themselves out from another rope JUGO and reach the banana.” T O I ROTECT COUNTS L0B *5â LOCAL BOY W INS V ienna , Oct. 22_~ PATRY CONTEST Jut0 s,avl* *■ ruahin* a concen- LOS ANGELES, Oct. 22— (U. ______ | tratlon of her troopa aa a “pre- p .)— a distinct earth tremor O R E G O N AGRICULTURAL; cautionary measure’* In view of was felt la Los Angeles. Pasa­ COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 22— the fighting In the Balkans, ac dena and vicinity at 1:32 a- m. Many residents were George N. Gray, son of Charles cording to Belgrade advices 10- today. awakened by the Jolt, which By CHARLES P. STEWART A. Gray of Ashland has Just re- day. The troop concentration In NBA Service Writer turned to resume his college Jugo Slavia has been under way lasted approximately eight sec­ WASHINGTON — Washington work. Gray attended the nn- for a week, but has suddenly onds. No damage was reported. 9s worried by the threat of an tional dnlry show at Indlanapdlls been Increased with a rUR’a, dls- FRANKLIN, N. H. Oct. 21.— ■ptdemic of blue law enact (U>) — The Tennuesee evolution ■where he won bohors as a mem- patches state. rr.cnta when Congress, ' Its city trial Is havtng *iu aftermath in ,-ouncil, meeU. Returned Home— this little town in the New Hamp­ Left to 1U own devices, the Mrs. J. R. McCracken, Mrs. L. shire Hills. We D eliver M eats capital tends strongly toward R. Coder, Mrs. F. 8. Engle. Mrs. Billy and Dwlna are playing -.-nrldllneas. not to say wide the leading roles in a unique ex-1 Ralph Billings, Mrs. E. B. Hunt, Mrs. Homer Billings, Mrs. Elisa périment which is a direct devel-i Allen and Mrs. C, B. Pratt re­ opmont of the one-horse town | turned last evening from Roseburg A ny P a r t o f Tow n i.-ofar as court case that interested the na-i where they have been attending Fiances permit. tion. Self-governing. It’s safe fr the district convention of the and yo>u fan always know Billy and Dwlna are west Afrl-| •jay, would be very sparing o' can chlmpansees that are expec­ Woman’s Home and Foreign Mis­ you are getting the best — < trictions on Its pastimes, in­ ted to answer the question: ’ How, sionary society. nocent ann otherwise. It's gov- much does a monkey know?2___1 • rnedhowever, exemstfoty fro» The Institute of Psychology at ber of Alpha Gumma Rho, pro .■utslde ltseU. Vale University is conducting the fessional agriculture fraternity. R E A L O X FO R D S experiment. Dr. Robert M. Verkes Now, certain of the outsiders one of the leading psychologists of lave noticed that many Washing- the United States and now pro­ TIDINGS WANT A D i BELL onians are lax, among other fessor of psychology at the in- ANYTHING. R E A L SER V IC E hings, In the matter of Sunday stltute, .Is directing the study of .hservanee. Said outsiders be- the chimpanzees. Dr. Harold C. Blnghjam, re­ PHONE 114 search associate in psychology at the Institute, to conducting a ser- They disapprove of Sunday ies of experiments in a neffort to ’heatricals and movies, to which obtain more complete and accurate 'he population is much addicted. information on the working of A Lamp that Bum s 94 They frown on Sunday golf and a monkey’s brain. A new oil lamp that gives an , >ther «ports, which ore extremely As a means of obtaining the nonular in the city’s neighbor- necessary contrast between the amazingly |brilllant, soft, white light, even better than gas or functioning of a monke’ brain electricity, has been tested by the They were especially scandal­ and human brain. Dr. Bingham U. S. Government and 35 lead­ ized by the big turnout for the is subjecting his children to the ing universities and found to be B R IN G US Y O U R H E N EG G S recent world series Sunday game same dpsta,.p«t to the chimpan­ superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or «1 baseball. zees. t noise— no pumping up, is simple, We Pay Highest Market Prices "What we are studying parti­ clean, safe. Burns 94 per cent Congress is going to be urged cularly is the ideational conduct air and 6 per cent common kero­ to stop all this. of the chimpanzees,” declared Dr. sene (coal oil). Several bills are scheduled to Yerkea. "That is, we are trying The inventor, V. M. Johnson, A