atop,” So nearly i If anybody triad to ater W hjeler— tene ally. Home Office hoars, 1« to IS A. M .; I to I P. M.; 7 to I evenings. Ç1U- ■one Bank Bnlldlag. Above Tidings Oak 'S t., untarnished, hot water DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prao- la connection. »22.50. Inqnlye tlce limited to eye, ear, nose and Hotel Ashland. »1-M throat— X-ray including teeth,. Jfflce hoars, 10 to 12 and 2 to POE RENT— Two nicely fur­ I , Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland. Oregon. nished convenient apartments. Downstairs. Bath. Best- loca­ tion la town. St 8. Second St. • 50-tf ated, «5.00 Hotel Ash- 47-« FO B R EN T— Splendid two JORDAN'S SASH AND CABINET WORKS. Cor. Reiman and Van room furnished apartment. New­ Neee. 161. 194-tf ly decorated, with kitchenette and private bath. «67 Vista S t, Phone 122. 4«-tf M O lO Y ' Send this ad and tan aanta to W laT A CO.. 2685 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III.. writing your name aft» address clearly. Yon will re­ eftve a tan cant bottle of FOLBY’S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND for coughs, colds and im harraentus, aKBRfree sample pack- ao «ges of FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic »11. atlmulent for the kidneys, and SIL FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS Ion for Constipation and Biliousness. Me Thpee wonderful remedies hare It' -TSlpeil millions of people. Try all them! Sold everywhere. 1 ANY G IR L IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the FO R BALE— All varieties of White Shield Home. 566 May- applse, cheap, at orchard. Prices fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. lew nt 56c per hex. Doran. 668 A U 4 7 T IO N B E R Ashland SL »«-« A. L. GIDEON Sales taken anywhere— anytime. Ashland. Oregon ms tilled. PAINTING CONTRACTOR Priced at Cannot Bxhtt in th e Human Body if You W ill Vac Trwnk's PrescHp- ot land, fenced, GOOD FIVE-ROOM modern house on good street, 2 blocks from High school and new grade school. Lot 60x150. Chicken huso, garage and wood shed. Price’, »1800. »500 cash, balance on time a t 0 per cent Interest. W . W . ROBISON . A. H. PRACHT. Administrator. We Rent Books of Fiction Tor long evenings, books make good entertainment. Cheaper Than Buying No more expensive than magasines—why not look them over? ELHART’S BOOK 48-4 Tues. QUICK COOK OATS DELICIOUS Plenty of senators disliked fer — Good team end motor trucks. Good service at a rea­ Senator Wheeler’s Investigation sonable price. Phone 82. of the Justice department. When he was Indicted some of them FEK1GE . ROACH Transfer — Express — Storage may have hoped the government HauIJug — Dray work of all had adequate grounds for It. kind« Quick motor service. Dry Bnt if It was a “ frameup” wood of all kinds. . Phons 410-R, 275 B. Street. 112— tf then each senator’s attitude Is FIVE- ROOM HOUSE — Lot 100x140 ft., close to new no mal site. Price for qnlek ah’.a. «1360. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 18 H ER EB Y G IV EN that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Mary W . Pracht, de­ ceased. by the Connty Court of Jackson county, Oregon, and has qualified. ~ All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same either to me or to my Attorney. W. J. Moore, at bis office in the City of Ashland. Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly veri­ fied, within alx months from the first publication hereof, which Is October >7, 1925. THAT ARE T. lx. POW ELL— General Trans­ A F E W R EA L B A R G A IN S - N IN E ACRES, all in fruit, good land, all nnder Irrigation. ’ 6-room modern bungalow. Price for quick aule, »2500. P . ) —Formal negotiations be-J Hot dollar date to the United the Joint seroton tweeh the American and Ita lia n ' Stater opened here thjs after- i Italian attention debt Oommlaaloa«, * for. the set- -noon. A fall meeting of the j the «Xpert’s ro tlement of Italy's tw© ' Milton. American comm lesion preceded i ability to pay. one hundred th irty eight mil- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PASTRIES FOR R E N T — Furnished cabin« Dealers in Coal, Wood, Packing, Crstlug and Storage. X o n g dist­ and small apartments. 