Ta South fc d kntd * prad fl. Porter left last week ■M i Card llmNW- * Tha Ladle* Elk« Card Clut tor Volga, South Dakota. Mr. meets N ov^nber IS . Instead of November 5. ns appeared In the Porter was called to South Da­ ealendaF.’ The wrong data ap-j. kota on account of the death of peered, owing to there being five, Thursdays In October. A ll In­ terested are asked to bear the Candy Land— Chocolate changed data In mind. The club W alnut C reai* patties. meet« the second and fourth Thursdays In the month. Ib 'rn — . / On November 1, to Mr. and Visitors From C alifornia— ' Mrs. Lo Mont Frulan of 26G Mrs L. V . K ing and mother, I gpaclave, Wednesday Sixth street, a nine pound girl. , N ov.,4. Routine busl- Mother and daughter are doing Mrs. Le Seorne, were guests for" a few days a t the home of M r. L ig h t lunch after con- nicely. and Mrs. G. W . Barron. THey A ll 81r Knights cour- were motoring to C alifornia and tavlted Dolls for the kiddles. E lh a rt’a visited their relatives enroute. W . H. MeOOWAN D A Y , Recorder. C liff Payne makes brackets. rrvTirTW » —- - • — . .-.1 man in America. - ,< V A scientifically trained toilet good specialist who will givo FREE demonstrations on proper cète of the domplextem in your o*n home. . She w ill only he ajile to fill a limited number, of engagements. Tonight at the Vining Theatre Cara Home T oilet Articles will be meed. the most amazing demonstra- tion ever held. CALL OR PHONE 61 Fellowship Hupper— R . Grieve of Hornbrook ’ta lln e s s visitor in Ashland luhch service at Nlnlng- ntaln. 43-tf the new Orthophonie • t The Vining tonight, oae. 64-1 Notice of the Fellowship sup­ Largest and finest display of per to be’ held Wednesday eve­ fresh candles in Southern Ore­ ning at the Baptist church waa gon at the Plaaa. -45-tf received too la ta for the Mon­ day’s columns. The pleasant Visitor In Ashland Yesterday— a ffa ir is to occur a t 6:30 p. m., John Nash a prominent archi­ and every woman Is to bring a tect of Ellensburg was a visitor hot dish. The men w ill provide in Ashland yesterday, with Mr. bread, butter, coffee, and the anà Mrs. John Dodd of Fourth I t la for members a n » program street. their familles. It w ill introduce the most important contribu­ tion to musio since the invention 30 years ago of the Victor Talking Machine. » Insurance w ritten on Phone oohlles and trucks. 19-tf Too, (o f coarse.) Dohrman w ill be mk,— McNair Bros. Ifls a Florence Merritt returned la s t evening from a weeks va­ cation* a t San Francisco. cement Phone Visited In Ashland Saturday— Mr. and Mrs. Reed W . Ferri# from Tillam ook, Ret- visit with the J. L. Yes, we have no bananas, but Ip, They were ac- we have_ money to loan on • good i * Mrs. Ketch’s fath- «Scuriiy. Phone 21. , Yeo, (of N. Ferris, who w ill make 19— tf lome here. M r. Ferris Is a known cheesemaker of T llla - Swennlng and Gear, the De­ t and Is Impressed with thia pendable Painting contractors on as a favorable field for' have Just completed redecorat­ development of the chiese ing the City Recorder's offices in their usual Find Class Man- Don’t Paint until you get ]:|arkwcll*s figures. Phone 3231,. 53 If Snappy fa ll suits for younq men. Prices righ t at Orres. 40-tf Cara Nome demonstrations 'text week.— McNair I ’.roa. Vlatted 1« Ashland— A. M. Btorch. of Ixja Angeles, -visited In Ashland yesterday, en- :-oute home from an extended business visit In the Okanagon. Washington district. He wa« ¡leeompenled home by his son. Monoid, w ho' has been spending n number of months with Ms H M t , Mrs. F. D. W agner in Ash- Warm WinterWoolefts COME HEAR IT awatf you Flannels 54 inohe» Wide in Eight Different • Sh ades-at LOST— E lk tooth attached to The latest styles and fabrics In tailored and ready-to-wenr pin. Engraved H . T . 944. Find­ . 64' 2 suits.— Paulserud’s. 63-tf er Phone 13F3. F O R HALE— Barred Rock P u l­ Peppy swimming at the J a rk ­ lets. 1 4 0 1 -Boulevard. 