Oregon Historical Society • . Auditorium Been Ashton#s r New spaper Wire »errtee) (Pal tort For N e ó rty Years F tfty < ASHLAND, OREGON, SÀ1 Seals Kill Fisli ’’ in Sän Diego Bay, Say Fishermen Members of Board Decide to W ait Short Time Before Giving Contracts LOCAL FIRMS ABE LOW »AN D1EOO, Cal., Qct. 17— (IP)— Sea Ilona are driving the fish »way from their customary haunts from between Channel Islands and Tut­ tle Bay, according to a complaint filed with the state fish and game com­ mission office here. seals also are destroying thousands of dollars worth of nets. A r : re vr Castagnola, master of the purse seiner Catterlna M„ re­ ported that he had haul- od in a halibut net at Turtle bay that contained 43 baby seals. Although bids foe the con­ struction of the new grade school btyidlng, to be erected on Beach 8 street, were opened Thursday 8 evening by the members of th/? 8 school beard, no contracts were let. The bids of the lowest bidders were taken under con- slderstlon, and. sccordlpg to V. O. N. Smith, a member of thè achool board who ha» been protn- Inent in the school building ac­ tivities of the past year, these bidders will probably be award­ ed the contracts. However, the members of the board decided to bold off their decisions on the contracts for a abort time. In order that the en- tire matter may again be dis­ Park Oarage, Oeaer's Ser vice Station and Jackson cussed with the architects. A nte Camp Appointed It had been hoped that the new school might be ready for Three more local businesses occupancy by the middle of th» have been designated as official school year, or by the Christinas A. A. A. ststions, according to vacation, la order that the puplU B. C. McHenry, field secretary from the Hawthorne scbqol of the Oregon State Motor as­ might be moved into the new sociation. building and the remodeling of The Park Oarage has been the Hawthorne * school start. made an Official A. A. A. garage, However. It v u found impossible making two official garages In to complete the school by that Ashland, the Automotive Shop time, sod the school board Is being the first. Dr. Oeaer’s therefore taking more time in Ashland Service station has been deciding on the contract. designated an official A. A. A. The Hawthorne school to to service station, which the Ja«f-| be remodeled and , an addition son Hot Springs auto camp has built, nod the building used been appointed an official A. A. to honte tha Junior High stu­ A. auto camp. dents. The present Junior high The membership campaign to building, on North Main street going along at a good pace at w ill be used as a grade school. the present time, McHenry stat­ and with the new , Beach street ed, approximately 80 members'of grade school, the city will have the organisation having been ob­ a grade school on each side of tained, with a number of good town, with the Junior high school prospects yet to Interview. and the High school practically Those who have recently joln- In the center of the residential 1 ed the organization are: Homer UEBEARD FEMALE Mr*. Clara Carl Outwit* Prbon Authorities in Mak­ ing Dash for Liberty Otto Jones Explains Whole Matter to Li thia q Body 1 j j NO OLDES ABE POUND ALL Wouian KUU m I Husbands and Falber in Lew by Olvin« Dome of Arsenic JL 5 ARB FAVOR Declares AMecIntlmi V H Want Members Not sej'l <>t» Hervite 4 possibility Displaying the same clever criminal skill which police al­ leged caused her to murder two husbands and a father-in-law by slowly poisoning them to death. Mrs. Clara Carl escaped from the prison. So far no trace or her has been found. She Is considered one of the most dar­ ing woman criminals in the country. There Is cool, calm and de­ liberate manner about Mrs. Carl. It was manifest when she was charged with the crimes three years ago, and again was showq when prison authorities after her r scape found that tor weeks she had been planning her break fon. liberty. So cleverly did she outwit the prison authorities that she ( took nil belongings with her. Mrs. Carl had deceived the warden in­ to believing that she could he trusted and she was assigned to (ending the chickens in the prlc- 5 3 « * IN Workers Declare Not Had Si th at Short T im e Has M ade I t Imposaibl T o Hee M a n y Fdqpfe Ashl«nil John Rigg and V. O. N. Smith addressed the men at the T. M. C- A. meeting last night at the Plata Confectionery. Mr. Rigg