Newspaper t'of N w ríf fiftÿ Ytan ire gpsriee) .’ •> / - - 'Y - ; « Armless Girl Making Good 'ropa Dead 9* 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 88 9 88 9 9 9 L Q t y O at, Oct. 28— Robert B. Lee Hakfcr, 68, of Lodi, dropped dead neay Galt last night Just 9 as bin son, Lee Haley, 9 - Landed nc hard right to 9 the Jaw of Orvll Me l t ' Farlane of Stockton. In a 9 fist fight In which the 9 elder Haley was one of 9 the two witnesses. 9 McFarlane d r o p p e d 9 with a broken Jaw at 9 the exact moment that 9 Haley sank to the earth ATHENS, Oct. 88— (U . P .)— The Bulgarians have attacked the left flank of the Gneck columns retiring from Bulgarian soil, and the Greek», In conse quence, have ordered a suspen sion of the withdrawal which had' been began accordance with the orders of the League of Nations council. Greece for warded a protest to President Brland of the League o f Nations council against the attack. GENEVA, Oct. ^ 8 — (U . P.) — The League of Nation« council secretariat has been Informed by both Oreece nod Bulgaria that All frontier hfatyiUee which have been threatening* war for the last week, have been ordered ended, and the Greek troops are now withdrawing from Bulgaria, thus bringing to an end an ln- 9 9 a trip te th* Arejte That • I picture sbaws itiin ' hpiici's; ’ Picking Sends Man to HospH Hebrew Prophets And-Bar num Described as . y Ministers Promise Publicity Chiefs I Seven Week Session to Start in May ti low* and w ill be out of rep®rted 0,1 the Promotion always went where crowds were are retiring, and will be on f pUnR top ft chBn!h ,B the con|?regat^ , >n(, never failed td draw attention to Himself fo? the sake of His message. If He were on earth today He vqpnld he using the newspapers and the Oct. 81. , In aanouncipg thia today Allan Pollok, superintendent of tbe ra il road’s djning-car department, ■t a f d that hearty cooperation Will ba extended b f the railroad to ’making National Apple Week Southern Pacific dining car chefs are energetically preparing Jpeclal apple 'menus -and more than 40,000 copies of special apple menu cards will be dis tributed >y the company on Its dining earn , operating between Portland, Ogdpn nnd New Or- As a part of Its participation Jo National Apple. Week celebra tion the railroad to now baking la Its Oa^lapÿ, California, com- mfcetry t|m world’s laegeot apple cake. I t win weigh dsorg, than 880 panada and contains 8, boxes o f apple» l i e Mammoth pastry ± x / '8x r c.h *3 ,M ,re f*’,nd to be Semi-Egyfrtian Effect Obtained Throughout Theatre. Beautiful Lighting Effects are Fo Newly Decorated Show House. Iron B e n Tonight. 9 i9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 The annlrsH girl kilt nt a lecture with s pun be- tween the first and sec- ond toes of her right foift. and transcribes notes as rapidly as a nor- mal person. She wears shoes she can remove easily and her stockings end Just under the heel, so she can move the toes easily. Miss Hale combs her hair, operate«, a type- writer, feeds herself and even drives an automo- bile. 9 9 9 9 9 RfiAift PFWP.N V P A D I Y ■ _________________________________I |\ | M l | | I | l t m a raw if I Ik flM i I ' —e^----- * * “ ia V M a Prpirdire Attack Made by Mitchell Upon Board ' Leaders P |P I? > | | | 1 over M 9- lg |R XI H i l l ’l l \ is to be presented bjr the rail road to tbq J lttle orphans of San, Francisco Home foi* Homeless Children. Otto Re Aw, super-j vising chef for tho railroad Is! personally supervising tbe pnlrIng o( the huge cake. Among the many ways In which, Oregon apples will be featured on the railroad's dining cart during' National Apple Wash laelude«' apple strudel, apple cpke, apgim compote, apple dumplings, fried apples, stowed apples, apple frit ters, * apple l«e cream, apple E8THON1A FUNDING sauee, apple cider, stuffed apples, 13 MILLION W AR DEBT apple pudding and a score of other appetising ways to delight WASHINGTON, Oct. 88— (Ü. tha palate of tf*vqle»U. P .)