Deaiers In Coal. Wood. Packing, MB3UC0 C ITY, Oct. 17— OP) Crating and Storage. Deng dist­ — The hoard of directors of the International F air to bo hold FO R RENT— 6-room cottage ance tracking. here during next month expect wtth hath, and partly furnished. T. L. PO W ELL— General Trans­ a total of one hundred thousand Oarage, chicken house, and yard. fe r — Good teem and motor visitors, twenty' thousand of 172 Skidmore street. 88-3 trucks. Good service a', a rea­ whom It is Indicated will come sonable price. Phone ft. FO B RENT— Furnished cabins from without the Repnblie, most­ FBHIG B . ROACH and small apartments. 158 ly from the United States. Transfer — Exproes — Btorag, Oraalta St. 8 8-tf Excursions ore being organised Hauling — Dray work of all kinds Quick motor service. Dry In Germany and Spain, composed wood o t all kinds. Phone 410-R largely of Industrialists who wish 876 B. Street. y 111— tl tq look over Mexico as a field for expanding business. Los Angeles and San Francisco FO B BENT— New, modern, business and commercial houseii furnace heated Apts., and sleep­ have taken approximately one ing rooms. Chattln Apts., Phone seventh of the space provided in 108-R. Call forenoons or eve­ the Alameda for exhibitions, and Now Orleans firms are expected nings. 8-1 Mo. A V C T IO N E B R A. h. GIBBON to take-a large space iaaamuch ta’; es anywhere a nytime. as the permanent exposition in Ashland. Oregon New Orleans is cooperating with •1 Nutley streut the Fair authorities. 8-tf Locally the prominent business men of the foreign colonies are arranging for displays of their lines including articles manufac­ W A S H IN G r O M W i r A tured In Mexico and abroad. FOR MALE— Electric blanket. A ll the larger towns In Texas Reasonable tanas. Call at SO and other border states* have Granite. 88-8* By CHARLES P. STEWART replied to the Invitations sent NBA Service W riter ont by the board of directors and most of them w ill have rep­ WASHINGTON — Washington resentation at the Fair. El Paso lx America’s only city of Im­ W hite beans, 8c pound. Geo portance where fortune telling. Is arranging tor fa ll exhibitions Yockel, B. I Box 188. • 88-8* In Its various forma, goea on of all products now furnished by this city to Mexico. regnlarly, professionally, openly and uninterfered with by the FOR SALB— 16 acres, 1 mile from Ashland P. O. Large plas­ law. Since secrecy Is unnecessary tered house with basement. Free water right. An exceptional buy and publicity pays. In the realm if taken nt once. J. L. Ketch. of the occult as In most other Ashland Hotel Bldg. 88-8 fields, the fortune tellers ad­ vertise In the newspapers or FOR SALB OR RENT— A otherwise. small modern house, 120 Fifth Consequently, It's possible Street 1 7 -6 * here, which it Isn't where they must operate under cover, to FOR BALB— All varieties of form some ides as to their apples, cheap, at orchard. Prices number. „ BUENOS AIRES. Oet. 17— HP) low at 60c per box. Doran, 898 Exact figures, to be sure, are -^-South America is preparing to Ashland St. 38-tf unavailable. Suffice It to say. take a prominent place In the BULBS— Dorwln Tulipa, as- however, that the community Is world of automobile racing. sorted colors. 20c, 26c and 80c surprisingly large, and seemingly Two first class speedways are dos. Also Daffodils at same prosperous. price. J. L. Harner, 146 Almond L E T T E R . ‘fÄÄ SODffl AMERICA PLANNING BIG SPEE D W A Y S Of all the capital's seers and seeresses, Mme. Marcia probably Is the best known, by virtue Of the fact that she had ready access to the White House dur­ ing part of the two admlnlstra- FOR BALK— 10-acre farm; 7 I tlons, as prsctloner-of-astrology- acres In cultivation, family or­ extraordlnary to the then “ first chard; 7-room house; barn; good ladles in the land." water; right In the town of Mill In late middle life, Mme. M ar­ City. The town with the big cia runs strongly to embonpoint. payroll. Price 84,000. W ill Of book learning, except such trade for Ashland property of as relates to astrology, she has equal or lesser value, and give very little and regrets It. » difference. Address “Oh, If I only had an educa­ J. E. Ray, Mill City, Ore- tion!" the remarked, during a 4-21* talk I had with her one day. Mme. Marcia practiced rte- RANCH BARGAINS _ W IT H dlumshlp'ln her youth and ad­ mits that she found the spirits extremely unreliable. “But the Priced at •nd 8 for pasture. stars,** she says, “can’t He." 81,000. I think she believes in her 0 ACRES beet of land, fenced, hokus pokus herself. 