Oregon t F B.r „¿ J Historical Society Auditorium < London’s Sister Wet, Have to Hear Scathing Talk YAKIMA, Wash., Oct IP — (U . P,>— The W C. T. U., of eastern Wash­ ington in a recent meet­ ing- here listened to a “wet“ talk, and had to v take 1C T he delegates were thunderstruck when J. G. C heney, Legionnaire, Splendid Lectures Given at Yearly Gathering of Teachers DEAN SHELDON SPEAKS launched Into a virulent ta lk o n p r ohlbltlon, rounding out his remarks with a scathing denun­ ciation of dry officers. Tl. , delegatee were In i berg j the speaking program became confuted by a similarity of names, a. d inrllcd Cheney In­ stead of A. C. Cherry, WASHINGTON. Oct. 1». — U R » — Already split on the proposal 8 to wipe ont the Income taxes on 8 incomes under »6.0«« P*r 7**- » the hones ways and means com- 8 “a local prohibition advo- mUtee met today to begin fram­ ing the new revenue MB. As the committee started the sessions, | Representative Garner, Democrat of Texaa, ranking memlber of the eommlttee, Joined the Issue with Secretary of the Treasury Mellon on the proposal which would elim­ inate three million of the present tax payers, Opening hearings on the bill which is to be pushed through In the early weeks of the con­ vening December congress. Chair­ man Gxpen called to the stand treasury department officials and Mayor Johnson Has Several Prospect Oouncilmen to« experts to hear their views on in View how beet to distribute eoipe >»60,- 0 0 0 ,•• • available fdr the new cut. At the rdkular meeting of the Opening of the hearings came under more favorable clrcum- etyy council tomorrow .night. □ yor O. H. Johnson, will prob­ stances than characterised open­ ably make the appointment of a ing of the hearings on the last re­ daction. The partisan bitterness councilman to succeed R. E. which marked the last fight was Detrick, who - resigned from that nowhere in evidence and prospects body last Monday, to accept a for speedy and united action were position as storekeeper at the city warchonae. Johnson thia morning declined The commjttee Intends to con­ clude work on the new bill be- to make pubjic the names of fore congress convenes and it may any of the men he has under he reported to the House within consideration for the office, de­ the first week for the session. Un­ claring that premature publicity less uaforaeen difficulties arise. might cause the candidates to Chairman Green prom ¡»eg to have withdraw. “It will x be difficult to r o the measure finally adopted by place Mr. Detrick on the commit. hla branch before the holidays. The senate finance committee He was one of the strongest then w(H take up controversial members, and a tireless work­ features . o f the measure and er for the good of the city.” thresh them otaL Chairman Smt Mayor Johnson declared. Mayor Johnson admitted to­ estimates the h ill should be re­ ported to the senate shortly after day that he had several men under consideration for the po­ the holidays. Even the unlimited debate rulea sition, but had not definitely of the senate cannot delay the made up his mind which man measure more than a month. to appoint. He declared that he Green and Smoot 'believe. They had experienced considerable dif­ feel that the new law will be sent ficulty In persuading men of down to the White House for the the type he believed should bo signature of President Coolidge on the council, to agree to ac­ by the llrat of February. cept the position should it be The reduction 4s expected to be offered them about 25 percent nil along the The selection will be announc­ line and the committees will con­ ed at tomorrow night's meeting, sider the advIsnhURy ot making In all probability ar.d placed it retroactive an was done last before the remaining members year. of the council for ratification. Whether the' Democrats will lay down n separate scale of tax reduction — which they succeed­ ed In having adopted In 1224 — la still a controversial matter among the party leaders. The re-enforced Republican majority of both houses since the election of Mr. Coolidge last November, haa Indicated to some Democrats that they might better pick flaws In the Republican plan rather than seek adoption of any hcheme of their own — especially when the chances of securing adoption dent of the Medford National of a Democratic plan are exceed­ Bank, will be the principal ingly remote. speaker at the forum luncheon The chief contesta will come of the chamber of commerce. Io over the recommendation of the be held tomorrow at the Llthla treasury department for |'aboll- Springs hotel. The entire pro­ tlon of estate, and gifts taxes, re­ gram will be put on by prom­ peal of the tax publicity clause inent Medford business men, J. H. Fuller, secretary ot the lo­ cal chamber announced today. Gore was formerly a repre­ sentative from Jackson county to the state legislature and was a fellow member In that body with E. V, ta rte r, president of the First National Bank of this Easter Lilies Grown by Mrs Jacks, Shown at McGee Store The potted Router lUles, now being displayed as p art o f th« window decorations J. H. Lendtws, President of Oregon Normal Is Also on Hpruklng Program 14 Times In Jail For Drinking, Man Starts for U. S. Pure W ater Experiment Be­ ing Tried Ont to Stop Epide*11!