* I" yoor broken windows Large stock of glass Jordan Sash and Cab- Phone 161. 26-tf Bay practical tire» at Mad den’s Tire Shop fend have no lire expense for oqp^year. 36-tt JlusiacN» VI Mrs. J. B. Todd of Hilt, Call iornla, was a business caller In Ashland yesterday. , All kinds of dimension lum- on hand at the box factory 292-tl Arrived in Ashland— H. F. Pemberton, Methodist m inister from Salem, w ill preach life first sermon In Ashland to­ morrow at the M ethodist church. Peppy swimming at the Jack- ion Hot Springs. Hot mineral baths and plunge. Open ail (vinter. 23-ti Ituaineas Visitor in Medford— Hal , McNair was a business visitor in Medford today. You are assured of the latest models in the newest shades and fabrics at Paulserud’s^ We specialise In up-to-date garments. Young men! Stop in and See our new models in fall suits and O’Coats. Paulserud's. Business V isitor— C. O. Armstrong of Sacramento was a business visitor In Ashland today. Mr. Armstrong Is think ing of locating permanently In Ashland on account ot health con­ ditions for Mrs. Armstrong. In Mr. Yocksl's clssslftad ad­ k. L etters ot Hilt wai • ▼tailor In Ashland yta- vertisement to Friday’s Issue of The Tidings It stated he had ioraay.,7 wheat for sale at 9 .90. This Boy yoor box »hook from the was an error, as It should have local box factory at wholesale been 92.90. prices. 169-tf ’ Everything for the Hallowe’en 39-tf Candy of merit, made from the party at Darllng’a. purest material obtainable at The Candy Land. '36-tf To Los Angeles— WASHINGTON, Oct 17—(IP) Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce and —A new federal • department of Mrs. J. B. Mosier will leave Liability Insurance written on the government-^-» department of automobiles and trucks. Phone Sunday for a motor trip to Loa education or a department of Angeles for about three weeks. 19-tf 21. Teo, (of course.) ___ I Ray Cleary will drive for Mr. education and health— is now un­ Returned From Trip — | and Mra. Pierce. Mra. Mosier der consideration by the Ad­ H. D. McNair of the Park (Jar- will visit her brother and other ministration, James A. Tobey. sge has returned from a busl- relatives In Los Angeles. Miss Director of the Institute for ! Ruth Osman will reside at the Government Research said to­ ness trip to Portland. i Pierce residence at 160 Pioneer day. The average length of live In New shipment of gold fish, Avenue, during their absence. this country would probably be fish moss and fish food at the from Its present Yea, we have no bananas, but Increased Variety Store, 89 N. Main St. ~_ _ t amount of 68 year« In the next 38-3 we have money to loan on good security. Phon« XI.“ Yeo,” <lood stream waste matter which It permitted o remain and ro- eator the system, may cause serious diseases. If overworked yon oaa heft) them by taknlg FOLEY PILLS, a diuretic stint' nlant for the kidneys, which gently flash the kidneys and Increase the elimination of wasto matter from your system. Try them today. Sold by all good drug stores. Sold' everywhere. ^^NQUIR^FINISHED This to Nick Kutoch, University of Iowa’s superman. He runs the abort dashes in close to reoord Ume, 1« a trip le th reat on the football field end can lift 1010 pounds. H e recent ly was awarded the trophy tor being ihe beet developed man at the uni­ versity. - - TWELVE KILLED IN MILAN RAIL CRASH GENOA, Switserlaad, Oct. 17 — (LP)— Twelve persons were kill­ ed end twenty Injured when freight and paeaenger trains on the Genoa-Milan line collided today. It was the second major railroad accident in Italy within a week. WA8HINOTON, Oct. 17—