« Qr*«on Historien Auditori,,) r * LJ»- a ' ' YT** 'J MM' ,* at*i I nk Gas From Water » HANFORD, Cal., Ori. M I t— ► T’ WiS, to! j -- » 'j-1 PILOTS WORLDS CHAMPIONS Resumes ¿OMAHA,' Neb.. Oet. 1.5 8 IReaumptlon of Omaha's 8 Isollne war betw.eea the ’ 8 fiandard Oil company o< 8 8Una, and H. C. Miehel. . 8 taer of three eat-rate 8 ■Ing stations, loomed 8 Way when Michel an- 8 Minced a ’ price redUc- 8 Bn from J O to 11.8 £ pits a gallon. Including 8 It > old Tutors lake bed— tt once the largest body o f It (rate water in the state, H bat now fertile (arming It land— have struck upon 8 a govel and highly ntll- t t ltarlan Idos of power for It their pimping, plants. II Deep well» la the vl- II . etolty tarnish not only » Vie Aldridge, Pirate Ace, W ild and is Removed in P in t Inning After Senator» Il water, but a considerable **i Pour Runs. Ray Kremer Gets Credit for Victory, After Holding 8« 8 quantity of natural -gas Helpless for Pour Innings. Fighting From Behind, Pirates Stage 8 . as Well. The gas la ish to Beat Senators for Highest Title in Baseball. Peck's Errors Aid 8 '‘hara as aad'* .sad made te 8 in Scoring. j 8 do duty In special en- 8 8 glues irhlch tarn rotary 8 pany officials would 8 8 pumps and bring water 8 FORBES FIELD, PiTTS^UK ti, Oft. 15. — (IT. P.) - Pittsburgh won the comment upon tho 8 8 to- the aarfase. 8 «ttbetlon u wsb freely 8 series today by defeating W ashii gton in tbe'seventh and final game. The score to­ 8 7 .Several thousand acres 8 pegflicted they Would aw- 8 day was 9-7. 8 of cotton wllL Be cultl- 8 . . . • ■apnee a eat soon. 8 8 rated -to/Jbe oiq lake bed 8 The game was perhaps the most thrilling seen in any worlds series, with the ¡■Udgatyear,' experiment on 8 rain falling steadily in the semi di rkuess as the contest ended. acres 8 hut sight, a w tla k with a com­ 8 several hundred Fighting from behind, afte the Senators bad scored four runs in the first 8 thia year la th e vicinity 8 mittee of Llthlans. 8 o f Stratford having prov- 8 inning, Pittsburg batted Walter. Jtlmson all over the field, and won the game in the According to Britodenbnrg, the 8 eighth inning. * -J • • . • association is preparing to film 8 Ad highly .profitable. the eeente attraction» of Oregon, Carson Bigbee, pinch hitter, supplied Pittsburgh with a two base hit that tied giving them continuity, and »how- the game and Cuyler’g double, with the bases louded, won it. lag them la »alt -Lake City. Vic Aldridge, who started in the box for Pittsburg was wild, and three baseee ChWS Mi l ami other Junction on bulls and two wild pitches in the first inning saw him on bis way. He did not last petadSW toSHat travel, la t e cut the first inning. Morrison Was not effective and Kay Kremer, who went in and effort to persuade the tourists te come to the Pacific eeaet held the Senators, was credited taith the win. over the Old Oregon Trail. Bed Oldham pitched for Pittsburg in the ninth. He pitched great hall, strik­ Excellent Reports Made at The Washington and British , ing ou t-H oosc Ooslm and Sam Rice. Perkinpnugh two errors today, at First Meeting Last Columbia auto clubs are co­ Hight critical moments, lost the game for Washington. Peck made eight errors during the operating with the Oyagop aa- series. ■eeiatioa In this now. ktltovtog The is Explained in Copco ; gm MeKeehnic, Pirate manager, whose team defeated th® toa™* reporting u»t night with the score tied, Peck hit a home run, putting the Senators in the lead again. How­ An offer wee made leaf night the Washington Senators in the seventh and final gam e,at ¿he Jce*'tlIlt *■/** Pla“ . ever, .Johnson could not stop the Pirates, and with the bases loaded in the ninth, by Brandenburr to film 100 feet of film, depleting the most An excellent publicity Item on of (he sen es todaV, Winning the worlds championship. 4 ,,^ presided at the meeting. Cuyler doubled, scoring two runs ,nnd putting bis team out in the lead. attractive scene« of Ashland, the Knight Packing Company and \ f e K ech n ie m ad e some stragetic moves today, which really He railed, upon Dick Hitchcock. Although the rain fell throughout the morning, another capacity crowd swarm­ these to he combined With acenes IU, famous n °*"® (^¿oLr ^ su e wtul ***• game for bis team. Chief Ranger (President) of the ed into Forties Field for the final tussle. “ a t ., cluh to tell thc. man taken la other section» of the 1» featnree In the October Iran. The play by play rep o rt of the game follows1 elate te form a picture. of The Vott, Just o r the preat. — something of the work of the First Inning— In additto«. mere nlm <•!> This la bat one more examply of I etub. : nice singled over second. - 8. te oral«». Smith new mat ts token nt »beolete eoet. which the aggressive campaign being C i Dick told of the regular meet-' Karris filed out to Barnhart. rice. ' Kremer fouled out to Ruel. to about IS cent» per foot, ac- carried on by The Copra -orgnnl- z ' Inge of the clubs with their four- 'Rice went to second on a wild No run», no hits. no errors. cording to Brandenburg. The ration for the purpose of “telling v i fold program, stressing an all- pitch. Ooslln walked. On an- Seventh Inning— Ornate Pan» Cavemen are under- the world” about tbp varied re- j . around development in Intel- other wild pitch Rice went to Washington—Kremer went In Washington—Ooslln rolled to taking the filming of the route sources of Southern Oregon In; lectual, physical, devotional and third and Ooslln to second. J. to pitch for Pittsburgh. Bluege Kremer. He was ont at first. to the Oregon Caves, and then a an endeavor to attract new set-; , service phases of one’s life. He Harris walked. Rice scored when went out on a bounder, Traynor Traynor took J. Harris' foul. picture, baaed on the attractions tiers and new Industries to this 8 mentioned the special meeting« Judge walked. Ooslln Bcored on to McInnis. Peck went out. Judge flew out to Cuyler. No of the Oregon Caves. The Cave- locality. 