I Purchased Car— The Automotive Shop reports the sale of a new Chevrolet coach to Mr. and Mrs. Bam Jordan. (? ) HUlah Temple Maaonlc Hall Stated session, Friday evening, Nov. 6. Important business. Re­ freshments afterwards. EMIL BRITT, Potentate. W. H. DAY. Recorder In Ashland Yesterday Rev. S. J. Chaney, district sup­ erintendent of the Methodist Church was a visitor in Ashland yesterday. ;— Madden sells protected tires. 63-tf Christmas and Toys and Kid­ dies and Photographs. Studio Ashland, Photographs of Quality. New shipment of Top Coats 66-tf Just In, at Paulserud's. The Claycomb Motor Company reports the sale of a new 1926 Ford tonring car to E. J. Roach of Ashland. Doee Blackwell do ®rk too. You bet. I3L. cernent Phone 63-tf Fresh Tamales.—The Rose. Hear the new Orthophonie Vic trola at The Rose. Purchased Car— A new 1926 Ford coupe ba« been purchased by Fred Johnson of Eagle Point, It Is reported by the Claycomb Motor Company. Mrs. Louie Dodge returned Tuesday from Portland, where she attended the Parent Teachers Convention. On her ‘way home she stopped in Eugene and visited with Mias Edith Dodge, who is a student at the University. Returned to A s h la n d - CALIFORNIA CAR DAMAGED Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Van Natta IN CRASH HERE returned last evening to Ashland (OOnttnned Frans Finge One) from a two weeks vacation In Portland. They visited the stock vehicle law, which went Into ef­ fect on September 1, motorists show, and report a splendid time. approaching H main traveled We can make that old suit highway, must slow down to five Paulsernd'j. On Jury Duty— look like new. miles per honr, and at all time« F. C. Stevens has been recalled Phone 119 , ,66-tr protect traffic to their right on the jury at Jacksonville. on the main highway. Liability Insurance written on Faraona did not do th is, ac­ automobiles and tracks. Phone Quick lunch service at Nlnlng cording to McNabb, and will 11, Yeo, (of courto.) 19-tf er’s Fountain. ,43-ti therefòre bo hold responsible for the crash. A Largest and finest display of Visiting in Medford— fresh candles In Southern Ore Mrs. Eleanor Stevens and chil­ Willamina — Local men : gon st the Plasa, 4641 dren are visiting In Medford for to build now mill hero soon. a few days with Mrs. Stevens* sister, Mrs. Roy Beb. They ex­ To Grants P a s s -- pect to leave soon for Florida. Mrs. W. H. McNair and Mrs. F. F. Whittle accompanied, the FOR SALE— 2 shoats, weight Grand Matron of Oregon Eastern ISLAND FREEDOM about 100 lbs. each. W. W. BILL IS PREPARED Star, Mrs. Lewis, to Grants Pass Robison. 68 N. MAIN. last evening to make her official MANILA, Nov. 6— (ü. P.3— FOR SALE — Fine lot on visit. The Philippine independence Beach street, just off Boulevard plebiscite will be Conducted early Hot tub sulphur baths. . Day in 1926, according to the pro­ with nice neat garage hdnso rut­ or night at Jackson Hot Springe. visions of the Nationalist’s ma­ ted up for light housekeeping. Easy terms. Ashland 56-tf jority party bill which wag com­ $660. Realty Co. SO-2 pleted today. FREE— 2 gold fish given away WANTED—Gpod fresh Jersey Saturday, Nov. 7, with every 60c milch cow. 169 Laurel. 66-3* SUSPECT HELD FOR purchase at The Variety Store, TACOMA SLAYING FOR RENT— Unfurnished flit. 89 N. Main Nicely furnished sleeping rooms. TACOMA, Nov. 6— (U. P.) — Make appointment to see Mrs. Charles Welch, 23, is under ar­ Furnace 'heat furnished. 3 6 f l . 68-tf Dohrman next week.— McNair rest as a suspect in connection Second St., Llthla Apts. Bros. with a shooting affray in*a ho­ FOR SALE—Large sack black tel on the east side last night. walnuts, 60c. Bring gunny sack Have your broken windows Victor Nelson, 60, proprietor of repaired. Largs stock of glass a hotel was killed, and Frank and pick them up. Mrs. C. C, 66-1 w band. Jordan Sash*and Cab- Shehahn, 60, his friend, Is re­ Walters, Talent, Ors. iaet Works. Phone 161. 