^ K LAM A TH FALLS, Oct. 19— Experiments based upon a theory that possibly poisoning of ducks In the Tula lake region, has been caused by polluted water, are being tried out by George Tonkin. U. S. game warden tor tho district of California, Mar-, loa Barnes, deputy state game warden of Oregon, thousands of djfcks In the Tule lake region, the game authorities have secured about 50 of the sick - M n h r as«- a rt now keeping them In absolutely fresh pure water. Saturday, after a 12- hour experiment. It was an­ nounced that, while one out of fifty died, the others seemed to be improving. Ducks experi­ mented on in this manner, will be branded, and efforts made to trace them. “Our experiments seem to In­ dicate that the ducks apparent- ly become better when taken away fropi the Tule lake water,” said the game authorities yes- terdty afternoon It Is suggested, however, that huntors stay away from tho Tule lake region until the water freezes, or that reports are re- celvt d from the chemists, who have been asked to make test» of the ducks' condition, in hope of determining cause of their aiinim t. Both live and dead LOCAL Af.'iland 7; U raats Pam 7. Mi dfurd 23; Klam ath P alls O. WEST C alifornia, « ; Ht. Mary's, O U. C, Freshm en, 20; Hun D iego Marinos, 7. K t.uford Frosh, 7; Hacramrnto Junto« College, 0. C alifornia A ggies, 8; Ht. Igna­ tius, 0. Montana State, 8 ; Mount Ht. Charles, O. W ooster, 7; W estern R eserve, College of Puget Hound, 82, Linfield, O. Ht. Ambrose, O; Loyola, O. Montana, 14, Gonzaga, 14. (tic ). Oregon, 18; Pacific, O. Oregon Aggies, «2; Whitman, nf iw fA M iiM n rw wrtr. — n i r Wyoming, 4 8 ; Colorado Mine were raised ont- The plants were potted two week« ago, and have bloomed since that time. Many who b*v<* viewed the flowers, have declared them to he exceptionally fine nr* tlfielal Wooms, not being able to get nesr enough to examnle them closely. How. even It U declared »hit they are natural blooms, of ox- cepttonally Food display value. > The chrsvanthesnums dis­ played nt McGee’s are also grown hy Mrs. Jacks, Pom ona College, Colorado Aggies, SM’ THROUGH IT ST A T i.8 C<4orado Teachers, »8; Mexico Normnl, O. CHICAGO, Oct. 19— (U . P .l BAHT — From one to four Inches of Navy, IO ; Princeton, ^O. snow ere heaped up In many sec­ tions -of the Northwest today, while the thermometer is far below the freezing point. Three deaths are reported from Minne­ sota, caused by persons being blinded by the enow. Io * * , Nebraska ahd Wisconsin also ex­ perienced enow. The Dalles -*• September build Ing permits totaled »84,909. 8 N EW W ESTM INSTER. . 8 8 'B . C., Oct. 19— (U . P .) « 8 — W illiam Carlson,. F iji- 8 8 lander, who was a real- 8 8 dent of the Doited States 8 8 for 14 .years, prior to 8 8 1920, when he came to - 8 8 British Columbia, has 8 8 gone back to hla second 8 8 love. *» good and for hla own good. During the past four year« Carlaen has been admitted to the Oakalla prison no less than 14 times, each time for fail­ ure to pay a fine on con- laid Gridders Show Im remen* Over Opening Clash W ith K. F. Showing flashes of real foot ball clans, but still displaying their greenness and Inexperience, the Ashland’ high school foot­ ball team Saturday staged an uphill battle,-and, finally emerg- cd from - their tussle wtlh the Grants Pass eleven, deadlocked In a 7-7 tie. Throughout the first quarter. the locals showed several short flashes of what could be termed real football, but whenever they got Into a tight hole, where nothing but experience could pull them out, they blew up. and al­ lowed their opportunity to slip 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 United States: I know 8 Grants Pass scored In the first the way,” Carlsen said. 8 half, just before the whistle “ It Is not healthy over 8 called a halt to play In that here for you. There Is 8 period. With forty seconds to no liquor In the United 8 Paddy Rimer, Tokay haif- States. On the under- 8 hack, took the ball on his own standing that you will get 8 teI1 yar(i line and raced thé out of the country hi 12 8 jeDgth of the field for a touch- houra, I will let you 8 down. Grants Pass kicked goal. go,” the judge said. 8 and t|,e locals were trailing by “You het your life, I go,” answered the prison- er. ------------------ — ------- 8 a 7-0 count. 