j # W ■ • '/ K ' ’ - Oregon Historical Society Auditorium For Nearly Fifty Yt _ SB'S.",' 1 *" . M l» SPAY, OCT., 29, 1 9 » S. Official Held Up; Bandit Uses His Gun ' - LOS ANGELES, Oct. • — United States Com- lsaloner Raymond I. Turney, formerly a prom­ inent member of the Loe Angeles crime commission, got some first hand In­ formation on burglars and their ways whoa ho wan held, up in bis own home early today. ' ' The burglar “rubbed It In” by holding up the commtwloner with the official’s own pistol and- then decatbpod with |8 0 wort li of jewelry. »GOVERNMENT:« Takes up Dqnhfts Duty ft» Newly Formed Cabinet PRESIDENT ACCE PTS ¡ More to Obtain a l o f P a ll. M NEW VINING IS OPENED TO LARGE CROWD mt’s Price ‘W i OK HOHE »SOIL AGAIN » t o „ ? Requirements Laid Down by “ Lopgue Gonadi * ■ • ' Are Met ^ ontirr ouarded Ronnwnla as Mediator Aids In Averting Another W ar in •* Bulgaria Y. M. FINANCE DRIVE IS TO BE C O N IK D Starts Over'’ Capacity Crowd Attends First Show Given in • Theatre Subscribers Asked to SifB Up at Tidings Office IRON HORSE FEATURE GOAL Aurheii«,. Pleased a t of \|.|K -«ra o re SET AT >1800 iount Needed fo r kMpw g w fc 1« Nearly N ew ly Ih-r-ornlrd In te rio r __ PARIS. Oct. » W i r . P .) ATHENS, Oct. 29— (U, P,>— With every seat In the house Tbe Y. M. C. A. campaigB tor Tho new Palo leva cabinet was Greek troops are again on home occupied, and scores waiting out­ 31800 to take care of the work formed today 'Py Wand Palaieve. noil, after a six day invasion of side, unable to gain entrance, the for the year ending September 1. former prime miniater, who re­ BMgarlan territory. Vining theatre, "The Theatre 1928, which hae been signed Tueaday morning, fol­ Following put both tbe agree- Beautiful’’ reopened last night, J^by local solicitors for t»e lowing tho effort o f himself and ont made with Roumania as the after being closed for thyee two weeka, has brought very tho follow members of bis cab­ mediator« and) |the order of days, during which time the en­ satisfactory rcaelts so fqr as the inet to obtain the resignation of the League of Nations council. tire Interior was redecorated, workers have been >kU to see Joseph Callfhnx, minister of fi­ Greece today completed the with­ new drapes were hung, new the people. However, these are nance. Painleve’a entire cabinet drawal of her forces against Bui lighting fixtures Installed, and all busy men and It has keen resigned et the same time, but garla. The withdrawal was fin the building given a thorough Impossible for them to aee every­ President Donmerqne, Wednes­ iahed at 8 a. m., today, well renovating. body. the directors say.' ffia li day, requested Palnlere to form within, tho time lim it set by tbe With the soft glow... of . tho people have been away from a new cabinet. I. council At its meeting Monday. three colored lights casting a home, some out of town and Pnlnlere succeeded In obtain­ W ith tho complete evacuation gleam over the entire building, others have wanted a little time ing the services of all the min­ Crater Lake Union Conven­ of BtUgar soli, the throat of real the, beautiful golden silk plush to think It over. Anyone who tion to he Held in isters who resigned with him hostilities In tho Balkans seems drop was raised for the first time has attempted to help in • Phoenix Tuesday to abake off Finance safely past. on a motion picture show. work of this kind can realise tbt Minister Calllaux. The Greeks are maintaining a Long before the time set for The annual convention p f Cra­ sacrifice it takes to get around < la the new* cabinet, Pnlnleve heavy border. «hard, almost the raising of the drop, the Endeavor triple tho number kept there be­ to everybody, especially I f sev­ ■a Is both premier and finance min­ ter Lake Christian The temperament or • bl»fn«d for the actions of .1 ,n,..„ building was crowded almost to Aaron C. Read, above, has Just been eral calls are required,-mb solic­ ister. Upon him now rests the union will he held at Phoenix. fore the ontbreek, in order, as Klbhee. 