ND D A IL Y T< D IN G S ' (EataMtabed ta i«T«) MM «tahkoa* tuf Wit* \X>o..g»« k«ou :U >t-yw »‘kW- I Rublfa-Lcd Every THE A8HLÍ Postomi-«- as Second €31 ice, Dell» cred la thty Man and Rural R outes t» :r Month ..... In catching men, a widow bent* a policeman every time. When two doubts grow where but one grew before, then wp get real jealousy. », .. -co Months « t t l a Months - ». O se Year ..... DIKPiaV ADVRBTWWO HATE» Single insertion, per Inch — — “ ..... ~ One insertion a week .................... -.......... Two insertions a *eek — ........ — .................................... When a man loves his union more than his Work, his work Is sure to show It. Mjrs.ftiv« worked vltkout *••«- to ( Own too to o t -of y a u rk litk i Thor (titer and remove from the Mod* .stream waatf: matter «rkleh I* permitted, o remain aad re- enter the arateaa, may cauae sertona Btaaaaee. If ovknrorkSfi yen eaa -help them by taknlg FOLBYU’ILLS, a diuretic etlm- alant for. the kidney«, which gently flash the kUaeya and* Increase the elimination of waato matter ft»m your- system. Try Somebody robbed a loa» -office them today. Bold by all good In St. Louis Instead, ot h loan drag stores. Sold everywhere. office in St. Louis robbing some­ Satan—Hearty # • .• • • persons body. earned »1,868,00« picking 80,- Texas editor, refused to'pay n 000 bales of hops from 14,000 «50 tine. Mighty hard. M t he acres near Salem, the hope belhg could make It. beck In Men or worth nearly 14,000,000. twenty years. . —- Loafing supplies little enter­ What the dollar you spend '“ ' ï L o . tainment unless there is a gen­ for photographs beys, depends First insertion, per 8 point lin e-...................................... erous supply of tobacco on band upon how well the i Each subseqtp nt iusertlon, 8 point line ........... *•....... . spend It With knows his A few laws that are enforced Just inspect our work. Sfudio make* an infinitely better gov­ 34-tf Ashland. JH ADVERTISING ernment then many laws that admission charge la made or a are ignored. •‘All future events, , Is Advertising." will be allowed Religious or Ben'evolent Orders Hes Heck nays: “Things ypu don’t want la always cheap to donations Itles or otherwise will be made in wdvertia buy.” .. contributions will be ta cosh. ____ l i t F. Davis, fgr several r actlaf Secretary ot wat, >dây sworn WW that of* y WlUtanr Howard TaW. justice of tkv Osvlg ¿occeeds, SesreUry THE PAÄK GARAGE r j. ; . -v> ,v W O T *1 to . ir ts p M ir t o d l b J officers1. SUNBOWLS The electric heater that takes the chill out of these cold evenings. . ROYAL & KING These Mamaa-Stand fo r the B ert in Goal AT FOR ALL CORNERS Murphy Efectfîc Universal Electric Shop With every ton sold from now on until our .»apply js ekhsnfited we will give away a strong. weO made fire shovel, which we know will be appreciated by a n y o n e .- . - , y ( ARSON-FOWLER LBR. GO. Wife and Husband Both 111 With Gas JIENT GUIDE:—The'steps of a good man are or- inabie’ us’ O2Lord, to study thy word faithfully, lamp to Our feet and a guide to our path. D A V IS S E C R E T A R Y O f W A R • The United States has a new secretary of war in the verson of Dwight Davis. , Mr Davis is described in the news dispatches as a r a “ business man of St. Louis.” But it happen« also that ‘ be is and has' been for two years assistant secretary ot Aj-ar and since the serious illness of Secretary Weeks last ’* LApril, he has been actual head of the department. Ins : rumination as secretary by the President is in hue with O.c habit of more recent Presidents in naming th e second . i -m::nd of a department to th e headship When a < • mcy occurs. In this case, the succession is much more : i following this-precedent. Mr. Davis is a figure him- « o f considerable importance, not merely an office man it - use promotion avoids questions of politics. A r a per- dity of wide imporfiince, he will take into the cabinet jjt racter and iiilJucticc that will make for himself a place t 1 ’de from the course that ho pursues. Thia is of importance to us because of its effect upon t ‘ ? public view of the work o f the war department. Mr. g ’ ’avis is not.n “ military man.” He has no relation to t e army except that of being a militia officer before and during the G er'l M'Ar and row being an officer in the ..serve Ifa i* » ■!