— Ah agreement for the land National Apple Weak does ing of Bsthontn’s 818,880,000 much toward stimulating tha 'debt to the United States was apple industry of Oregon," said signed of the Treasury Depart Rollok, "We recognise tha im ment today. .5 . - portance of the apple industry of Oregon and are doing everything we possibly oan toward making National Apple Wee$ a succesa.” *'18ora than l l . M « boxes o f O r e g o n — Unsettled, Sutherlin — Eugsne pepper apples are consnmM on Southern mint grower buys 840-ocre farm With probably rain In Pacific dining, edm annually.” . herp, for 888,000, to grow 100 the northwest. Rein or mow - la the east portion, acres peppermint. Id order,-to Increase attendane« x t th e Pacific International Llve- Rtoek Exposition In Portland early next month, the Southern Pacific is offering a one way fare for the round trip. Oeorgo N. Krpmdr, passenger jigent en- nounOed thia morning. The sale dates for the offer ere No vember I add 0, with a return Uralt of November 0. Jack Durondo, charged with the manufacture of illicit llquov, was found not gfltlty by a Jury In circuit oourt yeiterday after noon. Dufondo was - arrested shortly after the arrest of Don ald Stonebreker here by OhlOf of Police jtcNabb, also on n liquor ohsrpn. The Jury was ont six hours In the Dnroqdo cnee. interior. balcony, the Be- light« ”re fnclO 9ed ln wondarfw‘ •*>* The lights here are qf controlled " b y QA1TAAI 0 I 111 r K ' light« (Continued Ow Page Four) DUBONDO NOT GUILTY GF LIQUOR COUNT entire shades. ically Well Known Local A Woman is Dead in San Francisco to miners throughout the country.: that at least one thousand per sons ware ¿Bled In the recent Each of tha fixe lessons’ deals French honHni'rd’ment of tha city with a different phase of firs t1 of Damascus, while Arabs esti aid and those who complete the mate tkat as many aa *26,000 entire course will receive both were casualtlaa as tbe result of the United States Bureau of the French quelling tbe native Minoa card and engraved certifi BDERAL CONVICTS rebelHoft ln tha ancient city. cates. * • Damaaeus Is reported to be MAKE ESCAPE TODAY Tha first class of tha coarse badly damaged, with manjr of w ill start nt 2 p. m., Monday. Its picturesque structures plied Noveramber '2, nt 811 H Street, In rulnq. The Arabs claim that headquarters Of the Southwestern the French guns wrought the Oregon Mining Bureau, Grants havoc, while tha French declare -than- vandals within tha town la t a are responsible for the depreda- the the ''three color«, anil are automat At the reqnest of Representa now able to handle any car brought In,’ In a very short time. tive Frank Reid, Democrat of nurfng the first -few weeks Illinois, Brigadier General Al after ■ the hrir went Into effect, bert J. Bowley, Major General the statute was not enforced, Chari«« Summerall, the presi 1 sine« the testing stations ’were dent of the couit. and Major , unable to handle the rush. Since General Fred W. Slayden, with i th \t first rush, however, the drew. The trial then proceeded stations report, they are able to with only ten officers on the board. handle the machines easily. The United States Burean of j The charges against Colonel During the past few nights, Mines Resene Oer, No. 1, - In i State Traffic Officers Talent and Mitchell are Insubordination and charge of K. 8. Butler, assistant McMahon have handed citation actions «gainst discipline in th» to J. R.y Rows, is on the siding ( slips.-4e oyer 100 drivers. In army. ’ It s believed K at the near Sixth Btreet,-Grants Pass,| structions arc given with these court martial will take at least where arrangements are being perfecCsd„for the work of carry- j slips that if proof Is given be a week. fore court time that the light* have been tested, the charges will be dismissed. However, tho officers declare that If the tights are not tested and a receipt shown, tho charges will be press ed, and If the offender Is found guilty n stiff penalty will be handed out. There are four light testing stations in Ashland, the Ashland Electric, Murphy’s Electric, the Claycomb Motor company and the Park Oarage maintaining such stations. aBd <>• berutlful «hades cast a »oft glow 9 aavaa , ni<a(h lT I I I fin \ P P l-I P iF | | IA l| |\ lT | I The lighting effect« through- m r t T l out bave been of the laet tha't the testing sta tions th'csughout the county aré will be no admission PAKIS, O ct 28. - (U P) 'Hiere charge for seeing this film, aq —President Doumerque this the'Bureau of Mines Is showing aftei noon summoned Patti these films throuthont,- the Pt-’plewe to the Elysee P al country yas a feature of their ace, to charge him to form safety and first aid work. a pew cabinet following the [TFER ON On Monday, November 8, the resignation of the old one U S ATTACK Bureau of Mines will staVt a yesterday, as the only means course of five lessons In prac possible of ousting Finance tical first aid work. The ¿purse LONDON! Oct. 28— (U. P.) — Minister Caillaux from po is tha- standard first aid course Jeruanlum dispatches today stat litical life. i taught by tha Bureau of Mines, ed thgt French aources