AWUWt hitti H LAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S lliM W ned Every Evening E scept Snndny THE ASHLAND PRINTING .......................Edito Mt R. Creer .......... n^rge Madden Green ... . R.‘ Jackson ........ FFICIAL CITY PAPER •'-.-.tcred at the I Business Manage ..... .. City Edito ...... Telephone 3 Ashland, Oregon Fostottl«-* as ttabarriptioa Price, Ik-llvcr.-. ne Monti} . hree Mont l< Months ne Year . Mail und Rural Routes «'tie Month ---- i I've Months >x Months - S ingle insertion, per inch ......... Yearl] i irst insertion, per 8 point line AND ard of Thanks .. bltuaries, per line WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTIHING DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise or job printing—our contributions will OCTOBER 24, Jl«5 THINK OF THE HARVEST;—Whatsoe «ball he also reap. Galatians 6:7. PRAYER: — Dear Ixrrd, we thank tin -i e sow seed that assures us a good harvest. 1 ’iinton Baughman, i iiief, Fire Department, Ashland, Ore., How much easier it is to point error truth! The distinguishing feature of modern society Is too much pow­ der and too little frock. The only time this country gets a chance to go ahead Is when Congress is not in session. A man’s confidence in human nature will last longer if he ex­ ercises great eare In placing It Well, the building permit ordinance, got over nt last, No theory is more defective ost forgotten, the matter would probably have been than the proposition that the owwl f<»r H tim e at least, if you had not reminded the husband is head of the falWIy. Nearly every woman is smart enough to see through a man, but sbe shows stupidity when she lets him know it. What big Hez Heck says fish you kin see when you ain't ,vns eonvmceti long ago iv got a pole with you!” With every new building going up in the city, no 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 matter Whether it is within the fire limits or not, under •otug a strict inspection, n.uth of the fire loss of the city will l>e done away with. I also lio,>e the council gives you the additional help -.-ou need in your department, in order that you may carry out your plan of a house to house inspection, Clint, -’or I believe it is a very good idea. Such an inspection Most of us are mad at the would do away with two thirds of the fires, which now world Just because there aren't may be attributed to carelessness. enough first prizes for all of Yours truly, Auntie Ashlnnd. TQM. sm s SAYS Big tobacco warehouse col­ lapsed In Danville. Va.. the to­ bacco not being strong enough to hold It up. city are to he congratulated ii|M»n obtaining your consent io fill the unexpired term of Mr. Detrick, who resigned a lew weeks ago. I do not believe a better selection could have been jiossihle, and Mayor Johnson has shown much wisdom in obtaining you. For years you have been known as a public spirited • •itizen of Ashland, a man who has always had the good of 7 he city close to his heart. Now, you are to have an op­ portunity to bring to the front some of your views on ihe betterment of the city, and I am positive you will have some good ones. Mr. Detrick was a jiowerful member of the council, nnd it required a forceful man to succeed him and to carry on his work. I believe you are just that man, and /a lly capable of carrying out everything Mr. Detrick had under way, in addition to bringing your own idens into action. Sincerely yours, , Auntie Ashlund. Directors, Chamber of Commerce, .Lshland, Oregon, Dear Boys: I believe yon fellows are making a big mistake by deciding not to hold the Winter Fair here again thfA r«ason, for you are takng from Ashland her last annual event which brings |ieople into the city. From now on, it Js just the everyday attractions which will bring the j»eo- yde in. First, the annual Roundup was Hit out, but we still had other events. Finally this year it wan decided to do away with the Fourth of July celebration. Although many were not in favor of this move, they kept silent, and ns a result their businesses suffered a resultnnt silencing of the cash registers. But we still had with us the Winter Fair. Now, that is done away with, leaving us absolutely ------------------------- ------------------------------------- -j It is my I iojhj , and the hope of many others interest­ ed in Aahland, that you will reconsider your action. Yours trulv, Auntie Ashland. lr. Carl J. Brommer, [anager, Fruit and Produce A sh ' d shland. Ore., The cooperation offered by yon and vour organiza- n and other organizations in Ashland should do much build up the poultry industry in this section. If only ne aqtion can lie obtained from the farmers themaelves 1 hr.pjicn to know the Petaluma country fairly well, ihg lived in that vicinity for several years. The peo- tliqrp Arc no more intelligent, have no more industry