162 ance tracking. _ Oraalta S t SS-tf «60«. H A S ACRES bottom land, a l­ falfa and grain, living water, far- rlgatlon for 3- 1-2 acres, cheap nt » II» « . A ll near City limits, with tele­ phone and R. P. D. privilege«. Inquire of G. 8. Bntler, 41 Gran­ ite St.. City. 22-1 mo. ' ' By CHARLES P. STEWART NBA Service W riter WASHINGTON — In Senator Barton K. Wheeler being per­ secuted? . i A good many of hie brother eenafiora aro going to make ap their minds affirmatively unless the government makes ont a stronger case against him nt hU coming trial here than It made against him in Montana, on the charge of having acted as "finer” DISTURBANCE Ilf A LOCAL Bny your box snook from the at the Interior Department for to n i box factory nt wholesale Gordon Campbell, the oil man. 3 $t-tf The patrons of n local, show prises. A t least that’s the consensus of boon were very much dtatarbed gossip around the capitol now. Madden sells protected tired. and 'annoyed by the conMnnous ’ 63-tf coughing of n person In the audi­ Persecuting a senator, In other ence. Don't be a nnisnnee be­ senators' eyes, is about the worst ccate yon have n cough or cold. ITALIAN WAR DEBT offense Imaginable. Senators A fow doen of FO LBY’S HONEY QUESTION IS UP are something like royalty. Kings AND T A R COMPOUND Ukon may quarrel between themselves, promptly w ill, bring speedy re­ WASHINGTON, "Nov. 2— (V. bat let the populace rise up lief from coughs; colds and against any particular king and hoarseness. Mrs. W . T. Clary, all the other kings are on his Whits Plains. Va., w rites:'**W e side. have used POLBY’S HOMEY AMD Their feeling is that an in­ TAR COMPOUND for coldp and stitution of which they’re a> part. bad coughs with splendid results. Is being attacked. What weak­ ens or overthrows one king threatens the whole kingly sys­ tem. > Office M o m l« 4 - l FÓR RENT— «-room house on »•t I to — gp. ft. or leave word at Staples Realty Office . Sealed proposals addressed la' J. 8. Landers, secretary ot the Board of Regents of the Oregon Normal Schools, w ill be received at the office of J. A. Churchill, Department of Education, at the Capital Building, Salem. Oregon, until 10:00 o'clock a. m., No­ vember 12, 1026, for the fur- .1: ¡i nc of all material and the erfo^ nance of all labor required for the coirpktio.i of a two-story concrete building, for the Ore­ gon Nofmul School at Ashland,' Oregon. A ll work and materials must conform to the plans and speci­ fications therefor on file at the office of ’ the architects. Bennes and Hersog. 1040 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Oregon, and’ at the office of J. ttoa. I t is preposterous; In fact. It Is a shame, to suffer with Rheu- mathm. This Prescription does not ruin the stomach. It does not deprewa the heart. Eat all the meat and good food you wish while taking Trunk’s Prescription. Contains no mercury, salicylate soda, oil Win­ tergreen or narcotics, but positlve- ly overcomes any kind of rheuma­ tism or gout on earth. What more do you want? It Is im­ possible to get something bet­ ter. The greatest uric acid apl- vent known and aV-o a superior Uvct medicine. Trunk’s Prescription sella for »1.76 or3 lor only »5.00-at drag stores— like McNair Bros. Fresh Plg’n Whistle ■t m rtred.