8600. 11.«S ACRES bottom land, al­ falfa and grain, living water, Ir ­ The question arise«, “To what rigation for 7 1-2 acre«, cheap extent do spiritual, astrological and other occult puggestlons In­ a t 81180. A ll near City limit«, with tele- fluence governmental policies and phone and R. F. D. privilege«. deslsions, executive, legislative Inquire of O. 8. Butler, 41 Gran­ and judicial?** it e St., City. _______32-l_mo. Not much, I imagine. Mme. Marcia, It’s true, speak« of num­ erous governmental higher-ups W ANTED— White, clear glass among her clients, but she’s vague as to names, and I snrmlse clean quart bottles, 6c each. Powells Confectionery. 624 A that, In thia respect, she exag­ at 88-1 gerates a bit. Prof. Marcus La Marr, “Washington's famous me­ FU R N ITU R E and mattress re- dium,” agrees with me. irlng. 816 Granite St., P. O. “ I sincerely wish,” he told « axi 36-12* me, “ that I could honestly a9Rure MARCELLING 75c, Phone 186J you we run the whole govern­ for appointment or call 68 Hel- ment, but the idea's ridiculous. man S t, upstairs apt. 26-1 mo. Your typical politician Is the laat man I'd pick as suspectlble to CONVALESCENT HOME any Influence but his own be«rt Where the sick are cared for Interests. Spirits? Pooh! To Special rata to Invalids. Call 168 influence a politician you need something a lot more concrete— NG, Repairing, 8hlng- something he can see and (401 tlng, Kalsomlnlng, Re- will do him some good, like a W. T. Blackwell, 818 bunch of votes.” Phone 32SL, 307-*f W ANTED TO R EN T— Pasture for five horses tor the winter. Fleld and Moon. Box 107, Ash­ land. >6-8« P r o fe s s io n a l '»COPBNHAOBN, Oct. 17— — Plans looking toward the es­ tablishment of a Danish-Ameri­ can meteorological station In the heart of Greenland are being made here today by Professor William Hobbs of Michigan Uni­ versity. • 1OIS WUSON «M WARNER BAXTER w tta PARAMOUNT PICTURE “ Meteorological observations »WELCOME HOME» A JA M E S CRUZE PRODUCTION made during the last 160 years Indicate that the storms which A t The Vining Sunday and Monday sweep Northern and Eastern Europe,” said Professor Hobbs, to be built, where the leading San Martin at a cost of abont “have their origin In the Icy drivers of the world will be in­ half a million pesos. The track wastes of Greenland. The estab- vited to compete for prices rival­ w ill be 8,300 meters around, ling those given at Indianapolis, something over two miles, and tion In Greenland's Interior at Los Angeles and Milan. Will be 18 meters wide on the a height of 3,000 feet would, I One of these tracks will be In strelgbt-aways with an added Buenos Alrae, while the other three meters on the curves. Stimmer travels have w ill be Sao Paolo, Brasil. Con­ probably damaged your cessions have already been ar­ TIDINGS WANT AlXy BELL ranged and plans drawn. The tires. __i __ _ AEYTHINO. track in Buenos Aires is duo to be completed by December, Bring Them to while It Is hoped that the track In Sso Paulo will also be reedy before the end of this year. * As It Is summer In South ] America when It Is winter In Europe end North America It la felt that International races dan be organised In which the fore- most drivers ot the world can take part, without Interfering PETPOlEUMx \ CORPORATION ) with their participation In the varions classics. The Beanos Aires track Is to be constructed