l a hledford— Dan Kay was a business visit­ or in Medford yesierdiy from Ashland. • Hsve your broken windows r palled. Large stock of glass Cab- til hand. Jordan Sash and : 26-tf Inet Works. Phone l i l l. Friday at 7:30 Is the Hi-Jtnks Salvation Army. at Try N ininger’s malted shakes. To Engi ne— Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Chaney and family left this morning for Fugone to make their home. Hot water bottle sale. one— One free.— El hart ’s. Billions made at stairs. Htartlag f t * ■ contractor ’Baash- Started car* The Olayeomb Motor company penter« to work oa the new two entertained their employee« "last story garage t b i «orsin e. evenfy g with a, banquet la the Llthia, Springs hotel. A splen­ Nlainger’s Bot Tamalea. 33-tf didij, (lee course dinner was en­ Fountain. joyed. Those attending were Orres cleans clothes clean, up Miss Velds Aekley, Alden Powell, stalra. 65-4* Harry Harrison, Mr. Duncan, Cart Carlsok, Albert Carlson, W. Do your Photograph shopping E. Carr, Mr. Morris and H. L. rly. Special Inducement this Clay comb. The latter was chair­ M ore T h a n 75 Member« of Order Gather Here for onth. Studio Ashland. SS-tf man awl,- toast master tor the Meeting evening Mr. Fairfax of the Ford Motor company, was the The one-cant sale Is at Mora than 76 members o( the Rexall Store on the Pleas. De Molay organisation gathqred at the Da Molay club rooms la the Masonic Temple last. eight, New shipment of gold fish, fish moss and fish food, at the for a get together meeting, ignd to enjoy a venison dinner, nerved Variety Store, 89 N. Main St. V isitin g In Aahlaad— by D. M. Lowe, chairman of.the 88-3 G. S. Blake of Portland advisory council of the.qyqani visiting in Ashland with cation. VOLT LAUDS INDUSTRY brother and wife, Dr. and 9 The Llthia Chapter Da Molay OF ROGUE VALLEY W. E. Blake. , had as their guest« Da hfclsy When yon think of painting think of Blackwell.' Phone »»3b. »8-tf Liability Insurance written on Orres, up­ automobiles and tracks. Phone 19-tf 35-4* 21. Yeo, Cfif course.) Dnriing Studio and Art Store Dr. Blake and J. C. Whltgcker for Hallowe’en decorations that are different. 36-t* are enjoying a duck hunt in Klamath Falls today. Cliff Payne makes chair rockers Suits made at Orrqs fit. 36-4* V isiting HeCe— Candy of merit, made from the purest material obtainable at Ashland for 36-tf her parents, The Candy Land. Good. Buy practical tires nt Mad­ at the Jack- den's Tire Shop and have no Hot m ineral tire expense tor one year. 3<-tf Mrs. F. M. Creason of Duna- irulr is visiting in a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Peppj- swim ming Hot Springs. baths and plunge.. winter. son Open all 23-tf Reported R ecovering— It is reported that Alta Col­ Hair bobbing, m arcelling a lins, who has been very seriously specialty. The Vanity Shoppe. ill, is out of danger and im­ proving steadily. Decorative Hallowe’en good«. Elhart’s. Everythin» tor the H allow e’en party at Darling’s. 86-tf Special Merchants Lunch, 60c, dally at the Placa— from 11 a. m- -O 2 p. m. 8-tf Yea. we have no bananas, but we have money to loan on good security. Phone 21. Yeo, (of course.) 19—tf l t d timed To Ashland— Douglas Reid has returned from Stockton, where he has W. It. C. Luncheon Postponed ■ • Iteen visiting for n few days. The W. R. C. luncheon that was planned for October 17, has Orres rem odels garm ent-!- for been postponed until October 20, rreti nnd women, upataira. 