MODERN WO.1HMKX nt social meeting *' Neighbors. Moose Hi y evening. Oct. 23. I \v BECK. Consul. tom olive Shop reports a new C htviolet coupe Atchison broken windows rge stock of glass ■dan Sash and Cab- Phone 161. 26-tf ise P ad d y th is C h ris tin a s ConuMhaKy CTnS— pi«i paroling ot prisoners under the Valley llM v Yesterday— _ The V alier. V ia# Community Ml» Board of Control, thus rsduclag,. Mrs. William Lowe was a by ©ns, the already too numerous Club will. b«M a tallllaafy ntod Ant business visitor la Ashland yes­ sowing school'the 23rd and 27th ows state hoards. terday from Hornbrook. ‘•Further, I favor the Board i of October at the Vallay Via* -the school house with the County Mrs of Control^ aeting In an ad-' For cleaning phone 119. ’ Delnonstratlon Agent, Mine Ada B vlsory capacity to the Governor use Cleaning Odorless Naptha Brewuter In charge. , - hjus In the matter of pardons. Paulserud’s. These are all day mooting*. of “I believe in the Imparilal with luncheon at now», with the Nln enforcement of all laya, and. If pleasant social featura which that grhi Candy Land elected, will work to that end, would naturally bring. The school the Wintergreen m and will appoint no man to an-j building has become the club Mac taste. force a lew yho Is not known to house, since the pupils from that cha observe that law.” district come to Ashland sehbola. A j’urchusecl Ranch— T. C. Newby of Ashland The Community Club Is to hold hea purchased a stock ranch at TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY a Hallowe'en party, at which all met the members of the fam ilies and pre ver Lake, Nevada. ¡NT — Housekeeping friends are Invited guebts. Rather mg first floor, next to elaborate plans are being made W. Yes, we have no bananas, but per month. Also 2 looking toward the entertuininent disc we have money to loan on good on second floor, 212 feature of the occasion. ■ecurlty. Phone 21. Yeo, (of . of Call 153. . 44.-1 .-ourse.) 1® O. ¥ letta, Franklin, Mm. AMce Wll- Mrs. May Coggins, Mrs. gy«d Nsti; Mrs. ¥ - V Mnmaker. ? ¥ r s H. A. Praeht reported the results of the Rummage Sale, which netted n total of 2282.03 for «the repair fund for the Civic Club house. Deep appreciation for the splendid cooperation of Mr. McGee who not only gave the building for the sale but «9- FOR HA1«K— Six room house, P. T. A. Entertains Teachers— Buy your box snook from the lot 70x140, near new grade i Hawthorne Circle P. T. A. is wholesale ocal box factory at t once, price sponsoring a party tomorrow J. L. Ketch, evening, (Friday) at seven-thirty 22200. Terms. 44-tt p. m. at the Parish House, at Ashland Hotel Bldg Thermos bottles, which the teachers and parents, WANTED— 16 to 20 Inch Mau fathers and mothers both, are Phone 192-J znnlta wood special guests. .V-vpfs Position— It Is the plan that by means of Miss La Veta Huff, formerly chains, this pleasant social affair the 1XH4T— Pair truck witft the Bancroft Studies >t parents and teachers may get to Kirby Bros Grants Pa*s, lias accepted a posi- Finder return acquainted. A pleasing program lioa with the Darling’s Studio Talent. Reward is arranged and refreshments in Ashland. WANTED— Clean cotton rags will be served, as a happy part at the Tidings office. 6c per of the evening's entertainment. Buy protected tires at Mad 44-tf It Is urged that all parents make pound den’s Tire Shop and have no tire expense for one year. 42-tt RENT— Beautifully fur- a special effort to be present. new apartment for one Yonr portrait— A gift persons, on first floor, Miss Chamberlain In New York— Miss Grace Chajnberlain, of o rieht party. Teachers ■>nly you can give.