■ í ^ftr « ■ ’A MarìV* Nowtffipor Vor Wearl? Fifty Yean OREGON, Tong Wars Puzzling to Chinese PeopL RACK IN LINEUP ltoe Carrying quer Not lblic Nuisance K SAN FRANCISCO, Oet. PEKING, Oct. 14— . IL,' 14— An automobile la not — "What la a tong t i a public nuisance, even war'»” though It be used to It News from America of Iff transport liquor. the tt tong w^rs theye Is as IW United States circuit court tt novel here as in London, l f | *' TO MEET BACH MIGHT tt The explanation is that ffir one Jsmerf McLean ap- tt China is to vast a coun­ f t pealed, from a judgment ts try that the Cantonese, M> convicting him of vlolat- tt with whom America's V Ing the liquor laws and tt tong wars originated ‘ f t branding his small coupe tt speak a different lan- II as fc "public nuisance.” , Thu Aukland Y. M. C. A. F i­ tt gnago fro.n the Pekingese, FORBES FIELD, PITTSBURG, Oct 14. - (U. P.) - With , ft that should be abated, nance Campaign opened today tt think different thoughts, fan« inside the nark, and many thousands outside, striving vainly to gam ft • The circuit court con- with twenty leading business and tt and even fight different S g e l7 ,.h s , high eommissoner of baseball at 2:36 this afternoon called ofr the ’ * burred in MtLean's con- professional men worklg In the tt flfhts. | | yictton, ,but balked on the drive. seventh game of the worlds series because of rain. * pnbttp nuisance court or- With the Senators and Pirates tied with three games each, Jupttef‘ PM ztas A preliminary meeting was The higher coUrt held last night In the Plasa h e p p e d into the series, and put a sto p to any attempt today *<*>«** the.deadJodL iel i d that an auto- Confectionary .at alx o’clock,. The. For several hours this m o v in g , ram fell intermittenny, hut up to game t im e ~ 4 V W die used for transport - meeting wna tat charge of O. F. not decided whether the game would he postpone However, just before llquor la subject to Canon, president of the A l­ and subsequent tt the rain increased to a steady downpour, and although Commissioner Hindis warted soclattoa. Mr. Carson stated i, but was / nn- tt 36 minutes, hoping that the rain would eease enough so play could, lie started, briefly the high points of the to adkntt that tt past year’s work calling atten­ such an automobile Is a finall>l)uring the 35 minute wait, Managers Harris and McKeeUnie of the co,‘te“^®g tion to the fact that ITS boys public nuisance, so the had boon enrolled in intensive teams, and the umpires several times conferred with lmndis, all «r«»nr ,hat Seattle , the diamond Say Hunters. Quail Sea­ as. the Friendly Indian program. son Opens Tomorrow The boys twelve to fifteen were K Had the game been played today, it would have lieen a battle of giah ts,^ | h WAumpooNasM. enrolled in the Pioneer and Boy For sixteen days, starting to­ ¡Walter Johnson, ace of the Senator staff opposing Vie Aldrige on the moumt Walter Johnson, veteran ,speed ball pitcher of the Scout programs. For fonr years morrow, hunters of Oregon will i p xi___ i . ...... i.o,.„ two irninoH dtirinir the »resent series, and it has been tReir the high school boys have had be allowed to enjoy what many Senator pitching staff, who was scheduled to take the what Is known as a Hi-Y club, o them claim to be the greatest mound today in his third game of the series. Johnson under the leadership of V. O. N. of all field sports. China has tnrned back the Pirates twice already in this serie^ Smith. Mr. Carbon praised the pheasant hunting. • The season wock flf The local secretary! Cleo opens tomorrow and closes on and Manager Harris is confident he will sew up the V . HoWell, who teaches half October 31. series tomorrow. time la the schools and gives However, those who have been Good Program Arranged Por half time to the Association. out looking the situation over, Three Days ot Mr. Carson called upon Ronald lining up the v best hunting t Session / Parks, president of the H l-T club grounds, declare that the phea­ for a statement. Mr. Parks sants are scarce thia season, 1» A pretentious program la plan­ spoke enthusiastically of the pest comparison with last season, and ned for the teacher's institute It Is doubtful, however. Which year and said the prospects for almot all are uaanlmous in de­ which opens In- Medford tomor­ team will be the more benefited this year were splendid. Al­ claring that the hunter who ob­ LO8 ANGELES, Oct. 14 row morning. It was announced by the rain. Aldridge, although HIT W INS GAME ready the club is organised and tains the lim it of five birds will — A hard boiled lot are younger thanv Johnsqn. pttefiwfi today by Susanne Holmes Car­ a number of new members are be very lucky. the prisoners at the coun­ ter, county superintendent of Monday, and had he been started coming In. The program as ty jalf. perhaps, but Har­ Quail season also opens to­ schools. Instruction will be glv- today. It would have ‘been ’Me outlined by Mr. Park Includes morrow morning, and these' birds ley W. A illn and bis ch the teachers on every sub- second appearance In throe days. a regular schedule of meetings. are declaring to be plentiful in wife and alx children do jac< taught In the county .schools, He la a curve ball pitches, , and Initiation- of now members, spe- the Valley, qv^q more- plentiful not think to . a u in needs plenty of rest betweea •Mrs. Carter stated. ‘ «Ml meetings for fathers and than In past seaholiH tt starts. parents, active discussion meet­ W ith the northern flight o f jj Both teams show signs of the ings and throughout the year ducks starting In the Klamath g MEDFORD, Oct. 14— The sn cnnouncemen mane at ine terrific strata they have bean nn- a special emphasis upon clean section, duck kunters are in for g Medford branch of the U. 8. free chamber of commerce forum der during the past eight days, athletics, clean