U Ortnil - rtok lU Column Great Mothers of the World 407-J “BM W * Mother of Francis Wilson, edlan and Playright Honw l*lm«eie4-b A lso cosy apartment. Office hours, 10 to 1 ft ft. M.; 2 Close In. 2<0 C. St.. to 6 P. M.; 7 to F erealhss. Clti- ¡NT—Nice room with inportiah S o «11 dMOpJhiht pAriWnsltw in Bread ot m ysa lto rs W to a l w m yvuag/'jrtroot Theatre in Philadelphia. U “Did he proposal" aattM he'rjaame to be known that she wm son. She was silent tor a moment [there; and when the people frort sad then said uoftly, “yuu” “Why the tipper tiers chorused, “flood did you yefime hirnT" ~I dido* ov.atog, Mrs. Wilsonl" she waa lore him," she retorted quickly, abashed but far from displeased That was sufficient reason In Her Cepyri«ht, 1PM, by Mary Oreel mlhd. "DCa’t people aoto»tlbtos Conkttn, (Syndicate) Oreat Brit marry without loving eashotbert*' < the sea Tentered.“Wo ddutfFabouei that! However, my not accepting him was aa extremely fortunate thin« for you." “In what" way?" RENT— Two nicely fur- OR. HAWLEY — Above Tidings office. Phone 91. convenient apartments. Office hours, 10 to IS and 8 to on the shoulder 6, Swedenburg Bid«.. Ashland, began, she was something more „y*, a>,d pat ____________ than a mother; she was a M though she had a comforting Oregon. C. EbbYSON SHINN, D.M.D. friend, a companion, an all-round f i l i n g that floft would not ho|d good fellow; in a word. she’tt a<«jBtt her if, In the evicting, ROOMS— Steam heated Citizens Bank Bldg. She never ob-'dUtreeeful care of her large faw- per week and np. Hot« OffKe Phone 1B1. Rea. Phoae 184 waa “Emily?; jected to his calling her by her ahe Were lees worehlpfal, save land. TTfsT nna«r~ indeed she liked ln ¿er heart, than others.- Furth- FOR RENT—Splendid two lt. It was something different'ermare, she ha< an oldfaahtonod PLANING MOX room .furnished apartment. New­ individual. Once when he trlod w*r of withholding any display of ly decorated, with kitchenette to address her otherwise, » k i'ij d ia f before othetU. Her greet- JORDAN'S SASH AND ( and private bath. 357 Vista St., smiled and shook her head as if. ,B< tMougli r9Mrr. WORK». nor. Helman P hans 122. < «-« 194-tf to Bay, “Better let It rest c^ edly so; and it greatly atoae*d her Ness. Phone 111. 11 when, aa a grown man, her son FOR RENT— Furnished cabina WHITTLE TRANSFER OO. Fate so arranged things that ingjated upon being “held" had and small apartments^ 153 , For Service Ontolta St. 33-tf Dealers in Coal. Wood, Picking "Emily” and her young son would lumber acro88 h<)r lap ag became the responsible heads <« ghe gat ln her rocking cj,air He FOR RENT—New, modern, Crating tnd Storage, bong dist­ a large family. She eras tUat 4t 8llch tlinaa ---- fumato heated Apts., and sleep­ ance trucking. general, he the ydithful captain; ' the Bgual mother manner she ing'raoma. Chattin Apts., Phone enfoW ln her arms T. I* POWBbb—General Trans­ and their deep understanding of neTOT faUed I tl-R . Call forenoons or eve- possible, and fer — flood team and motor each other waa as astonishing M much of h,m alaau. 9-1 Mo. f-icks. flood service at a rea­ as the unanimity between Oen-jwaa gopp rockJn< aB waa bu* a tlBy -tep back, FEfUflK . ROACH swift, impatient Judgment of faCt at a„ Transfer — Expross — Storai FOR SALE— A Dayton bicycle Ilsulius — Dray work of a actions right and wropg. She to good condition, reasonable. kind? Quick motor service. D saw to. It that her children said wood of all kinds. Phone 410- BtUy Hnlen, 36 Morton street. 