! D CLIM AT^ /- e oím ediciuo oure» caito out of ten of aathma. is a proven' fact. ". ïks . the rich The Tidings Has Been Ashland's W Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ■ Wire Serties) )AY, (K'TOBER 23; 3925 to the «emLWeokly Tldlnga. Volume 43 League Acts to Bring Halt to Balkan Fighting / it i m iifA ihT Z fPA i'nolidtrp< ^Pnt M M K TOÿ S ? ' BE SHOWN A T ,n Outdoor Service iOneris FvnisoAflinl Convention k TOT AI W A SH IN G TO N , Oct. 23 — The old practice of “ putting up the pastor for the night" Is being enlarged upon this week a t the W hite House where seven Congregational ministers, two of them w ith th rlr wives, are h r ii’ e guest-;. When Rev. Jason Noble Florae. pester of, the Prestd ant’s church, re­ quested the membership to "take In ” their quoin of delegates to the Con- I* rregallonsl c o n v cntlon, As the result of thd activities Iho President and Mrs. of the boys’ and girls’ clubs of jj Coolidge declined Io he Jackson county, fu rther laurels i y le ft out. announcing they may be added to this locality ae I jj h ad' ream for 9 per­ an agricultural center. A t the! g sons. The nine include state fa ir, many prizes were won 1 g two form er pastors and a by the Jackson county boys and i g present pastor of the Ed­ girls, and at the Pacific In ter- ! g wards church of N orth­ national Livestock exposition. ’ g ampton. M a s sachusetts. which opens in Portland October g Mr. Ccoltdge’s home town. 31, local club work w ill be rep-* g W h ite House officials resented. j g 3a id the visitors were The champion stock judging g guests not of the nation, team of the county fair, known g but of Mr. and Mrs. Cal­ as the Valleyview Ashland calf g vin Coolidge, Congrega- club team, and composed of Johu g tionallsts. Billings. Ralph Howell and Har-1 old Fish, w ill take part In com­ petition a t the exposition. The prune bread team, com­ posed of Flien Galey and Adena Joy of Ashlnnd, w ill give a bread demonstration. The bread team last year won first Qlace a t I °çe tt » tt tt tt tt Local Club Work Winners tt to Exhibit Product« at tt Exposition tt tt TO EXHIBIT SWINE tt tt Praae Bakin* Team is Also to tt tt Oive Exhibition at tt Portland tt MflTlPP Hv/lm Chief in iT iA n t « p r Technical Arrest is Made of Colonel Mitchell by Department Leagute Council to Oonv< ond&y to D iscu s Action WELCOMES HIS TRIAL llcclat-na Is W ill (live (>|i|Mirtiinlty to Conclusively Prove Stand BULGARS WITHDRAWN I Fighting Cease». Temporarily 1'ntll Connell FlaU ses Hearing W A SH IN G TO N . Oct. 23— (V GENEVA,- Oct. 23— (U . P .) P .) — Colonel W illia m Mitchel! — Acting In an effort to detlnlte- •today was form ally terved with ly bring a halt to the Oreco-Bul- the charge agalnHt him. and no­ garlan hostilities, the League of tified to appear for a court mar­ Nations today warned the w a r­ tial on next Wednesday. ring parties to refrain from hos- Mitchell was again notified ! tllitlea. and summoned Its conn­ this afferuoon that he must stay ed to act on the crisis Monday. In Washington until the conclu­ The council w ill convene Mon­ sion of the court m artial, which, according to his civilian counsel. The provincial government of On­ day afternoon In Paris, thia be­ tario. Canada, has named C. A. which Representative Frank Reid of .»lugruth. above, to succeed ths late ing 1 the earliest date Illinois, amounts to a technical S,r Ad;.m Beck aa head of Ontario « , would permit the arrival of the i25O.liUO.00O hydro-electric system. ‘ Greek and Bulgarian representa­ A g .est open-air service opened the Forty-eighth TrleoatoJ conventjon of tja Episcopal church at Audobonr , arrest. tive«, who w ill ait as members Pa“ :.. New Orlcan*. More than 10.W9 attended the service and a choir of t»0 voices lad the singing. It was W ar department officials, how­ on charges of heresy. thia convention which upheld the conviction of Bishop WllUope Mamgommy of the council. ever, declared that Mitchell This action waa undertaken woul« not be form ally arrested by the French Foreign M inister until probably next Tuesday, the Rrland. as president of the day before the trial. Txague’s council, following the The court m artial, it is believ­ appeal by Bulgaria under A r­ ed w ill take at least two weeks ticles 10 and 11 of the League to be heard, since It Is known covenant, demanding Immediate that Colonel Mitchell w ill have convocation of the council on scores of witnesses brought Into SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. t*i? Or, >o Bulgar conflict. court to substantiate his state­ 23— The “crookedest ra il­ » ments. tt road In the w orld,” fa­ ----------- ATHENS. Oct. 23— (U . P .) — Long a fiery petrel o f tile mous steam route up tt » Fires Are Reported in Grants The Bulgars have been driven w ar department, and demoted the state fair, and “Were given a 1 Tamalpaia, 10 tt tt Mount Pass District by J completely from Greek,noil. The from the office as assistant d i­ trip to Chicago. Scholarships a t, miles from San Francisco, U n t o rector of the army a ir force« to Ashland Team Hopes Gr>ek occupation now extends Warden Medford and Klamath Falls O. A. C., are the awards given i tt in M arin county, is get- tt T Even Score by Winning i through most of Petrltal dis­ the rank of Colonel because of Members Are to be a t the exposition. tt ting ready to rip up Its tt •>3 — trict. Including the towns of PASH, Oct GRANTS From, ìli cans Entertained his outbursts and attacks upon The exhibit of th» dubs at J tt tracks, sell its rolling tt Danger of forest fires Is la-^co u la, Petrltsl. Hursova, Vroca, the war department, for wh*it the exposition w ill be entirely Chamber to Cooperate W ith tt W ith high hopes of breaking creaaing with the continued dry Calospanltsl, Cablntsl and Mar- Between fifty and seventy-flva tt stock and go out of busi- he declared to be criminal- negli­ o f swine. The reason, accord­ Apple Growers in Ob­ The automobile, » fato the win column for the first weather, an exceptional condi­ Icostino, and the Greeks Intend Klwunians from Medford and j tt. ness. ing to R. O. Fow ler, county servance of W eek tt AHSkUthia season, the Ashland gence In developing nvlatlon. tion for October, according to C tt which has r e c e n t l y K lam ath Falls w ill be the guests te- rswrnm 1» this area nattl Bul­ Mltdhell Is now facing his flnftT cldh leader. TrTfcaf the hogs tt achieved the top of the 'tt high football squad w ill tangle A. Hoxie, district fire warden, garia has satisfied t h e . Greek stand In the matter. can be sold at Portland, while National Apple W eek. October of the Ashland Kiwanis club here tt mountain .over the Ridge tt with the Klam ath Falls high out­ The accused declared thl,- who was called out yesterday to demands for reparations, bet It la hard to dispose of other 31 tq November 8. w ill be fea tonight, at the L lth ia Springs tt Crest, It is believed, has « f it on the high school athletic hotel, at one of the annual din ­ morning that he welcomed the suppress a fire which went over ir the Bulgars attack agnln. the stock. There are also special tured by apple displays, the fes- tt field tomorrow afternoon. tt forced the move, The The Greek advance w ill be resume«. court m artial, since It w ill give 36 acres In two hours. prlses on hogs. ta rin g of apples In every manner ners given by the local organi­ » tussle w ill be a return engage­ tt The railroad company fire waa on a south slope on him his first direct opportunity Last year, the boys enterin’: 1 possible on the menus a t the zation. Medford w ill send over abont tt plana to widen the right tt ment with the Pelicans, the gf conclusively proving his stand Gray's creek In the Applegate SOFIA. Oct. 23— (U . P .)— De­ hogs won »ISO in premiums at j various luncheon club meetings, tt of way and change it In- tt boys from Klam ath having won valley and burned fiercely, fan­ mands for war on Greece are 36 members of the Klwanls Club the exposition, and sold th eir and possibly by an apple show, tt to an automobile toll tt the first game. 12-7. That go ned by a south wind. The fire Increasing among the Bulgarian stock In Portland1 fo r »630.97.; In a small way, according to J. ■ In ^hat city, according to the of- tt road. ® was staged on the Klam ath Falls was Incendiary, the warden populance when reports from the fleers of the Medford club, while D elm ar Smith. John Bonhuert H F u lle r, secretary of the cham- The world-fqguous road, gridiron, and was the opening states. It is believed that between 25 tt front declared that Greek a ir­ ber of commerce. and Elton P etri. Clarence Hold- tt which waa built in 1898 game of the season for the lo­ Two fires were put out Wed­ planes had bombed fugitives In an effort to promote the and 40 members of the Klam ath ridge, .James Lathrop. George tt at a cost of »500,000. cals. nesday, after burning over a there. Lowe and Harold Smith were the use of the apple even further, Falls club w ill be present. Coach Hughes Is now rounding combined area of 4 1-2 acres. Ecch club Is to stage several tt winds up the mountain boys from this county who won apple growers and chambers of tt for 2,500 feet over a his eleven men into nn outfit Roth were Incendiary. The war­ stunts, and the visitors have sent PARIS, Oct. 22— (U . commerce throughout the apple prises last yea/. tt tortuous route seven Today's Issue of The Tid­ which resembles a football team. den reports that the south hill word that they .have some real The Greek legation____ producing sections have com­ tt miles long. I t has a spur tt ; Starting the season with a lot of ings In a w ay Is a Food sides are now