spoke of the Bo$ Scoqt Work in its relationship to thé V. M. C. A. in Ashland. He called at­ tention to the fact that both Scout Masters, Homer Billing» and himself, were members of the Y. M. C. A. board. There dinners Is worse than cruel. Ottoline ) is also an overlapping ia the says he ia of royal lineage and was | Scout Council and the Y. M. C. a German officer during the war. A. directorate. He said that Ciao , V. Howell, the local Y. M. C. A. secretary, is the Assistant Scont- , master and that through this ar­ rangement he gives tests when will be linked in a scenic motion picture, tot other scenic came a little closer to realist •' * tlon at a meeting of the Lit 111 ah-, >l*ners foi last night, when a committee wl-i has found* appointed, with power to art Io In a divot confer with Otto Jones, public*' ®nd cruelt director of the Oregon State Xan*w ho Motor association on the matter, a wa.it an/ Mrs. Clara Carl, female bloebeard, who murdered two husbands and her father-in-law by administering potions of arsenic. Mrs. TCarl recently escaped froiiTlhe Indiana State prison, and la still at large. ing last night, and outlined the entire matter to the club 11« declared that the film would be made for absolute cost, or at 10 cents per foot, and that the association would assure dis­ tribution in the main junction points of tourist travel, at Salt Lake Çity and at Cheyenne. In addition, cut outs of the film will be given to the Web Foot Weekly news reel, which ia dis­ tributed throughout the North­ west. A copy of the film would also be placed with the Lithlans. to be used by that organisation at any of its celebrations or on any special occasions. During the meeting, the pos­ sibility of securing at least 1000 feet of films was discussed. Jones declared that the assoclo- tlon would bear the expense of about 300 feet of this film, H»o Lithlans to pay for the remaining 700 feet at the rate of 10 cents per foot. This cost docs not In­ clude the expenses of the camera­ man or other incidental expenses, being simply the coat of the film and the developing. Additional members were ap­ pointed on the conimittoe to In­ terview local members in an effort to secure morn members for the association. In speaking on this matter. Jones said: " If a motorist I k called upon V. O. N. Smith to speak of the Hl Y from the lead­ er's standpoint, stating that Mr. Smith had been the leader of the club for the past four yean. In Rev. M. B. Parounagian of responding Mr. Smith stated that Salem and Rev. A. B. Jones, one of the things that-Wow hta formerly of Atlanta, G^irgia. support to the County Y. M. C. two Near East Relief campaign A. idea was the report of the workers are now In Ashland, splendid work done by the Hl at dusk one evening, she working on the annual financial Y. Clubs. He said that he felt I up pn the chicken houso. drive to secure funds with that he had always been limited then on to the prison wall and which to carry on the work In SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8 in both time and preparation In dropped over on the outside. the Near East for the coming his leadership of the Ashland 17— (IP)— As a nice legal 8 Sleep morder charges were year. point, this one is good 8 club, but that he had t o i M It first preferred against her she In speaking of the Near East intensely Interesting and t u t he to know— U has been known as "the feminine 8 A police judge here 8 had always emphasised the Christ­ *ltt«Oie»rd." J *, baa Just decided ■> that 8 ian element and that. the boys Her life story Is a curions 8 married couples may 8 had responded and appreciated mixture of crime, love, happiness 8 quarrel in their own 8 it. He referred to the fact that and tragedy. 8 homes In safety, hut un- 8 O. A. Briscoe had assured him She was the beautifnl daugh­ Pheasant hunters, during the 8 married couples creating 8 that the club was exerting a real ter of a farmer living neqr past two days since the opening 8 the same degree of tnr- 8 Influence for good in tha achool. New Straltsville, O. of the seasdn have had but little 8 moil are guilty of dis- 8 Billings, Dr. Ernest A. Woods, In closing Mr. Smith spoke of When a young girl she eloped luck throughout the Rogue River accommodate pupils of the sev­ 8 turbing the peace. 8 8. J. Bailey. J. D. Mars. M. O. the final meeting of the elab at with Robert Gibson, young son enth, eighth and ninth grades, Ebert, E. V.