Oregon Historical Society Auditorium Barrica) Ä S = ± 3 E *S ÁY, OCTOBER 3Ö, 1925 And EHdn’t Eöß 2 Pound Oysters, 12 Inches Long, Going to Market tt BBATTLB, Oct. SO— « tt Olgantic Japanese oysters; tt tt-te s ta classed as nadsMrr * SI fble aliens In coramunl- tt St ties of American bivalves, tt tt Jure boon adopted In Iso- tt tt Gated beds la Puget fpnnd tt tt waters on pspbatlon. Pro- tt tt,« feasor Trepor Kincaid, tt It University of Washington t t tt soologfet, has announced. » « A f. /• V tt The Oriental oysters tt tt which average two pounds tt tt la* y elrht and attain a tt tt length of 12 laches, hare tt The chamber of commerce, to tt been tabooed because they tt planning a program of construc­ tt brought "drills" from Ja- tt which destroyed tt tive work the coming fall and tt pan tt whiter mouths’* in line with the |t Amer'esn oysters. tt By segregating the beds tt aiart made this anmmer towards tt commercialisation of the I t laàd settlement la* this Imme­ t t monster ’ryster has be- tt diate district. The opportunity foy a targe number of settlers tt ,gan, and 10.000 gallons tt tt will be produced tills tt In the BeUeview district the Val­ tt year, Kincaid predicted. tt ley View end Taigat ÿtotrtçM 2J»d thg territory east of Ashland to vary apparent, officials of Ute chamber any. Dairymen, poultrymen, as well ag ¿rett growers cannot Clad bet­ ter renditions elsewhere in the opinion of many .who have visited here during the past season, the first daring which (he full •value o f the Talent Irrigation district water, has bean noted. Aa p ari of the program the chamber of commerça Is Inviting . a large group of farmers from Lim it of 16,600 Pounds Set on K. F. and Crater thaaa districts to fneet with them from time to time to study the J Lake Highways beet pleas for getting direct Restrlctlon of loads and des­ results in the direction men- ignation of proper tire ear/aces and maximum weights affecting 14 Oregon highways Is provided In an order Just Issued by the state highway commission. The order reports the results of Investigation'where the desig­ nated highways are found to he deteriorating because* q£ exees- ilK J WHK PLANA ite e I rade With America Ban ¿Francisco Paper Claims P .G A E. to Bay Property O F F IC IA L S is Beaten in Regular Election DEW Y Arthur Meighan, Lrr.itrr o f Con- aevvativr Party Likely Mew Hay R um or H at M e * Version of Hylleaby Fnrrhasr Prepositiosi Beautiful grave stark now resting over the g si* Ashland world war veterans of the groat who died either la the at ernment of MacKenile King. after returning to prtw Canadian premier, returns early They were put in place y today,., from yesterduy's general afternoon by members of a com­ ^faction showed.' mittee from Ashland Past Na, The Ccnservstlveii have won I t , American Legion. about 120 seat«. A total of 133 The monuments, which were 1 m necessary to give them a clear ~Ocaan Johnnie" Chapm an o f Los supplied by ttye United States \ n g , l M Is m w a llH l tt take* majority In the parliament, but pr>-tty nearly an ocean o f liquid to. It was generally conceded that tuoneb his th irst. F orty-th ree txx- government, free of coat, are of n ineteen with the help of a few Indepen­ • lee in IS minutes was the soda pop pure White marble, dent and Progressive votes. Melx- roueum ptiun record he hung up re­ inches wide, four Inehqp think cently. and thirty nine Inches in height han can (prm a mtnlttry. • Each monument was eat la Three parties contested for concrete to a depth of 17 lashes, places in the new parliament, and the committee of Legttb the Conservatives.' tho Liberals, members worked almost the am* and the Progressives. Respec­ tire day yesterday la placing tively the three parties stand for the markers over the graven high tariff, low tariff and praa- of their departed comrades. tlcal free trade. The present H is. Suzanne Crawfòrd of San Antonio, T ex as, show ed government, put in power by the Delayed for almost three years, the markers arrived la her former husband» Ciarle« Crawford, a diamond en­ election of 1921, Is Liberal, the Ashland early thia wash. A gagement ring her fianoe, Pfeatice M, Henley, hnd given House of Coamona being com- ; requisition was made for them her. A quarrel resuitad and Crawford was seriously poard of 118 Liberals. #6 Pro­ ' three years ago, when Donald wounded- Henley offered his blood, Itclieving a transfus­ gressives, 60 Conservatives, ami Spencer waa commander of tho 2 Laborites. ion operation might save Crawford’s life, but lie died. Lieutenant Sorrell Speaks local i.egion poet. For over a In many respects yesterday's Mrs. Crawford is being held under $1500 bond in connec­ election was the most important on Navy at Club * 1 year, the requisition was barted. Luncheon ! receiving no action from the gav- tion with the slatin g^ ;. - > since, the ecnfUct over Recipro- ernment. Suddenly, the city in 1911 when the proposal "The period of reel progress wus received when Gerald Wwa- to lower the tariff was over­ In the United States navy dates „or adlutant of the local post w helm ingly defeated. The re­ from the time Theodore Roose­ received a notification from the sult of yesterday’s voting de- velt became tts secretary. When government, asking whether the rerminexb the Canadlfn fiscal he became President, he did even markers were still wanted. Aa policy for the next five years and more for the navy, anti to all decided whether Canada Is Io navy men, he la as greet a hero affirmative reply hrongbt the announcement that the markers erect tariff barriers equal to aa Jonea or Dewey,” said Lieu­ those Imposed by the United tenant T. L. HorreU, speaking at were on their way. The monuments are supplied ¿ f t and the «>»'• wtii > Jgj States or to lower them enough the Inncheon of the Klwanis club d a lly featured on t, ' m*tew » »*« orrf* r * * * defined f a fol- ft waa his opintoa that the by the government, without coat * «lent " snbmnrged eRy ,to- permit American competition today. A navy day program waa prewent rumored aale ie another to the applicants. e general trend of arricatuiriH lows: tt sear SWkov, a sandy' with Canadian manufacturers. carried oat during the luncheon. version of the Bylleahy repart. sttere In the Aablai 1 d'ttrlct highway, between Cedar A new requisition la betas tt haat la tho Caspian aea. The representation by pro­ Sorrell put In a plea for the prepared, and Woaaer requests 111 be the theme. cre « • ,n Dou«,aa and a Portland attorney. 