37-4* when the department president lo . Uuy your box shook from the al box factorv at wholesale Fsll woolens are now In at 25 2 tf O:t>8 Tailor Shop. >91tf price«. Wortl Received— lie v e Yesterday—- Mrs. Melissa Ball, who is visit* Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lacey of Wagner Çreek were in A'shland Ing her daughter in Idaho and has been very seriously ill, la yesterday transact ng business. reported as greatly improved. Dou'l ’miss the Hi Jinks You are assured of the latest models in the newest shades and D elivery ‘ o f Cur— , We The Automotive Shop reports fabrics at Paulserud’s. the delivery of a Chevrolet specialise in up-to-date garments. touring car to Ed Baer. Hl-Jinks Friday night. The Medford Rug Cleaner and Buy Xmas stamped goods at Fluff Rug Man will be in Ash­ Needlecraft, Oct. 15 to 31. 38-1 land Friday of this week. Phone your orders to 112 or 240 Knocked Under <>r— " The year and one half old daughter of Irwin Koenig of 279 Van Ness avenue was iqute seriously injured when she was TODAY - TOMORROW knocked under her father’s mov­ ing car. The little girl suffers a broken leg. The koenlg fam­ ily are new residents In Ashland, having just recently moved here from Derby, Oregon. LIGHT OF .yiBsraw, STABS’ A good time at the Hi-JInks at Salvation Army. • Redaction Sale. Oct. 15 to 31. Overstocked, Big reduction on all stamped goods.—Needlecraft 38-1 Zane Grey’s smashing ro­ mance of the Arizona bor­ der in the days when a quick trigger and a fast horse were a man’s best friends. / A tale of hair-raising ad­ venture a n d . hairbreadth escapes; o f broncho bust­ ing, straight shooting — and a dash o f love. .WWB AT THE )RGAN Repairs That Will Alfred W. Oardner gad Miss FRAZIER AND SON Did yon know that you get more bread and better bread, with leas waste, out of Cherro flour than from any other flour on the market today. Just try a sack and convince yourself. Wo an« «apply yoa with any kite» of mill feed, grata«. altaUa hay, straw sad the beet of gnU ( hoy, grit, oyster shell, rate., eeed pfceet, eeed rye, seed vetch, timothy eeed and aeshasm Phone 214 — 353 E. Main Street Please gee’s Shoe Shop REAL BARGAINS DAVENPORTS AND FIRESIDE ÇHAIRS are a source of great com fortand add charm to the hornet We are showing a fine line of these in the different coverings and prices, do not fail Tune Up Your Car Use our deferred payment plan Automotive Shop Reliable Housefurnishers GET YOUR Pistons Bearings LEEDOM’S Ashland, Oregon. 26-4 Thurs. Funeral services of the late James F. Denham, will take place Friday at 2:00 p. m., at PIRATES WIN I AST GAME nY B.7 SCORE the Methodist church at Talent. Remains may be viewed at the (Continued On Stock undertaking parlors from 11:00 to 1:00 p. m. Interment ont Biuege. Peck hit. a home will he held In Stearns Cemetery ran Into the left field stands. of Talent. Ruel ’went out, Traynor to Mc­ Innis. Johnson fouled out to Needlecraft sale of Xmas Smith. One run, one hit, no stamped goods, Oct. 15 to 31. errors. 38-1 Pittsburgh— Wright fouled out to Judge. McInnis flew out to Young men! Stop In and Rico. Smith doubled Into right. onr new m odels ln fait aalt« •Yde ran for Smith. Blgbee bat­ O’Conts. Peulserud's. ted tor Kremer. Blgbee scored Yde with a double. Moore walk- W ST’Tfiry Spencer, Bather Spencer nnd Ed Spencer have just returned from a trip to Engene and Corvallis. They were gone about a week. Carey's grounder and Moore wss safe. Blgbee and Moore scored ahead of Cnyier’a two base bit. Barnhart filed out to 8. Harris, Three runs, three hits, one er­ ror. Visiting In Ashland— Washington— Rice struck ont Mrs. James A. O’Neil, on her Moore got 8. Harris' fly. Ooalln return from an Eastern trip via struck oat. California, has been visiting at the home of Mrs. E. B. Barron and 8. Patterson. Sbe Is leevlag for her home In Tacoma ao- WANTEDn-Whlte, clear glam companled by Mrs. Barron, who ciqfcn quart bottles, 6c each.