-Carter, D. H. Jack- Valley, few limits being reported 8 He so ruled In the 8 Klngsbm-ry Springs last spring of a New Straltsville florist. here. taking the ninth grade from tbo However, those hunters 8 case of Cecil Davis, car- 8 when, in response to a question son, A. C. Livingstone, Frank They had been childhood sweet­ who have made the trip to the high achool, and thus relieving 8 penter, and Miss Hattie 8 "Is the Ht Y WorthwhllaT" every Jordan, Miss L. H . Nelson, T. hearts. Klamath Falls section report Hatlow. the crowded condition there. boy said he would not consider The couple then 8 D. Pryor, Dr. Charles A. Haines, R obert Clara appeared good bags there, and many are The Clyde W. Fraaier com­ giving up the Hl Y clab. 8 made up their troubles, 8 O. M. Green, Dr. W. J. Crandall, deeply In They went to plannnig on combining a duck pany of Portland, prominent Mr. Onley thanked the men for 8 secured a license and 8 H. B. Plummer, C. L. Curtis, building contractors of that city, H. T. Mellor, K. P. Nlms. W. J. Cleveland, where Gibson was n and pheasant hunt. Although 8 were married. The judge 3 he Is a public spirited citizen "Any great task which to un­ thelr splendid loyalty and co-op­ have been warned 8 dismissed the complaint, 8 The Oregon State Motor Associa­ dertaken with the sole idea of eration thus far la the drive He were the low bidders on the Jlougherty, T. R. Jackson and teacher. His wife was employed hunters on a newspaper. something definite service to humanity will bring then spoke of the good work of g en eral construction work on the against eating ducks killed In the 8 saying they could quarrel 8 tion has E. D. Briggs. They conceived the Ides of get­ Tule Lake district, the disease entire building. Their bid wan 3 nil they wanted, to after 8 something substantial to sell. It about great results, so America Mr. Howell, the local secretary, la ting rich by going from town which has been killing the ducks 8 that. *46,280, several thousand dollars ’ 8 Is a service which is much like has reaped the benefit of spend­ getting things under way dbriy to town, writing and selling il­ there has not made Its appear­ insurance. You may carry It ing the above amount from a and of tha efficient moaner ia lower than the next lowest bid­ lustrated hlstores of various lo­ ance north of the Lake, anil for years before you need It, purely commercial standpoint ss which he had handled tha Father der. calities. but when you do need it, yon the export business to these great and Son banquets. Mr. Howell In hunters are getting good bags The bid of the Gooding Heat­ Th>'y went to Huntsville, Mo., need It badly.” countries has Increased over 800 responding congratulated U n men ing and Plumbing company, of where Gibson became suddenly B. C. McHenry, field secretary per cent since thia work atart- on the work that was being done Pheasants in the Klamath dis­ Gooding, Idaho, was the lowest ill. Doctors seemed unable to trict are exceptionally thick this of the association, announced and felt sure that the people of bid in the plumbing class. The help him and he died within a year. that 80 members had been se­ Ashland were interested in the hid of the Gooding company was short time. cured here for the association has been incorporated by con­ welfare of their boys. Ha was Quail hunters have enjoyed *2.760. A few months later Clara mar some good luck this year, quail The mark set for Ashland is gress and a report of every dol­ much encouraged over the out­ Provost Brothers of this city rled Frank Carl at Ceneca, Kans. 160, and It will be necessary lar raised and how it Is spent look for the year. being rather plentiful throughout were the low bidders on the Tho couple went to New Phil­ the valley. Especially In the to secure that many members be­ is turned over to congress every Mr. Gnley celled upon A, ■. heating contract, with a bid of adelphia, Ind., and Invited the foothills surronnilng Ashland, fore the association will be nb!», year. In just a few years this Yount, one of the state aacratar- *6,868.72. ■ financially, to take the free film work will be completed, and les, who haa been helping In the The Jordan Electric company O R E G O N AGRICULTURAL husband’s father, Alonzo Carl, are the quail thick, and severnl of Ashland, and the additional | the people of America will not n nance campaign good bags have been brought in. hern. Mr. also 'o f this city, were the low COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct., 17— 86, to live with them. Again a mysterious malady Quail and pheasants are most War Over Only 7 Years, film at cost. be called upon again,” be con­ Yount spoke of the In e work that bidders/ on the ejectrlcal con­ Today on Multnomah field, Port­ The plentiful in the Valley View dis­ 8everal of tho members were tinued. had been done by the local organ­ tract, with a hid' of *776. » land, the Oregon Aggies meet afflicted Clara’s husband. Find* Few Men Receiv­ called upon to 'express their Rev Jones and Rev. Parouna- ization and of the prospect» that Thus, two local firms were Whitman college of Walla Walla. father-in-law also became ■ sud­ trict, but a large number of the ing State Aid opinion on the matter and prac­ glan will apeak at the churches were ahead. He also spoke of hie farmers there have their land low bidders in their classes, with Coach Paul Sehiasler Is plan­ denly ill. Frrnk Carl was a picture of posted and will allow no hunt­ U N IV B R 8IT Y OF OREGON, tically nil were unanimously in of the city tomorrow morning appreciation of the fine spirit of the biggest contract bid being ning to start the game with hl« and evehlng, and on the fol­ the men and of the splendid fel­ Ore., Oct. 17— (Special )— The favor of It. won by another Oregon firm. regular aqupd. and he would health, and was noted for hl? ing. powerful physique. lowing Sunday morning and eve­ lowship that he had enjoyed. Ho The season on quail and last of the war veterans are at­ not a n t i c Ipate Whitman's But within a month hit pheasants will close October 31. tending the university. urged the men to go ahead with ning. / strength by saying now whether the work and to extend It for strength left him so fast that The bag lim it is four per day Only eight students who served "shock troops" would later he the boys of Ashland. he became a living.skeleton. and eight per week. In the world war and entitled used. O. F. Caipon. president of the When both the husband and to receive state educational ex- His main purpose is to keep lodal association, spoke of the father-in-law died terrible deaths, service men's aid are registered, Whitman from scoring. In the SMITH TALK OMITTED splendid spirit of tha group and tw o . games already played the the county prosecutor was de­ IN FORUM ARTICLE according to records ofr the the enthusiasm with which tha luged with letters demanding an registrar, although the war end­ Aggies havé run up big scores MEDFORD, Oct. 17— Puplto men had taken pert in the work. Investigation. Exhumation of ed hot seven years ago. The In some manner reference to O R E G O N AGRICULTURAL without being scored upon, find front the primary grades at tho For the men he thanked Mr. their bodies revealed enough V. O. N. Smith’s speech at the number of ex-service men has the record will be smirched If COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 17— Washington achool. tauight by Yount for his'* services In con­ arsenic to “kill a dozen men,” dwindled rapidly from 1920 chamber of commerce forum George N. Oray of Ashland, who Whitman ahould get near and Mrs. Canode, entertained Thurs­ nection with tho campaign. luncheon laat Tuesday waa omit­ when more than 400 received aid. day afternoon the several hun­ This fact, according to tho prosecutor. -was selected aa a member of accidentally score. The report^ on U e enheertpt- The trial In 1922 respited in ted from the article printed In The veterans get 826 a month, dred teachers gathered here for the college dairy prodneta and and the coach's determination lons were very snttofaetory to a second degree murder con­ with a total not to exceed 2800. Tuesday's laaue. Mr. Smith wn« cattle judging team placed high not to take any chances with the Jackson county teachers' In date. The fall amoant was net viction and a life sentence. The eight men are: Walter stltute, noW In session at the one of the local delegates at the In the national dairy show con­ Coach Borleakle's talent will WASHINGTON— Oct. 17— (IP) secured hut this was because the Apparently the motive of the W. Butler, Creswell; Harold F. meeting In Crescent City when find O. A. C. pitched high In high school. test at