1«. b> hie (nether, 7 « Klbhee. after James ,,rr..s, capacity, with hundreds on the admitted to practice law before the itors declare. ' •an JPraarisnt fer ahmatta« upon which Caillanx the O ctober30-Novem ber J, 1915. she terms it, to protect* h or self Kibhne and the boy are ~ Ansu«» Tompkins Mrs. outside watting for admission, Nebraska supreme court, resuming former finance minister fa ile d ,!Au the ra* et,ngs »H I be In the from any^ reprisal attacks by Therefore the request is made youtn toM willing If necessary, to stand hie profession after a lapse e< t | that all who have net been J8M*. that of the restoration of Pho«nl* Presbyterian chureL yrsrs.. Read is — the Dulgars. outside and await tho finish of Crater L ak e . unlçp is one of or those who wanted more time France’s finances, and the fund­ the first show. In order that the strongest Christian Endeavor to think it ver, please call at th e ' ing of France’s war debts. .' they might enter the newly dec­ Tidings office during the next Aristide Briynd is foreign min­ unions in the state, and large orated building, and view the three or four daya ister. The other members of the delegations frpm 01 the yonng show presented there on the their subscription» on cards, cabinet are: Chantemps, Justice; people’s societies of Southern opening night. there for that purpose. Cask Abraham , Scramok, Interior; Oregon, are expected to attend During the Intermission be- thia convention. The meetings may be left If desired or the Dnladier, wav; Emile Borel, tween the showing of the com­ snhscrlptiou may be made ia navy; Tvon Del bos, instruction will be full of pep. nnthusiasqi Donald McCurry, an employs one or several payments any •' WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 » edy and the opening of “The Jena Durand, agriculture; Paul and inspiration. The opening service will be at the Blair granite quarry la in time during the year, preferably — The President and Mrs. tt Iron Horse,” the feature picture. Durafour, labrr; Perrier, col­ the Community hospital, suffer­ Friday evening at 7:30, with on or before next July 3, and, # Coolidge have declined tt Irving E. Vining, one of the onies; Daniel Vansant, com­ of course, the sconer tbe bet­ 31 an offer horn the Girls’ a builders of the theatre building, merce; Anatole De Monxle. pub­ Rev. Nelson of the Phoenix ing from “ a broken leg, and Presbyterian ehnrch presiding. serious contusions and bruises, ter. The main thing Is to leave 13 club of Vermont univer- a gave a short Bpecch of welcome lic works, and Bonnet, budget. In behalf of the management, lie A program of unusual merit has as tho result of an accident at the pledge so that the directors tt slty of a large apple pie a Tho French cabinet was forced Gathering to be Held at Three outside the quarry Tuesday afternoon. 13 for the White House a outlined, how. In 1914. the Game to be Played on Local may know how much money to to resign when Calllaux refused been arranged. Library in Medford Field Tomorrow McCurry was caught In a rap­ count on for the year. It la be­ B Thanksgiving dinner. Al- a theatre was first open'd with'the to hand In his reslgnatier after speakers have been secured— November 7 Afternoon opera “Faust," and how, on ’ udge Jacob Kansier, president idly revolving abaft on some of lieved that the fuf, sum may be 13 though no reason was glv- a It wee found that hr the follow ^ g day. the first mo­ ''-"»on state C. E. union; the machinery at tbe quarry. HU completed In thia way and tbga not obtain a majority Public health nurses of South­ 13 en for declining the pie a 7 " * P “»««« who 1« apron catching on tho shaft, tto» pietore was presented. With prospects of their first save further soliciting In d tle bewee-et depattee-tw an *or‘ » ern Oregon win moot in the 33 ’ apparently, It was refused tt Then, speaking for the patrons victory of tbe season in sight, valuable time of the men wko to * r •-.!> and Mr«, quickly wound around tho shaft, public library. Medford, on 8at.-l” if because acceptance might a proposals for the Incr 0 t Eugene, and wan pulling McCurry Into the nrday, November 7. Nurses are ” have» been taken as an a of the theatre, he thanked H. B. the Ashland high grldders this have made heavy sacrifices thus s’s finances. Os' av ir o endorsement by the Presi­ a Hurst, proprietor of the theatre, week have been pounding along, far to conduct the campaign. If to inflate tbe currency ¡at »ho will ra te charge of tbs spe­ machinery, when a fellow em­ expected from Douglas, ' Coos, I cial conferences. ploye threw the switch, cutting Deschutes, Klamath and Jackson1” dent of the proposed apple a for the effort he had made to harder than ever, in preparation this does not bring tbe funds to the nation, and thus obtain off tho power, . McCurry was un­ A banquet will be served on week to be held about a fyrnish Ashland with the best for their tussle* with the Rose- 31800 within a few dkys farther the sinking fund necessary to counties. Saturday evening. Songs, yells conscious, and was suffering in­ that time. a theatre possible. . . burg high eleven. Tbe game