- » “ regular- army” m in and , oyer ba- I. < I K i# it civilian except as millions of SALRM. Oct. 14— (IP)— Tom Murray, Salem convict, accused of the murder of John Sweeney, prison guard, was pronounced sane, and freed from being un­ der the influence of any drug when he made bis escape from the penitentiary on August 11, in the opinion of Dr. L. F. Grif­ fith, assistant superintendent of the state hospital for the insane, who testified at Murray’s trial today. Griffith was called as a rebuttal witness, after the court ruled that evfclehee presented by the defease oa Murray’s san­ ity should be considered by the This Prescription does not ruin the stomach, It does not depress the heart. Eat all the meat and good food you wish while taking Trunk’s Prescription. Contains no mercury, salicylate soda, oil Wintergreen or narcotics, but; positively overcomes any kind ol rheumatism or gout on earth. What more do you want? It is Impossible to get something bet­ ter. The greatest uric acid sol­ vent known and also a superior liver medicine. Trunk’s Prescription sells for »1.75 or S V»r rt-°® at Mc_ Nslr Bros., Rexall Store. Our stock of perennthls is complete. T H E E V IL P R O P H E TS a grave mistake to listen to the people who are 1 that this country is going to the “ bow-wows,” that may l*‘. find« run in narrow grooves and are never able ' They fixed on ultimate failure and nothing will satisfy them. “Tttor of fact which can not be- successfully th is country was never on a more solid and i than it is today. I is not doe to any help extended by the but simply because the great mass of -« to work aad forge ahead while other pd lag behind. j BOULEVARD and SHERMAN * ASHLAND FLOWER SHOP Shell and General . Gasoline The skill and artistic way* in which we handle such materials Is bound to pleape you The. m m . «ditta» ef Frye's “Meat Ashland Gleaning aad Dyeing W orks 35 First St. «esiMRRHaanB Lithia Springs Hotel Building • PHONE 120 “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS’* Some of Our Accessory Bargains Boyce-Ito Reg. 3 to t 91.00, Special, can.............25 c A n to 'T o p Dressing, Reg. 91.00, Special .......... 65c Carbon Remover, Reg. 92.00, Special ...........91-25 Auto Polish. Rag. 75o. Special........ ................,50 c Gen. Mansfield Cord Tires, 30-3 1-2, Reg. 916.50, Special ............................. .................... ..........911.25 Good Q uality Grey Tubes, *30-3 1-2, Special, 91.85 Small or Large Paint or Wallpaper Contract or Order, we can handle it satisfactorily. the mens maker who follows nature’s lead, with the help o f t h e . f a m o m “ Frye’s Meat Guide, " w ill find it an May matter to prepare many de­ licious timely dishea. Fry»’« “Delidous” B r e a d Ham Brtwd in Milk is oas o f t U m 3 th e fa m ily a new «goat. Is re ry tA i/ig T A e N am e Im p lie d MANY OTHER BARGAINS J. G. RIGG See The New Ford Models Now Best w orkers so d b est potato W e have taken many orders and will have 'to take the models off the floor soon. * . CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Successor to Harrison Brothers Fall Sown Seeds Grow The Early Garden. We new and vise have just received a shipment of garden flower seeds, and ad­ you to plant now. Lincoln oAfter the ^Price— W hat? V a l u e depends upon what you j - get at a price • rather than the • . «price you pay. ‘J « A. r . O F L. C O N S E R V A T IV E The refusal of the convention of the American Fed­ eration of Labor at Atlantic City to accept a report favor­ in g a mechanical wage increase policy is one instance of toe conservative character of the federation. One of the most valuable assets of the labor movo- rnt in the United States is that it is