becoming excep- announced that Greece bined to secure an observance fun making events which they tt lights inexperienced men, the Special, with nn unusually tlrn a lly dry for thia time of aided to withdraw her w ill put on. The Ashland club tt Into M uir woods,- whose DIVORCED WOMEN WHO of National Apple Week. W ith has been busy for several weeke I tt giant redwoods were hun- tt Ashland coach was up against a large number of groceries ye^r and fire spreads rapidly. from Bulgaria, REMARRY LOSE TM ONEY the Rogue R iver valley one of arranging for the a ffa ir, which tt dreds of years old before tt tough proposition In developing and m eal m arkets offering He urges extreme caution In the suit of the conference the big apple producing dis- the Old Testament times tt a team which would get very speeinl bargains for Satur­ w ill be one of the big K iw anlan; # handling of slashing fires and the representative« of the two 23— (U . P .) — ' trlcts on the Pacific coast, grow 8 A L E M . Oct. day and Monday shoppers. Hughes was almost certain events of the year for Southern i ** were rnded. The window- tt far. In burning brush lands. None governments la known. Divorced women must abandou' ers here are cooperating with tt less cars of the little » that his boys would take some Among these offering spe­ of the fires reported were In Oregon. It Is thought that there th e ir alimony when they re n ia r-'th e local chamber in putting over tt bad lickingB in the early season cial bargains ««*: Stone's timber. i may he some district officers of tt trains are pulled by tiny A TH E N S , Oct. 28— fU . I M — ry , the state supreme court ruled apple week tt game« because of their Inex­ tt but powerful cogwheel Modern pood Store, whirl; A fire was reported Wednes­ Greek forcea are occupying -even the club present; although no The Portland chamber of com­ today In a decision upon the ap­ » perience. Is having its opening tom or­ However, the young­ day In the Illinois valley. definite word has been received tt engines.’while the descent T h e . villages near the Macedonia bor­ peal Of W. T. Phy. The latter merce Is assisting In every way » sters have come through in bet­ tt is made In cars pulled by row In the storeroom next Rogue valley today Is filled with der. and have captured 28 B nl- from these offlccSs as yet. i possible, F n lle r says. In furnish­ ceased to pay alimony to his tt ter shape than Hughes really ex­ to The Citizens Bank: The smoke fcr the first tim e In gars. Following the dinner, which tt gravity alone. They have also occi oled. ex-wlfe when she rem arried. She ing m aterial to be used a t club Plaza grocery; HHrdy Broth, pected, having held the Orantr more than a month. starts at 7:30. the club members after b ille r fighting, the oatnoats aned him and obtained an or meetings, advertising m atter and ers; Sehuerm an’s grocery; eleven to a tie, and drop- of Domlrkapnu, in the rl.d n lty der from, the circuit court I n ) in evtery other way possible, in w ill enjoy a dance, to be held Plum m er’s grocery! The close game to Klamath Toledo — Bond Issue proposed of Dermlrhienr. In the ball room of the Llthia Union county, compelling him , an e ffo rt to promote apple week Twentieth Century and the to complete Tpledo-Waldport Falls. Springs hotel. to pay the set alimony. ' Phy I throughout Oregon. Engle and B am thouse meat fContlnned ^ubhes feels now that hla highway. There was no meeting of tHe carried the case to the supreme! The restaurants and hotels of markets. men 'are ready to step out and fe a -1 club at neon today, J. W . Mc- court, which reversed the lo w e r. the city w ill also Join in Many unusually good bar- do 9 little winning for them turlng apple week. F u lle r stated. Cov «resident of the local club court verdict. gains are offered In the six- selves. He w ill have the full announced. page n il’ion of The Tidings , strength- of the locals In the fray totlay. tomorrow afternoon, and If the 1 boyr'ahow the same sort of fight and Improvement they displayed SISKIYOU TO BOND FOR BETTER ROAD during practice the past week, B u y Installing lh M are bound to get over R. W. Ro, New Eqnipmei Y R E K A , Oct. 23— Whnt ac- 1 K lam ath Falls In nice shape Hunters of Jackson county out of season, or get more than Tidings The Pelicans w ill outweigh th e jtio n w ill be taken by the pro are becoming better aporthmen. the bag lim it, no m atter what local eleven considerably, but ponents of better roads in south The number of personal In ­ • By JOSEPH S. W A 8N E Y th a t'e m Siskiyou, toward that part of both ,n regard to poaching and privileges they were given, the R. W . Rogers, expert press Fred Taylor, gentnl pro- Hughes la not worrying on game warden asserted.. (U nited Press S taff Correspon­ comes filed In 1923 totaled 7.