youth; o f underground freight railway, Vistai O r * Weak M — Cheater Wood« «pent the week which would he covered hr tome SO elation» at first. and; with the end with hi» perenta from» Cor* growth of London, addition* could rallia. horn i o * :< But floods of song swept in and drowned The old-tlm» singers, sorrow- crowned. I saw once mdke the friends of old. - slenete das hgppy. Th were God’s ‘ng prayer though he "Uncle Ren And heard their voices raanl- “ * • *n»moi fold; of his com Loving Mother of Joel Chandler And waste« wsn yesrs slipped verse. Harris and Mrs. Georgia Har­ slowly by, ’ (Copyright. rison 8tarke, the Mother of With many a change of sea and Conklin, (1 His Mind. sky. aln r‘«M ’ With many a change of form tlon ,orbld<1 By MARY ORBER CONKLIN v and hue-— In her girlhood Mary Harris And left me happy there with Zl/XM/» was called ‘‘Lady Sensible,” her sister “ Lady Beautiful” ; and In­ From the shadow overhanging V V IlM , deed however and pecuniarily his own lonely childhood was » was Mary Harris’s selection of the father of her sod (like the mother of Francis Wilson the humorist and playright) she won her laurels as "Lady Sensible” PHYSICIANS AO far as sense in producing DR. W. J. CRANDALL genius goes, when she persisted Osteopathic Physician ft Surgeon In marrying the love* of her LONDON, Oct. 20. — (IP) — Home 457-4 youth to whom her family ao bit­ Office Phone ISO. T h e world’s first great freight First National Bank Bldg. terly objected that shortly the subway is going to be built here young husband disappeared as DR. CHARLES A. HAINES at a cost of 9160,000,000 to solve if the earth had opened and ixmdon’s baffling traffic problem. Physlclan and surgeon swallowed him. Julia Collier Far beneath London’» amaxlng O ilce Phone 154-4 Harris, In her fascinating bi­ Home, Phone154-L tangle of mediaeval streets — ography of her fgmous father-in- Office hours. 10 to 12 A. M.; 3 lower even than the existing pas­ law, says that "Miss Mary” was to 6 P. M.; 7 to S evening». Citi- senger subways — trainloads of MART HARRIS sens Bank Building. good women who M r r y men un­ worthy of them. Hbw fortunate DR. HAW LEV — Above Tidings office. Phone 91. tor the world are situations like thia when the overpowering love D R KRNKST A. WOODS— Prac­ of a seif-sacriflclpg woman, sep- tice Ilmtted to eye. ear. nose and throat— X-ray including tqeth.. aratlug her from her I family to jfflce hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to accompany the man of her 5, Swadenburg Bldg., Ashland, posterity eholce, gives to O-»»nn Chandler geniuses like Joel C. ELLYBON SHINN, D.M.D. Harris and' Francis, Wilson. Citizens Bank Bklg. “U n de Remus’s father was an O ffke Phone 151. Rea. Phone 1S4 Irishman from whom the boy Evenings By Appointment Inherited his bright btue eyes and his sense of humor, while from his mother he got an analytical mind. In argument JORDAN’S HASH AND CABINET her logic was a match for any­ WORKS. Cor. Helman and Van body's, and her strength of Ness. Phone 161. 194-tf character equalled her Intellect. WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. When ahe awakened to her mis­ For Service take in casting her lot with a man lacking In courage and loy­ Dealers In Coal, Wood, Packing, alty, ahe put aside all day­ Crating and Storage. Long dist­ dreams, took up her burden and ance trucking. staked all on her boy. She T. h. POW ELL— General Trans­ rejected his father’s name and fer — Good team and motor gave her family name to Joel. trucks. Good service a', a rea­ sonable price. Phone 63. During her widowhood she had several good offer» of marriage, FEH1GE - ROACH but she decliii.*d them and de­ Transfer — Bxpross — Storage voted her life to her son. She Hauling — Dray work of _all never had cause to regret her kinds Quick motor service. Dry wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R, devotion, for in after life Joel 3 7 5 .B. Street. 113— tf Chandler Harris’ tender care nf his mother was the most beauti­ ANY CURL IN TROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee ful of his many beautiful traits. of the Salvation Army at the To another splendid woman, White Shield Home. 565 May- fair Ave.. Portland, Oregon as good and as brilliant as his own mother, goes part of the A U C T IO N E E R credit of developing the mind of A. L. GIDEON thia gifted Georgian. Before Sales taken anywhere— anytime Ashland. Oregon the lad sufficiently made good In the wonderful city of Atlanta PAINTING CONTRACTOR to bring his mother from Eaton- AMBRO S. PARK ton to live with him, there canie Painting Contractor Into his fife, becanne she Was Dependable, a member of the talented Har­ Phone SO rison family, his first employers. Mrs. Georgia Harrison Starke, or leave word at Staples Realty Office who gradually gained the confi­ dence of the sensitive and re­ ticent boy. She thought highly of bar young friend’s ability as • poet and begged him not to neglect his lyrical gifts In the grind of newspaper work. She fostered hfs ambition to attain simple rythmic prose; nor did ■he hesitate to criticize him se­ verely If ’occasion warranted. When he once wrote to her in ’ the slangy style often affected I by Immature minds, she ex-1 pressed her strong disapproval of such a lapse. She also gave the embryo “ Uncle Remus” the freight w ill speed along be made without aertoua recon- at ruction. According to the plan, fire or aix of the principal freight ata- tlo n a ' are to be placed in the City, where freight traffic la at present. moat congested. Freight yard*, of existing railway» are to be linked up with the aubway depot», thereby avoiding a large amount of carriage from station and warehouse — the cause of much of London’» present