tro c u fi « Q m m í ied Column ¿-acre homo, O FFE R — Beautifnl bat la th»-thousands. * Basing, nearly ever, one "Tfcff only 'way I can think at UBsea, la la a very khaky eondl- would ba ta-aanead the hexing law tldtf. now la Mew York and a I acres alfalta. 1 1 « , sores la fruit, good 7-ro*m plastered house, bars, chicken house, splendid location, all un­ der irrigation. (Only ,2 7 0 0 IT taken soon; terms, ,1 .6 0 0 down, balance at 0 per cent. • H. C. Osley, 06 E. Main. « -« S9 that an decision bouty lyanld ba permitted and b t It be optional wlth the promoter whether a con- test was to be to a deeM oa. 1 thtek It might work w ell If only BY HENRY L. FARRELL (United Press Sports Editor) NEW YORK. Oct. 21— (Iff) — Questionable decisions that have been given here after several re­ cent ring contests of prominence have soared so many customers that the attendance has decreased notleeably at shows that should have drawn large crowds. Tex Rickard, who has a five million dollar investment that de­ DR. W. J. CRANDALL pends partially, at least, on the Osteopathic Physician A Surgeon future popularity and honesty of Office Phone 126. Home 487-2 the game, admits that ha is con­ • First National Bank Bldg. cerned. i WANT OFFERS an fine home room with good house and lots of Lotus, Iruit, on paved street, about 42-2» 8-4 acre; also on business brick FOR RENT— 6-room bouse on bulldlug of two stories, rented, Oak at., unfurnished, hot water good street. H. C. Onley, 65 B. In connection, ,2 2 .5 0 . Inquire Malu St. 42-2 Hotel Ashland. 42-3 FOR RENT— Unfurnished flat. Furnished apartments, sleeping rooms, furnace heat. Llthla Apartments. 86 8. Second St. 41-tf FÓR RlfiÑ^— turnlshcu cubluA id small apartments. 153 Physician and surgeon FOR RENT— New, modern Office Phone 104-J y bungalow, hard wood floors, fire Home Plxwel84«L place, furnace, garage, ,3 0 per Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M.; 2 month. See J. L. Ketch, Ash­ to 5 P. kt.; 7 to 8 evenings. Citi­ land Haihl Bldg. 42-2 meli*' Buuk Building. FOR RENT—New, modern, DR. HAWLEY — Above Tidings furnace heated Apts., and sleep­ pfflci*. T’bone 91. ing rooms. Cbattln Apts., Phone 203-R. Call forenoons or eve­ DR. KRM6HT A. WOODS— Prac­ tice I‘mlted to eye, ear, note and nings. 9-1 Mo. throat— X-ray including teeth,. Jitlee hours, 1.0 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swcuenburg Bldg.; Ashland, i iroffnr FOR HALE— Apples, different varieties. 527 Terrace St. Phone C. ELLISON SHINN, D.M.D. CICxenN Hank Bldg. 408-L. 42-3* >ffhe Pitone 131. Rrs. Phone 1S4 FRUNITURE F O R ' SALE— Evening» By Appointment Odd chairs and rockers, ,1 .; Gas ranges, ,1 0 ; beds and springs. ,2 .5 0 ; large kitchen IRDAN’S SASH AND CABINET cupboard, ,5 ; new mahogany WoRKH. Cor. Helman and Van clock, ,6 ; new week end case Ness. Phone ^61. 194-tf and toilet articles, ,5 ; kitchen WHITTLE TRANSFER CO. tables ,2 .5 0 ; floor lamps. ,S ; For Service conch bed, ,6 ; now carpet. ,1 .7 5 yard; center tables, , 1 . 6 0 ; . , 3 5 Dealers In Coal, Wood, Packing, set of dishes, ,1 8 .6 0 ; Vlctrola Crating and Storage. Long dlat- with forty records, ,4 6 ; new gas anee trucking. heater, ,7 .6 0 ; large porch chair. L. POWELL— General Trans­ ,2 ; 4-foot counter show case, T. fer — Good team and motor ,6 . Ashland Hotel. fu c lts. Good service ai a rea­ STAPLES A PAYNE sonable price. Phone 88. FEHIGK - ROACH Transfer — Express — Storage Haul!»» — Dray work c l all kinds Quick motor service. Dry wood of nil kinds. Phone 410-R, FOR SALE— Used Dodge tour' 375 B Street, Ing car. A rent bargain. Term« to responsible parties. Lnqiilri ANY GIRL IN *1 ROUBLE— May communicate with Ensign Lee at Ashland Vul. works. 