speech, clean some good sport for the re-1 g employment bureau will not luncheon yesterday. I and the rest will do both outfits a Ute and clean scholarship. Mr. malnder of the season, Medford is Seconi close October IS , as had been The program for the institute world of good. Park said that ten of the mem­ hunters are planning on Yesterday Mrs. Aslin Oars Are Keniaten scheduled, but will be open un­ follows: bers were players oq the foot­ a two or three day Although the fane clamored for During 9 Month and the alx children came til November IS, an extension TharMlny A. M., October IS, 182» ball te«m, others were In other trip to the Klamath action Just before gam« time, to the county Jail to see having been granted by the di­ 9 :0 0 America. Welcome — Foreign motor vehicle regís when It became apparent that school activities and all leaders combining duck and I what could be done about rector general of the employ­ Supt. E. H. Hedrick, Medfora trntlons for the month of Sep­ the game could not be played, In Ashland High. It. Something had to be hunting. Pheasants are ment bureau at Washington, D. Schools. O. 8. T. A. Membership tember, 1925, in the state ot most ot them left their seat«, aad Homer Billings and H. C. be plentiful In the vie done, for they bad sold C., according to a telegram re­ report. Are we 100 per cent? Oregon, numbered 9,178, as com­ Galey were called upon and re­ Klamath Falls. tt their furniture, snd were tt ceived yesterday from Senator 9:40 Address — Educational pared to 8,401 for the corres­ sponded by putting on a demon­ tt penniless. # Charles E. McNary by Bert An­ Responsibility in an Industrial Hunters are wai ponding month of 1924 and stration In solicitation. A. K. game wardens not tt Fellow prisoners of Ax- tt derson, a member of the Frult- Age— President Landers. 4,853 for September of 1923, an will be used tomorrow, when play Yount, state boys’ work secretary Hungarian partridges, which were - q lln heard about it and growers league, under whose 10:30 Departments. High increase ot 9.25 and 34 per cent, Is resumed. » for the Y. M. C. A. explained set free in Jackson county some, g before his large family auspices the local branch was es­ school— The question of Ethical respectively, according to - the the plap of the campaign. time ago. These birds are now g left the Jail, 379.75 had tablished this summer. The same llnenpa which faced Instruction— Dr. Tuttle. Ad­ records In the office of the Sec­ Those present were O. F. Car­ in the vicinity of Jacksonville, g been collected to put a The telegram reads: 'Have each other yesterday, w ith the retary of State. The registra­ son, Homer Billings, George A. There is no open season on g silver lining to their cloud just been advised by the di­ exception of the pitchers aad tions of the first nine months Briscoe, Harry Yeo, H. C. Oaley, these birds, since an effort Is g of despair. rector general of the employ­ catchers, were ready for action r? 1926 numbered 72,111 as Randall J. Woods, Clarenee being made to propagate them g One prisoner had con­ ment bureau that he has ex­ today, with McInnis still holding against «8,033 tor the same Evans, V. O. N. Smith, J. H. in Southern Oregon. a tributed the use of “a tended operations of Medford down first base for the Piratas, period of 1924. The total regis­ Fuller, Cleo V. Howell, A. E. house at Maywood that office for 30 days. Hope to be in place of Grantham. trations for the year 1924 was Yonnt, John Rigs. Dr. G. W. I am not able to occupy able to have further continuance 75,671, and, from May 23 to Oregg, Carl J. Brommer. W . W. W-- KDD1B MOORE made before expiration of this at present.” Eddie Moore, Pirate sec­ December 31. 1923. It was 41,- Robison, J. A. Putnam.. H. C. period.” Campbell— Towle Co., of Klam­ ond baseman, whose long High and Ronald Parks, presi­ Originally the bureau here was ath Falls builds romaaufaetnrtng swat to the score board in dent of the H i-Y club. to have been open only three plant at Its Spragne River mills. yesterday’s game put the (Continuad on Pag« Fonr) These men were divided Into months to take care of the rush Pirates in the lead, and en-| teams of two men each and are of the fru it season, but having Reading— Bupt. Hedrick. Inter­ abled them to draw up on calling upon prospective sub­ supplied laborers for many other mediate. Geography— Miss Ar- even terms with the Sena­ scribers. The campaign la purposes than fruit-picking ef­ b ut knot. Primary, Language— tors in the worlds series. 1 scheduled tor three days, Wed­ forts were started to have it Miss Henkle. Music, Room 10, nesday, Thursday and Friday made permanent, for the benefit upstairs— Miss Leona Marsters. with a meeting each evening at of the employer and employe 12:00 Cafeteria Luncheon at WASHINGTON. Oct. 14—IIP) six o’clock at the Plata, when During Its existence the bu­ High School. On practically every residence door entrance - __Admiral William S. Sims, re­ the teams will make reports on reau has pjaced hundreds of Ttaaroday P. M., October 1«, 1D!M in this city there .is a cardboard sign, warning tired, commander of the United the canvass. men and women In employment 1:00 Group of Primary songs agents, jieddlers and other order takers that they States fleet In European waters and has served the majority of — Mrs. Cafiode’s Room, Washing­ With the season officially are not welcome and that the citizens of Ashland during the World W ar, and him­ -the orchardlsts In the valley, self a hero of a contest twenty opened when they took a 12-7 all of whom voice their sat­ ton School. order their merchandise from Ashland merchants, 1:80 Assembly Address, lead ­ years ago between himself and trouncing at the hands of the Yet, there is sufficient job printing being isfaction with the service ren­ ership— President Landers. the navy department, ov