8 J However, between halves. N C o ch Hughes must have told I his boys c few things which were GRIDIRON SCORE Caltech, 2 1 ; Flowers clare. McOov Given In McGee’s new store, were grown iby Mrs. It. H . Jacks, of-doors, from bu|l>q which Moom ed..at Raster, accord­ ing to Mrs. Jacks. The consensus of opinion seems to be that .the Institute closed Saturday, was the most helpful and Interesting over held In Jackson county, according to tocal teachers who attended. * i Splendid speakers, subjects o ft vital Interest to teachers, and' the departmental feature, under able leadership made for an In-, stitute, the influence of which will carry far, the teachers de- j New Penn Htnto, >8; M arlette, O. H m v a rd , «1 H oly Croee, 7. Daclmonth, M ; Maine, O. IlK Wn, 48; Bates, p. r Cotgnte, 7; Lafayette, 7. . Httebnrgh, lift Gettysbarg, O. C ornH l, 17; Ripon, O. Darkness, O; HaekeU Indians, O R E G O N AGRICULTURA L COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 19— (Special)— Eleven promotions on the staff of the O. A. C. Dally Barometer have been announced > by Maurice Newland of Roseburg, j editor. Appointment of five as­ pirants aa staff members has also bean made. 8ix students from Portland schools are among those recently promoted. Following la the list: Margaret McCoy, Ashland; Free­ man Fike, Portland; Carlle Gil­ strap, Portland; Eugenia Vllm, MEDFORD W INS EASY Medford; Faye Mulrhead, Cor­ GAME FROM K. FALLS vallis; Martha Proctor, Portland; KLAM A TH FALLS, Oct. 19.— Pranees Wilson, Portland; Ivy Browne, Portland; Margaret Tho Medford hf*h school football Johnson, Medford; Dorothy Red- team was too much ot a machine enbaugh, Corvallis, god Jack and defeated Klamath FallH here Foley, Portland. A ll Were pro­ Saturday afternoon, 23 to 0, be­ fore a fair slsed crowd. The visi­ moted from reporters to copy readers. New appointments In­ tors, outweighed 16 pounds to the clude Helen Rostwold, Wood- ¿ a n , played rings around Klam- Tnd A n d er s o n, llaam ee d r Alh. t*Ua la the laat bait and climaxed their showing by a beau­ Earl Turner, Portland; Oneatta tiful 40-yard place-kick by Con­ Van Cleve,'Toledo, end Elizabeth rad. Currie, Carnes, Wash. Medford scored one touchdown In tho./first half and In the second opened up a brilliant forward COURT BAYS LAW 18 0 . K passing game end completed six out of soren attempts. Klamath WASHINGTON, Oct. 19— (U. Falls tried 14 passeh and com­ end the rest were P .)— The United States supreme pleted court today held in effect that grounds^ er .Intercepted. the California criminal syndical­ OOW6T HOLDS WOMEN ism law, under which more than WAGE LAW 18 WRONG 100 men and women are serving WASHINGTON, Oct. 19— (U. sentences In Calfornia prisons, wae constitutional. Aa jtpperi ’P.)-— The Uunted States supreme from a oonvlctlon wae dismissed court today hold that the Arizona minimum wage law for women without an opinion. 8 uaconstltutional, In the second eaau brought before IL The assembly addresses by President J. fi. Landers of th e! Oregon .State Normal, Harold 8sxe Tuttle, Pacific University; j Dean H, D. Sheldon, and City Superintendent C. A. Howard, of Marshifeld were upon vital sub­ jects and of keen Interest. “Educational Fads — Their Cause and Cure"—was treated In a semi-humorous fashion by Dr. Tuttle, but with the pointi- made, pressed home In a way There Is to be remembered no possibility of preventing fads,” said the speaker, “and no cure; hut a perfected anti constant readjustment of th-’ educational program." In speaking of the “Education­ al Responsibility In au Industrial Age” President Landers stated the public school had become the burden bearer of civilization; that one principal responsibility was "to adjust tho Individual to his Environment.’’ Under "Leadership,” he gave an analysis of the situation as and training of leaders. Dean Sheldon gave an epitom­ ized history of education In Ore­ gon during the past 25 years, and presented some thought ar­ resting facts.. In one lecture, the closing one on Friday. "Some Prejudices Concerning School Masters” Dean Sheldon presented both sides of the question very entertainingly. ”D e v e 1 o p ment of - Moral Thoughtfulness” was a thought provoking theme and .treated In a splendid way by Dr. Tuttle. Under department heads, lec­ tures were given by the different speakers and instruction under capable leadership. Those attending had much to carry away of very real value, they declare. One of the Instructors. Miss Leona Msrsters of Eugene, for­ merly of the Ashland schools, appeared before the assembly as song leader, and gave an addrerr on music that was particularly worth while. W IL L IA M S C R EE K BOY M IST A K E N FO R D E E R GRANTS PASS, Oot. 19—No action will be taken against W. T. Hartford, 314 Central Avenue, Portland, who late Friday after­ noon shot and fatally wounded Carter E. Davidson. Jr., 26, while hunting deer. Hartford and the slain man were members of a party engaged In a deer drive In the Williams creek country. .Davidson was one of the drivers and Hartford was stationed In an