abini, The a Business V M tati ■ O. E. Mnschal ot Bui Fjsn-* Sboppe. 36-tf duro Is a bualaaaa visitor in AGAIN martellina V anity NSW Ashland -today and tomorrow. Frank GieSier has Just com­ pleted a four room cottage on •fco Harvey and Yeo ranch. iva yonr broken windows trad. Large stock of glass and. Jordan Sash i and Cab- 26-tf W orks. Phone 161 Buy practical tires at Men’s T ire Shop and have no tir e expense for one year. 36-tf O a n p k tc d Remodeling— p D Brown of 117 C street Jag* just completed extensive re anodt-Ung on his home, A?1 kinds of dimension lum hand at tho box factory. 293-tf swimming a t the Jack- Springs. w Hot mineral id plunge. Open ail 23-tf Completed Garage— The Elks Ixxlge has Just com­ pleted a seven compartment gar nee to accommodate the mem- J 'w ’u G rants P ass— Mabel Hager of Grants Pass visited in Ashland with relative» Sunday. C liff Ir a mea Thursday, Oct. 22. nt Mr. and Mrs. Charles D . H a je l- P. Mall. For Odd tel­ rlgg of Medford, announce that akalle and their Invited they w ill open a studio fo r vo­ Admission, gents 60c; 40-3 cal instruction of a ll kinds. They were In Ashland last week and enrolled a number ot ktudenta ltuslneas Trip—- and found such a demand for F. C. Stevens was a business this work that they decided to visitor l n , Ruch today. start at once. F or the tim e be­ ing they w ill share the studio Buy your box snook from the of Miss Imogene Wallace directly wholesale local box factory at 363-tf across from the L ith ia Springs prices. hotel ¡^pd w ill be there Wednes­ day. Oct. 21, from one to four made from the Candy of merit Mr. and Mrs. Haselrlgg are well obtainable at purest material known In Ashland from their The Candy Land professional w ork - fo /m erly. and are now conducting very suc­ Returned Home— cessful studios In Medford and Mrs. Thomas Hi Grants Pass. High school pupils tng Sun, Iowa, re w ill receive fu ll credits for their home F rid a y * v i work as Mrs. H . Is an accredited visit of three mo« 41-2t teacher. Washington mish and Ashland. Business V isitor— Mrs. Jack M ilton was a busi­ L iab ility Insurance w ritten on ness visitar In Medford and Phone Jacksonville yesterday automobiles and trucks 21. Yeo, (o f course.) Yes, Somewhere, Somebody!” Quick lunch service at Ninger’s m the day you’re born on Fountain. 40-tf ough life — thia one * thing, imewhere somebody wants your photographic p o rtra itl" — i. J. E. Peck and little Studio Ashland. Expert Service. Jimmy, F. G. McW illiam s - 3 9 -tf Charles McW illiam s ot ath Falls left today for Returned From Hunting Trip— Peck’s home in E l Centro. C. L. McKimmey and G. W. Peck has been In Ashland Mathes returned last evening «»me time, called here by from a successful hunting trip , illness and death of her with three fine deer. think of painting well. Phone 323L. 28-tf window Payne make* Snappy fa ll suits for young en. Prices righ t at Orres. 40-tf make you a suit that w ill please 41-tf •ou.— Paulserud’R, R ep a irin g . Home— S. A. Peters. Jr., of the Citizens Bank la repairing and remodel­ From HUt— M ra A. Leaneir of H ilt Aras ing his home on Iowa street- a business Visitor In Ashland yesterday, Special Merchant» punch, 60c, d -lly a t the Plaxa— from 11 a For cleaning phone 119. Wo use Cleaning Odorless Naptha.