fed, 1118, the relatives and » er and Nojma, Carl and Velma W* Y » , Mrs. E. Q. Smith, Mias ) • Jean Anderson and M r, Crew», lew friends of D r. D. M. Brower Brower A ghostly fljptra on tbn lawn look advantage o f the annlver* ; », « H , ‘ , ¡ » are heard in negro melodies, two greeted the gnests ee they ap­ Reception 4 » the Me» «¿A feolos b / Mrs. E. O. Smith, end fearx of h|g birthday and hr- proached, giving quite ap eerie pth»r .orchestre number* made feeling, very muoh in kpepjng |Maged the gathering In honor In spite of the. inclemency of HP * program, delightful In the with tip Hallowe'en thegght. ear­ Of the event— ■Sag wtshlag to wnbarrts him we .w ill net state the weather, Tuesday fvgplng. »am b e r. given and in the pre­ n ed out in y p r y , pertleuinr la how old he is/ h u t that he was there wdfe morq than ty o hun­ sentation, bringing much pleas- both gatherings. bom lu 1881. About 8>t0 p. m. dred and fifty friends assembled W« to the appreciative listeners. was illuminated«- r. IfATBMMITT An inform al flrw ld e supper was the happy theught of a group of friend s- r a A p p J ,. 9 ir <»V •»•»- lpg the hospitable home of M r. Oranite. W dybt gad MW. J. H . F u lle r Wes the scene of ppp. O f. the cosiest of sappers where guests were ssstsd ereuad little tables placed In the fire lig h t’s glow from the cheery (Continued From Page Two) Open grate. Added grace and beauty were given tbe dainty appointments by Mrs. Humphrey, ’ Mrs. Powell its gleaming rays; even tbe flow­ sad Mrs. W . Herndon represented ers seemed to possess new loveil- Ashland P. T . A. Circles. new in tbe subdued light. RaAflonihlft R a t room apartment. Close In. W ell furnished. Furnace heated. Specially priced to rig h t party. Ona year lease If desired. SIS Hargadlna. _ _ 16-4 F O R R E N T — Furnished apart­ ment. 3 rooms aad bath. 186 Seventh. In q u ire 1«7 Sharpen. 64-tf Room, prefer gentlemen. 478 63—t f FOB RENT; — one or two Boulevard. F O B B E N T — 6-room house on Oak 8 t., unfurnished, hot water la connection. 833.60. Inquire Hotel Ashland. 4 1 -tf BOOMS— Steam heated, 86.00 per week and up. Hotel Ash­ land, 4 7-tf FOB g ftl i B I to n s good clean beardless barley fo r seed. 860 per tea. Inq u ire at 1736 Boulevard er phone 486-J. W , E . Pierson. F O B B A LE— Plants and bulbs, sseonsble. In q u ire 363 Eighth reek « 66-3* paying res- tânrant, apposite depot. Oood tenon le right party. Inquire Frank Cette«’ Shop. A St. 64-3 F O R SA LE— Barred Rock Pul lots. 1401 Boulevard. 6 4-5' F O R S A LE— D ry Manzanita and Oak wood, W . Tavener. Phone 17FS. 53-6 F O R S A LE— Box Factory lum ­ ber yard has a fu ll stock of all kinds of building lumber at rea­ sonable price*. 48-tf Those gathered about the hearthstone were, D r. and Mrs. F . G. Swedenburg, Irvin g E. Vining, There were* eighty guests pres­ M r. and Mrs. F . C. Homes, Mr. ent at the Hallowe'en party given Ond Mrs. J. H . McGee and M r. by the V alley View Community and Mrs. J. H . F u lle r, Club. Tbe school hot*e, which Is 'now the club room, was 'dec­ Dorothy Stereos Entertain»— * orated appropriately and artis­ Dorothy Stevens was hostess tically In flowers and vines; a at a Jolly little H allow e’en party, pretty setting tor the delightful where games and dancing aped evening of entertainment and tan. t»e flying hours. A short program, la which each The rooms ware gay In bright number was particularly w ell re­ Hallowe’en colors and Jack-o’las- ceived end enjoyed wae given terns’ Jolly faces greeted the fir s t The opening number was a guests from the windows. piano solo, I I Trovatore, played Delightful refreshments of by Mrs. E vert Bostwick; a paper sandwiches, cake, punch and ci­ on the origin o f Hallowe’en was der, were served a t the dose of w ritten by Mrs. Chaney and read the evening. by Mm. Stella Morse. Mrs. Len­ Those present were Adena Joy, nox and Mrs. Mabel Reachart Ellen Gaiey, Lorraine Sparr, sang a duet, Ptcaninny Lullaby Madge aqd M arie M itchell, Letha tand a selected reading by Mrs. Miles and Calls Eaton; Tom Cum­ Glasgow, closed tbe program. mings, Gordon Claypool, V irg il G am w and stunts furnished Gillette, W arren Doremifc, Myler amusement • and refreshments, Berry, Dick Joy, Barnard Joy, sandwiches, pumpkin pis a»d cof- Phil Bryant, and Freddy Katser. fee were served during the even­ ing. Much fun was afforded by Mrs. P . 