7. 1921: John H. Jonea. « d r he was enabled to die- tt 'John Billing». Ashland; Ralph ing to the four western pro­ young chaps are carrying on," HI be made ae to speakers 2nd the south city limits of CoquHle poral, 29th C. A. C.. A rtU tfln He gave as his qualification;! tlnguish streets and build-, tt JfoWell,' Ashland and Harold vinces. *For the 246 parliamen­ Lieutenant Sorrefl declared. her features .. ’ *" Co<* connty, excluded within the fact that he Is a graduate Corps, who died April 2, Inga of ancient Aslhtic tt Fish,. Talent, representing • thl-i tary districts, or "ridings." «00 Then speaking in behalf of I - - . the corporate limits of Myrtle of the academic «nd law depart­ Thomas B. Hartley, U. 8. NhXftp architecture. A further tt ^»ndidstPH made campaigns, there the navy as an' organisation. | who died October ' eoqpty as a livestock-judging *---- ■— ’■----------------- Point. It, 1V>1 ments of the University of Iowa, Investigation revealed a tt team; Ellen Daley and Aden» Lieutenant 8orrell said, "durlugj Charles T. Freemen, priepta- la t- w v v i i a t S A D h T A T TO Corvallis - Newport highway, with post graduate work at. Yale. well preserved roadway tt Joy, Aihiand, representing the a time of war, a second beat] claas. 64th C. A. C. ArUttary ■ C A L L E D B Y F R E N C H between W ren in. Benton county He served five sessions in the leading to the Baku* fort- tt ■ C A L L E D B Y F R E N C H and tfca Mgt fcity Hm,t , New. navy can be compared to a sec-' Corps, who died April 14, 1911, 1 county as a prune-bread demon- Iowa State Senate, and six and ond heat poker hand, there are I ) strating team, and Edwin White, ■ • port in Lincoln county,.excluding and Lewis Charles M. SreUsM, one half years as U. 8. attorney Archeologists are of no second prises.” Medford; Elton Petri, Talent; private. U. 8. ktariae Corp*, » h a PARIS. Oct. 2 0 _ ( U . P . ) - tl,e, T T ® ™ “ under Roosevelt and Taft. He the opinion that the dis­ Irving E. Vining told of his died A pril 14, 1999. : Jan>ea kind John Lathrop. Cen­ ke Painleve government de- * C y ? . ° 5 *? . was In border service during the covery .reveals the lost experiences during the war. when tral Point; Hdrold Head, Cen­ „ Crater Lake highway between city of Kharadaaheger. dad today to definitely recall .. .. . j, Mexican trouble, and served 2A he waa in New York City, and tra l Polat. who will enter swine . ' __ „ ' . the north .city limits of Medford months In the World War from which Is believed to have eneral Sarrail, high commit- . • . . ... , of the several times he spoke j in competition with other atock _ , . _ _ . In Jackson county and the junr- Oregon. He was over seas with bean submerged centuries before audiences composed of from the ttdrthwest. - front line divisions la Champaign ago by bb earthaMbe (Continued On sailors. I Wedpeeday 22 > ead of swim If rnur gate Isn't »<■< neely and Olae-Alnae, and waa with the1 which altered MMEMBh SANTA BARBARA, Oet. 28— Carl Loveland, who served In were loaded Kt Medford, to h<* fantened to It* hinges, go Rainbow Division In the Argonne. coaat line.. IBRH w -’ wwa the navy during the war. told (U. P .)— Santa Barbara exhibited a f the big show. Ii out this m inute and tic it habitants have the -taaDehember, January, February, definition, to be a steelheal o'clock Saturday, October 21. place high lit the state. low e'en cornea but once a Wallace L. Kaddarly will he- March and April, according to a tront, within the meaning of the It Is hoped that the stocl year, and the «mall boy at­ rating recently banded 'down by act,-Jt must he under 16 Inches •gin his colorful description at ' judging t f t t t wju aiso, place' I t tempt« to crowd Into that attorney Gendrel Van Winkl<. ' In length. I t would Seam, then, 1:15, so that spectators will have the ' NortlAvta'k grehlest atoe) one night a w hole year's ' In preparing 81s answer to the that said act dose not apply to chances to tune la on 264 meters m ischief. and get the llnanp hefoye the gaery put ta him by F. M. steelheads 15 Inches in length Tho Tidings printing shop has la Ashland recently and In And don't he frtxlitcm-d Brawn; ehlef deputy game war- or over, and hence the taking game starts. The microphone Is been extremely busy during the der to celebrate hath the it the youngster» tick-tack ddn. Vaa Winkle took into con- of such- steelheads with hook |n a special observation- hex high last week Installing new equip­ provement of The Tidings' your window, .of If you sec aideratlofl the definition of thq and line is not prohibited/ On on the west grandstand, , from ment Thia taslr w ill he com­ the dosens of other Imp« a monatron», lighted head wtwd trout, and the- fact that t&e other hand. I am of the opin­ where the details of - every play pleted within a few days, and meats la the city, 11» I peeping tn at you. W a s h i n g t o n , o