— Paulserud’s. 41-tf Candy Land— Taffies pulled fresh dally for the trade. Gifts for every occasion at 41-tf D arling’s. cedonia. - TRYING TO GET TAXUS Gas ranges. |1Q ; beds nnd FROM GOVERNMENT springs, IS .fO ;' large kitchen The m atter Is to be discussed sMU fu lle r and (entirely threshed out. and then presented the present aeaabn. A number to the county courts In the coun­ of local huners who visited Hop-, ties along the line of Ih e South­ k lrfs marsh over the week end, ‘ ern Pacific, for approval. returned w ith good bygs, and de­ The entire program was pre­ clared th a t almost «very hunter sented a t the forum today by on the marsh enjoyed good Medford business men. B ill shooting? T h e epidemic which Isaacs and George Maddox fav­ has been k illin g thousand r of ored w ith two vocal numbers ducks on TuW L n k a continues, jh e y ’.'Fcrp accompanied by Mrs. and hunters a re warned against Lacy o f. Medford. Mr. Ignhca a l­ eating ducks killed there. A so rendered a solo, which was few huters, who visited th9 very well received, K lam ath R iver over the week end declare th a t the> hunting there was poor, most of the modern FOR RUNT— New bungalow, hard wood flo o rs ,’fire place« fhrnace. garage, 330 per month. See J. L. Ketch, Ash­ land Hotel Bldg. <8-3 (Continued from p a g e in » ) * - •-acre home, > aerea a lfa lfa . 1 1-3'•e re n la fru it, good 7-room plastered house, ham« «hiekan housy. splendid location, nil nu­ dar Irrigation. Only 3«7®S - If taken soon; terms, 31,090 down, balance nt • per cent. >1. C. Onley,- «S «.- Mata.- 0 -8 STEPHENSON line of winter underwear. We can save you money Come in and see. You need never dread to have your expensive bedding of draper­ ies cleaned when wa do the w ork. T h e a k lll nnd artistic Way la Which wa handle such m aterials Is bound to pleas» you. Ashland Gleaning and Dyeing Wort« ARMY GOODS STORE Biggest Little Store in Town Opposite New Hotel 35 First S t COMPLETE ELECTRIC BATTERY SPECIAL ON ALL CHILDRENS FLANNEL DRESSES ■ ' - ' 'a S Sizes 4 to 14 Years HOMESPUNS, TRICO FLANNEL, SERGE, POIRET AND WOOL CREPES Automotive Shop Brake Relining Done by Machinery Blair Granite Co | Here you will find a dandy assortment of beautiful new dresses that will delight any child. Priced at a Saving of 20 Per Cent FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY AT Repairs That Will Please THE PARK GARAGE Agee’s Shoe Shop ! • — tf E xpert E lectrician In Charge 339 E. Main Street Elisa A llen , joined thi W aterm an Fountain Pens. delegatee today a t the M cN air Broa. D istrict convention Women’s Hom e and John F. Leggett and fam ily Missionary societies. o f - Mountain avenue have left Ashland for a several months’ Returned Home— Mr. and Mrs. James L. Banis­ ■visit In Coos county. ter returned home last pveniny Your portrait— A gift that from Sheridan, Oregon, where v u ly * you can give.— Darling they have been visiting relatives kltudlo. ’ 41-tf for a few days. They also visit­ ed in Pendleton w ith Mrs. Ban­ ¿ ‘■rehawd Car— The Claycomb Motor company nister’s slater. Mra. Barr. Are Here., Plant Now. Golden Spur Daffodils, Hyacinths and Tulips in nil shades and varieties. **eporta the aale and delivery of H new Ford touring car to Mrs. ¿Anna Paul. Paper W hite Narcissus, China Lillies Books and Stationery — McNair fat «« OFFMR— Banutlful WICOICMI© Supplies George Richardson of Gold Beach visited in Ashland Monday on his way to Klam ath F a lH duck hunting, with M r. and Mrs. J. Shortrldge. SPBCIAU cupboard, | t ; new mahogany clock, 36 > new week end case and toilet articles, IB ; kitchen tahleex 18.60; floor lamps, • * ; WANT O F F K R S on fine home conch bad, IB ; new enrpht. tl.TB yardt oentar tables, |1 .B |; FSB with 'good house and lota ot set e f dishes, >18.50; V ictrola fru it, on paved street, about with fo rty records, 348; new gas 3-4 acre; also on business brick heater, 87.60; large porch chair. building of Jwo stories, ranted, 33; , <-Mot OOunter show case. good street. H . C. Oaley, 65 « . <8-3 36. .Ashland H otel. <8-8 Main St. REAL BARGAINS Visited In Ashland— ■«Ann » Thw bota». <8-8* •" . F O R HALU— Apples, d ifferen t varieties. 