376 B. Street. their prayers and went to Sun­ 118— Phone 138-b. 60-3 day school. While those abont ANY OIRb IN TROUBLE— May her had narrow views as to the FOB SALE— At real bargain communicate with Ensign Lae pleasures upon which Diety of the Salvation Army at the prides, 3 registered Guernsey White Shield Home, 645 May- frowned, “Emily“ saw no harm bulla. May Roae bangwater breed­ fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. In dancing, card-playing or ing. Also farm machinery. John theatre-going. She had no lei­ A U C T IO N E E R ft. Hilles, Grants Pass, Oregon. sure or means to indulge in A. b. GIDEON 49-4» Sales token anywhere— anytime. these but she always encouraged young people In healthful, in­ Ashland. Oregon FOR HALE— Box Factory lum­ nocent amusements. Her son bar yard has a full stock of ffll PAINTING CONTRACTOR kinds of'huUdlng lumber at rea­ AMBRO 8. PARK sonable prices. 49-tf Painting Contractor. si Mi ifr - — ------ * - Dependable. FOR SALE—All varieties or Experienced. Phone 2® apples, cheap, at orchard. Prices low at 60c per box. Doran, 698 or leave word at Staples Realty ' Office FOR RENT— 2 sleeping rooms, 41. With St. <>-»* Real Troperty hereinafter de­ WANTED— Furniture repair­ ing. Work done at your home or at shop. Phone 969-R." Med- the Tidings office. -««■4 6c NOT OHKAP SHOSS Roaaonably Priced OVERLAND BCII4MNG, Repairing. Shlng- ig. PalaUag, Kajaomlulnt. Re- Tree Delivery Sarrio» Phone 108 ' 9 6 0 ftk 9 t We are Showing Watterson Lowe Lamp Shades. Darling Studio & Art Store " L ith ia S p rin g s H o tel B u ild in g YOU AT SIXTY FIVE W hen a m an o f 65 w h o hns a lw a y s saved his m oney, finally d ecid es to quit w ork, he announces that he h as “ r e tir e d .” Bort/and, Oct. 31 -A fed . 7, hoc. Round trip rickets to Portland'will be on sale as follows: W hen a m an w ho h as n ev er sa v ed a cent., q u its at 65, h is creditQrs announce tliat he is “ th ro u g h .” At one and ona-third regular fe w te tiM * round trip Oct 8ft M M — New. 8 M id At the regular one wuy t e w far the rounertrip In w hich cla ss w ill Y O U lie f A' sa v in g s account in the ( 'itirons Bank o f A shland AD tickets will carry final return Unit of The Citizeris Bank of Ashland Southern Pacific Lines phone as See to your plows and harrows, to be ready for the first rain. Posts and fencing. I have a few White Sewing Machine left over. Will close them out for «65.00 each, at per MARCREMNG 7Br, Phone I34J tor appointment or call 63 Hei- maa St., upstairs apt. 24-1 mo Baker City — Idaho Copper Company, with properties' on Snake River, will build 1000-ton 4 new oil lamp that gives an omeltor at or near Homestead, amaaingly brilliant. soft. White light, even better than gas or elec­ tricity, has been tested by thè U. Classified Ads Bring Results. S. Government and 35 leading unl- Sm all sad d les for boys and •girls to ride to school on, cheap. $9.00 and up. PEIVS CORNER 44-tf L et us clean them for you. G. N. K ram er, Loeal A gent. WANTED— Clean cotton rags at D o you realise th at ydur outsid e clo th in g soils quickly, a s «jell a s th e cloth es n ext to you r body t Standard Cleanets A shland, Oregon RANCH scribed. Bead