no wo«« natural advantages than we enjoy here, yet ■oixamapus ■ ASHLAND flower SHOP Great Mothers 8 polut line ••All future events^ where an admission charge is made or a oiler-tlon taken Is Advertising.'' _ No disc, unt will be allowed Religious or Benevolent Orders. v u at his hack, but ba aavar | to sacrifica usad it. Persuasion and adnaa- j bava occupt« tlon were always J»la method, the fsn*odota How a ma^ could do the things tlculaily d< that Or. Gorgas did and not start Hanrji^ Clay an insurrectlpit waa. a marrar, statesman ir i We have just received a it was in Itself a tributa to the in the attract large shipment of tha tact and geniality which vfars known. Ona leading varieties. October perhaps his most useful traits, door whan and 'November are , - The circumstance that his name In for n call, was Oorgas somewhat helped; dark and An Bert-Mouths to Plant the natirea detected Spanish when the v qualities in bis manner. Hfc* put Ms arm' r mildness, his consideration, his her. Greatly1 Our stock/ of perenaials is gentleness his willingness «1- to the drawfi complete. ways to smooth the path to a Calhoun waa difficult V undertaking ware an paper. “Ok, inheritance from his remote an- by the great cestors. At any rate the Span- claimed. iards looked upon Oeneral Gor­ Of aach finely brad fiber was ges as one of themaelves. He the mother of the man whose F 1 », • ~ “ » r ‘ . Auntie Ashland. was resilient to every human be­ tact and gentleness, quite as Lithia Springs Hotel ing, a man to whom human asso­ much ns his intellect, were re­ ciation was the greatest joy in sponsible tor an extrema of ac­ Building ALICS JO Y C i IN*TNI life. He accomplished his ends complishment honored by Orest LITTLE FRENCH Gl WZ PHONE 120 by persuasion, by good humor, Britain when tha British carried A PARAMOUNT PtCTVTC and by a never dying patience. him ‘under military escort to St. AT THE VINING THEATRE Any other means might easily Paul's, after hts great Ufa's work was done. where Ms remains, be­ BUNDAY OXLY. have engendered hostility. ' And where did this extra­ fore being brought to Arlington, ordinary gentle and able man wrapped in the stars and stripes, AMELIA GAYLE Shovlln Hlxen company get hia temperament and his lay In state with' Nelson and Mother of Major Oeneral Gorgas. ■P« accent but from his extra­ Wellington and all tha mighty ordinary gentle and able mother, host of England's heroes— tha By MARY GREER CONKLIN Amelia Gqyle of the silvery highest honor that Britain could One day General M. Weavor voice? She was the daughter of pay a distinguished American. was walking down Connecticut a governor of Alabama from (Copyright, 1926, by Mary Oreer Avenue In Washington D. C.. 1231 to 1836 and. afterwards a Conklin, (syndicate), Orest Brit­ with his little granddaughter. member of Congress. As a glr! ain rights reserved. Reprodnc- They met General Gorgas. then ska ha When Doctors Reed and Carter kential element in her qharm was maintained that yellow fever was that Amelia never ruffled any­ Dyeing Works transmitted by the Stegmyia one; tact is the quality which 35FirrtSL mosquito, General Gorgas re­ all her intimates chiefly em­ phasised. She was one of those plied. “Very well, we shall then annihilate the Stegmyia •women born to rule, but to rule mosquito The world smiled. through gentleness of manner How accomplish such a feat? and Intention. Her mind posses­ How kill mosquitoes in such sed the quality of boundless pa­ swarms in the tropics? But now. tience and persistence— persis­ the world knows how this quiet tence of the kind that never Ir­ Let us Figure W ith You on Your man stamped out the Stegmyia ritates and never causes pain, mosquitoes and with them yel­ but, almost as unconsciously to low fever,— first In Havanna and Itself as to others, pursues the ap­ W ith a ’ .' then In Panama, making possible pointed course." Amelia and her father lived the building of the great canal. M. Le Blanc said to M. De Los- for everal years In the same sepa, “if you try to build this -house in Washington with Mr. Wo have a splendid proposition to offer you. Have canal there will not be enough John C. Calhoun. He was then trees in the Isthmus to make nearing seventy, Amelia . was jhst ordered n car of roofing, shipped direct from crosses for the graves of your twenty; yet the two became fast Others as Low as $1.00 laborers.” So matters stood friends and inseparable compan­ when the Americans took over ions. She never wearied relating from the French the finishing how Mr. Calhoun, one evening of the canal. Such was the when ' they passed the White monster yellow fever whose de­ House, -pointed his long bony In the Heart of Town struction became the chief duty finger at the structure and said; “Amelia, if I had been willing of General Gorgas. The brigand Stegmyia m