26-tf covering from a bullet: wound In FOR RENT—New, modefn^ furnace heated Apts., and sleep­ ing rooms. Chattln Apts., Phone From Kirby- 303-R. Call forenoons or eve- James A. Archibald wafe a busi- ALLEGED SLAYER OF nfngs. 66-39* BOOTLEGGER TAKEN ness visitor In Ashland yesterday from Kirby, FURNITURE and mattress ASTORIA, Nov. 6— (U. P .)— repairing. 316 Granite St. P. Don't Paint uqtil yon get R. J. Ferguson, accused by wit­ O. Box 631. 66-tf Blackwell’s figures. Phone 823L. nesses of fatally stabbing B. C. FOR- SALE— To settle estate, * 6 3 tf Graham, alleged Astoria ' boot­ legger, was arrested In North Property of late eGorge N. An- Hair bobbing, marcelling a Bend, Oregon, according to ad­ derson. Home place, 667 North Comes «pedalty. The Vanity Shoppe.' vices received here today by Main. - Brick 'block. Sheriff H. J. Slusher. A cor- Fourth and p. Lot on B St, 36-tf oner's jury returned a verdict next to Brick block. Lots near F. M. Carter, from the naming Ferguson as »the knlfer. High School. It is expected that he will Trustee, 1068 -E. Main St., Ash-} wholesale land,, Oregon, Phone 426-Y. 3 63-tf plead self defense. The Medford Fluff 1 Rug Cleaner will be In Friday, Nov. g. Phone FREE— 2 gold fish given away ders to 118 or 240. Saturday, Nov. 7, with every 60c purchase at The Variety Store. To Loe Ange l es 89 N, Main. 66-2t Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Briggs will leave tomorrow for Southern Cali­ fornia, where they will visit for about a week. Eugene — Permit issued $30,000 apartment house Lincoln street. • FOR RALE— Best location, Al Rainier — City will improve E street and Ninth and Tenth streets East. fa Addition, next to High School, across Boulevard from New Grade School, extending from Iowa street to E. Main. Can sell whole block fronting E. Main St. City growing this way fast. Buy now while prices are right. Phone 426-Y. F. M. Carter, trustee. .1968 E, Main at. 66-6* FOR SALE—Two lota on cor­ ner Indiana and Boulevard across from Now form al, upper side Boulevard: and Pacific Highway. Just the place for apartment house with grocery store and service station. Phone 426-Y. F. M. Carter, trustee, 1068 E. Æ— Lot on North across from High Street, next to Ideal Grocery store. Excavation all done, fine drainage. Phone 426-Y. F. M. Carter, trustee. 1068 E. Main REAL BARGAINS Two 1921 Fords Bach .11 ’ VALUES Heavy Wool Army Socks 3 Pairs Tor 11.00 5 to 6 Pound English Army Blankets, 1923 Chevrolet Coupe Ford Truok Biggest Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel Let Our Mechanics Tune Up Your Car Tidings classified do the business Automotive Shop Brake Relining Done by Machinery THIS IS APPLE WEEK Get Your Supply While We Are Packing. Per Box, 50c and np. MANY VARIETIES MAKE LIFE -WORTH LIVING • Don’t go around feeling tired, lacking In energy and strength, because your . kidneys are not working properly. The use of FOL.EY’S PILLS; a diuretic stim­ ulent for the kidfaeys, wlH flush your kidneys, remove Injurious waste matter and bring the kid­ neys back to a normal, active con­ dition. "Your FOLEY PILLS are \ Ashland Fruit & Produce Assn FULL . SIZE FORD FRAZIER AND SON BATTERY good,*’ writes Samuel Bren- Alexandria, Ind. Bold ev*ery- never have an accident” Murphy' Electric That’s what some peo­ ple say. But can you be SURE that what has hap­ pened to careful people like yon, may not happen in your case? Now is a good time to buy your feed and flour for winter, for the time of the year is here for it to ad­ vance in price. 