8. Provost aad M rs. > the wonderful fortunes told by a Domino Provost E n tertain ■ ■ witch, in the person of Mrs. W m . Mrs. P. s. Provost and Mrs. Glenn, who predicted surprising Domino Provost were hostesses things fo r many. a t two delightfully attractive , * i Jr parties given Friday and Satur­ M illinery Cl ass es* . day evenings a t the beautiful A t the two classes of the Valley home of Mrs. P. 8. Provost on View Community Club held the 33 Vista street. and 27 of October, there was an The rooms were lovely in excellent attendance and many Autumn * leaves and golden hats were completed or so nearly chrysanthemums, w ith Hallowe’en finished that the owners could insignia evidenced in the charm­ complete them. However, there ing appointments o f the table, are a number net sq fa r along and where dainty refreshments were If It were possible to secure Miss served, a unique feature of Brewster for another tim e the which was the use of effectively club Would ba glad Indeed. Some painted pumpkins, to support J^he sewing wee done also a t these candles, by whose lig h t the room meeting* but Interest centered In tbe bat making. , ¿ Bridge was played hath eve- also, Saturday evaatng. w e friends gathered at the home to meat t»e Rev and Mrs. H . p . ner, J. H . McGee, to u ts Dodge, George K ram er, L . H U ty and Miss V irg in ia Travener, Those present Saturday evening were! tbe Mesdamee J. B. Enders, H . O. Enders, J r., J. A . McGee, John Shortridge, C. A. Malone, E lb e rf Farlo w , Gene Hastings, C. T . Shinn, E . B. Dews, W . M. Brig»». R* L - BurdIC, J r - v * T * Mills, V. D. M iller, C. A. Haines, Mrs. E a rl Crow and Mrs. John Flnnerfln, Mrs. F . C. D illa rd and Mrs. N. H . Harrison of M edford. B irthday Celebrado»— Through the courtesy of one present we have the following pleasing account of a happy oc­ casion. On Monday evening, Bring your oar to ovr «bop foï , >•«*. Prlgaa Of M r. and Mrs. W. 0 . Drum- Pemberton who w ith th e ir fam ily ware awarded a t b o tfc rth d s e s e - tnond at Sltklyoa and soon sur­ curinp high wore Friday difip rounded a rosring camp .fire nine wore Mrs. Osaren Rnsa. 'here they enjoyed roasting first, and Mrs. J. H . MeGee, Weenies sad eating a bonnteoQa cooeolation. On Saturday eve* feed of weenies and other good nlng, Mrs. J. A . McOaa secured things. ' Miss Rowena Roberts high honors with Mrs. B ari Crow furnished the birthday cake for gaining the consolation prise. this occasion. E After the gustatory festivities In the guessing contest, Mrs. R. Ware over, a ll gathered in the L . Bardie, J r., won the prise. house, where Miss Janet Knight The grfeets entertained Friday showed the guests many interest­ evening were; the Mesdamee Nate Bates, Amos U n in g er, Her* ing things connected with her bert McCarthy, B. 8. Storm, gtrlhood life In England and W ill V irg in , Medford; A . H . some artistic work of her own. A ll voted they had had a good Pracht, J. M. Hughes. Ospar Bargner, D. Perossi, George Hlle,( time and the visitors returned F ra n k Dean, K a rl Nlms, F . O. home In the early hours of the Swedenburg, George Rose, C. B. evening, after wishing Dr. Brow­ Poll, Don W hitney, J .- M . W ag­ er many happy returns of his have coma to make Ashland their home, Many aside tram th e ' church membership were present to greet tbe incoming pastor o f tbe Methodist church and his fam ily and to bid them welcome to tbs community. The church parlors had been made bright and cheery in 1 chrysanthemums and (yelling vine wreathes and a program of unosnal m erit wae presented. In thia, numbers from the or­ chestra ware given. A w lo by A . 0 . McGee, a Quartet, M r. O. Plate Glass and Mirrors Made to Order. Xtesilver Tour Old Mirrors All Kinds Glass. Automobile or any other electrical or battery repairs. Auto Electric Shop Next to 20th Century Grocery Phone 140, 118 8. Bartlett Medford Oregon Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Brower, Attorney and Mrs. Ik A. Roberts, Mr. and *Mrs. W. O. Drummond, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Brower, Misses Rowena Rob­ \-H o t erts, Janet Knight. Vodai Brow- G e re q l \ o flower more beautiful A delicious hot breakfast ready for the table in less than 5'minutes! Chrysanthemums N ew Style H-O Quick Cooking Oats. We have thousands of them, as well as many other seasonable flowers. These toasted oats cook into gran­ ular oatmeal. A ctually a new breakfast dish! One that gives you vim for the whole day! Phone 148 A wealth o f energy-building car­ bohydrates— tissue-building pro­ teins end vitalizing minerals in every dish. That "all-night cooked” flavor in. only two minutes Small or Large Contract or Order, we can handle it satisfactorily. Headlight Testing Medford Glass Company birthday anniversary. October Paint or Walpaper torista whoa« head haven't been testad. ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Lithia Springs Hotel Building minutes only >¡¡¿Ü ir < IV 4 O» k<‘ “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" F O R SA LE— A ll varieties of apples, ebeap, at orchard. Price« low a t 50c par box. Doran, <93 Several From Valley View at Ashland St. 16-tf Luncheon — A number from V alley View were guests a t the Forum Lunch­ eon Tuesday, among the n u m ­ aAd 8 for pasture. , Pricad at ber Mrs. Mabel Reachart, who is an active member of tbe Com «1.000, 8 ACRES beet of land, fenced, «600. N O T IC E 114M ACRES bottom land, al­ Saajed propoaals addressed to fa lfa and grain, living watar, ir ­ rigation for 7 1-3 scree, ebaap J. 8. Landers, secretary of the Board of Regents of the Oregon a t 1116«. Norm al Schools, w ill be received A ll naar City lim its, w ith tele­ phone and R. F . D. privilege«. a t the office of J. A . Churchill, Inquire of O. S. Butler, 41 Ornn- Department of Education, a t the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon, until 10:00 o’clock a. m., No­ A F E W R E A L BARG AINS vember 13, 1826, for the fu r­ N IN E ACRES, a ll in fru it, good nishing o f a ll material and the land, a ll under irrigation. 6-room performance of a ll labor required modern bungalow. Price for for the completion of a two-story quick sale, «3500. concrete building, for the Ore­ gon Norm al School a t Ashland, FIVE* ROOM HOUSE — Lot Oregon. 100x140 ft., close to new normal A ll work and materials must alto. Price for quick sale, «1350. conform to the plans and speci­ fications therefor on file a t the GOOD F IV E -R O O M modern office of the architects. Bonnes house on good street, 3 blocks and Herzog, 1040 Chamber of from High school and naw grade Commerce Building, Portland, school. Lot 50x160. Chicken Oregon, and a t the office o f J. huse, garage and wood 'shed. A. Churchill, Salem, Oregon, and Pries, «1800. 3500 cash, balance at the office o f J. H . Fuller, on tim e at 6 per cent interest. Ashland, Oregon. 68-10 W. W. ROBISON PS N . M ain St. 53-tr RANCH BARGAINS WITH W h en the lure of adventure calls you— Id car is r’aring to be on the tour—when ady to go and you reach for the wheel —have a Camel! W H E N your car o f cart u fresh primed, ready to start the tour. A nd early morning light has thrown its glow o f enchantment over fields and road«. W h en far ahead lie« the way to adven­ ture’« own land. O h , lucky man, a« you reach fo r vour wheel— have a Carnell find another traveling friend like Camel. Camel makes every fine road finer— adds the magic romance o f its own friendliness to the zestful joys o f travel. Camels are made of such choice tobacco« that they never tire your taete. Camels are so skilfully blended that they never leave e cigaretty after-taate. A ll of the joy» of amoking __ that’« C«mel contentment to million« o f FO R SA LK :— A home furnish­ ed or uefernlehed. Close te Schools. B ert buy in Ashland. Come look It over. 451 Palm Ave. 58— 6* experienced smoker». So a« life*» road open« fair ahead, waiting to be explored— at the «tert o f the journey, or at e zxu n abet^l le o lw t A tne tour a ane w wgwe ■ unn-n n..-, if mellowest fragrance, the most joyful teste ever if lig h t, coat 846.00, ber«sln. Phpne a r il. M -« blended into a cigarette. H e r« e M EM O B IA 1B B lair Granite Co.’e Crystal Blqe Gray, ere unexcelled. Leave your orders for fe ll and sprang delivery. 176 B ert M ela. ». Peenlston, Manager. 6 8-tf W A N T E D — Fem ale • help, A Woman for w ell established busi­ ness. Give phon«, Address Box «60, Medford. 6 1 - i* WANTED— Furniture repeft- Ina. Work done at your home er at shop. Phond 260-R. Med­ ford, Oregon. ^ 8 -3 4 * go«!«»« the very e¡ hy the » o r lft mo In the mehint If of Uus this one g rfm V f * Adar. 9hh any eigerette mefle R. J. Rgynetds Tel