In the suburb of Oeser’s Ashland Service Station , Phone 104-8 Home Phoi»el04-L i hours, 1ft to 12 A. M.; 2 p, y .; 7 to 8 evenings. Cltl- Bank Building. Above Tiding» Your The Best Gasoline Summer or Winter Paint or Wallpapei} w » Contract or Order, we can handle it satisfactorily. J. O. RIGG No Ungreased Parts EXTRA FINE LEEDOM’S about your car can be found after it has been greased at CHICKEN Williams Servke Station DINNER Shell and General Gasoline PLAZA —or if you need new ones, remember Kelleys and CTC’s give you maximum mileage. HOLLAND BULBS We have just received a large shipment of the leading varieties. October and November are Best Months to Plant OUR CAKES 30x3 1-2 Remodel­ ed - - - - - $9.50 Individual Oarages Five Dollars per Month Two 1921 Fords Por Your Sunday Dinner ind you will realize that it is cheaper and better to let us bake your cakes. Our stock of perennials is complete, ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP LITHIA BAKERY Lithia Springs Hotel Building PHONE 120 Dr. W. Oeser, Prop. Please Let Our Mechanics New Edison Phonograph »ee’s Shoe Shop Sunday Night Dinner 339 E. Main Street and have insurance ex- Autom otive Shop Brake Relining Done by Machinery OUR MILK Contains a rich body of cream, which insures our patrons of a delicious milk drink at all times. Try our Malted Milk’s or Milk Shake’s and be convinced. that will play all makes of Records without injury to the record perts tel, you how you can - Lithia Hotel Crab Louie Cocktail Ripe Olives Sliced Tomatoes Celery Hearts Chicken a la ton tag Consomme en Cup Roast Primd*Ribs of Beef an jus Chicken Fricassee a la Parisienne Grilled Mutton Chops a la Reforme Mashed Potatoes Garden Peas keep F ire’s red figares of COMPLETE projierty lost off your led- ELECTRIC BATTERY Devil Food Cake Iced Tea Coffee Milk Buttermilk Palmer Piano House Get insurance information aa to the best- way to prevent a fire and to collect indemnify should a fire cause you loss. 4 Pineapple Fritters W ine Sauce Parker House Rolls Lemon Jello Salad Mayonaise Rogue River Apple Pie a la Mode Lithia Hotel Strawberry Shortcake Neapolitan Ice Cream Lithia Springs Confectionery Supplies Medford Glass This agency of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company la here to serve you with reliable Insurance that protects from loss. THE PARK GARAGE Billings Agency Plate Glass and Mirrors Made to Order. Rcsllver Your Old Mirrors All Kinds Glass. Real Estate A Real Insurance Estab. 1888 41 E. Main St. Expert Electrician in Charge Phone 116 New Hotel Bldg. Agents for ‘Choice Box Candy J. L. KETCH BetM* Bordeaux Mixture- For Less Money Apply ifow bn apricot, peaches, cherry and Spitz apple trees and it is just as good on currant, rasp­ berry and blackberry bushes. • * If yon want more End better fruit and stronger trees «ad vines,-weftus service which he extends to our gas customers in Ashland will be continued by W. M. ELMENDORFF • Our Present Ashland Manager who is ready at all times to assist you in getting the best gas service possible. It is the butter which some of the best judges of bntter insist upon. R. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac­ tice limited to eta, ear, nota and thro a t--X -ra y including teeth,. Offto« hours. 10 to 12 8. •S rttttah n rr Bid«;; Ashland. J REPAIRING PHYSICIANS DR- W . 8. CRANDALL uopathlc Physician A Surgeon foe Phone ISO. Home 457-8 First National Bank Bldg. I We new and vise VULCANIZING BEALBARGAINS MATERNITY Reasonable Ratea 188 Granite. Telephone 168 hty of the approach of storms. " I am hare laying the gtanad- >rk tor aa expedition we will ike next year under the laad- *hlp of the Danish explorer oge Kock, Into the heart of eeniand tor the purpose of iking experimental obaarvg- hs. I f these experiments prove | theory correct we will make (drive for funds to estsMMh permanent station there man* by Americans and Danes.'* The Ashland Creamery Oregon Gas Compaay