old deer trail and wagon road. In the thlcg brush and growing dusk, Hart­ ford mistook the youth for a buck. He shot, his bullet en­ tering the right hip, causing Internal hemorrhago. Davidson dying within three hours after the accident. After more than' tl of dilly-dallying .ah which time no AaCMih tion on the Southern Oregon Nor­ mal school, despite the efforts Of J. H. Fuller of ber of the building coWaTOÏe. a meeting of that committee has finally been called for thin elty, according to Fuller. The mgm- bers of the committee wRl VWl here Wednesday at that time It t e W « « 4 U m some action will be forthcom­ ing. ' ‘ According to J. A. Churchill, president of tha n o r m a l , at present occupying tha position of head of the state educations de­ partment, the architect haa not as yet completed the plana for the structure to he erected hare. This, despite the fact that ho has had more than two months Declares He Was Shot at In which to work on tha plans.. While m Prison, With- After a conference with Ckoréh- ’«.m in g 111, however, the architect de­ clared that he would have the SALEM, Oct. 19— (U. P.) — plans completed and In the hands Standiug nervously In Judge of the regents by November 1. Percy Kelly’s courtroom, Tom Fuller has been working with Murray, Oregon state peniten­ Churchill for several wonks, la tiary convict, today heard him­ an effort to obtain some ectlett', self sentenced to be hanged ou I and their work has been suc c ss s Friday, December 18, at the Ifn i, as Is shown In tha calling same prison from which he made □f the meeting for Wedaaadny. his sensational break. At that time the members of Murray was convicted of mur­ the committee will go o v e rth o dering John Sweeney, a prison ground, purchased aa a Site for guard, In the sensational break the normal by the city, and make of August 12. He was recap some last minute dedafoCMOfc lured twelve days later. Will R. King, defense attor several plans. The members of the commit­ qey, who will also defend Mur­ tee who will gather hern * » • ray’s tWo pals, Jamel Wlllos and Frank J. Miller of Albany, C. U Ellsworth Kelley, announced that Starr of Portland and 1. M. Ful- he would appeal the case to tho supreme court. Before the sentence was pro- unced. Murray was given an Churchill. Dortunlty to talk. "I have penltentlfA-y. On none of these occasion did I have any warn­ ing. It was shoot first and talk afterwards. In my trial, !t was charged that I fired two shots during the prison break, hut on neither occasions was JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. — (Lp>_The United States steamboat officials today began an Investi­ gation- of the Are that destroyed the coastwise steamship Com- manche, six miles off S t Johns river bar Saturday night, ;and threatened 150 passengers and the members of the crew. With the exception of Edward J. Lawler. Maas., all the passeng­ ers and the crew have been ac­ counted for. CONTINUE SEARCH FOR SEA CRASH VICTIMS Louis Dodgfe Fails 4 als Bear Hunter, Party Breaks up a trip to C rater I aka. A r ­ riving a fte r darit, they warmed theaaaelvea before the roaring fire which Joba Mabtn, carM aker a t the lodge had prefsurtM. Then Price saggeated that the party go ont nad taka a look a t the bears. Mabla secured a lantern, nad the trio started ant. WMhte a few minutes, they heard the bear, b at coaid not sen him. Then Price ao tked I xmi I s hanging hsck. Al though Price and M b ttn urged him to c om e ahead nnd help with the bant, Louis continued to hold back. Finally, the two leaden heard a vptce, away back In the distance. f t ana Ixmla, gad he ahoated: “Bay VICTORIA. B. C., Oct. 1». — (LP)— The eearch continued today for the victims of the collision of the tug Hope with the steamer Tees, og .Baatlnck Inland S»tMr- day night. The tug cepeised, throwing 24 men Into tho water. ROLLING LOO KILLS KLAMATH WORKER Twenty seven were rescued end seven lost. The tug wee carrying KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 19— a crew of longshoremen to llght- George B^peffle, lumber worker the cargo of the steamer Bemdyk, of Pelican Bay camp. No. 2, was ashore on Bentinck Island. Instantly killed at 3:80 Saturday morning While loading a car. The young men had been working on the loading machine when a log. being Disced on the car, slipped from the chain en­ Oregon and Washington tangling Broeffle end crushing — Generally fair tonight him to death. According to the and Tuesday, with light coroner, death wee Inatantaneour. variable winds. THE WEATHER Belem — Lake Leblsh district Reedsport •— C. M. Joham». will ehfo 909 care onions worth lumberman, will build |4«|;99< »loo.otffl. memorial building- The housekeepers Of will have tho opportui week to here their Irog free, an offer which la I very often. The Jordan Shop haa made errai with Mrs. Johnson, ropi tho Simplex laonur com go to aay Ashland he