had 141« school pupils attending last year, and.sow bra Neats Electric or Chui Both. Best loca­ OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ her,” he wrpte, “may have be- demonstrative; her life save her tice limited to eye, ear. nose and Sun ia Jest; but for whatever no ^me for demonstrations. B ut s i S. Second St. throat—X-ray Including teeth,. reason .or in what manner lrighg would smile lato her soft'« 50-tf BARGAINS WITH HUIT TO QUIET TITLE. SUM MONS FOR I'CHI.ICATION TERMS 8T ACRES— 14 acres tilled, and 3 for pasture. Priced at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORBGON. FOR JACKSON COUNTY. • ACRES best of land, fenced O. B. Oold and Illma B. Gold, «699. Ella B. Holman, and Sutler 11.«8 ACRES bottom land, al ft Thompson Co., a corpora­ falfa and grain, living water, lr tion. rigntion for 7 1-2 acres cn->ar Plaintiffs nt «1160. AU near City lim its, v ill i I to L. V;iio<; r. . {., and any and ph«ne and R. F. D . ] ivi! 4>«e all p rs« iiu hr.vlng cr claiming Inquire of G. 8. Butler, ll.f .r h u to have any Interest ia the Ite B t. City. a ,-‘ Klamath Palto —. AsheMcaa Lo«lon post batidlas ««f.O«« home and sadltorlam. New Lamp Burns 94* Per Cent Air 50 3 sens Bank Building. 88-R. Light ft Powerc 000 office heia. Shoe Shop Leading tire manufacturers have recently announced further advances in tire and tube prices. “Western Auto,” because of advantageous contracts placed with tire manufacturers, are able to maintain for a limited period their present low prices. The cost of rubber is still advancing—we musf increase o«r tire and tube prices soon. Car owners who wish to take advantage of the substan­ tial saving made possible by our low prices* are advised to anticipate their near future requirements and buy now. itohlng. W. T. Blackwell. 919 trttold. Pheas 88SU >07-«f SOMETHING DIFFERENT E y la r linen— hand draw n threads—hand hem stitch ed applique. * * Instruction s g la d ly g iv en on stitch es. BUY LAND N ew to the time to buy land ■a iand values are as low as theff ever will he. I have aomc u t the beet land in the valley, grtgad at «249 per acre. 79 acre nu^h all good irrigated land, 5 rooto bungalow, large dairy barn. )2 acres Newtown apples that ggttod the owner «509 per acre (Ma >«ar. Thia la a real bar gal*. Fries «200 per acre. Al­ BABCOCK’S GIFT SHOPPE Phone 167 “Wear-well” Cord« Standard OO m iao Folly Gaarmtaad. $8.85 130x31 ga g 4-roora plastered house, lot «•gtdg. Price «1.009. Also SEE THE -lav* «ther bargains. W. W. Rnb- M a.- 48 N. Main. St. 41-t' Everybody fttomadt and oat o f order. New Oldsmobile AT THE PARK GARAGE 30x3 30x3% 31x4 32x4 33x4 5 « ^Cllaeher^ ■«»eMktS1«. / r- Ovenlae VTWFV9EF S U JI a 33«S ASK FOB m ICBS OX OTW that tired feeling > 8 .4 8 9 .8 5 1 6 .0 5 1 6 .9 0 1 7 .7 5 24JO 2 8 ,3 8 2 7 .3 0 This W eek’s Specials Chamberlain’s Tablets Headache “Western Giant” Conk Compare these ttree point for point with tirse costing from «8 to «1* more. 1934 U hcv. Coupe, ju st com p letely oyerharuled.; baloon tires; electric sw ip e ; heater, snubbers; fo g lam ps, etc. v lla b y O verland T ouring, overh au led ; new paint; w onderfnl buy. • Cliev. T ou ring, overh au led ; new p a in t; priced right. D odge S edan, overh au led ; good rubber; priced for n quick sale. s . These Oftrs Are N ot OrettMfad W ith I d High 5-Minute Vul