8 and city wide competition» and Bluege’s single to left. Morrison Wright to McInnis. Ruel flew run», no hits, no error». men will be seen In the picture. The somewhat commonplace 8 activities serried on through the relieved Aldridge. Pittsburgh — Peck dropped la cratnme. About 250» feet subject of the manufacture of to- 8 J cooperative work of the Y. M. j to Moore at si moore's pop fly and Moore went of film are to be token at mato catsup la treated In a high- 8 C. A. I Bluege on Peek’s Carey doubled to second. Moore »cored on Grants Para, the Cavemen to ly Intere,itlng end* entertaining 8 A t Least Six Months Before y ,e expense of thia film- manner and is Illustrated by a 8 Matter Can be Taken np - number of excellent photos de- 8 Says J. P. Dodge The pictures wiU be given wide! plcting ecenee of the -Knight 8 when Moore juggled Ruel'r threw out Barnhart at first. distribution. A scout car -Will Packing establishment and local 8 Alfred was arrested. There will bo no action taken 7 grounder. Johnson fanned. Uirr , i » j __bership and won most of the Carey scored on Traynor’s triple Scores of pedestrians be sent out--to the junctions of J fields of hepvlly laden tomato 8 on the Root Memorial fund for , . . L Four , , honor« in the lnter-club meets, illed out to Barnhart. to right. Traynor was ont nt tourist travel next season .and plants. Some Interesting facts 8 witnessed the shooting. at least six months, according to runs, two hits, one error. . j , i . , ,u„ I J- "• Mills was called upon the plate, trying to stretch It. pBt op. showing the bean- concerning the tomato are brought 8 One of them seised Al­ J. iP. Dodge, prciident of the: ' Pittsburgh— Moore out, John­ , j t i ,-next. Mr. Mills has led a Plo- Two runs, two hits, one orror. tlfnl scenes of Oregon. out, among which Is the statement- 8 f r e d a s h i s brother Citlzens Bank, and chairman of _ ,, son to Judge. Carey doubled Eighth Inning— Members of the committee ef that Its use as food began In the 8 crumpled to the side­ the committee appointed to ar- i e< r . . . ° r * ° into right. Cuyler struck out. Washington—Traynor " threw range for the memorial. The pres,'e,, h‘« the walk. The shooting re­ Uthlans were In -favor of the J U - “ - ------— ‘ - Barnhart fanned. No runs, one sulted from an argument committee 1. comporad of the « d ««nphraird the filming of at least 1000 feet of tt (Continued on Paga Four) presidents of the three Ashland, "plendl** co“tr,buRon ,t wM mak- hit, no errors. over 1200. film, but were unable last night “I Hecond Inning— banfcg : ln& t0 ^ e lives of Ashland boys. to take any action without con­ Washington— 8. Harris flew “At least six or eight suggest- » e a '« told of the needs of sulting the remainder of the tt out to Cuyler. Carey made a iora which are very meritorious tbe club* for ®rat to help meet these time to get Traynor. here, announced last night that their printing from outside firms, thereby holding Mclnnlf. luge, written by A. L. Lamb, local needs that will mean so much to singled into center, the mark of 150 members was flown the volume of business which Ashland printers singled Into center, R. IlnrrlH contractor, which stated that Mr. t1"* Promotion of the work. about half reached, and that be threw to touched McInnis and bundled. Lamb had been approached by a hn* Hr. Qaley called upon believed that another Week No run« This caused considerable discussion this morning, Salvation Army to Put on representative of the committee, teams for reports in the first to get Bnrtth. would see the completion of the two hits, no errors. Benefit Performance relative to putting the Chantaii-, different divisions, every team as many of the merchants who place every printing drive. qua building In shape. This made a report and showed soma Third Inning— Tomorrow The Uthlans will be enter­ order they have with local printers felt that the article Washington — Judge singled morning Mr. Lamb declared that —“Hta- McKean, rale» manager for the THB WRATWBB three hits, no errors. the slightest trace of the “ outside trading” bogey. The entire proposition will be t o r f bee been made today,“..ex­ Knight Packing Company, to an- Oregon and Washington — In­ Pittsburgh— McInnis singled explained at that time, and th e' fire, and It was si claimed premier Patofeve, when swer to our foqnrat: “Tell ua creasing P ou ibly the dream will never be fully realised» hwt eloudlneis. • probablv Into left. Rica took Smith’« tofogtoed h w t (he German dele­ about Rogue River Catsup.’’ rein to the western portions to­ Llthlans decide whether they withla g few mtontos. The Tidings hopes that Ashland will coma aa doaa-tw seeming hit. ' Grantham, hitting ‘ gation nt Lnrarno had accepted morrow with moderate southeast are financially able to hear too realization of this goal aa it is humanly passible. » for Morriaon, flaw ont to J. expense of ton undertaking. Claastfled Ads flrlni the Rhineland pact. winds along toe const. Our Trade at Home Dream