54-51 on H ot Springs. H ot minerai laths snd plunge. Open nil F O R S A L E — Bight chickens, * later. winter layers, some laying, en dollars for eight. Goul Visiting In Aahland— Mountain Ave. Miss Flora Green of Chico, California, is visiting Un Ash­ land with her mother, Mrs. N et-) tie Green, of 737 Boulevard. Ix-ft For Portland— Misa Freda Gates, m illiner for Mrs. Sugg le ft last evening tor Portland where she has ac­ cepted a position as manager of one of the departments In the Bedell department store. AFTER Fancy Black W eave Poriet. 54 inches Wide in Four Different Shades REPAIR YOUR OLD ONES Leedom’s Tire and Replacement Parts " KELLY CTC Chauermene Finish Poiret in 54 inch Woolens. 3 Different Shades $3.75 It’s Here! Block Pattern Fancy Diagonal in 54 inch W idths in 3 Different Shades $3.75 The time of year When, you like to snuggle in under the nice warm covers and plenty of them for your rest. English Serges, 40 inches wide, kin /3 Different Shades at Striped Poiret Twill, H eavy W eight in Two Shades With High Color Stripe at Washable Worsteds, Assorted Colors amí jiattenis, 40 inch Goods at ’ • * r Chiffon Poiret in 4 Different Shgdes, 44 biches wide at Every Piece of Woolens Listed Fere Are A No. 1 Grade. ‘ JUST REMEMBER affords i ('ontcNt Finished— M r*. L ily Peffley received first price In the U n g Candy contest that has been at the P la ta con­ fectionery. Mrs. Dora Woods H ear the new Orthophonie received second price and Mrc. V ta tro la a t The Vlnlng tonlghL Lena Bostwick received th lrJ ._ T h .R o « ! 5 4 -1 ‘ prise. b t o e f it “ *a pleasure. Healthful esetciM for the teeth We laundry everything in lied clothes, froVn Pillow Slips to Feather Ticks and send thepi back so fresh and clean that they are a standing invitation to a good night’s rest. Just Phone 165. We Collect end. Deliver Your Inspection Will Prove a Surprise. See Them Fur Trimming And New Silks Now Selling Special New Lot of Braids and Buttons Just in ASHLAND LAUNDRY GO Z Check « I K T h W J inches- Wide in 3 Shades i , , ’ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY H ave your broken windows rep aired. Large stock of glass FO R R E N T — Furnished apart- «,« hand. Jordan Sash en d Cab- Condition Improved— rooms and bath. 155 A e t W orks. Phone 141. 26-tf Inquire 187 Sherman. Mr. L. Schwein who waa op­ Seventh 54-tf erated upon at the Community Heu* the mew Orthophonie Hospital and has been very ser­ F O R SALK— Good paying res­ V ictrola at The V lnlng tonighl. iously 111, is reported as Im ­ taurant, opposite depot. Good i— The Roee. ' 54-1 proving nicely. terms to right party. Inquire Frank Coffee Shop. -A St. 64-3 Madden retreads tires. ■ H. B. Nye of Talent was a vis lor in Ashland yeaterday. McNair Bros The New Ihophonie Vidrola Does Blackwell do work too. Yon bet. Schnerire of Anderson a business visitor in Bsterday. GARAGE THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY - TOMORROW - THURSDAY Small or I>arge OUGLAS The Quality Store Paint or Walpaper Contract or Order, we can handle it satisfactorily. OUR ANNUAL D O N 2 lb. Climax Comfort Batting, 85c -A»-' •« - ■ -■ — 36 in. White Outing Flannel, 19c $125 Silk and Wool Hose. Pair 88c $5.98 Pure Linen Tahle G oth, 3.69 $125 Ruffled Curtains, Pair, 89c If you want to know how to prevent your nro|»erty from being a mark for the flaming arrow, Fire, or 1»e paid if loss comes to you. $425 Pure Wool Batting, $195 $2.45 AU Wool Poriet T w ill, $1.98 This arrow finds Its m ark In property that h r unprotected. Yoh can have inform ation re­ garding the beet means of pro­ tection. i G e 6. Children 25c; Adult* 50c Shows 1:30; 7:15 — 9:15. CONVERSE AT THE ORGAN Representing the reliable H a rt­ ford F ire Insurance Company thia agency SNLLS Insurance and G IV R S (Ire prevention service. 70x80 Part Wool in Our Salesroom OUR USED FORD VALUES Motor Co Fordson