believed THE WEATHER With h big crew of men working on the ftmHHOff’ touches, the redecorating work'on the Vining Theatre is being rushed to completion, in order that the theatre way he ready for reopening tliis evening. Charles Weis- senhorn, in charge of the decorating, declared this morn ing that his men would have everything in readiness" (wg. before the time set for the opening show, while Lotris Dodge, of the firm of J. P. Dodge and Sous, stated that he and his men would be finished early this afterooeat w it h tlnwlaying of the carpets. Entirely new carpeting is be ing laid throughout the lower floor of the theatre;' y.y. Patrons of the showhouse will hardly recogaiee the interior of the theatre when they enter it this evening. Although the remodeling work as not l>een extensive, it, together with the new decorations which have been plac ed, change the entire appearance of the interior. Com bined with the newly arranged lighting effects, the in terior looks like an entirely different theatre. Probably the first change which will strike the eye is the beautiful golden plush silk drajieries and drop. The drop is entirely operated b y motor, and is antdknati- j ci\Jly cojitrolled, lifted and dropped. w WASIIINGTÓN, OTH. « 8 — (I!. P .)— The court martial trial of Colonel William Mitchell.' critic ’ fgft. and jiot more thair fifty of tho army air service, pro per cent *bf the machines have ceeded today, after the defense haw'-tbetr—Hjrhta Tested, kenorik had hubrt successful hi their ef- ing to Talent. This Is In spit« Pai nieve to Form New Cabinet; Caillaux Ousted CONTRACTS ARE LET ON HIGHWAY WORK Oregon’s Sheet apples from the famous Rogue H irer, Willamette ahd Umpqua Rlve^valleys, are to ba specially featured; on Southern I^eciflq dining cars during Na tional Apple Week which begins SAN FRANCISCO, 0qt. 9 28— Radical (Bfforeooes 9> bn the correct Method ol 9 , picking a chicken brought 9 . O'. G. Del Boat«, Oakland chicken pteker, te the IF ire Than 100 Drivers Are Oakland receiving boeplt- 9.' Handed Citation Slips al. - • ■: 9 by Officers It afl Uppeagd gt the 9 Oakland C klqUb Pickers’ »< tUo drivers who have so far union bag. 'SM Boot« 9 sd to pave their lights ad- insisted that t te ortho- 9 ed . in compliance with the dox way to pick a chicken 9 was to etart nt the rioh9^l8 center instead of the i S ^ 9 rBelved their last warning, at- er left center. 9 «■ding to State Traffic Officer Proponents of correct 9 C, P. Talent. Citation slips picking proceeded to r 9 now being iwued those whose- make the feathers fly. 9 faulty. . Del Boats was* sadly 9 aM the drivers either must give vanquishedIn the more 9 ploof. thaj they have had thoir direct method ot a?gn- 9 IMlitr tested or pay a fine. Went. 9 , ^Almost tw o months have pa#s- «4- since th e law went Into e(- radio.” “ ~ -------- Tt Tbe church must Increasingly use the news and advertising columns of the newspapers ,.ln Its campaign for righteousness, said John T. Hrabner Smith, pub Ing on Instructions ln first aid licity director for the Chicago work, and, dangerous gases en Church Federation. countered ln mining. On Satur day morning. October 81, through the courtesy of the man- agament o<, the Rlvolt Theatre, the four reel film entitled "When a Man’s a Miner.” -produced by the United States Bureau of. Mines, will be shown at 10:S0.[ (Continued Ou Pngu Four) 9 » 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 never has been known to drop them, even when 9 - -sprinting to get through 9 the gates catch, her ..... to ........._ The Rogue River Valley Aseo- Aa exchange telegraph, cable riatlon of Ministers held their lJmm tke circus m an,. according grass from Sajonlkl tpday report-; regular ponthly meeting at to Dr Burris a . Jenkins of ed >8hot the Bulgarians this | Ornate Base Monday. The session' , city. He told tho con- worateg had attacked the'w ith - opened" with luncheon at t h e 'ferenc< OB church publicity yes- draw tag»Greek forces, and that Oxford Hotel and continued at tenjBj that the clergy would 1*0 Greeks had been forced to, the First Christian church nntU 'l<fo wfU to u k e thalr cue frOm lig h t back In order to protect 4 o’clock. Ministers from *11, Barnum and the Hebrew themselves. I t was believed at-parts of the valley wore there, I „ Balonlkl that the evacnatlon of and the session was said to be “ The Prophets of Israel under- Bulgaria by the Greeks h a d , one of the most auecessQil yot gtoo^ tke value * of publicity," ceased, and that the latter aa- to be held. D , jeaklns satd. "O ni of