U By »HARLEM F, rrtH T A B T ftEA . Service W riter f„. W A8HIN0*rQtf — A flaming aord Upp^Aud In Washington's tetorrf sky eno night recently. Then a second flaming sword, ben a third. Thpre they hung all night over 1« d ty. I t was pretty darned »«tying. The next night It ippeded again. Then more bhts. Every night la tact, ladeed,-It’s atilt happening t ie « a n of Professor Asaph HaU ot tha United BUtoa naval O bservatory.'. --• “Those'things," he announced, •peaking aa aaaefr&nomer, “are only searchlights Don’t be fool- "W hat aearchltghlgt" asked everybody. , Professor Hail bad to admit that he didn't know. It was pointed eat that searchlights hob around The flaming «word« are atp- tloaary. Oepsldernbly piqued by popul«., skepticism toward his theory, Professor HaU did some inveeti- gnting. Company C,^29th En­ gineers, F o rf Humphrey«, Vs., he dieeovered, is surveying a 400- squsre-mile tract between Quau- tieo and Warrenton, and the tri­ angulating is being done at night by meant of searchlights— a new method of the 39th's own in­ A fte r they had appeared for vention, which give« results of aereral nights la sueoeaalen, soma the moat marvelous mathematical ad the lmagteative ones began accuracy. to tael frightened. Washington B o *. a Urge colored population PAINLEVE APPEARS tice limited to eye. ear, nose and fkront---X-ray including teeth» Office honra, to to 13 and g to 9. EWedeoburg BMg.. Ashland. prevail««! la ' Mya* Ragland. which Lord planino BEFORE DEPUTIES -- --------------------- -— ---------- of the British bar of today. A negro at PARIS, Nov. 2— (U. P .)—, (Copyright 1»W , by M ary Greer Sfeaehed a numt Faced by the refusal of the mem-, Dealers la Coal. Wood, Peeking, CtfitkHn; (Syndicate) G M ut Brit* 1 sheet the awords. bers of the socialist party to Miss Gascoyne was the only Crating and Storage. Long dlat- 'aln rights reserved. Repfodue- -wore a dire pert« vote their confidence In his re­ child of Bamber Gascoyne of anee tracking. tloa forbidden. i Itol. They were gime. Premier Palnleve went be­ CfeMwell, a stock largely de­ fore the Chamber of Deputies rived from tha ettlsen class. M r thia afternoon Bind announced Crisp Gaaaoyna,1 the foabder of News that numerona Washing- that his cabinet favor« "bold her family’s fortune, was one of the four Lord Mayors from Whom her son often boasted dbeceat. Her health was frail. Which rendered impossible any assertion fa pahttc o f her tare intelligence »ad 'great personal egarm. L lk d i Haney Haake she we« poeaeeaed of deep religions faith, of strong fellings ■ and warm enthusiasms— the latter traits held sensibly la leash; for in her delicate - reserve and unconscioas, uacfcaHeogiog -dig­ have been proposed, without la nity of manner, «he satisfied the nay way detracting from the Meal of a great lady. She gath­ plans already presented, w»y not ered round her the finer Intel­ see Another “New Vision'’ of " EVERT young man should acquire it, and, lect« among the young men or growth and prosperity aa seen for Ashland by the good w ill o f M rr the Way—i* to stick to whatever yon attempt the Great Britain of her day. Lord Beaconsfield (Disraeli* and stick long enough to put it across. gratefully recalled her kindness to him at the outset of his RARGAINH Having a Bank Aooount, and saving as ‘career. Mr. Gladstone often much as you can, will do a lot to. help-you. spoke to the same «(feet; Indeed • Thia la a reply to a note h there was a pecnllar' tenderne«« prtemi Sealed proposals addressed to in his recollection of her. CUT THE CORNERS, and you will get In mailed with thia petition to thd; >£•*». land fenced 8 Laiw,* r*- aocaetary of the the last weeks ef his life 'h e re­ Root relatives, stating If it ■ m et * Board of Regenta of the Oregon ferred to her in a touching note their approbation to sign it and. . . , Normal' Schools, will be received to the inter Lady Salisbury con- return to me, also to correct o r .‘ . w a t e r ’ Ir * * the o ,f“* * * J A ' Ch’,rch" 1- gratulatiag her upon her hus­ add anything mors they desired a c re cheao I* P * r ‘ ment of Education, at the band*« escape from a carriage ‘ p Capital Building, Salem, Oregon, a(cldeat. After words of sym­ it« with tele- ,IIltl1 1 0 :0 ® ° ’c,ock a. m., No- pathy he prays the Meeeiaga of D ’ oririleaec ’ • mb* r *« . the tor- Ashland, Oregon ilw .V Z n - of • “ material, apd the God on both and reminds her. “ You are aware that I «still feel 2 1 mo * ref-'or naaee of all labor required my debt of early gratitude to Mrs. Russell. . _ * i for th j couipltCon of a two-atory ‘A shland, Ore. BAR.1AINH J concroN» huilJIag, for the Ore­ his mother." Thia great man did not enjoy D ear Mrs. Russell: ls f u i t , good goa N orm il School at Ashland, We are glad of the opportunity being stewed and bond a t dinner ¡ation. 