens was a visitor Liability Insurance written on yesterday in Ashland from Med- tutomobiles and trucks. Phone more arrests were made today SI. Yeo, (of coarse.) 19-tf in connection with the alleged plot to kll Premier Mussolini An inspiring keepsake for Largest and finest display of Italian, dictator. General Giampietro and Guedo Christmas. Tour ^photograph. fresh csndles in Southern Ore- Slataper, both holders of the Living likeness. Studio Ashland. gon at the Plaza Italian gold medal for their heroic services during the war, New shipment of Top Coats Hot tub sulphur baths. Day were ' taken Into custody, jnst In, at Paulserud’s. or night at Jackson Hot Sprlngr. 66-tf other arrests ere expected within the ranks of the Dose Blackwell do cement fascist organization, "Italian Phone B usiness Visitor Today— work too. You bet. 63-t.f Liberia.” SS3L. Arthur F. Ferns, special agent for the London and Lancashire WINTER GARDEN DANCE Insurance Company of Portland, TONIGHT. 37-1 was a business visitor in Ashland JURY SELECTED LITTLETON, Cblo., N