them tlon would again take np the The half hoar given over lo _ H o « m — named h a two 'tons, invasion of Bnlhnr territory in devotions was led by the presl- S ^ L o a O lm i. after the answer to the unwarranted at- dent. Rev. J. B. Cosn. Much, fcm-great message«, tach o f Aer troops, «MA were ^routine « 4 spoclnl bnatneas » « j l r f -OT-3Bn , -n,,, addMaaed thoto being withdrawn from B ulgaria; cared for and ISo «sports-of CBS’! uWufd have to repeat his warn- at tho oraer of the League of various community associations I ,ngg th(, Nations council. | was especially interesting. The “Anothmr took tA himself a --------j|a Christian churches of Medford wJfe among the women of ATHENS ¿ t 18— (U p v _ l * “d. Aah,“n d " ^ e d educational , treeU to attract attention o i T ^ S ^ d h ^ n few days' the amounts of w fte „ Br,ory Ig rM , * J frin ,,Te aod B,X thou,,a,*d '¿Our Spslor Himself was ertt- o r t l X i l . into ^ ig a r ta ch“- h ot lr i» d s . . sewmtlonalim. He Drastic measures believed naonsssry to collect the few re-, malnlng accounts outstanding on tha stock of the Litblan Hotel corporation are being started by Attorney L. A. Roberta, It was learned thia morning. . ‘ Steps to ward suit Jiarq,, bean, J^arUd in several jWaaaa, and this same ac tion Is contemplated, ln addi tional caaas, Roberts stated. 9 9 9 The two younger m e » ^ 9 had qusrrcltd in a dance 9 hall and had decided to 9 “have It out" at a road- 9 side spot near by. They 9 asked the older Haley - 9 and another m in to act 9 as witnesses. 9 League .of Nations council de mand. Proof must be furnished tomorrow morning by both Greece' and Bulgaria that all hostilities have csaaed, and Greece Is preparing to furnish this proof. BERKELEY. fp l., Oct./ 28— (U. P .)— Among the more remarkable utu- doota at the University of t'ali(ornla thia year is Miss Martha Hale, who hag no arms. •’ Misa Hale liven In San Francisco, and com- mute« dally by «ferry across the hay. She car- rlca her hooka" balanced on her shoulder, and O IFE a O N AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 88— llprk from their terrific battle with Stanford tha Oregon Aggies nr« now looking Into the per sonal achievement« on the foot ball field of Sweet and Kelley, nnd their team mates on tha Uni versity of Montana eleven. Scout Clyde W. Hubbard re ported that Montana can,ha ax dimmer* A I i r D fron' ,b* in the balcony section are used both for direct and In- ' direct lighting effects. For di rect lighting, the lights ace 1 flame Colored, while the lights 1 used for Indirect lighting are , three colored, enclosed In silk ‘ shades, and are also automat leal- ; iy controlled by dimmers from i the projection room. The entire Interior has hewn redecorated, and now pre:euts an Egyptian effect The I ¿Ra tion stonework throughout the Interior has been carefully work ed over, and presents the most pleasing effect. Imaginable. r Netv lighting effects have been obtained In the dome, through special wiring. Through the removal of two boxes on each side of the theatre, additional seating c.-pac- Ity has been made poeslble, and the Interior presents a widened appearanoe. New projecting machines hew« been Installed In the projection room, together with a spar'ally constructed generator, which w ill allow for better llg h tln r effoktn In the picture projection.' In addition, all lighting of the In terior will he controlled from the projection room. . ** The foyer ot the theatre has been beautifully decorated, the (Continued «a than thia Kelley and tw e e t.. "They work 'together on for ward paaaas In an uneaaap w ay., Kelley 'does (ha hetdta« and bur always manages to pat tha hall in Swaat’a hands. Sweat, he It ramambarad, la "pretty’ fast. 1« track meats last anmmer he wan clocked on the headred la of the lougbest battles of their streak ■ roust conference schedule. VThs field an< Orlsillee Started In thia fall with races all an entire eleven of- veterans/’ Throw Hubbard said. "Sam« ot the» Sotiirdny freshman material had hueh good strength ability that Coaek Stewart pat glen beal several of them on tha fir'd saga and string, and in the pro'm bl«'the next stgrttng Hneop Eefft gotnrdny j anga elm ha has two of these sophomores! Oonsngn listed to ntarC. and several alty of 1 mighty good onaa la reserve, lane tnr Thia material haa had the klnka Montano ironed ont pretty wiuCh by noAr 8. Fig» and when they fees as for onr tai tans Homecoming gaaaa Bntnrdny they .«pen foe w ilt bo going strong. Thera pre 9 -their no hatter backs on any teem an Bell projectio