DAILY TIDINGS luck today la » Chicago man MaSammedans believe there are honod whoee rich wife la asking for a hr« tan animals in heaven and , — A Pestare Page' For Telling the Cooks About the Good Eatables MM Eachus, Vera Wright, Elisa­ beth Carter, Donald Mayer, Ger- aM Mayer, Bert Wright, Richard Poster, George Eachus, Cora Mitchell, Albert Eachus, Thomas Eachne, and Merle Hanson. plimepted guest w^s the recipient of many remembrances com­ memorative of the milestone Ju»( passed. A family reunion had occurred a week previous when Mr. and Mrs. Clauds Cleveland of ttold HUI, Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Addle sod Mr. and Mrs. U e rifleld were all at the parental home for a birthday v isit Roberts; Outer Sentlhel, Anna It. G. Myers; Captain of Guards, Elisa Hlcke; Flag Bearer, Eva Louise Jones; Musician, Mabel A. Robert»; Press Correspondent, Opal Philpott; Managers, Jose­ phine D. Crocker, Mary R. Shutts and Wm. S. Stennett. After the meeting a covered dish lunch was served which all enjoyed immensely. divorce. Almost anything caa hagpt^ aometimea. in Mexico, a men Was shot by accident. We had juet about forgotten Armistice Day until we saw a man wearing a wrist watch. It le estimated cigarets have burned too many holes in shirta. C alifornia straight ahcao T S ta W wg REGINALD PENNY a wMivtweAfcu.dvMpb enoowçnon Popcorn bricks, biggest and best in town, 6 cents.— Candy- Monday evening the Neighbors land: 67-tf of Woodcraft held their regular election of officers. The fol­ lowing were n a m ed : Past Guardian Neighbor, Laura L. Abbott; Guardian Neighbor, Mary R. Prescott; Advisor, Hat­ tie L. Moore; ■ Clerk, Alma C. Have you visiteg Stone’s Stennett; Banker, Vella H. Baughman: Magician, Pearl Hat­ so at once. Our Store is as clean Thpse present were Mr. and cher; Attendant, Callie B. L. and all foods are haiidled in the Mrs. J. B. Pi field, Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Inner Sentinel, L. A Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Addle were host and hostess at a hfrtbdajr dinner given Sunday in honor of Mrs. Addis’ father, Mr. J. E. Pttleld. While not a Hallowe’en cele­ bration, flowers and dainty dec­ orative touches gave « very pretty setting for the birthday dinner at which covers were laid ^Maud’s Most Lithia Bakery There has been no acci­ dent about the popularity of Special For Saturday Fresh, Delicious Rolls and . Missing California with $5000 was Georgia«. That wa the worst >’S OLD RELIABLE LOW PRICE GROCERY HARDY BROTHERS Long ago this More established a Policy of making every price as low aa right merchandise would allow. Our Big Volume of busineeg at once gave us an exceptionally low overhead «cd established our reputation for low prices which wa have consistently maintained. SATURDAY AND MONDAY streak Modern Food Store New Store Yet? If not, make it a point? to do as a good housewife would have her kitchen, most Sanitary way. Compare our prices with what you have been paying and you will find you can save much by shopping here. In addition to price, you wiU find much pleasure in Selecting your foods in our new Clean Store, served by courteous, efficient salesmen. IWWÈT PÔTATOES Yakima Netted Gems Unusually Low in Price 10 Pounds . 4 Pounds 100 Pounds (Compare This One) 24 1-2 lb. Sack White Crown Plour of 98 15s Per Doz. This is a result of Uniform Saturday Quality d "^c . 1 ■ SEEDLESS RAISINS 25 Pound Box ..............................$2.19 4 Pound Package ........ ...................35 * ... . . ... ...... j CREAMERY BUTTER 1 P o u n d ............................... .............. 58 2 Pounds ............................... .'..$1.15 NUCOA Putters Best Substitute , 3 Pounds * QQc 0 3 Lithia Rakery Franklin Bakery Ask for Sally Ann a t Yqur Grocery Or at Your Grocer Apples For Health and we have a wonderful assortment in our window display. Best Sugar $6.15 per 100 lbs. JU ST WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR—QUALITY GUARANTEED, A BIG VALUE, 2 POUND LOAF P « ï CANE SUGAR 10 Pound HÀÂD WHEAT FLOUR 49 Lb Sack ...................... ........... 4 Sacks ^Barrel) Opposite The Plaza CHOICEST CUTS OF Plenty of CHICKENS AND RABBITS Phone us for Sunday Dinner Suggestions THE EAGLE MARKET w fF m as-----«A ono Ai/f ,1 aMwr, i k wr • TV wm » »1 Snov.zi.’ift Shortening la r g e Package of Kerrs Premium Oats, Only 2 Pound Cun 4 Pound Can K Pound i nn .. H A W ' Standard Sliced 25c Fancy Broken Sliced ....23c S A W Grated .............. 23c Potatoes Are Still Going Up—W e Still Have Them at a Bargain Npw California Walnut, per lb. . . .35c The Famous Lux, per package, 10c Sweet Potatoes, 6 lbs. f o r ..........25c Jell Well, A pure fruit flavor, 3 for 25c Country Clnb Coffee, vacuum pack 52c Fig Bars, another fresh supply, lb. 15c THIS IS ALWAYS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY FRESH VEGETABLES HARDY BROTHERS We Deliver Mam Citizens So that your shopping will be pleasant we have arranged to deliver direct to your door. Deliveries will leave our Store at 8, 1 8 « . m.; 2, 4 p. m. No Extra charge for this service. as Food Distributors are recognized as an outstanding success — and when it comes to Canned Goods, they are in a class by themselves. Without question, the 20th Century Stores offer the widest selection of Well Known Brands to be obtained anywhere in the Northwest. Campbells Pork & Beans Economy Matches, Noiseless, Well Filled, Good Sized Boxes, 3 for . . . . . . . .10c NATIONAL CANNED GOODS WEEK OFFERINGS OUR PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7TH TO SATUR­ DAY NOVEMBER 21ST. INCL. Here are a few examples of our untold selections. For a complete list ask for a Catalog at one of our stores if one is not left at your door. Our U Mi Do<> Case Reg. Doc. Doc. Price Price Price Price Pbice T h e E a s ie s t W a y to S a v e M o n e y Is to T r a d e a t T h e P l a z a G r o c e r y Standard Stringless Beans, 2s.............. SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS Del Monte Catsup, Medium.................. 50 Pound Sack Pure Cane Sugar - - Linit Starch, Per Pkg. - - - - - Swifts Premium Hams, Per Lb. - - Standard Corn, 2 Cans - - - - Fancy Utah Ungraded Peas, Per Gin - Potato Chips, 4 Packages - - - Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Per Lb. - - Knights Bulk Kraut, Per Quart - Crown M ill Run, 80 Pound Sack - $3.08 5c - 35c - 25c - 15c - 25c - 15c - 10c - $1.65 Preferred Stock Cut Refugee Beans, 2s........... 25 .70 11.40 $2.80$ 5.50 Preferred Stock Tiny Kernel Corn, 2s Lily of Valley Sweet Corn, 2 s .......... • • $1.45 22 Bars White King Laundry S[>lo will think all ten American Beauty Shrimp, Is Tall 20th Century CoffeW