shland F ru it & P ro d u ce Ass’n, ’»e introduced on the subject in to fiind out to how great an ex­ 161 North Union Ave., Portland. Oregon, is offering to pend a lamp December. If any one of them tent their brains are capable of on 10 day’s FREE trial, or even -liould pass. Judging front ad entertaining and relating idsas, to give FREE to the first user in ->'ance descriptions, an early-day how much initiative they have each locality who will help him New Englander, dropping Into and how they will approach prob­ introduce it. Write him today for The capital of a Sunday, would lems with which they have never full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the lave to walk a chalk line to before been confronted. explain how you can get the “For example, Dr. Bingham and without experience or Numerous other thnlgs, besides fastens to the floor a long-neck­ agency, money make $250 to $600 per Sunday observance, are on the ed bottle, lying on its side. In month. list for attention, too. another part of the room he places Washingtonians are already a piece of wire with a hooked end. "holding mass meetings of pro- In the bottle he puts a piece of Test. It’s doubtful if they’ll do banana, a favorite food with the A LO H A PA V ILIO N .-,ny good. Nobody cares whs' chimpanzees. she Washingtonians want. Tbo> SANITATION “The problem is to see whether -ought to be shining examrler to they will figure out the connect­ Jackson H o t Springs vhe country. If they won’t do ion between the wire and the bot­ ■•t voluntarily, the only way to tle — whether they will discover Is the watchword of to Tccomplish It is forcibly, by that they can hook the banana I dav. taw. » Be sanitary by hav- • out with the wire. “In another test the banana is ¡ng your clothes cleaned Visitor Here—i- hung from the celling and th e ' Harry Walker of Cascade. Idaho stick is put in another part of the f p í U S Í C BY , \ a former resident oi Ashland, room. Here there are three pos­ and pressed often "fifteen years ago Is a visitor in sibilities. They can either knock S unkist C lub O rchestra Ashland. Mr. Walker is In the the banana down with the stick S tandard C leaners almtract business in Cascade. or set the stick upright on the floor, climp swiftly to the top of Free Delivery Service A d m ission '$1.00; T ax 10c; Total $1.10 It and seize the' fruit, or swing Classified Ads Bring Results. WASHINGTON L E T fE K — bakings that are a feast for the e y e s and a treat to t h e t a s t e - wholesome and delicious, always at your command, w hen you use Fourth Street Meat Market New Invention Saves Millions T h e new w inter "Red Crown" meets all the condition» that cold weather imposes on your motor. Split-second starting— smooth acceleration—tremendous power- energy— maximum mileagel T h e new w inter “ Red C row n” is the achievement of our 47*years of gasoline-making experience! Saturday, October 24 Phone 108 95 Oak St. L A D IE S On sale at Standard O il Ser­ vice Stations and “ Red C row n” FREE STANDARD OIL COM PANY International A n Unparalleled Opportunity for Education and Thrilling Enjoyment $90,000 in Premium* , i The 1925 Pacific International U y to o d c Bxpori- don. Inc., at Portland, O tt 3Wt io Nov. 7th, will bring together die greatest attemblage of livestock ever shown upder one root in America. V — \\ T i s i \\\ Palace and Amphitheatre covering 10 sens. O ld fashioned coffee pot— the latest percolator — the fine French-drip — or for that m a t t e r , brew Golden West Coflee yoar own favorite way *— it’s a great drinki Coach , *1075 RiesMe a , I Ill / . •.K /etfoo ’ The Oldsmobile Sales and Service Agency HAS BEEN m v u r auction dairy » a M a r s u n JudgM oí Itttnmodpool Ropotntioo RBDUCED PARBS ON ALL RA H R p A P S ^Portend. Oct. 3let-Nov- W» PR O C U R ED BY v T H E P A R K GARAGE T his Agency W as Selected Because T H E OLDSM OBILE COM BINES BEA U TY , PERFO RM A N CE A N D . PR IC E i n a greater decree th an any o th e r autom obile. -------AfcoTl, .---- GOLDEN WEST TEA M odels on D isplay Now a t th e Garage EXPERT OLDSMOBILE SERVICE Repairing, Battery and Electrical Work L a rp s t Livestock Show in the World