will solicitation will be made so that carry on the funding necessary Dr. W. R. Adams of Medford .T _rO" ^ O.U *?e "hrwln*' “ »«' be staged tomorow afternoon on there will be no deficit and the and toasts will bo given, with V. tense pain when brought into tho This might be regarded a for the payment of the 33,500,- and Dr. Estella Ford Warner of K. Allison, pastor of tbe Ashland city, but after receiving medl- as a precedent for In­ a better lighting effects, made pos­ the high school field here, and campaign closed for the year. 000 war debt owed by France to ca, attention, be U now reriing « £ * £ * h" ,en3 Christian church, . acting as The directors are grateful to dorsement of Bimilar a sible by the Installation of the will get under way at 3 o’clock. America. county child easily. toastmaster. movements In other parts a new projection equipent. was Following the Klamath Falls the Tidings for tbelr willing»«— health demonstration, are on very noticeable. Although the lassie Saturday, several of tbe to receive these subscriptions. The closing services w ill be on the program. Several papers are : » „ of the country. The tele­ a new generator has not as yet locals were In bad shape, from They wish also to state tore that Sunday evening. ..T h e C. E. >2,000,000 GAIN AOKINO EPISODE gram tendering the pie a being prepared by various public SfeoW N IN REPORT health been Installed, the two projecting the. pounding they took. Gilletto they appreciate very greatly the VED UNCOVERED prayer meeting w ill be at <:80, said It was designed to a nu regarding different led by Miss Elisabeth Gore. A be a part of the apple a machines, - of the latest type, and Nutter, the tackles, were generosity of the Tldlnga for a phases of eoanty and school ASTORIA, Oct. 29— (U . P .)— devotional service will be held at KLAM ATH FALLS, Oct. 2» week program. a gave the films much better pro- believed to be out for at least cash r.ubsoriptlon and the very nursing. e A hijacking episode la seen by 7:30, followed by ipatallatlon Approximately two and one- Jection than has been possible in two weeks, an* Hughes was pre- liberal publicity, accorded to thia Mrs. Glendora Blakely, style, tbs customs and county officers of the new officers, and the ad­ half million dollars increase In the past. The generator will, paring to start tomorrow with work by tbe paper.” H. C. Oiley. advisory nnrae with the state la an empty gill net boat, found dress of tbe evening by Dallas assessed valuation of taxable be set up within the next few a pair of substitutes In these im­ one of tbe directors, said today. board of health, and Miss Grace! floating la the Colombia river Rice of Eugene. days. property will mark the 1928 portant positions. Gillette had Holmes, director of surveys' for last night. Two men have been assessment roll, according to re­ Charles Weissenborn, of them bum hoof, while Nutter wa. MONTANA FACING the Oregon State Tuberculosis as­ arrested In connection with the B. F. Scherer company waa In! generally banged up, but their ports given out by County Asses­ HUGE CROP LOSSES sociation, are planning to be affair, although officers refuse U. S. W ANTS D A M A 0E8 sor W. T. Lee, yesterday. The present. charge of the deecrntion work hurts responded to treatment H ELEN A . Mont., Oct. 38. — to disclose their names, while FOR DAMASCUS ATTACK assessor made an informal esti­ in the theatre. J. P. Dodge und better than a r e a u lt .* ; « ; ^ Miss Mildred Carlton, presi n sweeping search Is being made Sons furnished the carpeting mate based on bia report to the dent of the Jackson County WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. — Up) "“ 'huge loaaes In livestock and for others suspected as being Im­ while the Murphy Electric in­ there tomorrow. state board which shows a .sum -—The United States government totalling 322,542,784. Added to Health association, Mrs. H. L. crops which may mount into plicated. stalled the new lighting equip­ Ham Cotter, the little center', hundreds of thousands of dollars One of the men arrested. It is probably will ask the French that will be from two and one- Nobllt of tbe county associatton, ment. although pretty badly battered as the renult of heavy snows and known, was seriously stabbed in government for reparations for half to possibly three million and Miss Leah Jennings, countv by the pounding of the heavy a knife battle. He is under tho American property destroyed dollars based on valuations un­ nurse, are making arrangements Declares 5-6-60 Bordeaux Klamath backs, will be In shape extreme cold