— will make an indefinite visit In Powells Confectionery. 634 A that city. St. •«-* FOB RKNWw-6-room cottage with bath, and partly furnished. Oarage, chicken house, and yard. 17» Sktdsaore street. M-3 f UK Uf bunker. * Refreshments were keprad» the hostesses, daring (ha social hoar, kt -the pretty tablee bright In auMnaa coloring«, to the goodly «anker gathered (or the perlences. Those present were: Mr. and pleaaaaV afternoon. Mrs. E .. A. Deaton and eons, Kenneth and Everett, of Ash- i The Ltthiana planned a very land; Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Humphrey and daughter, Alice, happy social affair early la the of Wilbur; Mrs. Iva Galbraith weak, complimenting Mr. and of Albany; Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Mrs. Den Kay, wpose marriage Heard of Looking Glass; Mr. occurred recently, t It hod been and Mrs. O. W .'Finley of Rose­ arranged ns a skating party, with burg; Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mc- perhaps eighteen or twenty coup­ Collock of Brockway; -Mr. Mal­ les in attendance. To stimnlate colm Humphreys, Miss Mildred friendly competition yirlaes were Humphreys, and the host and awarded to those who excelled hostess,’ Mr. and Mrs. T. N. and moat exciting races were the result? Humphreys. Orchestra «nalc enlivens^ thq Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys art former residents of Ashland, and evening and a'gam e of tag af­ are pleasantly remembered- by a forded considerable "exercise and large circle of friends, who con­ skill In retaining one’s eqnilth- members from ’Yreka, ..G rants gratulate them on this annlver- , (Continued from page one) Pass and Medford, anoat twonty sary so happily commemorated. “Knight’s catsup is an Oregon five boys coming from outside product, the only catsup manu­ cities. Berea« Class Entertained— factured In the state, and the The venison served was one of » The Berean elms of the Bap­ only high-grade bottled catsup two big deer, killed by Lowe.-eev- tist. Sunday school were delight­ manufactured in the Pacific eral days ago. One of tha'iteer fully entertained at the pleasant Northwest. We still cling to the weighed % 210 pounds dreas<*400 point. Not only does it contri­ Mabel Hager, who teaches* near Heard, Mrs. V. D. Miller, Mrs. Ford Touring (Starter) bute a pay roll, but also pro­ Grants Pass at River Blanks. Allen Denton, Mrs. Wilkins, Dr. A. Peter* vides a local market for a fruit Miss Mabel will return with her Mattie Shaw, Mrs. S. ■ft Ford 1920 Roadster 1175 Sr. crop specially adapted to the tor the week end. The hostess. Mrs. Hinthorne, Studebaker 6............ >150 Rogue River Valley. was assisted in serving by Mrs, Ford T on rin g.. . . . . . > 2 4 0 Another item of interest in this SAFE FOR CHILDREN Hanson, who was -the compli­ iapuC conoerns the Dunsmuir Maxwell Roadster . >400 Made without opiates, and only mented guest. water supply which comes from of the best .California honey and Mossbrae Falls ami is widely her­ purest of ingredients, FOLEY’S Wednesday « a t Meeting— Onr mechanics are ready alded as the "Best Water on HONEY * TAR is safe for chil­ Mrs. George Brookmlller, Mrs. Earth.’’ Those who have' passed dren. A trial will prove to. you C. J. Brommer and Mrs. flitch- through Dunsmuir on the train why this has been one of, the cock were hostesses at the meet­ will no doubt recall the drinking largest selling cough remedies ing of the Wednesday Club, held fountain at the S. P, station tor over fifty . years. “