41-3' of tiie Salvation Army at the White Shield Homs. 565 May- fair Ave.. Portland, Oregon. FOR KALE OR RENT— Dairy pasture. 5 acres. Irrigated, gpod A U C T IO N E E R barn, on lower Helman street. , A. L. GIDEON STAPLES A PAYNE Sales taken anywhere— anytime. Ashland. Oregon FOR SALK— All varieties or apples, cheap, at orchard. Prices NOTICE OF HEARING ON'FINAL low at 60c per. box. Doran, 698 ACCOUNT Ashland St. 36-tf The final account of the under­ movement to repeal the law needs only a etout push from a re- PUtpble official like Muldoan to le t the needed momentum, Any effort to amend the law, championship Mghtt weal to a according to Rickard’s suggestion, decision. The gam ^ern, o f eoume. would also be dangerous because would have Just np much chance there are too many men now In te Tlx a championship fight, hut the Legislature who want only they wouldn’t have as many op- the excuse to take a crack at the portunltlee as they have now.” , whole act. , • * • If Rickard asked Tor sueh a When ha w an'asked #B»t bd • ‘‘»"V* he would have to gl»e a thought a b o u p eu A ad dmead-' r®*aon and ,f he aa,d the gamo ment to the- w all»— Law; Wll-i couldn’t be conducted honestly Ham Muldodn, « p b U n Naw Ydrk! »<>«' * >»» that I. the best that Boxing Co^mdkioaer^ stormed ,2jF Ter haa be«n drawn, he. no doubt wrath. ' | wou*d be told that the sport could “When R geth tn thP pollit that Bot h®Pt clean by any means we he»« to adm it oar «weanw» and Into the ash can It would g<. Tidings Want Aos never fall Classified Ads Bring Results. county court. In the enea torta vs. Clatsop eeaaty. SALIM, Ore.. Oct. 20— (U. P">— The Orrgon supreme court PA1NTING CONTRACTO* Vi today held that the legislative act of 1210, providing Tor the AMBKO g. PARK levying of az road tax of not Palntlug CoMractor lees than one mill, nor more than Kxperleaccd. DepeadaMe. ten mills, in counties of lee« \ Phoae 80 than 25,000 population is man­ oc leave word at HtapleaRcalty datory, and does not leave the Office » Small saddles for boys and girls to ride to school on, cheap. $9.00 and up. See to your plows and harrows, to ba ready for the first rain. Posts and fencing. I have a few White Sewing Machlntt-i left - Will rlo«e them out for ,65.00 each, at •> Special Clearance Sale On all flat Stamped goods, Iteginning October 20th BABCOCK’S GIFT SHOPPE PEIL’S CORNER were done lately and beard of many and I’ve given the subject a lot of deop thought,” he said. “We all know that gambling has hurt boxing, but we don’t know how to stop It. As long as there is a sneker to cover their money, yon can’t keep the aure-thlng fel­ lows frbin operating. “We closed up the betting shed In the old Garden and tried to keep ont the gamblers but It didn’t stop betting. I don’t mean friendly betting, where five and ten dollars are offered the ringside, I refer to (he >. or Sum m er FOR SALE— Jersey heifer calf. J. V. Wright, 26 8. Mt., Ave. signed as administrator of the estate of Edson A. Gibbs, also kndwn as E. A. Gibbs, has been filed with the Clerk of Court of Jackson county, Oregon, and the Honorable W. J. Hartxell has ap­ pointed November 2nd, 1926, at ten o’clock a. m., at the Court- hnnse in Jacksonville, said County as the time and place for hearing thereon. Any objections thereto m ost be presented ¿n or before said hearing. lLINCn BARGAINS E. D. BRIGGS, Administrator, TKRMH Ashland Oregon. 