Indianapolis, Ind. — The IMilted States and the workers had been unable to see "feminine Bluebeard" was to ob­ the subject of a deep harbor was Hunnicutt, Eugene; Paul S. The O. A. C. team, matched their only Portland appearance President J. 8. Landers of Mexican government have agreed • large number of people who tain the petty fortunes of her Maxwell, Junction City; Carl L. Monmouth Normal school, the discussed. against teams from 10 colleges this year. in principle, and «In moat of the are Interested la the organisation. Mr. Smith reported at the Joseph son, Aatorla; Claire Hol- principal afterno&n peaker. pre- I f one can make dope out of two husbands. In the dairy products contest. A^tatla. on thw w w tottj Some are isssnn* l uffcnwa m at p r oipatu tar n placed fourth. Ä r. Gray won comparative eugw, i r » u i ; j u .. ii a ■’.'•.‘ ■'•I gented an address on ' M niRr- scores Whitman two countries, designed to pnt a of the liqalted time there am still the death of her ftrat husband governmental appropriation for •derlck L. Rice and Edward gh,p •• wnich Included need for second In the milk contest In a should be nearly as strong ss atop to all smuggling along the » Urge number to he called apoa. and 22,000 from Carl’s insurance, this work were good and that, If Smith, all of Portland. adequate leadership, types of Whitman defeated field of 80 contestants. The Gonzaga, boundary between the two na­ The men decided to continue the making her crimes all the more thia work waa done, it would . . * leaders, source of leadership and tions. dairy cattle team placed fourth Cheney normal 26 to 0 and Gon­ work ns Individual - f«r m , amazing. no doubt mean a cheaper freight preparation and training for In Holsteina and twenty-first In zaga gouged them 80 to 0. day* until the fall The conclusion of the treaty next few rata from Rogue River Valley, which to not each a startling dif­ ORE 18 SPEAKER AT i leadership. Leadership, he said, Id regarded as a moat Important amount la secured. Some at the the Contest for all brteds. points. OHAMBER LUNCHEON j Involves devotion to a purpose step In tha American govern­ man reported people who wen ference, and considering the Ag- ■--------- ' or cause and In that way alto de- He stated this Improvement gles 22 to • victory over what ment’s plan to enforce liquor Intereeted and had not watt­ BOBBERY OF PAYROLL waa thought to be a much might also bring about the con­ Medford will furnish the veIopg He stated that ed to be called apoa hat hqrt and narcotic prohibition. NETS THIEVES $46,000 stronger Gonzaga team certainly Oregon and Washington struction of a railroad from the Mkers and music for the nooa p0,|t,cg have superseded stutas- It to expected that the Mexi­ brought In their pMdgaa volun­ — Cloudy tonight and amber of commerce program manshlp, and ae a result the coast to this valley. gives Whitman more chance to can treaty will he similar with tarily. The men frit earn them CR1CAOO, Oct. 17— (U. P.) — Sunday. Probably rain xt Tuesday, October 20. nation la without adequate lend- blot the record than might be that bnt recently concluded with were a number of people la the Four bandits today executed a One of the speakers will be erBhjp. In the west portion. In BANK H E L D UP supposed, from reviewing records Canada, and which to now In city who had not Imen enea. hat p a y ro llro b b e ry at the West treating southeast winds. NEW BRIOHTON, Minn., H. Gorn, president of the j n comparing present Co*dl- of bygone seasons. who wanted to ham a sham la effect. Pullman works of the Interna­ ’— (U. P .)— Three bandits Nat,onal bank- wh0 w111 tlons to those 26 years ago, Dean helping the hoys of AahlaaA tional Harvester company, and c W l h s question of "Lower „ D 8h. Mon of tha University Portland — Nine months d tha First State Banl Rainier — State highway com­ sequent!/ the work« escaped'In a sedan With 246,000. Canby— Paving work begun >w Brighton today, esci minatoti approves proposed Long-i building permits were *tt,1 7 0 ,- Oregon Ctty-Canomah section llf t . 87 per cent above 168«. ttt 212,000. Bell toll bridge aeroea Colombia. Married Folk s May Battle, Others Lay Off 1 fnstitute Speaker Says Oregon Lagí in Rural Schools George N. Gray is Chosen Member of Stock Judging Team THE WEATHER Near East Relief Campaign Members Visit in Ashland NEW MEXICAN TREATY ALMOST C O M PL E T E D