- erector and representative of the county In an e ffo rt to raise bagging over the lim it, piletor of The I’laxn Confec­ score, believing that his men. " I t fa becoming dangerous tor 898,321 listing an aggregate net dent) The Gosa P rin tin g Press com­ These are the words of Deputy tionery Is on a still hunt. w ith their faet running and 1 sufficient funds. Is problematical. the game hog or the poacher to These W A S H IN G T O N , Oct. 23— (Ü . income of »24,840,364. pany, arrived In Ashland y e s t^ able toj A committee has been appoint- Game Warden Roy Parr, Mot that he Is hunting a exhibit himself where sportsmen P .) — The average person In the returns poured »663,651,505 In­ day and Is busy now directing step too fast for the visitors. still but lie Is still hunting. 1 ed to Investigate the situation who prot ecta tj,e wild life of are hunting, for he Is liable United! Stokes has only ono to the Treasury coffer. the erection of the new machin­ The game w ill get under way and It la probable that It w ill thik gtate, and of Jackson county He Is hunting for the young either to be turned In or to re­ çhgnce In 1,SOD,000 to attain The average net Income for ery which The Tidings Is Instal­ I submit a report before the ! «tpedally. lady who cashed a cheek at at 2 :80. ceive a real beating up for his nn Increase of a m illion a year. each return In 1923 was »3 - " his establishment a few day« ling. vember meeting of the board of - unsportsmanlike conduct,” P arr supervisors, concerning the ad-' " I did not make a single ar- Income tax returns for 1923 226.70 on which an average t a \ Later announcements w ill ex­ ago, and forgot to a ffix her MORE BODIES TAKEN continued. show these are only 74 such In- of »86.21 was paid a t an aver­ plain this 'modern equipment viaabillty of bonding for the bet- regt for a game law violation sl-’ nelure to the paper. FROM SUNKEN SUB terment of the highways from during the deer season which The game wardens of Bonth- contes |n the United States out age rate of 2.67 per cent. The which w ill enable The Dally Tid ­ Taylor did not notice that and Just closed,” P arr said thia m o rn -¡e ra Oregon have received a lot of a population of about 114.- proportion of the population fil­ ings to make Im portant improve- Mt. Shasta to McCloud the cheek had not been stgn- N E W P O R T . R. I.. Oct. 23 l i n g lal lng ratnrna uraa 8.94 par cent, Jaua Mills tag — “ 1 won’t say that the game ■ n t : t hence tow ard—P *H —fWvev- —w i nnrlt (P*. ' P , ) _ T Wo i no r o P od i en. Ther# were 338,502 persons on the Increase, however, and The unloading of the mam yet unidentified, have been re­ to the Shasta county line and law was not violated, but 1 am i son County Sportsmaa as ;ocia- tils hank. The cheek was the odds against becoming ex­ moth pieces of machinery at The Weed to trying to believe th at tt waa not. tlon, according to Parr. Thia or­ Inimetllntely returned, and who reported Incomes under covered from the sunken hull the highway from ceedingly rich are shortening. The game wardens of Southern ganisation has worked hard to Tidings office has attracted con­ Macdoel. Fred discovered his mistake. 81.000; 2.616.334 between »1.000 Of the submarine 8-61, off Block In 1914 there were GO persons siderable attention. When the Island, according to a wireless It la probable that when the Oregon were out among the deer cut down both poaehtng and Knowing that * the m atter and »3,000; 2,470.970 between who reported Incomes of »1,000,- 32,000 and »8,000; machinery Is fu ll# erected and dispatch received today by naval report of the committee la auh- hunters, every day during the game hogging, and their efforts was simply an oversight on 1,717.629 have been successful, tho gsnso 080 and over. Then the war between In operation The Tidings will communications. the part , of the cheek w riter, »3.000 and »5,000* The bodies mitted, a petition w ill he cir­ season. The huntera never knew wr>1 warden declares. period boosted business and a 397,630 be glad to have visitors Inspect were taken from the englns culated to get the feelings of where we were, or when between »6,000 and * Taylor Is now attem pting nallav. the year later there were J 20. The »10,000; and 171,801, between t-auc. In the Improvements. The task would a rriv e on the- acqnr those who w ill be bonded If the to locate her so she eaa sign room of the submarine, by div­ warden stationed 1» Jackson peak wga reached In 1918 when »10,000 and »26,000.* not make w ill not be completed until abqji: ers. the check and he can obtain W ith the body recovered proposed measure la put through. •p ita of a ll thia, .1 did n county,, did not make more thaw »08 persona had Incomes of Spasoli," an arrest daring the two or three weeks from today. late yesterday, thia makes a his myney. three or four arreeto