’ it? t ■. .»y?" V ’ ?!’■' ’S;”. ■ Visiting Here— i Mr. and Mra. H. P. Andrew» of Logan. Kansas are guests at the home of D. W . Wheeler In Med­ ford. They expect to spend some time visiting In Medford and at the home of relatives In Ashland. Mr. Andrews la a brother of Mr. A. Andrews of Falrvlaw street and j to Phoenix— a brother In law of Mrs. H. W. and Mra. F. M. Poole are Andrews of Church street. [ from ISO F ifth street to ALPHA CHAPTKR Mo. 1 O. S . 8. Stated Communication of A l­ pha Chapter No. 1, 0- E. 8. to­ morrow (Tuesdiy) Oct. 20, 8:00 p. m. Special entertainment in honor of Past Mattrolns and Past Patrons. (.Visitors welcome. By order of Worthy Matron LEAft M. CALDW ELL, Secy. Hair bobbing, maroplling a specialty. The Vanity Shoppe. ive your broken windows 35-tf Here For A le w Day»— Ired. Large stock of glats Mrs. O. W. Long and Mrs. W. and. Jordan Sash i and Cab- Hero S atu rd ay— H Frulan are visiting in Ashland 26-tf Works. Phone 141 l. Mrs. George Galbrath and chil­ for a few days from Pauulna. dren were visitors In Ashland Sat­ 11^’ practical tires at Mad­ urday, from Talent. Something new in persona! den’s Tire Shop and have no 41-tf Xmas cards at Darling's. tire expense for one year. 3S-tf Dance, Thursday, Oct. 22, at I. O. O.. F. Hall. For Odd fel­ Everything for the Hallowe’en R eturned from H u n tin g T rip — lows,, Rebekahs and their invited party, at Darling’s. 41-tf Floyd Place, Glenn Gulley and friends. Admission, gents 50c; Fred Kruggle have returned fromi ladies 25c. 40-3 Ti» Bcon’lcnst Over Radio— a successful hunting trip of one Miss Pauline Plummer week at Lakeview. From Talent— broadcast a musical program MT. and Mm. B. B. Dunkin of from radio K T B I “The Bible All kinds of dimension lum Talent were business visitors In Institute.” Los Angeles, tomor­ hand at the box factory. Ashland Saturday. row evening at 8:00. She is as 222-tf Hinted by Ray Bet^well, baritone. Buy your box snook from the Miss Plummer is a student at the local box factory at wholesale Loa Angeles conservatory of Peppy swimming at the Jack prices. 262-tf music. son Hot Springs. H o t n iln e r j l baths and winter. plunge -rsraBesssTSFte lug car. A real bargain. Terms to responsible parties. Inquire at Ashland Vul. works. 41-1* BUY LAND , FOR HALE OR R E N T —Dairy pasture. 5 acres, Irrigated, good barn, on lower Helman street. STAPLES A PAYNE Roscoe Applegate of Talent hag To Medfofd— Ready to wear suits and over- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Stevens and purchased a new Star touring ear from the local dealer, M. W. fam ily, and Miss Rose Tavener coats, »30 and »35 values at »23.SO, at Orres Tailor Shop. spent Sunday in Medford. Hamaker. upstairs. Quick lunch service- at Nlnger’a Good coffee with real cream Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Haxel- Fountain. 40-tf Ninlnger’s. Fountain service. rlgg of Medford, announce that they will open a studio for vo- l e n ir m i to Ashland— F. M. Carter returned to Ash cal instruction of all kinds. They Movedk— land Saturday from San Fran- were in Ashland last week and The Culbertoon family have ■ ’cisco, where he has been for sev­ enrolled a number of students moved from 102 Oak street to 835 eral weeks. and found such a demand for North Main. this work that they decided to What the dollar you spend start at once. For the time be­ Yea, we have uo bauanaa. for photographs buys, depends ing they will share the studio vg have money to i.,.tn on gojd upon how well the man you of Miss Imogene Wallace directly security. Phone 21. Yeo, (of spend It with knows his business. across from the Lithla Springs course.) 12— tf Just inspect our work. Studio hotel and will be there Wednes­ Pavctuuie Cars— Athland. 36-tf day, Oct. 21, from one to four. The Claycombe Motor Company Mr. and Mrs. Haxelrigg are well known in Ashland from their Left For Portland — cars, a coupe to G. G. Eubanks, a Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Erickson professional work formerly, and touring to Frances J. Byrne, a last hvening for Portland. I are now conducting very suc­ touring to Mrs. W. F. De Ford, On their way there they will stop cessful studios in Medford and In Woodburn to visit with W . C. Grants Pass. High school pupils Holmes form erly of Ashland. will receive full credits for their work as Mrs. H. is an accredited 41-2t Snappy fall suits for young teacher. men. Prices right at Orres. LAST T IM I TODAY ________ • __ 40-tf TOM ORROW W EDNESDAY THURSDAY Hallowe’en Eveready Nair Bros. novelties.