nearly always ju«Ç id be»eg just, it is nearly always effective. An attitude I J im II be d ost not rw v1f her^ a * i t is au aften claimed, a weak policy. In labor mattere, the American Federa- < o f Labor makes good. Its only failures have been rnFtta leaders have gone afield in politics. about your car can be, found after it has been You' need never dread to have your expensive bedding of draper- greased at . lee cleaned when we do the work. W illiam s Service Station Best Months to P lant The Kansas City Star, one of the most noted progreg- ■ aive papers in the United States, attacks the system of governmeiii bureaus theoretically resjionsible to Congress and practically independent of the President, Congress everyone elsfe. It points out, in an editorial printed recently.that the shipping board’s differences with the 339 E. Main Street H O L L A N D B U LB S CUanot E xist In th e Human Body If Yon W itt Une Trank's .P r e s c r ip t io n W A N T E D , R E S P O N S IB LE G O V E R N M E N T The Ashland Electric Shop No- ; . Ungreased Parts We have just reoeived a large shipment* of the leading varieties. October and November are <,. '• ^presentations to their fellow cjtizens, professional head of the army administration. We ought alw ays to have that sort of a head. For him there will be plenty o f professional advisers, such as General Pershing and the army board. But the people of the United States m nst have, to plan for them, a man whose interest in the ■army and in national defense is the samer as theirs. It is an interest in the “ purpose” of war, not in the mechan­ ism of war. An army man, once having embarked on that career may be suspected of being willing to tax the people of the United States for a great army whether it is needed or n o t A civilian will understand the need of -having an army, and will plan the peacetime activity of ■flip army so that the people of the United States will un­ derstand it better. K “For years- I had v/» • coach.” said Hamaker. - . “ The Standard Coach has balloon tires, abd four wheel brakes as standard equipment. It also has leather upholstery, which is more in demand today than over before because o f its appearance, Mid above all its durability. These three factors mean much to tow cost car buyers. v “ We are not surprised at the.lowered prices on this model, because toe factory anticipated the tre* piendous demand which taeans greater volume pro­ duction. This justifies to e substantial, cut in price. “ The total reduction in price, affecting the Star doach models* within the past two months, is 9105. the latest decline in price being 970 under former coach prices. No changes afe marked in the manu­ facture o f the car dr its finish, although in the last few months several minor improvements have been made in Star chasis construction.” • T h e degree th a t a to w n uses electricity — like the Size o f its banks— is pretty apt to tell h o w "live” a to w n kf. I t ’s inter­ esting to note then th a t the communi­ ties w e serve h av e advanced farther in the nee o f electric ranges, w ashing m a ­ chines, and other labor-saving equip­ ment-— than m an y o f toe largest and presumably moat advanced cities in the country! I t is a region o f *liw u w ire s ” and o f unlim ited n atural resources and w ealth — t a n up-and*comiog one in w h ich to live and grow . Com pany sees a real opptrftünffy far service and to that.end has created its N e w Industries D e jm ttm e n t T h e D e ­ partm ent fa supplyihg a suppleknentaxy Cham ber o f Commerce type o f service to the one California and five Oregon counties w ith in our territory« I f you kn o w o f anyone w h o m you believe m ig h t come here either to live o r taka p art in o u r industrial grow th, the D e­ partm ent w ill be glad to help you bring ' them here. Jh . ' • • > M M O r i f you áre ready fa le t electricity do the w o r t in yo u r ow n houaehold, o r ' business—cost mform ^tion and other d a ta w in be fap^lied a t any o f our offices.