— I Ashland, first vCSe-pretldeht of Itudlo 31 S. Second St. preferred the Oregon Federation of Wom­ en’s Clubs, is spending a few W'. R. C. FOOD SALE WANTED-‘-Three laborers at weeks in New York, where she R. C. will give a sale— Hardy Bros., The Tidings office Friday morn­ accc mpanied her brother and sister-in-law, who were her •t. 24. AU members ing for several days work. guests for a time. requested to bring food in early. visit some of the leading cli From Eugene— during her absence. She pit C. L. Hibbert, traffic superin to return about Thanksglvng tendent from Eugene was a vis­ Federation News, itor at the local telephone office yesterday. First, wbpra „ the h usband without will, leaving a r of children: second, where no will was lert and no children; third, a will left, and bobbiDg. marcelling a where there were children and The Vanity Shoppe. also where there were no, chil­ dren; fourth, property settlem ent in case of f divorce; fifth. Joint ?Rt in Hallowe'en hats. holdings and also the property Studio and Art Store. rights of unmarried women. 44-tf After this enlightening ad- which , appreciative at- drew, l ______ JL>lurn<*«l Hom«'— tent ion was given, flowers wero Mrs. Dell Hart ot Kerby, 1 presented to Mrs. P eron i for > ai called here by the illness her efficient work in the legisla­ 1 -r mother, Mrs. T. M. Anden tive department. In behalf of the r -turned to her home Monday donor, Mrs. Barron. Mrs. Mac- Cracken made the presentation A’l kinds of dimension lum- with a few graceful remarks. A i on hand at the box factory, letter of appreciation from J. 292-tf H. Fuller was read, recognising the cooperation of the Civic Peppy swimming at the Jack- Club with the Chamber of Com- Hot mineral Hot, Springs | merce in many of Its under­ f-jthk and plunge takings. A propoeltlop In which j> inter. the work of the club, on a com­ mission basis, was solicited, but Hollowe’en decorations, It was not definitely settled. harts. lv members received st and welcomed Into the Jluslnewi Visitor- Mrs. O. T. Bergner Tuesday’s gathering marked Mrs. Todd, of Hilt, was a busi- The Medford Flu« Rug and Rug another of the Civic Club’s splen- ss visitor In Ashland Tuesday Cleaner will be in Ashland Frl- (Continued From Page Three) did programs. 23. Phone your or- Musical numbers in opening, Quick lunch service at Nlnlng- Beautlful gifts were brouf ht great pleasure to thq guests. Medford Glass Company < r ’s Fountain and the evening was spent • the salute to the flag, delightfully In lovely games, »rica, the Beautiful,” was think of painting PATTEB8ON 18 IN RACE FOR GOVERNORSHIP which refreshments were s by Mrs. Fred N ell: a ffclnk of Blackwell. Phone Plate Glass and Mirrors by ’ the hostesses assisted by a (Continued from page one) t, “Sextette from Lucia” number of others. Made to Order. delightful encore, was Eighteen members of the lodge sln'.l prepare the general budget Resllver Your Old Mirrors Cliff Payne makes steps. were present to enjoy the sur­ prise with the honored guest. All Kinds Automobile Magazine»—Subscribe for tlia Glass. Di:. gazine at Elhart’s. Music Htntlv Club— Phone 140, 11« S. Bartlett The Ashland Music Study Club WATER BOTTLE 'rnra Y r e k a - Medford Oregon holds Its second meeting of the Mode in HOT one piece. Guaranteed fcriwo .years Frank Zolllkofel of Yreka is a the budget, the governor would year at the public library, Mon­ business visitor in Ashland for a be solely, responsible for state day at 7:45, with the program few days. expenses and could,not evade the in charge of Mrs. George A. Bris­ responsibility. The only- way coe. Special Merchants Lunch. 50c, A magazine article from a musi­ he could be relieved of any dally at the Plasa— from 11 a. part of It would be by the legis­ cal Journal will be reviewed and lature overriding his veto which the study, "How to Listen to They are arresting mo­ requires a two thlrdB vote of Music,” Krehbiel — Introduction Good coffee with real cream torista whose headlights and Chapter 2, "The Recognition both houses. Klnlnger-’s. Fountain service In the “ I favor placing the peniten­ of Musical Elements.” haven’t been tested. tiary under the Board of Control, study, every member Is held re­ Bring your ear to our shop as it is the only state Institu­ sponsible for the chapter. The tion not now under the Board, papers are limited to fifteen Mrs. A. L. Gall of Medford Is to the end that the tenure of minutes. upending a few days at the home office at the penitentiary may • >f her brother, Bert Van Hardfen- on merit, as burg on Central avenue keeping depend solely does at other or any other electrical or bouse for him and the children Summer travels have That Is the 01 -while Mrs. Hardenburg is In Port­ battery repairs. It from polltl probably damaged your land. reduce the cost and hope In ires. time, to make it self supporting. Big Ben alarm clocks.