25-4 Wed 27 ACRES— 14 acres tilled. Priced at and 3 for pasture. ,1 .6 0 0 . 8 ACRES best of ,5 0 0 . 11.88 ACRES bottom land, al­ falfa and grain, living water, ir­ rigation for 7 1-2 acres, cheap at ,1160. All near City limits, with tele­ phone and R. F. D. privileges. Inquire of O. S. Butler, 41 Gran­ ite St., City. ’ ____32-1 mo. FOR MALE— 10-acre farm; 7 acres In cuRlvatlon, family or­ chard; 7-room bouse; barn; good water; right in the town of Mill Pity. The town with the big payroll. Price ,6 .6 0 0 . Will trade for Ashland property of equal or lesser value, and give time o n ' difference. Address owner, J. E. Ray, Mill City, Ora- FURNITURE and mattress re­ pairing. 315 Granite St., P. O fio * 681. 36-12* MARCELLING 7Bc, Ptyne 186J Tor appointment or call ,3 Het­ man St., upstairs apt. 2<-l mo. CONVALESCENT HOME Where the sick are cared for Special rate to invalids. Call 168 BUILDING, Repairing, Shing­ ling? Painting, Kalsomlnlng, Re- Tlnlahlng. W. T. Blackwell, 819 Garfield. Phene 323L, 307-tf MATERNITY Reasonable Rates * 152 Granite. Telepnone 153 WANTED— 16 to 20 inch Man LONDON, Oct. 21. — (IP) — At Llmuru, Kenya, Africa, there is an Englishman who regularly shingles hie w ife’s hair once a week, according to a letter just received here. At first when his wife made the suggestion he dealared hlm-| self ready to be hanged first but when he found that the cost of travel to the nearest regular hair- shingler plus the cost bf the shingle itself would set him back ,1 0 .0 0 a week he meekly submit­ ted and now prides hlnwelf on the artistic effects he negotiates. At Mombassa a high govern­ ment official let himself In for trouble galore when he confess­ ed to considerable skill at mani-' pulatlng clippers. Immediately he was beseiged by all \h e white women In the district to do their aiilngllag for them. CheckTSeal EUctrioJ W trinr Check Seal Electrical Equipment Sold .by Murphy Electric Co. We Deliver Meats Any Part of Town and you can always know r ■ * you are getting the best meats obtainable Fourth Street Meat Market OpiPk Parting Uniform power More miles to Ta keen peace in the district he did It. Once started they wouldn’t let * BUY LAND--------------- him stop. Now he hadn't time tp Now Is the time to buy land do anything else. ns land values are as low as they ever will be. I have some -of the best land In the valley, priced at ,2 0 0 per acre. 70 acre ranch all good Irrigated land, 5 Medford Glass Company room bungalow, large dairy barn, IS acres Newtown apples that netted the owner ,5 0 0 per acre Plate Glass and Mirrors this year. This Is a real bar­ Made to Order. gain. Price ,2 8 0 per acre. Al­ so a 4-room plastered house, lot Restlver Your Old Mirrors » 50x140. Price ,1,0 0 0 - Also, All Kinds ' Automobile have other bargains. W. W. Rob­ Glass. ison. 03 N. Msln. St. 41-tf 346 East Main A 888.00 SNAP— Çoorl 6-room house, large lot, gerate. Splendid etaeeMn loen tien. . 43? Phone 24», 218 8. Bartlett Medford Oregon H e longer ywbre^tÉ- the better it ßets~ % OLIL Phone 167