SH LAND D A IL Y casaW W opsnrtfllto': t a t T ID IN G S success dbd happiness coqtewo a m a a / ipe» because of what js round him, ' fhmily, fashion -'■ad fortiMse, but bocansa of sturdy qualities In him.' not for arhat he has but for wbpt ha M .-w l Edito The portrait of Victoria Jpoe- Business Manage pklsv Moor, fnmtpteco to one City Editor first biography of Mr .OaMn Telephone St Coolidge, shows a slander Ince, serenely classic, eaowned by a Oood advice is M arly always broad and noble brow. .The hard to take. memory of her who died wheat he was twelve, "who altered §h> Files and lovers fleck together better worlds»** was -tbs te*Mta- at the soda fountain. tion of that part of Mr. Cool­ AND EoBurf .R . O rre r .............. . © • o r r e Madden Oreen 1 T» ft-J a c ta » O FFIC IA L C ITY PAPI Oae Month ---- Three Months Six Months .. One Year ..... One Month — Three Months Six Months tine i ear ................5— - . . . . . . . . W». T-r 6.50 DD1PLAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per tech ............. .......................................... — I -8 Y early C ontracts One Insertion a week .— -------------------------- ------------ ------------------ * v Tfco insertions a week ........ .............—......................... ............... • Daily insertion .................. ->— ........ ........................................... Rates for Legal and M iscellaneous A dvertising • First insertion, per 8 point line ............................ ......... ......... » Each subsequent insertion. 8 point lino ................... .............. • Card of Thanks ............. ............. ——- — ................................. ' Obituaries, per line —'---------- -— .......... ...... .......... •—............... W H A T CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING ••All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken la Advertising.” No discount will be allowed Religions or Benevolent Orders. DONATIONS es or otherwise will be made In advertis intrlbutiona w ill he in cash. A man in the wrong Is orally so pig-headed that stays there. It is often the case that the under dog deserves to be.rght where he is. To sweat on a golf course is arlstorralic; to sweat in a corn­ field is low and vulgar. The trouble with experience is that sometimes you get more of it than you know what to Hex Heck says: "So far nothin* equals the hornet for supplyin’ the most experience in the least OCTOBER IS , 1028 A SURE GUIDE:—Commit thy way unU s IV Ilf granóte» ,. « and wait patiently for him. Psalm 87:8, 7. we come to Thee for Thou art the Way, the Truth, and the life. WAITING ON “ GEORGE This is a fairly good community, as ( Even without being boastful, it is possible to point with pride to his home. But there is dne fly in the ointmeni Ashland from advancing as rapidly as Everyone is willing and actually wanti done, but always»W ^its for “ George,” ‘‘good fellow,” to dg iV B u i when Georg tain point, he balfca b<3nse he tires of car The thing needew most of all is a great spirit of work­ ing together which entirely eliminates prejudices and selfishness-1« willingness on the part of each one to do his or her share in the advancement of our community in- tercsts« In every community there are always a few, in every enterprise, who are willing to work for the public good. They are the “ Georges.” - Once in awhile we read of some place that keeps booming and shoving right along regardless of conditions or handicaps. ' Ruch a nlace ia'full of “ Georges” , and because they are' so numerous, none of them is overworked and there is no occasion for balking. Why can’t we all be “ Georges!” There is plenty of room for improvement and plenty jeople with the time, energy and money to be Naval air pilots insisted in testimony given before the president’s aircraft investigation board, that the United States would make no progress in aircraft until a separate department is created and is controlled by prac­ tical airmen. This has been the complaint for years against the war and navy departments — that civilians appointed for political reasons and given power to control the m ili­ tary and naval branches of the government, could not be expected to produce the best results. If an aircraft department is brought into being and an experienced airman given authority, it would be a radical change in policy by the government, and manifest­ ly a similar policy would have to be followed in the army and navy sections of the national defense. Placing trained men in authority will not settle the controversy that is constantly arising over our military, naval and air policies. The investigation, however, will tend to clarify the situation and may be of some value.* It has at least devel­ oped one fact, namely, that both the army and navy did not receive the amount of money asked for when their appropriations were before congress. This resulted in curtailment of the naval air program. Regardless of who may head any or all of the national defense departments, nothing constructive can l>e accom­ plished without the full co-operation of congress. We think most girls go with­ out many clothes so they won’t have to go without men. E R L M a i in s BOY Henry Dane*«. AlpinS, Ala­ bama, writes: **My k®y kaA ■ bad cough and oMd. I rSM about FO LEY’S HON MV * TAR and after giving It to b ln • few days bo was v ail. Ha bad ban having thta'cpugh for two years, to t POLlBYw HON^Y A TAR «topped I t ‘and made him well.’’ Contains no opiates. Good for chlldron and they Ilka it. Oat a bottle today from your drag- gist and It will be on band to check coughs and colds. Sold everywhere. >R ACCURACY DOUBLY GUARANTEED : Garden. idge’s Lincoln Day Proclamation; "About his (Lincoln’s) cradle all was poor and mean save only the source of all great men, the love of a wonderful woman When she faded away la .his tender years, from her death-■ The Vferdict bed In humble poverty she a n -, Beauty U tility Fitness dowed her son with greatness. > There can be no proper obepr I Cryatal Bine Cray Granite Memoriale express Personallty. vance of a birthday which -to r-; gets the mother.** In many respects Mr. Calvin I Coolidge suggests Abraham Ltai-i coin. Like Lincoln he was of humble birth; like Linsote his ’ own mother died in his fo r- , hood; like Lincoln be was de­ voted to his step-mother w ^ le he revered his mother’s memory; like Lincoln he was boyn with an instinctive sense of right; like Lincoln, in thè first hours of his Presidency, ns ha con­ templated the overpowering re­ sponsibilities that lay before him, Mr. Coolidge turned to hie moth­ er, halting hie progress to Wash­ ington to stand alone nt her grave. Lincoln it was who said: “Let reverence of the law be breathed by every mother to the Banish your wash day lisping babe that prattles on her lap; let It be taught In schools, drudgery to the outer seminaries and colleges; let it darkness. Discharge Six were injured in Chicago be written la primers, spelling when an auto driver thought a books andM almanacs; let It be girl looked more Interesting than preached from pulpits and pro­ claimed In legislative halls and enforced In courts of justice; let Heaven, to a email hoy, most It become the politcial religion he a place where throwing rocks of the nation." And it became the duty of President Coolidge actually to make law enforce- In a few more years the only ment a political religion in order way you will he able to see the that the republic which Lincbln country la by peeping over a held together during the Civil War would not become disiu- billboard. tegrated by another spectre as Ha was Whether a friend in need is revolting as slavery. a friend indeed usually depends the first president to put to work on a literal basis that upon what he is in need of. clause in the Constitution of the Soldiers of fortune often be- United Stetes; "He (the Presi­ dent) shall take care that the come captains of industry. laws be faithfully executed." by himself admonishing the At­ torney General ot the United States what to do to bring about" this necessary adjunct of good government— the enforcement of ‘all laws, not merely the prohibi­ tion laws, but laws of evèry sort and description. VICTORIA JOSEPHINE MOOR How much of Mr. Coolidge’s «Ml CARRIE G. BROWN uncompromising inflexibility • in promoting law enforcement came Beloved Mother and Step-Mother from heredity, from a resolute of President Calvin Coolidge mother and an equally deter­ mined father; how much from By MARY OREER CONKLIN his religious and moral environ­ These two great women, one ment? who bore the child and put her (Copyright, 1925, by Mary Greer Impress upon his boyhood, the Conklin, (Syndicate) Great Brit­ other who nurtured his young ain rights reserved. Reproduc­ manhood, ware largely respon­ tion forbidden.) sible for the amaxing story of Galvin Coolidge. red-haired, freckled boy on a almpie New Proposed 4-story hospital at England farm who became President of the United States Cottage Grove will cost 9100,000. when scarcely fifty years of age. H it life la a moral for every Sherwood-rOfl found in mother, for every father, and for low driven well on D. P. every child, that Amerioa Is a well place. Opposite Lithia Springs Hotel Blair Granite Co GENUINE ROCK SPRINGS COAL i- . IN LARGE LUMPS / , FROM T H I HEART OF THB FAMOUS BOOK STRINGS DISTRICT. ANY QUANTITY FROM A SACK TO A CAM LOAD. u r tu et-w ash AFTER atushc« drudaen your washboard without a letter of recommenda­ tion. Enlist our W et Wash assistance for a few cents per week and when you note the clean, wholesome condition in which we return the clothes, you w on’t mind doing the ironing. ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY No. 384 Oak St. I greater speed possible. Short cuts to health are sought in sanitarium s a fter 'health has been lost by burning the candle at lmtli ends. But the world’s work is not going to be done with abort;cuts. Those of us who are engulfed in the “ short yjuut” mania will liave to learn that patience, time and I hard work are just as much requirements of accomplish- . BV»ta as they over were. Arthnr Brisbane says Ford all-metal airplanes will y a Pilot and 1,000 pounds o f fast freight. Fast, to the least. __________ _______________ Phone 20 ASHLAND CREAMERY IF YOU INSIST It is the butter which some of the best judges of •-»» - ♦ butter insist upon. SIMPLEX SUNBOWLS The electric heater that ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO takes the chill out of these cold evenings. Phone 165 HAVE YOUR CAR INSPECTED AT REAL BARGAINS Murphy Electric Maxwell Roaster $400 Ford Touring (Starter) $275 Ford 1920 Roadster $175 Stndebaker 6 . ___ $150 Ford Touring........ .. .$240 Shop THE OVERLAND GARAGE Back of The Western Anto Supply Go. Our mechanics are ready to Tune Up Your Car In purity— first in quality— first in leavening strength—first in economy —first in sales because it never fails. Automotive Shop Brake Relining Done by Machinery €41£MET THE WORLD’S ©DEAFEST baking nowneu If at First You Don’t Succeed show , ia»«« rue RMAiLV ib m p le ’MAKKS* W ó G0H — Thi* new cereal speeds up Work in the Idtrhen. Ready (or the table in 2 minute*. Cooks into gtrnmlsr m t- meal. A MStiining, nutritious dah. ‘ s That " a H -a ifk ^ cooked flavor ia only too vrnmtet