street congestion. „ Gigantic lifts hare been plan­ ned for the transport of freight between street level and the run­ ning linea. It is aimed to Join every existing railway terminus to the new system. Official sanction for the under­ taking is to be sought. It la es­ timated that three years after the plan la approved a part of the line could be opened for limited working, while in five years prac­ tically the whole system could be in operation. Statisticians declare that quite half the traffic on London’s main streets would be done away with by the adoption of the scheme. safe from paralysing London fogs and interminable delays of street traf- ARMY CHARGE NOT TO BE PROSECUTED London today is losing millions of dollars a week through traffic 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 22— (V Jams. Thousand! of huge horse- P .) — A charge of misconduct drawn trucks slow down the pro­ aga'.nst Major General W. H. gress of rapidly growing motor­ H art, quartermaster general of the United States army, by his ized traffic. London of tomorrow, when the predecessor. Major General 11 freight subway Is finished, will K. Rodgers, retired, wig not re­ be virtually horseless for the first sult in a court martial trial, a time in Its hietory. - J high war department official Major General F it Banking circles here mention said today. Meimich. Inspector general cf the Dillon Read Company as one of the several big financial houses the arsay, will recommend a dis- mlvsal of the charges. It was which are interested. The project designed by Cark- said. eet-Jamee, a prominent British Advertise In The Tiding». engineer, provides for a network WHAT IS THIS BANK WORTH TO YOU W e have provided for you a complete ser vice in all departments Are you using all of them or only one We ace here to serve you. What else can The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland,. Oregon D. B. Gold and Dima E. Gold. Ella D . Holman, and Butler ft Thompson Co., a corpora­ tion. Plaintiffs: L. Wheeler, Jr., and any and all persons having or claiming Jackson County. Oregon, former­ ly owned by defendant, 1. L. thereto. Wheeler, Jr., ns described in Volume 99 nt page 651 of the Deed Records of Jackson County, Oregon, be quieted in the name of the plaintiffs as thejr Intor- BRIGGS ft BRIGGS, Attorneys for Plaintiff», Post Office Addrees: Ashland, Oregon. 31-1 Fri. HOLIDAY GOODS NOW ARRIVING COME TN AND LOOK THEM OVER DARLING STUDIO Li thia Springs Hotel Building S T O N E ’S New Store No. 16 Opens Tomorrow, the 24th at 242 E. Main Next to The Citizen’s Bank THE MOST MODERN F OOD STORE IN ASHLAND WILL OPEN TO­ LIKE ALL OTHER STONE’S THE FINEST FOODS AVAILABLE. OUR REPUTATION IN ALL OTHER TOWNS IS THAT W E -U N D E R ­ SELL. THIS REPUTATION WILL RE MAINTAINl <) IN ASHLAND. Come Early Tomorrow Our Prices Are The lowest in Town Jello Cheap Any Flavors Limited Pkg. Ola Dutch Cleanser Regular 10c Cans ftx * At Stone’s, Can tF V Creme Oil Soap 10c, Bars Crem Oil Toilet Soai 5c Our Price w ill be the Lowest If you need Sugar, See us You’ll like it for its finer-than-ever, creamy-delicate t a s t e and color. You’ll like it because it improves the flavor and texture of milk dishes. Y ou’ll like it because it makes coffee taste right and look right. You’ll like it for the purity, goodness and high food value which have made it Oregon’s and the w e ld ’s leading brand o f evaporated milk. For any one o f a dozen reasons-— you’ll like it! Be sure, then,To in­ sist upon it. PREE—Write for Mrs. Mary Blake’s famous Carnation Cook Book C o n a t io n M ilk P roducts C om pany 4T4 G lin n Street, Portland, Oreson Mode in Oregon for ¿3 yeare Tall Cans Milk Tall Cans Any Kind, At Stone’s, 3 for ! A J " Quick Quaker Oats 9 At Large Size Packages, A Big Saying, Each ™ ** Winter Hour Cheap Yakima Spuds Cheap Globe Mills Flour Per Bbl., 4 Sacks J ft A 1-50 lb. Sack a/iiiaUoii Spuds Will be High . ind Scarce Before Long. Lay O 75 n a lo w c a ftlfc P pp C w t. - ™ EVERYTHING SOLD CHEAP t i n i l f l iO U r L IS I 10 ijIO llr a with that Jiner-than-ever taste a b ia tic i Uniform Franklin Bakery Or at Your Grocer IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THB STATE OF ORBOON. FOR JACKSON COUNTY. That the title to the 5.97 acres of land in the City of Ashland, STORES, THIS NEW ONE IS ESPECIALLY WELL STOCKED WITH There has been no acci­ dent about the popularity SUPERIOR BREAD SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. SUM. MONS FOR PUBLICATION Real Property hereinafter de­ scribed, • Defendant» To J. L. Wheeler, Jr., and any and all person» having oi* claiming to have any interest in the real property referred to in »aid suit: IN T H E NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON: By order of the Hon. C. M. Thomas, Judge of »aid court, made and dated September 21, 1925. ordering: service zi ------ by pub­ lication, you are hereu, sum-| moned and required to. appear, and answer said complaint with­ in six weeks from the date of! the first publication hereof, which is September 25, 1925, and if you fail to appear In said cause within said time, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: MORROW MORNING AT 7 O’CLOCK. You’ll like Carnation best —here's why! immortal poem If one could only fashion It aright.” The time came when he did fashion aright, in lines replete with pathos, his profound thoughts of that early period: “ I stood entranced, my soul was bound; Melodious thralls enwrapt me , round. I lived again the wild, uncouth. Dear, devious ways of my lost Parchase«] Hume— Mr. and Mr». Noel Heard have purchased the Chamberlain resi­ dence nt S71 Mountain avenue. to hare any interest In the / fojm CoNiff«#«/ Corj Next to Citizens Bank