ASH LA ND D A IL Y ( E stablished la » W > __________ , ,1 " a ' ' A CERTAIN MAN T ID IN G S ____ FuMuLcd Every Kvealag Except Sueday by THE ASH LAND P R IN T IN G 00. ANO , ..................\Edito Bert R. Orter -------- Qeorge Madden Oreen T. R. Jackson .—..........— OFFICIAL CITY PAPER Business Manage ........... City Editor ....... Telephone 39 the Ashlanft, Oregon Po-toMIce im HecoBdCl HubtM-riptiun Price. Delivered la City Jne Month — Three Months Six Months .. One Year ..... A delayed trial is a confession of guilt. knows an undertaker opposed to bootlegging * By Mull u»»?. Ike wall deep Interest he took la that could be treated la a different work, hie very heart and aoul way with burlap or some soft wee wrapped. up la that wprk. material and a huge, liberty bell Let ua dedicate the building to or something of that order Could be suspended from the oeater. their memory. As regarda the acoustics, they Should this dam of axperl- are largely experimental, and be­ n w ta fall t o d r . fore we engage la any permanent results, then expert advice ehbuld improvement, it would be wiee be secured, to determine whet to try some simple inexpensive to tlo. experiment. If the rebound or A. L. l4 » h . * roloe echo cemea from the ce­ ment wall, that could he limited to quite an extent by setting % row of small fir trees around p ia cement wall In the inside of the building, and It the* rebound comes from the roof It probably would be well to try to hoist an evergreen tree In the center Recently, I was requested by members pf the committee in charge of the C. W. Root Fund to give an approximate estimate on the cost of balconies, [»eating, and putting a floor in the build­ ing, with a view of the com­ mittee using that fund for the completion of the Chautauqua building, as a memorial to the memory of those two good peo­ ple, C. W. Rot end Virginia Root, who did so much for Ashland, and so generously gave their worldly possessions to our d ty to beautify the seme. Noth­ ing could be more fitting and proper then to nee that fund in completing the Chanteuque build­ ing end dedicating It to their memory. That building repre- fraternal friendship 'RATESNAL M1END8HIF IS something which most men cherixh. , For there ixn’t a man, whatever be his group, who isn't proud to be 'a member Some men indicate it by a pin—other» Always Good Shoes would prefer a watch charm of ring. W hichever is h » choice, it will be found in variety at OVERLAND Shoe Shop AS. A. WHITE ENDEB’S BLOCK Or Wo Make Good Greaf Mothers TRY ONE OF OUR CAKES LITHIA BAKERY A ll th is w hen it m igh t h ave been far otherw ise. F o r one thin g, W eek s w as dam ned, to start w ith, by b ein g a “ regular p o litic ia n .” I t w as supposed that, in office, he w ould keep a m ain e y e o u t for th e votes. \ et, du rin g h is term, there has never arisen a suspicion that he w as u sin g the dejiartm ent for u lterior purposes. H e, a p o li­ tician, has had as clean a record as, for in sta n c e ,.S e c r e ­ tary W ork, a sp ecialist, has had in his departm ent. It just hapjiened that WeekR w as a good ad m in istra­ tor, which S ecretary W ilbur o f th e n a v y jh a s show n th a t he is not. M embers o f tbe cabinet should first of all, lie good adm inistrators. I f th ey fere, and th eir c h ie f keep s them out of p olities, they w ill lie a credit to the nution A M A K E S H IF T The French debt erunmission lias gone hom e w ith .ft I m ak esh ift agreem ent that defers final settlem en t for fiv e years and leaves the question o f foreign deb ts on open, de- I batable ground. J Tbe debt cancellntionists can continue to spread th eir propaganda, and the controversy with France, in stead o f I co o lin g off, will undoubtedly liecomc a m ore v ita l ¡sane. I H one for am icable settlem ent of t h e war debt question I w a s felt on th is side of the A tlantic when E ngland and J th e U n ited S ta te s reached a funding agreem ent. M any sm aller Eurojw an pow ers follow ed the B ritish exam p le and sign ed tlieir nam e on the d otted line. B u t n ot F rance. The astu te financier, Joseph C aillanx, ca m e to A m ericn w ith the idea o f drivin g a bargain that w ould m ak e him strong jiolitically at home. F a ilin g in th a t, he dodged r e sp o n sib ly by Returning with a com' p rom ise w hich will not lie effective until it is affirm ed by h is govern m en t.. In som e fcases a com prom ise is more to lie desired th a n an op en break. And th is is such a case. A com plete c o lla p se o f efforts to reach a final settlem ent would per­ hap s lia v e produced a strained situation that would have been m ore d isa stro u s in resu lts than the present m ake­ shift. ■ / , T h e m en w h o m easu res his efficiency by the accom ­ p lish m en ts o f tb e o ilier fello w w ill usually remain several M ake sure o f the Electrical Installation Insist oe "CAeci” See/ Electrical Wiring » / Big Brother _‘_______________ ft • 1 - - - - - - • - ■ - - - - - - - v w , m H T t e s e iq n <3 fACeP DouSHVJbCRflfeS T a™ ■ f c s f c w s VIST we TMi e « lfo-M W ft S&FFUP A W iG o f a B e LIKE TR«S To PLEASE'EM, A w I \ mism W pq C h T PKKlN'OHWe A home n an important investment—one step you ran take to safeguard that investment is the selection o f a “Check” Seal contractor to make the electrical installation. [ T he “ Check” Seal identifies qualified elec­ trical contractors who put in convenient con­ nections for electrical appliances, who use good workmanship and install only standard wiring devices. Before you build or buy, insist that the wiring be done by a **Check” Seal contracted. Also remember that “ Check” Seal •retailers sell quality electrical merchandise. ' * ""W / vcu . i T ó no T a 2 « WâOOPWMPie W BGöEsraifis Check-* Sear Eledriial Equipment S old by Murphy Electric Company 1.