— McNair “Also, I favor abolishing the liros. Next to 20th Century Others as Ix,w as $1.00 Parole Board and placing the Bring Them to i photograph of baby and U fe like quality at Studio 1 V hostesses, Mbs. M. K. Tomlinson, Mrs. John gkortrtdge, Un, J. M. Wagner served dsjnty and unusual refreshments, the table beautiful la Its gay autumn eol- In The Improved Ford You get Beauty, Quality and Dependability Service For Every Dollar We Have Just Installed a Example BATTERY DEPARTMENT A new up-to-date machine that will charge 20 batteries at one time. W e affect others con­ sciously or unconsciously when we are well dressed. Let our battery man take care of your battery, Example is more forceful than precept. C l o t h e s Tailored to Measure by M. Bora « Company are good examples o f genuine clothes values. Let us show you how inexpensive good clothes CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO Successor to Harrison Brothers STEPHENSON 1 V Headlight Testing Fordson Lincoln Ws saa save you money. line or winter underw Come in and see. ARMY GOODS STORE Paulserud’s Biggest Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel COATS COATS Auto Electric Shop Grocery Snappy fall suits for youns :ien. Prices right at Orres. 40-tf jlerc Huntley— Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Roberts of Medford were Sunday visitors In Ashland at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gall. Are you hard to fit ? We can ;take you a suit that will please 4 1-tf ou.— Paulserud’s. Liability Insurance w: automobiles and trucks. 21. Yeo, (of course.) duration Hcls-ksli*— All’ Rebekahs are requested to meet at the Odd Fellows hall Friday at 1:00 o’clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of Mrs. Emma Archibald. Everything for the Hallowe’en party, at Darling’s. 4 1-tf- LEEDOM’S McNAIR BROS On our racks you will see the latest crea­ tions in flares, circu­ lars, mannish sport and dress models. REAL BARGAINS Two 1921 Fords VULCANIZING REPAIRING 1923 Chevrolet Coupe " t h e theater beautiful FINISHING Let Our Mechanics Tune Up Your Car —or if you need new ones, remember Kelleys anc CTC’s give you maximum mileage. “THE You can choose them with or without the fur. TONIGHT LUCKY DE1 Your color demands will lie satisfied. WITH RICHARD DIX Your idea of the one best coat for the price you wish to pay will he found without substituting quality or style. TOMORROW — SATURDAY Automotive Shop Pacific Special Tire Brake Relining Done by Machinery Oversize Cord, 30-3 1- $10.45 Greeting cards for every oc­ casion, at Darling’s. 41-ti WE TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING THE LINE (XMIKKD FOOD HALE Alpha C iu h ,o f A lp h a Ch ap ter cooked, food sale. Saturday in the room formerly occupied by Mrs. Sugg’s Millinery Store. IF THEY COULD HTOP AND REHT Do you know that your kid­ neys have worked without ceas­ ing from the hour of your birth? They filter and remove from the blood stream waste matter which If permitted o remain and ro- enter the system, m sy cause serious diseases. If overworked FOR ROTH WOMEN AND MISSES AT FROM ALOHA PAVILION Jackson Hot Springs Saturday, October 24 MUSIC BY WITH "CLAIttK WINDSOR, PAT O’MALLEY, . ROBERT FRAZER. Atop the mighty Do^hics, in a world of eternal snow this story is laid. Romance, a.lvoi«nre. « U t e 'fllrilh «* ««> Blil zard and Avalanche. MISS LAWLIS AT THE ORGAN Sunkist Club Orchestra ftyyrtiar Admission niant for the kidneys, wmen gently flush the kidneys and increase the elimination of waste -natter from yonr system. Try ¡hem today, Hold by «11 good f l u ì stores. Sold «vorywhoro. Admission $1.00; Tax 10c; Total $1.10 LADIES FREE Matinee on Saturday and Sunday Only While We are Redecorating. ____ YOUR NEW COAT AT LADIES AND CHILDREN’S GLOVES NOW SELLING • NEW RUNNER- STOP- SILK HOSE; ALL > COLORS $1.00