9-room Oregon. parties. He refused to devote 'to alga the petition for the Root Price for A ll work and materials must himself to the law and wrote ltoad to be Used in the CbUntau- conform to the plana and apeci- to his father thus of the pro­ t « a Building as we know It Gestions therefor on file at the fessions; “A clergyman o f a ‘weald please Auntie Root, she PTOL ROOM HOVSR — I-ot office of the architects, Beanes statesman or a doctor, are as often mentioned the g ift and 100x14« ft., close to new normal and Hersog, 1040 Chamber of such useful awn. Thefr pro­ -hoped It Would be need as a alto. Price for qalck sale, »1360. Commerce Building, Portland, fessions do good. Bat the bar­ ^benefit aad do good, and wa can­ Oregon, and at tha office of J. rister is at best but a tolerated not think of any way It could « X » PIVB-ROOM aiedern A. Churchill, Salem, Oregon, and evil. He derives hie living from be used that would be more pleas­ hghae on goad street, 2 blocks at the office of J. H. Fuller, the fact that the law is unintel­ ing to her than to share In the 6J -10 from High school sad new grade Ashland, Oregon. ligible; sad in proportion as work Mr. Root was Interested. school. Lot 90x19«. Chicken mode rn legislation succeeds in It would be beautifying and a hii«a, garage and wood shed. making it accessible sad simple, benefit and do good. The rela­ Price. 91000. 9900 cash, balance he will disappear. The bar not tives are glad to have It thL oa time at 0 per cent Interest. only does no good, but is a pub­ way. Root Memorial Auditorium. W . W ; RORIHON Voura Reap. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2— (V lic nuisance— though perhaps for Mrs. G. B. Booth. P .)— The Hoaee Ways aad the present Inevitable. I conclude Means committee today closed ! therefore that legal eminence la their hearings on the new fed­ scarcely worth the having"— all eral tax MU. The Republican of which reminds bus of the members ef the committee will gfueeome legend of haunted L lt­ meet tomorrow to begin drafting tlecote Hall, referred to by Sir their own new measure for ta- W alter Scott In “ Rokeby" aad troducQon ta Congress amm af­ told by Irving in his notebook, FOR S ffLR r »— One girls Mcy- ter Congress convenes,, Decem­ thus; An old midwife was hur­ cW aeeriy neg. with electric ber S, ’ riedly summoned by a stranger light, cost 940.00, bargain. Phons to assist at the confinement of a 01*11. 99— tf lady of high degree. A rich re­ ward was promised, hut the wo- ’man had to consent to be blind­ folded. The cunning dame ^OBT— Elk tooth attached to counted, however, the number of a. Engraved H. T. >44. W ad- stops leading up tooths castle, Phone l l F t ; 94-1 and, cut out a piece of the cover of the bed on which tkk lady lay. MEMORIALS A male child was born, aad this B lair Oraalte Co.’s Crystal Blue ao Infuriated the stranger that . Oray, ere unexcelled. Leave he sotted the Infant and flung your .orders for tell and spring it into the fire. < The next day delivery. 179 Bast Main. S. the midwife Was able to Identify F eheiatou. Manager. “ 91-tf Llttlecote House (aa old feudal hall In Berkshire) as the scene > of the murder, and the Inteat's uncle* Darrell aa the criminal. Darrell was tried before Judge . . . . . . who was well known ’ANTRD— Furniture repalr- to be renal, Aa Darrell had no Work dona at yoar home children he promised to make A shop. Phone 999-R. Med- the Judge his heir If ha acquit­ Oregoa. 49-99* ted him. The hall has eoatlaaad In the family of the Judge and Whom th» «Mk are eared tor Is riHI 'owned by them. From Bphetel reto to Invalids. Call 199 the time of his acqnlttol Dar­ rell aldaya saw ‘ the ghost of ^ U IL D U ra , Repairing, Shlag- his sister aad her child. I f he y g , Painting, Kaleomlnlng, Ra- opened a window th e , wore ftatohlag. W . T. BlacEWall. M 9 there. I f he Was ridtgg fa the ? .. _ ■ «a»..« hunt and about to 'leap A stile his slater and her child stood " Palnler« eaid It wee the gov- eminent'« H rn intention to eon- tin ue debt funding negotmtloaa with America and- England, in the hope of achieving aa “equit­ able eolation.“ Rain leva's remarks were re­ ceived coldly. Subsequently he told the Chamber that he la* ready to resign tf others Ona come forward who can settle France's problem« better than he. New Edison Phonograph „the only one that will play nlk makes of Records without injury to the record Palmer Piano House THE FORUM OF SUCCESS IS QUITE A THING FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tw o sustained quality products mated for ef­ ficiency and more miles to the gallon« A i k y o u r dealer for the MOTORMATES A ssociated Qasoline and Cycol M otor O il ASSOCIATED OIL COM PANY Uhaagertow-fo a non-congeal mg on If s tim e to change to free-flowing 2 e ro lra e , i f you do not already use this wonderful m otor oil the whole year’round. Whenrother oils con­ geal in cold weather, Zerolene flow s freely. I t is an aid to easy starting and a sure protection from cold-weather frictional dangers, rapid de- Lixiiks Milwaukie th a n * him. Ha told her to stead out of tka way or ko would rido over them; ha tried to leap, hat the horse aaw the ghost, reared, yeconed, threw kite aad broke kle nock. • Them reflections eaaw a t a period la Baglaad whoa tha le­ gal profeeeloa wan under a eload, and are (a vast oontraet to the wide Influence aad high steading Equipment Sold by 8TANDARD OIL C