'We are selling at the low price yet and have just received a wire that all mill feed has advanced $2.00 per ton wholesale, and flour advanced 60 cents a barrel wholesale. Phone 214 Statistics show that the year­ ly automobile accidents In the United States total about 600,- 000. That means that nearly every minute of the night and day an automobile causes In­ jury or death. Let us tell you today how little it will cost to protect you from claims arising out of automobile accidents. Real Estate A Real Insurance Estab. 1883 41 B. Main S t Phone S i l (Continued From Page Three) Use Cara Nome Face Powder. Your Last Chance Today to See With Douglas Fairbanks Fresh Plg’n Whistle candy, last arrived.— Nlnlnger’s.’ 46-tf Yea, we have no bananas, but we have money to loan on good security. Phone 21. Yeo. (of Bourse.) 13—tf Dr. G. W. Gregg In pleasing phrase introduced the new pastor, who responded very happily, ex­ pressing his pleasure in meeting the friends and In his new pas­ torate. A committee had prepared re­ freshments, and during the so­ cial hour, punch and wafers were served. & Ungreased Parts Sales and Service Willigms Service (Continued Tomorrow) Cliff Payne makes clothes racks. Returned Lest Night Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baugh­ man returned last evening from Mount Shasta City where they attended the funeral of their nephew, Everett Simcox, who was killed In an automobile accident on Scotf Mountain. Perfumes, Toilet Waters.— El- hart’s. Toy autos, all sises.— Elhart’s, Snappy fall suits for young men. Prices right nt Orree. 404f Madden retreads tires. about your car can ' be found after it has been greased at THE PARK GARAGE SQUIBBS Station Shell and General Gasoline Suggestions for Your Medicine Cabinet Squlbbs Ana)geslc Balm Squlbbs Aspirin Tablets Iqutbbs Sodium Blcarblnate Squlbbs Boric Acid ■ Squlbbs Cod Liver Oil Squlbbs Milk of Magnesia Squlbbs Epsom Salts Squlbbs Castor Oil Squlbbs Sodium Phosphate Squlbbs Dental Cream Squlbbs Talcum Powder Squlbbs Liquid Petrolatum 68-tf Where Is a good shlngler and roof patcher? Blackwell of coarse. Phone 823L. 66-tf n Byron Morgan’« Hilarious Story WINTER GARDEN FRIDAY NIGHT. Rainbow 'A' mad, breath-taking auto­ mobile race caps the drama­ tic climax of the hilarious foolery and tingling love story in this brilliant com­ edy-drama. Don’t miss the big $25,000 special-built bus used in this picture! A DANCE "JMWi GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL FROM THS HEART OF THE FAMOUS ROOK SPRINGS DISTRICT ANY QUANTITY FROM A SACK TO A OAR- LOAD ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY No. 384 Oak S t Across the By Track Phons 20 SMART model tailored by Ciotlicraft favored by young men who' ohoose their clothing from the English fashion. Square ßhoulders — easy hanging back — wide notched lapels — medium wide trousers — such are the touches that stamp The (Cambridge as authen­ tic “ Style” for F a ll'.................... a \ " i FLOOR COVERINGS Yon Witt get the greatest value for your Investment by purchasing Linoleum for your floors, the Inlaid doesn’t cost much more and'will give you a floor that will always look well until worn out, we have a large stock of inlaid in beautiful colorings and pat­ terns, our stock of printed goods is very complete, Congoleum and Felt base always in stock. You may have it laid the new way by cementing it perman­ ently in place over a lining of deadening felt, let us tell you about this, it will cost a little more but will pay you many times over in the wear and satisfac­ tion it will give you. Yon can depend on getting the best service and always the lowest price possible at our store. J. P. DODGE & SONS RELIABLE HOUSE - FURNISHERS And wear? The guarantee ia in the pocket. . CLOTHCRAFT TAILORED CLOTHES