weather. Oaly aa for the entertainment of the guard at St. Mary's hospital, -in the bombardment of Damascus obtainable at this time. to go, and bis appearance In tbe early warm cblaook wind can pre­ Mixture Should be Used tie Uso guests. Mrs. Bertha. Denton, while, the other la being held in­ by France, after a complete re­ in Oont lineup will strengthen the Aah­ vent a great disaster, bankers trol of Spores school nurse for Medford and agreed. ,8now more than 18 In­ communicado in the county Jail. port la received from the Ameri- SENATE LAUNCHES land defense greatly. Ashland, and Miss Vera Beard. ches deep, baa fallen over muck i can representative there, it waa count« u h » « . « V », Tl*0 atone fruits of Southern Beeson and Kataer, tbe snappy ECONOMIC PROBE t ie m J i n , I authocjtatlvely said today. of the state. Below aero temper­ Advertise In Tbe Tidings. little ends -are set for the tussle, Th7. Z r . - u ... k ! Wlt,i wkBt known « California atures have been recorded. Scores WASHINGTON,- Oct. 28— fePiI 6i,‘ ■ MEDFOBSOON ASHLAND GRID MEN ARE READY FOR ROSEBIRG BLIGHT SPRAY IS DDE NOW STATES CATE Parallel Parking in Effect on Streets Off Main Street NEW CAVES ROAD TO BE DECIDED ON TOMORROW On -Friday of this week, a hearing ia to be held -at Jack sonvllle with members of^ th< state highway commission pres­ ent to hear discussions cbacern- ing the creation of a super-road district. This district would embrace a portion of Josephine county and a part of Jackso,n. Its purpose la to provide funds fo r the hnthMng o f w highway from Medford to the Oregon Caves through tbe issuance of bonds, for which the lands within the district will stand as security. As It now stands, tbe location o f the highway has not been designated. It will be left to the locating engineers which route tbe road shall take from the Applegate valley. Two rontes are optional, as shown by a blue-^tae plat furnished. There is already a road up Thompson Creek, although net shown In the pint. The othor route le op Williams creek. It Is the letter roete that the peo­ ple of the' Williams cresk valley have been lend to believe will be chosen, although no assurance has been gi^an. The boundary passes close to the Oregon Caves and down Into the Applegate valley where It takes in a portion of Murphy creek, crossing ovfer the Apple- gate end taking In a ll. farm lands there. I t takes in the town of Jacksonville and sup peeedly, Mediunf. ,TB0 TSTISF part of tbe lands included are within the Siskiyou National Forest, which cannot be' taxed. The cost, therefore, would be borne by tbe farm lands along Williams cresk and the Apple- gate, and by a portion of Med­ ford. I Tbe project has been endorsed In Medford and by the farmers. In general, in the Williams creek section. The meeting Friday will be at­ tended by large delegations from Medford and the affected re­ gions, as it wIH be nsceesary to Impress the highway commis­ sion / With its necessity before the district can be started. co-operative marketing organi­ sations and trade associations, will go forward following a rul­ ing handed down by Attorney General Sargent Tuesday. In an opinion to tbe federal trade commission tbs attorney general ruled that the investi­ gation should" be carried out, as they are directly related to anti-trust charges contained In the resolutions calling for ‘ the inquirías. ON NEW PARLIAMENT says C. C. Cate, Jackson county MONTREAL, Oct. 39— (U. P . ) j a gent. - « — A record vote was expected Now Is tbe best time to con­ today, as the~Canadlana Jmlloted trol thia blight, Cale says, as the to elect a new parliament. The leaves are practically mature government declared a half holi­ and the trees can be sprayed day, to give the voters an op­ with safety kt thia time. Sand an portunity to go to the polls. effort should be made to make W klrlwlnd tactics were inject­ this -application before tbe next ed Into the campaign last week rain. ' Use ’ five pounds of blue- by E. L. Patenande, conserva- stone and five pounds of lime e" ° r?. t0 ? rA , k up to n « y galloa. of water,, m . ^ the »olid liberal bloc o f-85 seats ing what ia kao«n as the 5-6-50 A b Qhebec. The big Issue la the BcrdeaBx mixture. All peaches. question of free trade with thu ■ in1 it tea, sa d rt urriwa sliuuld be United States. sprayed at thia tim e/ and It might be well also to spray al­ EXTENSION ORDERED monds an they are more or less ° » TAX HEARINGS Infected. I ATM WO MAN LU IAL W uriftn GIVEN J O N O R PORTLAND, Oct. 29. — (U.P.Y - Mra. Louie Dodge of Aahland wa« elected rioe- p reddeuL .