— McNair Flash (Contlnw-d From c. ■. Pa«. ” Now is the time to buy land as land values are as low ar they ever will be. I have some of the best land In the valley, priced at »200 per aere. 70 acre ranch all good Irrigated land, 5 room bungalow, large dairy barn. 12 acres Newtown apples that netted the owner »800 per acre tilts year., Thia la a rtfal .bar­ gain. Price »200 per acre. Al­ so a 4-room plastered house, lot 50x140. Price »1,000, Also have other bargains. W. W: Rob­ ison. OS N. Maia. St. 41-tf - Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore and two children from Southern Call-; Candy of merit, made from the Your portrait— A gift that fornia are in Ashland looking for purest material obtainable at only you can give.— Darling a suitable location. The Candy Land. 36-tf Studio. 41-tf When you think of painting Returned Homi -------- think of Blackwell. Phone 323L. Mrs. J. R. McCracken return­ Left This .Morning— Mrs. F. S. Engle, Mrs. Ralph ed home Sunday evening from a visit of some weeks in Southern Billings, Mrs. E. B. Hunt, Mrs E. H. Coder, Mrs. J. R. Me Special Merchants Lunch, 50c, California, during which time she Cracken, and Mrs. Homer B ill­ dally at the Plasa— from 11 a. attended the National meeting of ings, left this morning for Rose- the Women’s Home Missionary m. 2 n. m. 6-tf society of the Methodist Episco­ burg to attend the district con­ vention of Woman’s Home and pal Church. F ro m M edford— Foreign Missionary society. Clyde Moore of Medford waa Large woolen samples for bed Liability Insurance written on a visitor In Ashland over Sun- comforters. Wear a life time. automobiles and trucks. Phono 85c while they last, at Orres 21. Yeo, (of course.) Tailor shop, upstairs. 41-1* Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Newby have just returned from a three week trip to La Grande. Enterprise, Coos Bay and Portland. • tiointmeats and the beanty of the room. The birthday cake in Its artistry of decoration and toothsomeneas was an adjunct Which wrought to completeness the pleasing whole. The guests were: M r. and Mrs. Herman Mattern. M r. and Mrs. F. D Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Furnished apartments, sleeping rooms, furnace heat. Ldthia Apartments. 35 8. Second St. 41-tf From H i l l - Orres cleans and remodelea Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mar suits and coats for men and 3,000,00« MAY •BENEFIT tines of H ilt were business visit­ women, upstairs. Phone 64. BY INCÖMK CUTS ors in Anhland Saturday. “WELCOME HOME” Paga One) and lowering of corporation ttfxes. In the interest of speed, the length of the present hearing has been cut to ten days. Today and tomorrow will be devoted to hear­ ing the Treasury aide of the story and certain tax experts who have signified their intention of testify­ ing. » The question of Individual in­ come taxes will be taken up Oc­ tober 21; corporation income taxes October 22; estate and gift taxes October 2»; excise and Mis­ cellaneous taxes October 24^ and 26; the Board of Tax Appaala and Generai Administrative features, Then the committee will go Into executive session with its experts and begin drawing up the hill. • The hearings are being ctft shorter this year than ever before. In order to prevent duplication of arguments and suggestions. Green has ruled that persona hav­ ing the same problem to present must select only one of their num- ber to go on the stand. B E U E V E POOR W ATER A t the Vining Tuesday and Wednesday fo be destroyed. The offered teat aonarenlly proved too severe, for it was never carried out, and the In­ ventor quietly disappeared from this country. *- He next tried to give some form of demonstration abroad. The Admiral in charge of the testa there Imposed similar se­ vere conditions, with promlae of great reward if successful, but penalties if unsuccessful. * Again LONDON, Oct. 19— (TJ. P .)— the inventor disappeared. Stuck away In amateur labor­ atories here an