637 Terraee St. Phone yer Rdbert L . Cohan. <8-3* A nother a t h j ^ execution was 408-L. sought, fo r Wortjplngton. Ho A $22.00 SNAP— Oood B-room still was dying, the courts were house, large lot, garage. Splendid told. But thia time: “ The close-in location. 4 2 -f W o lf’»” plea fell on deaf ear*. A few days la te r he was being helped from a tra in a t the fed­ eral penitentiary In A tlanta. m a « « raWam r i W"N do what we claim for U Alice remains behind w ith a Something new In, personal copy of her fa th e r’s w ill, which —rid your lyitcm or Cacanh or Deaf- vem caused by Catarrh. Xmas cards a t D arling’s. he drew amid much publicity M g tfrasgsn Ar «wr as just before th e prlsok trip ’s 0, 7. C H U N K Y & C O .. T V 4 -L .. Ot-U Party For Hauthorne start. I t disposes of a purported estate of 32,600,000, rppreaent- Teachers— Members of the Hawthorne P. ina the spoil* o f a lifetim e In T. A., w ill give a party Friday October 23, in the evening. Parish houae for the teachers Two 1921 Fords of the Hawthorne school. but I shall always call W olf, Purrlutsed Car— , d— and love him ,” says The Automotive Shop reports "H a is InnovuDt of any the sale of a Chevrolet coach _____ and I shall figh t the to F. C. Stanton world for him , since £e no long­ er can figh t fo r hlmsetf. Let Our Mechanic« *T don’t care w hat the world Returned Homi Mra. Louis Dodge returned thinks or says about It, e ith e r!" last evening from Loa Angeles, where she has been visiting rela­ tives for the past two weeks. Everything fo r tho Hallow e’en -ve have money to loan on good party, at D arling’s. <1-H security. Phone 21. Yeo, (o f co n n u .) O d. <8-8* A T H E N S , Oct. >0. — (IP) — Fighting o t a vary sartons nature with private hath. took place today batwaaa the Phone, J07-L. Greek and Bulgaria)» fro n tie r guarda, gear ( Denslrhlaar In Ma­ (Continued front page one) j («-modeling H o u k -— Mra. Julia McQuilkin of 600 1U -ported IU-cov<-rnlg— Mrs. T. M. Anderson of Union jt.h la n d street u re.uodcling her C A R » O F THA NK S street who has been 111 at her home. W e wish to thank the friends home is reported as Improving. and neighbors for th eir kindness Good coffee with reni cream »» v a HOLLAND BULBS The Verdict Beauty U tility Fitness Crystal Blue ,Oray Granite Memorials expresa Personality. E xh ib it Room and Office 175 East Main St. CHILDREN’S WOOL, 7-8 LENGTH SOX FANCY TOP ‘ 59c to 95c CHILDREN’S NEW HATS JUST LIT ALL COLORS g, Pennlston, Manager E R. ISAAC & Co The Quality Store Seeds of All Kinds z THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL TODAY ■— TOMORROW AND THURSDAY R ichard Summer travels have probably damaged your tires. Bring Them tq STAND BY" FOR THE NIGHT Let the youngsters “ listen,in’ as long ns they wi. n. The eorpfort of a . LEEDOM’S WEARWELL BLANKET will bring quick impose to tired, sleepy eyes. Soothing colors, nttrnctiv« designs and a luxurous finish start the sleeper on tKe road to slnmher. Clear the load! Here’s l>ix at the wheel of a roar­ in g racing romance that win» the Entertainment Sweepstakes with thrills and laughs spare. VULCANIZING MISS LAWLÏS AT THE ORGAN Cotton Blankets Matinees only oo Saturday and Sunday, while we are Remodeling. • Ford Roadster, Good Condition Ford Touring, Good Condition Roadster, Pickup Bed - - * - - • - • - - • - ■ Claycomb Motor Co REPAIRING —or if you need new ones, remember Kelleys and CTC’s give you maximum mileage. Salesroom. SEE THESE USED CAR VALUES Priced 91.96 to 94.98 Wool Blankets Priced 90.96 to 91A96 Lincoln Fordson