— Ntnlnger’a. sandy, 4S-tf C ook 2 •L im ite« LITHIA BAKERY Our new service station has been com- Ready in 2 minutes. N ew style H-O Quick Cooking Oats—the time-saving, energy-building breakfast dish. pleted and is now open for business. Toasted oat flakes that cook into firm, granular oat­ meal. Appetizing—delicious—heal thfui! F ille d w ith flavor— p ack ed w ith n o u r ish m e n t. Sm ooth— firm in texture— yet retaining the neces­ sary roughage for quick, easy digestion. W e h*««»« Shell Gasoline and High Grade Lubricai IngO ils. Tfiat "aH-nighl-eooked” flavor < j only luo minutes TOR MORE THAN LfiVCAUQ ... V * a V M i » - “ J MAKERS a. v OF QUALITY FRODUCTS Jackson Hot Springs IÎGENËRAL GASOL! WATER r-o itoawBYb oat « IHXkCRS CREAM FARINA ( ’> ¡IC SSS’.’ tA D PA N CA « FLOU» GENERAL X ; /P E T R O L E U M C O R P O R A T IO N FOR SALE: Electric Wash lng machine, 94 ¿Third street. FOR SALE:— A home furnish- or unfurnished. Close to The Advice of This Ashland Resi­ bools. Best buy In Ashland, dent Should Help Yon to Get Well »me look It over. 451 Palm Ave. Do you suffer naggipg back­ 52— <• ache? FOR HALE: — One glrlq.bicy­ • Feel dixzy, nervous and de­ cle nearly new,' with electric pressed ? light, coat »45.00, bargain. Phone Are the kidney secretions Ir- 9F11. 62— « regular; breaking your met? Likely your,kidneys are at fault. Weak kidneys give warning. You have backache: rheumatic MBMORL4LH < ■ — • Blair Granite Co.’s Crystal Blue twjnces. You feel weak. .«Ted, all A»rn- Oray, a«ff undxeeUed Leave out. your orders lor feH and spring, Heed the warning. Don’t delay! delivery. 176 East Main. S. Use Doan’s Pills— a stlmujant T’ftnnlStou, Manager. 5S'tf diuretic to the kl^neyp. Female /help. A Your neighbors recommend woman for well established busi­ Doan’s.' • , nes«. Give phone. Address Box , Here la an Ashland case. axe - ifmtrord 61-5» Mrs. A. Sherard, 881 E. Main St., says, "1 had a lame aching WANTED-*- Furniture rgpalr- tag. W ork done at your hbroe back that kept me feeling mis­ My work or at -shop. Phone 059-R. Med­ erable all the thne4 tired me easily and I had fre­ ford, Oregon. •__________ 48~2>* quent headaches. '•-My kidneys CONVALESCENT HOM E acted too frequently, t&o. Doan’s Where the aick are cared for Pills-relieved the backaches and gp— rate to Invalids. Call 162 regulated my kidney’s." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t B U ILDING , Repairing, Shlng- simply ask for a kidney remedy lltog. Painting, Kalaomlning, Re- _Lget Doan's Pill" — the same flnlehtag. W . T. Blackwell. 419 that Mrs. Sherard had. Foster - (larfialA. Phone S23L, 807-*f f M A ibE N inr ‘ Reasonable Rates I Granita. Talepñone 16» LUBRICANTS e / Jetton) Townsman You need never have your expensive bedding of draper­ ies cleaned when we do the work. The th ill and artistic way in which we handle such materials Is hound to please you. ‘A ims Ashland Cleaning and Dyeing Works 35 First S t Y ou’ll find him all about you, close to your borne and handy to your place of business. \ on can spot him by Ins attractive, green and white service station or garage and by th e famous green-and-white signs that announce bis products. He’s the Authorized Independent GENERAL Dealer and his name is legion. Wherever you find him it will pay you to know him because he’s a fellow townsman of yours and he aims to please.” His business is his own and lie is selling old-fashioned, modem-process GENERAL Gasoline because he believes in it. He knows that it starts quick, burns clean, imparts full power Ask him about it. and gives maximum mileage e local d and ld Internal, n e and r has : . bee' ^ i ful In the treatment of Catarri- v r 40 yean. Sold by ell drugglat CHENEY C O -T oledo. Ohi. G E N E R A L Products Are Sold Only by Authorized ^Independent Dedtefi at the'Green-ctnd^White Styrr.— ------ “Fill Up Your Tank and Let Your ENGINE Decide!” Advertise In The TÍdl, MY celebrated non-ewrglcal treatment for Plies does not WANTED: — Bxi to P le confine yen to yotr bed er room. Ten pie Hortera. Aahlan Produce Association G A S O L IN E 'j and Lubricants W ANTED: — Exf pin «ortero. Aahlan Produfce Aaaoclntlon MORTON*?"*” ^ ^ H o s p rn t JUDY & FROHBACH, INC. ? Z A • aj1 , a . Wholesale Distributors